Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does Fruit Make You Bloated

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Apples Bananas And Peaches

Does fruit make you bloated?

Your body loves fruit most of the time. If your stomach feels a bit rumbly after your daily apple, it could come down to the fiber, says Myers.

Fruit is also high in natural sugar, like fructose. Although its less common than lactose intolerance, some people experience gas and bloating from fruit because their GI system doesnt break down all the sugars in fruit properly, he explains. So these carbohydrates reach the large intestine and serve as food for bacteria, which produce gas as a byproduct.

The biggest offenders include apples, peaches, raisins, bananas, apricots, prune juice, and pears, according to the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders.

A List Of Foods That Cause Bloating And Gas

So, which foods cause belly bloat or are at least likely to do so, especially if eaten excessively? Before we list the suspects, let us remind you once again that a balanced diet is key to a healthy digestive system and that the inclusion on the below list does not mean that these items should be banned from your fridge and cupboards. If you have no medical condition that requires a special diet, stick to moderation and, especially in the case of fruits and vegetables, try to get your gut used to fibre before giving up on certain foods.

So, what foods cause gas and bloating?

Legumes are at the top of the list of foods that cause bloating. The reason for this is raffinose, a complex carbohydrate composed of glucose, fructose, and galactose. The human body lacks the enzymes needed to break down raffinose, so it passes undigested to the large intestine where it is fermented by bacteria. This process results in bloating.

Milk and most dairy products, including some cheeses and ice cream, contain milk sugar, or lactose. People with total or partial lack of lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose, suffer from intestinal gas. Along with bloating, triggered by lactose, diarrhea can also occur.

  • Wholegrain Cereals

Wholegrain cereals are rich in raffinose and fibre which cause excessive production of intestinal gas due to bacterial activity. The only cereal that does not cause bloating is rice.

  • Some Vegetables

And If Nothing Works Make Sure You Talk To Your Doctor

So, youve been eating foods that prevent bloating while avoiding those that make it worse, you are active and a slow eater. But the issue still doesnt want to go away

In this case, your digestive issues may be related to a more serious health issue that requires medical attention. If you feel especially weak, lack appetite or fight with severe stomach pain, diarrhea, fever and vomiting, you might be showing symptoms of chronic digestive issues. Its important that you make an exam appointment, diagnose the problem and treat it in the best way possible.

Do you need effective help in regulating your digestion?

Also Check: How Do You Test Your Gut Microbiome

How Much Of Each Type In Apples

The USDA only provides the amount of total dietary fiber. In their nutrient database, they dont break down how much soluble and insoluble fiber is in apples.

The insoluble fiber content in apples according to non-government sources is around 70% when measured with the skin intact. Only 30% of it is soluble.

But guess what? Most of that insoluble fiber is in the skin. If you eat them peeled just the fruit inside then approximately 80% of its fiber content is soluble.

Because of that, eating lots of unpeeled apples without adequate water definitely can constipate you.

Oats And Whole Wheat Bread

Do you always feel bloated?

Whole grains make you gassy for the same reason the vegetables listed above do: theyre equally high in fiber.

You dont want to skimp on fiber, though, since its great for your heart, digestion, and weight. Instead, increase your intake slowly by eating an additional serving of a high-fiber food per day until your stomach gets more comfortable with it.

Drinking enough water during this process will help ease the gas, so for every 5 grams of fiber you add, increase your fluids by 8 ounces, says Myers.

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Lets Not Give Up On Healthy Foodstuffs

If when reading the list above you thought that we want you to eliminate all those healthy foodstuffs we have listed from your menu, dont worry. Even though foodstuffs such as Brussels sprouts, beans and lentils present a higher risk of bloating, they should not be completely excluded from the diet. They are extremely nutritious and rich in vitamins and minerals. If you have a bit more problems with bloating, we recommend that you eat the listed foodstuffs in lesser quantities multiple times per day in smaller portions, instead of a larger quantity in one take. The goal of changing dietary habits is not to abandon the healthy foodstuffs that do us good, but to be more careful when eating them.

The point is to listen to ones body and understand what works for it and what doesnt. Each persons body is unique, and it reacts differently to nutrients, so we need to be careful and find out for ourselves which diet will help us avoid unpleasant consequences of indigestion. A habit of keeping a food diary has proven to be extremely useful in such cases. It can help you control the intake of nutrients more easily and find out faster the main culprits for bloating.

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How Can You Make The Best Of Your Apples

Perhaps the best thing about apples is how versatile they really are you can find endless ways to use them and integrate them in your day-to-day life:

Apart from this, you can also turn apples into jams, add them to soups or to coleslaws, you can grill them and you can make them into chutney or relish. You can also bake them into chips or turn them into a marinade.

There are endless possibilities to use apples and youll just need to use your creativity in order to unlock them. The result will definitely be one that changes the way you eat and how you approach your diet. They may quickly turn you into an even more mindful person, the kind that carefully prepares their daily diet so that it benefits both their physical and mental health.

