Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Probiotics Cause Dry Mouth

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Importance Of Your Oral Microbiome

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Like the rest of the body, your mouth is teeming with microorganisms that live on your tongue, palate, teeth and gums. The balance of bacteria in your mouth is one of the most diverse in your body, second only to your gut.

Because the mouth is the gateway into your body, maintaining an optimum microbiome balance is extremely importantbut also incredibly tricky.

When harmful bacteria overgrow in your mouth, they can cause a variety of oral health issues. Gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath are the more notable results of bacteria overgrowth, but more serious conditions can also develop. Left unchecked, inflammation of the gums breeds more of the harmful bacteria and can lead to periodontal disease, which can result in tooth loss.

In some cases, the bad bacteria that form in your mouth can spread to other parts of your body and contribute to diabetes, auto-immune diseases, and even heart disease.

Harmful bacteria can grow as a result of poor dental hygiene, a weakened immune system due to underlying medical issues, dry mouth or genetics.

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What Is A Dental Probiotic

Like most probiotics, dental probiotics are living microorganisms that are safe for humans to consume. These types of beneficial bacteria, when eaten in sufficient quantity, can have valuable effects on human health.

Traditionally, antibiotics have been used to combat pathogenic bacteria in the human body. However, some bacteria have demonstrated a resistance to antibiotics, prompting medical researchers to start testing probiotics effectiveness in treating oral health problems. Although these studies are ongoing and far from being conclusive, theyve already yielded many positive and encouraging results.

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Can Probiotics Cause Gas And Stomach Pain

There are many known benefits in taking probiotics, but do they have side effects? Can probiotics cause gas and stomach pain?

The quick answer is yes.

However, this is not something to fret over with. As a matter of fact, the underlying reasons are surprisingly good, which youll learn in this article. Youll also learn the other side effects and determine when you should stop taking probiotics entirely.

Is Candida Part Of A Healthy Microbiome

TheraBreath Dry Mouth Lozenges â Brauer

Oral thrush is a condition that has a high re-occurrence rate. This may be due to using anti-fungal medications alone. They may remove oral thrush, but dont address its root cause so it returns.

As with other oral diseases, oral thrush suggests microbiome dysbiosis .

Candida is one of over 700 species living in the oral microbiome. But fungal populations in the mouth vary greatly from person to person.

Yeast is a highly resilient species of microbes. When we acquire them from birth, they stick around. But little is known about what fungi actually do in your body.

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What Are Some Probiotic Side Effects

Acid reflux, heartburn

Acid reflux. Cleansing the gut can produce gas and bloating causing acid reflux. Some harmful microorganisms die violently, releasing toxins that cause gas, constipation, and bloating.

  • The more the gut needs cleaning, the more side effects

Try consuming only small amounts of probiotics. Empty a probiotic capsule in a glass of water or juice and drink slowly during the day. Increase the at a pace that feels comfortable. For some, yogurt or kefir work better. Try homemade yogurt of kefir.

Allergic reactions

Allergic reactions from homemade fermented foods are rare. However, some commercially fermented foods contain biogenic amines . In sensitive ones they can cause a headache, depression, stomach problems, skin rash, and others symptoms. They are present in red wine, some fermented cheese, pickles, chocolate, beer and many other products. Spoiled food also contain large amounts of amines.

Food freshness is keyfresh vegetables and fresh meat. Avoid processed food and drinks containing the amine aspartame. Homemade fermented foods normally contain low amounts.


Burping is common when consuming probiotics, especially in the beginning. Gas is produced when the friendly bacteria enter the gut environment. This usually goes away after a few days. Try lowering the probiotic dose.

As a general rule: the more harmful microorganisms present in the digestive tract, the more symptoms when consuming probiotics.



My Personal Experience With Dental Probiotics

While writing this article, I decided to try dental probiotics on myself as an experiment on their efficacy. Ive always had problems with morning breath, and the possibility of waking up without that yucky taste in my mouth sounded appealing. I also have many issues with my sinuses and allergies, and these lead to my breath not being as fresh as I would like.

