Friday, July 26, 2024

Can H Pylori Cause Diarrhea

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How Is H Pylori Treated

How H-pylori causes GERD and IBS

Your healthcare provider will create a care plan for you based on:

  • Your age, overall health, and past health

  • How serious your case is

  • How well you handle certain medicines, treatments, or therapies

  • If your condition is expected to get worse

  • What you would like to do

Your healthcare provider may have you take medicine that kills bacteria .

Other medicines may include:

  • H2-blockers. These are used to reduce the amount of acid in your stomach by blocking the hormone histamine. Histamine helps to make acid.

  • Proton pump inhibitors. These help to keep your stomach from making acid. They do this by stopping the stomach’s acid pump from working.

  • Stomach-lining protectors. These medicines protect your stomach lining from acid and help kill bacteria.

Yoghurt Helps In The Fight Against Helicobacter Pylori

Doctors treat H. pylori infection with triple therapy, consisting of two antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor. When followed as prescribed, this treatment can prevail over 80-90% of infections. For the remaining 10-20% of resistant cases, quadruple therapy may be necessary, adding other antibacterial medications. Unfortunately, this course of action still does not completely eradicate the bacteria in all cases, and the downside of antibiotic treatment is that it destroys both the bad and the good bacteria.

Two studies, led by the same principal investigator in Taiwan, done four years apart, show better results for both the triple and quadruple therapy by adding AB-yoghurt consumption to the melee. AB-yoghurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus , naturally occurring probiotics of the human digestive system.

During the first look at AB-yoghurt, published in the journal, Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics3, in 2002, researchers divided 160 H. pylori-infected patients into two groups. Both groups underwent one-week of triple therapy with two antibiotics and one proton pump inhibitor. One group also consumed 200mL of AB-yoghurt, containing at least 5×109 organisms, twice a day, for the week of triple therapy, and for the subsequent four weeks. The other group abstained from all yoghurt products.

The Effect Of Erythromycin

If you have long term diarrhea, my account of the effect of Erythromycin and Metronidazol may be of interest.

Background: I got Tetanus on August 15, 2004. The ER diagnosed Paranoia. I was screaming from muscle contractions they couldnt see. There was no swelling around the puncture wound. So, the deciding factor was hospital records. Years earlier Id tried to kill myself while protesting abuse by IRS. US News & World Report used my IRS experience in a piece they ran. An EMT pinned one of my letters to me when they took me unconscious from my exhaust filled car to the ER where they revived me and discovered my profound B12 deficiency. Upon regaining consciousness I was taken to the psych ward. Thus, more than a decade later the ER referred to hospital records rather than my symptoms and diagnosed paranoia. Luckily they gave me some antibiotic, to humor me, as they put it.

It took 6 months to get Metronidazol and kill the clostridia bacteria. The downside was Metronidazols horrible taste permeating everything, even the air. However, its specifically good for tetanus, particularly if the patient cant use penicillin. Im allergic to penicillin.

The delay and interim inadequate doses of antibiotic showed me something valuable, however.

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Gastric Ulcer Causing Diarrhea

While the instances of a gastric ulcer causing diarrhea are few and far between, they do occur in a few individuals, most notably those suffering from Zollinger-Ellison syndrome or ZES. ZES is in fact one of the least common causes of ulcers, although one of the key symptoms is diarrhea. Ifdiarrhea symptoms do appear, there may be a tumor in the pancreas and the duodenum. These tumors are known as gastrinomas, and they cause the production of excessive gastric levels. It is important to note that such tumors are often cancerous, so patients who notice that their gastric ulcer is causing diarrhea should seek diagnosis and treatment immediately. As part of the treatment, your doctor may prescribe anti acid medications in order to prevent the ulcers from recurring.

It is estimated that only 1 person in a million gets ZES each year. The figure is even lower in the category of ulcer sufferers, with only 0.1% to 1% ulcer patients being diagnosed with the condition. ZES generally occurs in people 45 to 50 years old, with men being more prone to the condition than women.