Even when not consuming them raw, apples will still have the same effect on the human body they may make you become bloated and burp, granted a bit less than when fresh off the vine.

At the end of the day, apples are natures superfruits and theyre highly accessible anywhere around the world. Out of the over 7,000 apple varieties that exist worldwide, theres a perfect taste, flavor and color for everyone. Whether youre buying them at your local farmers market, at a hypermarket or simply picking them off the branch by yourself, youll find apples can be your best ally throughout your day-to-day life.

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The Importance Of Slow Eating

Although this golden rule should always be followed, in the case of bloat-producing fruits, it is mandatory. Its about chewing these fruits a lot to help digest all their fructose. It is also very important to eat slowly, drinking enough water and to keep an eye on other foods that might be contributing to bloating, Berlanga points out.

Fruits That Cause Belly Bloat

Bloating | How To Get Rid Of Bloating | Reduce Bloating

Sorry to be the bearers of bad news.

When you dive into a fruit salad or chomp your way through an apple, you might pat yourself on the back for choosing the healthy, satisfying option instead of diving into a bag of chips or a pint of ice cream. But thenyour pants feel tight. Um, WTH?

Listen up, ladies. Its not you its the fruit. While fruit is full of nutrients your body needs, some of those sweet, healthy treats can cause you to feel like you just devoured a tub of ramen noodles. Here’s why: Fruit is loaded with sugar, in particular fructose and sorbitol , and both of those nutrients can cause gas and bloating. Its also full of fiberwhich, in addition to keeping your belly flat in the long term by moving your GI tract along, can be hard to digest and create gas as a result.

Though you shouldn’t nix these delish and nutrish fruits from your diet, you might want to take extra steps to avoid feeling puffy post-snack. Here, why some fruits make you prone to bloatand how to deal.

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If you find that you’re consistently filled with hot air after eating these fruits, you may want to start a taking a probiotic supplement to improve the quality of the bacteria in your gut.

Keri Glassman, R.D., is on Women’s Health’s advisory board and is the founder of Nutritious Life.

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Cereal Grains: Wheat Barley And Rye

Although, consumed widely and rich in fiber and with high amounts of vitamins and minerals like molybdenum, manganese and selenium manganese, phosphorus, copper and B-vitamins. Grains have been highly controversial over the past few years, mainly because it contains a protein called gluten. This causes major digestive problems for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Just like beans, the high fiber content and FODMAPs in grains can cause digestive problems in many people.5,6

What to eat instead: Refined grains are tolerated better. However healthier alternatives include pseudo-cereals like oats, brown rice, quinoa or buckwheat. When compared to conventional options, they have much better nutritional profiles.

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Pay Attention To Various Forms Of Sugar

Just about everything we eat daily contains sugar. Sugar alcohols like xylitol, mannitol, and sorbitol have FODMAP properties and can lead to bloating, says Lindsey Bristol, M.S., R.D., author of The Sexy Abs Diet. The body has a hard time digesting these artificial sweeteners, which can lead to a bloated stomach. Instead, explore healthier food swaps to reduce bloat, such as stevia, agave, or natural honey, and limit them as much as possible.

Watch out for hidden sources of sugar in your regular diet, too. Processed foods, such as breakfast cereals, protein bars, and condiments, including ketchup, tomato sauce, and marinades can contain sugar in other forms. Read labels and opt for cleaner versions of products that have minimal sugar and additives. Eat whole foods as much as possible.

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Fruits: Allies To Help Reduce Bloating

Large meals, excessive carbohydrates, fats, and snacks at different times of the day are only some of the things that cause bloating.

Bad eating habits come with many complications. They affect you just as much physically as they affect your health.

Besides bloating, gas, or constipation, theyll make you feel heavy. This comes with a lack of motivation to do anything. Its also a little depressing when you try on clothes in front of a mirror.

Because of this, its always important to maintain a healthier diet. Above all, your diet should be full offibers that help your body get rid of waste and fats.The first thing you should change is a bad choice in nutrients.

Then, adding more fresh and natural foods should follow.

Fruit, for example, has excellent digestive properties, a low fat content, and its great for hydration. At the same time, it provides a large amount of fiber that helps your body get rid of toxins.

The magic number is five pieces of fruit per day. For example, this could mean you eat one for breakfast, one for a mid-morning snack, one after lunch, one for a mid-afternoon snack, and one after dinner.

Switching between the fruits you like the most is a good idea. Its also a good idea to choose both seasonal and local fruits. The fruit you buy should be organic if at all possible to help maintain its nutrients.

Learn When You Bloat Throughout The Dayand Manage It

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Berlanga reminds us that fruit bloating varies from one person to another. For example, the unwritten rule that advises against eating fruit after lunch or dinner is a more individual question rather than a universal law. Eating or not eating fruit after a meal is a personal issue, says Berlanga. In the case of some people with slower digestion, it stays in their stomach longer and produces more gas or swelling. It depends on how balanced your gut flora is and whether you have any digestive pathology.