I bought a product called Pro-Dental by Hyperbiotics that I found on Amazon. The product had some great reviews, so I thought it was worth a try. Pro-Dental contains the S. salivarius strains K12 and M18 that were shown to be highly effective in the research. The probiotics come in a lozenge that can be either chewed or left to dissolve in the mouth. The recommended dosage is one to two tablets a day to be taken after brushing or using a mouth rinse. One lozenge contains three billion colony-forming units.9

When I began using the product, I was very skeptical, and I wondered how much it would really help me. But as the days went by, I was amazed by the results. When I woke up in the morning, I no longer noticed the stale breath that I was so accustomed to. My mouth felt fresh. The lozenges were also quite palatable, with a slightly sweet mint flavor.

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How Effective Are Probiotics

Limited studies in animals have been performed, but there is anecdotal evidence that probiotics work to treat gastrointestinal disease by supporting the maintenance of non-pathogenic microbes in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby supporting the immune system, and competing with pathogenic microbes. More studies in animals need to be performed.

Rash After Taking Probiotics

Bad Breath (halitosis), Causes, Sign and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

A rash that develops after taking a probiotic supplement may be a sign of an allergic reaction. Because a rash is not a common side effect of taking probiotic supplements, you need to call your doctor and discontinue use of the product. Probiotic supplements may contain dairy proteins that could trigger an allergic reaction if you have a milk allergy. In rare cases, a rash may be a sign of anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that could result in death. Before taking probiotic supplements, talk with your doctor because the supplement may interact with certain medications.

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Certain Ingredients Can Cause Adverse Reactions

In addition to offering different strains of bacteria, probiotics supplements can often include other ingredients introduced during manufacturing which can lead to adverse reactions. Some people may experience side effects from probiotics not because of the microbes themselves but because of other ingredients within the supplement, such as lactose, soy, or egg. Its important to check supplement labels and avoid these probiotics if you have sensitivities or allergies to these types of common ingredients.

Can You Take Probiotics While Pregnant

When carrying a child, a mother wants to create the safest environment possible. This is a time where the mother-to-be will begin integrating new and recommended health practices like exercise, supplements, and new diet habits. One question that is asked by pregnant women is whether or not probiotics are safe to take while pregnant. The benefits of probiotics are well documented, and many pregnant women want to know if probiotics will benefit them as well.

Pregnancy may be a good time to integrate a probiotic into your regimen simply due to the increased potential for an imbalance in gut bacteria that pregnancy naturally produces. Stress, medications, diarrhea, and vomiting as well as certain diet choices can cause bad bacteria to overrun the gut and lead to a dampened immune response, inflammation, fatigue, and more.

The simple answer is yes, probiotics are generally safe to take while pregnant. However, it is always recommended to discuss any introduction or discontinuation of supplements with your healthcare provider.

Many studies have shown that not only are probiotics safe to take while pregnant but also that they can add great benefits for mother and baby. A 2019 study by Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology found that the pregnant womens gut microbiota improved through probiotic supplementation and that her immune system was enhanced.

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Possible Side Effects Of Probiotics

Probiotics are living bacteria and yeasts that provide health benefits when consumed in large amounts.

They can be taken as supplements or consumed naturally through fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha .

The health benefits of probiotic supplements and foods have been well documented, including a lower risk of infections, improved digestion and even a reduced risk for some chronic diseases .

While there are many health benefits linked to taking probiotics, there can also be side effects. Most of these are minor and only affect a small percentage of the population.

However, some people with serious illnesses or compromised immune systems may experience more severe complications.

This article reviews the most common side effects of probiotics and how to reduce them.