Patients suffering from ZES are also a lot more likely to develop Gastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD, and the effects of this condition may be more severe than in patients that do not have ZES. GERD itself may cause a number of complications aside from ulcers, including a narrowing of the esophagus.

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The Wellness Seeker Store

Suffering From H. Pylori? Count Down To Cope Up With It!

You ever have or had symptoms like Acid reflux, diarrhea, gas, heartburn, mild fever, anxiety, fatigue, and nausea? If the answer to all these questions is yes then welcome to helicobacter pylori infection. H. pylori and its effects on the human body are still very poorly understood.

Helicobacter pylori can disrupt the mucous lining of the stomach allowing a stomach ulcer to form. Lifestyle factors, such as alcohol abuse, physical and emotional stress, unhealthy eating habits, and smoking, cause peptic ulcers and gastritis.

Apparently, more than 60% of the worlds population known to be infected with Helicobacter pylori which are usually acquired in childhood. Is passed from person to person in a variety of ways. Kissing is one of those ways as well as unsanitary conditions in food or water. Helicobacter pylori can cause many different symptoms, but most people infected with the bacteria never have symptoms or problems at all.

If H. pylori start to make symptoms, visit a doctor for diagnosis and tests. The bacteria can also attach to cells of the stomach, causing stomach inflammation or peptic ulcer and can stimulate the production of excess stomach acid .

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Helicobacter Pylori Infection Symptoms

The presence of H. pylori in the upper gastrointestinal tract is not inherently associated with disease. According to epidemiologic research from the University of Bologna that was published in 2014, as many as 85 percent of affected individuals will never experience symptoms of any sort.

Those who do will typically develop acute gastritis, an inflammatory condition characterized by bouts of abdominal pain and nausea. Over time, this may progress into chronic gastritis in which the symptoms are persistent. Common signs and symptoms include:

  • Stomach pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting

The pain is most often experienced when the stomach is empty, between meals, or the early morning hours. Many describe the pain as “gnawing” or “biting.”

Can H Pylori Infections Be Prevented

There’s no vaccine against H. pylori. But taking these steps can protect your family from many illnesses and help lower their risk of an H. pylori infection:

  • Wash hands well and often, especially after using the bathroom and before making or eating food.
  • Avoid food if youre not sure that it was prepared safely.
  • Drink water from a safe source.

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What Should I Do So I Dont Get It Again

Having H. pylori more than once is not common. Good hand washing practices are probably the best way to make sure you dont get it again.

The information provided is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice or a substitute for professional health care. You should consult an appropriate health care professional for your specific needs.

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What Favours The In Vitro And In Vivo Colonization Of H Pylori In A Hostile Gastric Environment

H Pylori Symptoms – what symptoms can H. pylori cause?

H. pylori can penetrate deep into the gastric mucosal layer with its 2 to 6 polar flagella and also through the production of urease , which allows it to encounter a more friendly environment. The ammonia produced from urea hydrolysis then acts as a receptor for H+ ions and generates a neutral pH in the intracellular environment. Members of the H. pylori outer membrane proteins family of outer membrane proteins align with other H. pylori adhesion proteins and assist in the successful binding of the bacterium to the gastric epithelium . Bacterial phase variation by gene conversions and slipped strand mispairings enable H. pylori to form new subpopulations and adopt properties that allow for the neutralisation of effective human immune responses. In addition, a variety of virulence factors including babA2, horB, homB, iceA2, cagA, and dupA ensure that H. pylori persists in humans . Although not all of the functions of these factors are completely understood, available data have shown that these genes, most of which are pro-inflammatory, have the capacity to alter the physiology and morphology of gastric epithelial cells .

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Hpylori Causes Vitamin B12 Malabsorption And Diarrhea

Perhaps most troublesome, in the short term, is that h.pylori causes diarrhea.

Surprisingly, diarrhea in some form is a persistent, common problem for many people with low vitamin B12 levels.

I had no idea there was a connection until 2003 when a nurse practitioner said that with the kind of vitamin B12 deficiency I have, I could expect to have diarrhea for the rest of my life.