Berlanga advocates for having fruit during breakfast to fuel up, but she also recommends it in the afternoon: Regarding the theory that advises against having fruit after 2pm, there is no solid proof of a greater spike in blood sugar, nor that our body will lack time to stabilise those levels and store it. In fact, if we stop eating fruit in the afternoon, we might be hungry, turn to unhealthy snacks and gain weight. Fruit is the perfect non-fattening healthy snack.

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Why Some Foods Cause Gas

As a general rule of thumb, gassy foods are those that contain certain types of carbohydrates, soluble fiber , or both.

These substances are not fully absorbed in the small intestine and instead make their way down to the large intestine where they are broken down by gut bacteria. The product of this process is gas.

You can avoid gas by eating less carbohydrates and soluble fiber.

It is important to know that some gas is normal and that many gassy foods, like beans and broccoli, are good for you. Try to limit your diet to the non-gassy foods only when you absolutely must remain gas-free.

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Home Remedies For A Bloated Stomach

We all know the feeling. You feel sluggish and uncomfortable, and your clothes feel tight around the middle.

Perhaps its something you ate salty, fatty foods are major culprits in causing bloating- or perhaps your diet is lacking in the fibre department and youre constipated.

Whatever the reason, its not an exaggeration to say that bloating can ruin your whole day.

These beverages can help tame a swollen tummy and leave you feeling back to your usual self.

In this article, well talk you through

  • What a bloated stomach is
  • What foods make you bloated
  • What drinks make you bloated
  • Natural home remedies for bloating
  • 19 foods and drinks for bloating including teas

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These Healthy Fruits Are The Root Of Your Bloating

While beans, cheeses and veggies are infamous belly-bloaters, certain great-for-you fruits can also make you feel like you’ve been sucking on a helium hookah. That’s particularly true if you have a sensitive stomach that isn’t great friends with a few natural substances found in fruits. Here are a few of the most common offenders, along with tips on how you can still enjoy them along with the fat-blasting, nutrient-rich benefits they can provide.

Trade In Carbonated And Sugary Beverages For Water

Feeling Bloated?

Carbonated beverages, including soda and seltzer water, carry air pockets that can build up in your stomach. Some fruit juices such as pineapple, orange, and tomato are high in acid, which can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and result in swelling and bloating. So, water is your best bet when it comes to quenching your thirst. Drinking enough water is key to helping reduce bloat, Dr. Shemek says. Cells hold on to water when it is lacking in the body, creating the bloating effect not just in the tummy but in the fingers and ankles as well. Drinking eight ounces of water eight times a day can help restore your bodys sodium balance and normalize the digestive tract, which will reduce bloat.

In addition, it may be a good idea to skip the glass of ice-cold water in the morning. Your digestive system likes to be warm, says Robyn Youkilis, certified health coach and author of Thin from Within. Think of it like a fire you want to keep steadily burning as you eat. A big glass of ice water can put out that fire. So, choose cool or room temperature H2O over the icy stuff, especially at the beginning of the day. Youkilis also suggests adding lemon or ginger to your water to help heat up the digestive system.

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What Fruits Are The Worst For Bloating

Now, here at A.Vogel Talks Food Im always encouraging my readers to do all they can to get their 5 a day , so obviously boycotting fruit completely from your diet isnt the answer. In the long-term, you should be looking at the best ways of supporting your digestive tract so its better able to tolerate and process fructose but, in the meantime at least, you could try looking at a low FODMAP diet.

What exactly are FODMAPs? This acronym stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols, referring to a specific class of short-chain carbohydrates. Fructose and fructan both fall into the FODMAP category and foods that contain these components are deemed high FODMAP. This doesnt mean that these foods are bad or unhealthy, but if you suffer from a digestive disorder like IBS, it might be worth treating high FODMAP foods with some caution.

Below, Ive listed a few fruits that are on the high FODMAP spectrum:

Can You Stop Farting

Fruit, vegetables and pulses can cause gas, but eating several portions of these a day is much more important than eliminating wind. If you dont already eat fibrous foods, increasing the amount you eat too quickly might make you uncomfortable. Add fibre to your diet slowly to stop adverse effects.

Staying hydrated reduces the risk of constipation, which can cause excess gas. If a stool remains in your gut, it will continue to ferment, producing extra gas that can smell particularly foul. Try to have a drink with every meal and keep hydrated throughout the day. The NHS also recommends drinking peppermint tea to relieve gas and bloating.

Fizzy drinks contain gas, and if you drink a lot of them youll probably burp and fart more than if you dont. The same goes for chewing gum or guzzling down a bowl of soup or cereal with a spoon. If you ingest air, it has to go somewhere.

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