Do Dental Probiotics Really Work Ask Us At Yonge Eglinton Dental In Toronto

The Beauty Pirate: Oral Health Probiotics

Our team of dentists and dental hygienists dont just help you have optimum oral health were your trusted partners in your overall well-being. If you have questions about probiotics, or how proper nutrition plays an important role in dental hygiene, were always happy to answer them.

Give us a call today at or book an appointment online. We look forward to seeing you!

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Can You Take Prebiotics And Probiotics Together

As probiotics grow in use, prebiotics is beginning to get attention as well. Prebiotics come in supplement form but can also be fiber-rich foods that feed good gut bacteria. Probiotics replenish the good bacteria in the gut while prebiotics maintains the gut microbiome by feeding the good bacteria we have in the gut. Because of this relationship between prebiotics and probiotics, it is perfectly acceptable to take them together. However, if your diet already contains healthy, fiber-rich foods then you will likely not require prebiotic supplements.

Prebiotics contain fibers and natural sugars that encourage the growth of essential gut bacteria. They are easy to digest and keep the gut in balance. Prebiotic foods contain fiber and can include bananas, garlic, and dark leafy greens. Probiotic foods contain live cultures and include miso, some yogurts, kimchi, and sauerkraut.

You can learn more in my other article: Prebiotic vs Probiotic: Whats the Difference and Why Are They Important?

Can Probiotics Help

It makes sense that you would treat the oral overgrowth of Candida in the same way as you would any other Candida overgrowth. The standard natural Candida protocol used by many practitioners is based around eliminating sugars and other refined carbohydrates and adding anti-fungal supplements such as oregano, garlic, grapefruit seed extract or caprylic acid. Probiotics are used as an important part of the treatment plan, as they take up the space on the gut wall, left by the elimination of the yeast, and prevent it from coming back.

However, supposition and educated guesses are one thing, but is there any scientific research out there that supports the use of probiotics for oral thrush? The good news is that there is!

A 2007 study1 published in the Journal of Dental Research gave 276 elderly people either 50g of probiotic cheese, or 50g of a regular, or control cheese every day for 16 weeks. Their saliva samples were analysed at the beginning and end of the trial, and total yeast cell counts were noted. The trial showed that those from the probiotic group had significantly lower yeast cell counts at the end of the study period. In fact, probiotic intervention reduced the risk of high yeast counts by 75%, and also reduced the risk of hyposalivation by 56%. The trial was summarised by saying that probiotic bacteria can be effective in controlling oral candidiasis.

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What Is Dry Mouth

Dry mouth occurs when there is not enough saliva production in the mouth. Salivary production can decrease due to medications, cancer or other pathology, alcohol-containing mouth rinses, medical conditions, illegal drugs or medical treatments – such as radiation therapy. Not only is dry mouth uncomfortable, it can also make teeth more susceptible to decay due to lack of “washing” by saliva.

Why Side Effects

Why is dry mouth dangerous?

Probiotics consumed help improve the gut environment and this can produce mild side effects. Why? One example: when some harmful microorganisms die, they release toxins causing reactions. Thus the term die-off symptoms has been coined.

Another reason is the elimination of toxins and waste. The body naturally uses several exit routes for waste and most probiotic side effects are believed to be associated with this cleansing process.

Here are four exit routs and how probiotics might activate them:

  • Urination: higher frequency, strong smell, discoloring
  • Bowel movement: diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas
  • Sweating: odor, itchy skin, skin rash, eczema, pimples
  • Breathing: running nose, coughing, sneezing, sore throat, a flue-like feeling
  • Such symptoms may be signs that the bodys exit routes are being activated to remove unwanted substances. Several exit routes can be active at the same time. Most side effects are mild and disappear after a few days or a week. Seldom longer.

    Additional causes

    In some cases, probiotic side effects are triggered by additives included in some probiotics supplements or a medical condition.