Shortly after that I began researching vitamin B12 and found publications like this:

Identification of the underlying cause is important in the diagnosis of vitamin 12 deficiency that is attributed to malabsorption. Helicobacter pylori is one of the most common causes of peptic ulcer disease worldwide and a major cause of chronic superficial gastritis leading to atrophy of gastric glands.

Food cobalamins absorption depends on its release from the binders in food. Malabsorption is marked by the inability to release cobalamin from food. If cobalamin cannot be released, it cannot be taken up by intrinsic factor for absorption. Release of cobalamin requires acid and pepsin. Most malabsorptive states can be traced to gastric defects.

It has been proposed that pernicious anemia may represent the final phase of a process that begins with h pyloriassociated gastritis and evolves through progressive levels of atrophy until parietal cell mass is entirely lost. Helicobacter pyloriIs It a Novel Causative Agent in Vitamin Deficiency? Archives of Internal Medicine. May 2000.

What Causes H Pylori Infection

Health experts dont know for sure how H. pylori infection is spread. They believe the germs can be passed from person to person by mouth, such as by kissing.

It may also be passed by having contact with vomit or stool. This may happen if you:

  • Eat food that was not cleaned or cooked in a safe way

  • Drink water that is infected with the bacteria

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Probiotics And Probiotic Food

Probiotics are good bacteria found in foods and probiotic supplements. When taken, they help fight against harmful bacteria such as h. pylori.

Some probiotic bacterial strains are more effective in killing h. pylori than others.

In this systematic review study, the addition of Saccharomyces bouldardii to the triple h. pylori therapy increased the eradication rate.

Lactobacillus GG was also found to be effective in fighting h. pylori and reducing the antibiotic side effects .

How Is H Pylori Diagnosed

What causes stomach ulcer symptoms and diarrhoea? in 2020 ...

Your healthcare provider will look at your past health and give you a physical exam. He or she may also use other tests, including:

  • Blood tests. These check for infection-fighting cells that mean you have the bacteria.

  • Stool culture. This looks for any abnormal bacteria in your digestive tract that may cause diarrhea and other problems. A small stool sample is collected and sent to a lab. In 2 or 3 days, the test will show if you have any abnormal bacteria.

  • Breath tests. These can check if there is any carbon after you swallow a urea pill that has carbon molecules. If carbon is found that means that H. pylori has made the enzyme urease. This enzyme makes your stomach acids less acidic . It weakens your stomachs mucous lining.

  • Upper endoscopy, also called EGD . This test looks at the lining of your food pipe , stomach, and duodenum . It uses a thin, lighted tube or endoscope. The tube has a camera at one end. The tube is put into your mouth and throat. Then it goes down into your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Your healthcare provider can see the inside of these organs. A small tissue sample is taken if needed. The tissue sample can show if you have the enzyme urease. It can also check the bacteria that is there.

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How You Get H Pylori

As I stated earlier, H. pylori is a common bacteria found in many people around the world and most commonly it is passed from person to person.

H. pylori can be passed from person to person by saliva but it can also be passed from contaminated food or water.

Some other examples of how it can be passed:

  • eating from the same utensils
  • eating foods that were contaminated by a persons unwashed hands

The most common route? Acquiring H. pylori from your mother in infancy .

If you didnt get it from your mother, then catching it from someone else in your adult years is quite possible. The likelihood of infection is equal to a persons age .

Heres the bad news: H. pylori can take root when youre under immense stress.

When youre under stress, this reduces your immune functioning, which makes it hard for your body to fight off H. pylori when it enters your digestive system.

Even more proof that theres a strong connection between your mind and gut!

If your immune functioning is poor, H. pylori will easily take hold and make a home in your stomach.

What does an H. Pylori infection feel like? Lets cover that next.

Organism Shedding In Stool

Regardless of stool consistency, H. pylori was not isolated in any of the stool samples collected. EPEC was recovered in the stool of 12/19 H. pylori-infected versus 21/26 H. pylori-uninfected subjects . Those with no EPEC shedding did not differ in baseline characteristics from the rest of the participants.

EPEC was shed as early as 4 h after ingestion. Median time to EPEC shedding was longer for H. pylori-infected than for H. pylori-uninfected subjects: 42.4 h compared with 23.2 h, respectively, although this difference did not reach statistical significance . EPEC shedding was not associated with stool consistency , but participants with loose stools shed EPEC faster than those with no loose stools, with median time of 18 versus 32.2 h, respectively . At the end of antibiotic treatment, all subjects had negative EPEC stool cultures five subjects developed detectable EPEC IgG antibodies 1 month after challenge.

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The Connection Between H Pylori And Weight Loss

by J. Darby | Jun 22, 2020 | Weight Loss |

One of the symptoms of an H pylori infection is weight loss. Does that make these bacteria something you want to have in order to lose weight? Not at all. This infection occurs in the stomach and the duodenum and can lead to consequences that simply arent worth the potential boost it could give your dieting.

How To Beat Bloating

Helicobacter Pylori Infection, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
  • Do you feel bloated after meals, or even all the time?
  • Are you struggling to fit into your trousers or dress even though youre not overweight?
  • Do you feel embarrassed that you look seven months pregnant some of the time?

Of all the symptoms experienced by our clients, bloating is one of the most uncomfortable, and its very common. It also often comes with pain and embarrassing gas and wind.

In this short article I will teach you the main reasons why you might be feeling bloated, along with some simple steps on how to bring your bloating down and deflate yourself!

Look, bloating isnt hard to resolve once you know why its happening. Once you know why the bloating is there, you can overcome it relatively easy.

Without going into too much detail, the main reasons you feel bloated are:

Inflammation in your digestive system caused by some common and highly irritating foods, including gluten, cows milk , soy and sugar.

An overgrowth of bad bugs in your stomach and intestine. H. pylori, Candida and parasites can all cause bloating.

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth can cause a lot of bloating and irritation.

When bad bugs overgrow in your gut, they cause fermentation a natural product of fermentation is gas when you have gas in your system, you become bloated.

Sugar, processed carbohydrate, fruit juices and other sugar foods can exacerbate this problem.

So you see, its really easy to get rid of your bloating once you know why you have it in the first place.

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What Is H Pylori

H. pylori is a type of bacteria that infects your stomach.

It can damage the tissue in your stomach and the first part of your small intestine . This can cause redness and soreness . In some cases it can also cause painful sores called peptic ulcers in your upper digestive tract.

H. pylori is common. Many people have it. Most people who have it wont get ulcers or show any symptoms. But it is a main cause of ulcers.

H. pylori attacks the lining that protects your stomach. The bacteria makes an enzyme called urease. This enzyme makes your stomach acids less acidic . This weakens your stomachs lining.

Your stomach cells then have greater risk of being hurt by acid and pepsin, strong digestive fluids. That can lead to sores or ulcers in your stomach or duodenum.

The H. pylori bacteria can also stick to stomach cells. Your stomach cant protect itself very well. The area gets red and swollen .

H. pylori can also get the stomach to make more acid. Health experts dont fully understand how.

What Medications Treat H Pylori Infection

Treatment for H. pylori infections involves several different elements. Rather than simply taking a drug and calling it a day, you may have to make lifestyle changes as well as medication to allow your GI tract to heal.

Antibiotics will likely be a part of your treatment plan. There are several types of drugs such as clarithromycin , metronidazole , and tetracycline available. It is also likely your doctor may recommend more than one of these drugs to increase the chances of eliminating your infection.

In addition to killing off the Helicobacter pylori bacteria, your doctor will likely prescribe drugs designed to lower the amount of acid in your stomach. Since the H. pylori bacteria cause the stomach to produce more acid than it should, combating this is a necessary part of the healing process. One class of these important drugs are proton-pump inhibitors. These drugs, including esomeprazole , rabeprazole , lansoprazole , dexlansoprazole , omeprazole , and pantoprazole actively lower the amount of acid in the stomach by preventing the chemical production of acid release from taking place.

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