  • Problems with the intestinal lining
  • Sensitivity to soy, yeast, or lactose
  • Anti-fungal medication
  • Severe stress
  • Supporting the cleansing process

    Some specialists recommend adding the following to promote a body cleanse and lessen probiotics side effects:

    • Broccoli seed extract or fresh sprouts
    • Cilantro
    • Drink fresh vegetable juice

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    How To Use Align

    Follow all directions on the product package. Refer to the label directions for your specific product to see if the dose should be swallowed whole, chewed, sprinkled onto food or mixed with liquid. If you are using the liquid form of this medication, carefully measure the dose using a special measuring device/spoon. Do not use a household spoon because you may not get the correct dose. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

    Some probiotic products may contain live bacteria . Antibiotics may prevent these products from working well. Take any product containing live bacteria at least 2 to 3 hours before or after taking antibiotics. Follow the directions for your specific product.

    If you are taking this product for diarrhea due to antibiotics, do not use it if you have a high fever or for more than 2 days, unless directed by your doctor. You may have a serious problem that requires medical treatment.

    If your condition persists or worsens, or if you think you may have a serious medical problem, seek immediate medical attention.

    How Probiotics Help Treat Gum Disease

    Swollen, tender, or bleeding gums and sensitive teeth can be indicators of gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Periodontitis is a progressive, destructive disease that affects all supporting tissues of the teeth, leading to loose teeth and eventually tooth loss.

    Probiotics has been shown to help reduce the symptoms of gum disease in a 2006 study that gave 59 gingivitis patients a probiotic supplement. When the participants returned two weeks later, researchers discovered that most of the group who took the highest dose of probiotics had significantly improved symptoms, including reduced plaque. Another study demonstrated that drinking probiotic milk on a daily basis decreased oral inflammation from gum disease.

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    What A White Tongue Means

    The presence of a white coating on your tongue typically indicates oral hygiene issues. When the tiny bumps along the surface of your tongue become inflamed, they swell. When this happens, food, bacteria, dirt, and even dead cells can become trapped between the enlarged bumps. Its the collection of debris that is responsible for the white appearance of your tongue.

    The top reasons this can happen include:

    Dry mouth

    Poor brushing and flossing habits


    Eating too many soft foods

    Smoking or chewing tobacco


    Breathing through your mouth

    Outside of these circumstances, certain health conditions have been linked to white tongue. Its important to understand these conditions so that you can seek professional treatment should one of them be the underlying reason for your white tongue.

    The good news is that even if one of these conditions is discovered, there are treatment options available.

    Leukoplakia: This condition causes white patches on the inside of your cheek, along your gums, and sometimes on your tongue too. Excessive alcohol use and smoking are known to cause this condition, and although the patches are generally harmless, they can lead to oral cancer in rare cases.

    Leukoplakia requires no treatment because quitting smoking or cutting back on alcohol will cause the patches to go away.

    Top 10 Probiotic Side Effects Everyone Should Be Aware Of Updated Article With Additional Information

    TheraBreath Oral Rinse Icy Mint Mouthwash

    There are many reasons as to why we are so interested in probiotics. Our world is full of bacteria , and they are in people bodies as well in the gut, in and on the skin, and in other places. Good bacteria are very important for the bodys immune system and for protection against disease-causing microorganisms, as well as for the absorption and digestion of food and nutrients. Every persons bacteria mix is different. The interaction between people and the microorganism in their bodies, as well as among the microorganisms themselves is essential to their health.

    The current trend has made probiotics fashionable, with manufacturing companies using them as a marketing tool in order to sell their products. Whenever we put faith in any alternative therapy, it is always necessary to know the potential risks, and, in this case, find out about probiotic side effects. Here we present you with a list of probiotics side effects.

    1. They could cause other infections. One of the probiotics side effects is that in large quantities they can actually bring on infections, which will then be necessary to treat with antibiotics.

    2. Gas or bloating. Probiotics actually claim to help with or eliminate these altogether, but in some people they have the complete opposite effect.

    3. Abdominal pain. Another probiotic side effect is abdominal pain, and sometimes even diarrhea.

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