Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Reduce Bloating From Mirena

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What About Conventional Medicine

Worth the Weight Podcast | Ep. 2 – My IUD Weight Gain Nightmare!

If you do not find that home remedies or herbal remedies help with your symptom then it may be worth looking into conventional remedies. There are some over-the-counter treatments for bloating available. It is advised to speak to a pharmacist to establish which of these would be most suitable.

Occasionally bloating can have an underlying health condition. It is advised that if you have continued bloating for more than two weeks you should go to a doctor. This is especially so if your bloating is accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting or blood in the stools.

Bloated Belly And Other Gut Trouble

Ive seen many patients who complain of bloating after having their IUD placed. We are just at the cusp of understanding how our gut, microbiota and hormones interact, but we do know they are all intimately linked.

In my practice, Ive reviewed womens timelines and found that all their digestive symptoms began following the IUD placement. Some of these patients have gone on to be diagnosed with SIBO, yeast overgrowth and bacterial dysbiosis.

While we can not say definitely that the IUD causes digestive issues, it is definitely a symptom I tell my patients to be on the lookout for.

Can It Cause Weight Gain

Some people claim that Mirena causes weight gain, but the evidence for this is sparse. It isnt listed as a common side effect on the Mirena website.

Anecdotal evidence for weight gain that is, individual stories about gaining weight on the IUD isnt very strong.

There are a number of things that can cause weight gain, and its difficult to pinpoint one cause without a well-designed study.

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Kyleena Iud And Weight Gain Side Effects

  • Kyleena weight gain When it comes to weight gain and whether it is directly correlated with the copper IUD, there is no proven scientific data to support the fact. Oftentimes, weight gain while on birth control coincides with lifestyle changes. A healthy balanced diet, regular exercise and staying hydrated with lots of water is recommended to maintain a healthy weight.

What Is Water Weight

Mirena Side Effects Weight Gain Bloating

Water weight happens when your body holds on to excess water instead of getting rid of it through urination. Our bodies contain approximately 60% water, mixed with electrolytes like sodium, potassium, etc. Your kidneys have a complex filtration system to maintain fluid balance urination removes excess water and electrolytes .

Most of the time, the flow of water in your body usually follows the movement of electrolytes. For example, if you are holding on to excess sodium, your body will also hold onto extra water, leading to water retention or increased water weight, which can cause bloating .

Edema is the medical term for swelling caused by excess water held in your bodys tissues. It can be mild, as in the case when your jeans or rings are too tight. However, in some medical conditions, edema may be significant, requiring urgent medical care.

Sudden onset of swelling and pain in one leg is very concerning, as it may be a sign of a blood clot in your leg veins, also called a deep venous thrombosis . Edema can build up in the lungs due to a blood clot or heart problems and cause difficulty breathing. Severe edema could be a sign of heart failure or kidney failure, and you should see your healthcare provider right away if you experience this .

In most cases, though, small fluctuations in water weight are normal and can be managed with some simple strategies.

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Ways To Alleviate Bloating Symptoms On Your Period

For many women, periods are no cakewalk, and are often accompanied by pain and discomfort among a multitude of other symptoms such as bloating. This is a completely normal occurrence for the majority of women on their period and is due to changes in hormone levels that cause women to retain water, leading to a swollen abdomen. This can make writing tighter clothes difficult and be a source of embarrassment for some. Though periods may be unavoidable, here are some practical things you can do to lessen bloating before and during your time of the month so that you can be as comfortable as possible.

Not Everyone Can Feel The Strings

Its more normal than you think if you cant find your IUD strings. But an absence of strings doesnt necessarily mean your IUD has made its great escape inside of your uterus. Sometimes, the strings soften and coil behind your cervix, which can feel like the tip of your nose.

If you cant feel them yourself, consider asking your partner to check. They may have the advantage of not needing to contort their arm between your legs. Its all about the angles!

Tip: Cervix length is also a factor, but you need to ask your gyno about that. During your appointment, theyll be able to explain why you cant feel your strings if your IUD appears to be in place.

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Tell Me More About Mirena

Mirena is a hormone-releasing intrauterine device thats placed in your uterus to prevent pregnancy or treat heavy periods . It looks like a tiny T and works by releasing small amounts of the progestin hormone levonorgestrel directly into your uterus.

Having a hormonal IUD is great for those who dont want to worry about remembering to take a pill or get a shot. It can also help lessen or eliminate your period.

IUDs last for several years, and the Mirena can be left in for 5 to 6 years, depending on whether youre using it mainly for heavy flow control or to prevent pregnancy.

Copper Mineral Deficiency And Aggravated Pms

My IUD Experience| 6 Month Update

Minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and B6 are nutrients that help reduce PMS symptoms and are also essential for serotonin production . All three have been shown to diminish when copper levels rise in the body. Studies have also clearly demonstrated that zinc deficiency resulting from increased copper occurs during the luteal phase of a womans menstrual cycle when PMS symptoms occur.

Copper also increases sodium retention, which aggravates PMS symptoms and bloating. This would explain why several women on the copper IUD report weight gain and month-long bloating after a few weeks of insertion.

As estrogen rises during the premenstrual cycle or during pregnancy, copper rises. Many of the emotional symptoms of PMS are also copper-induced and further aggravated as estrogen fluctuates during the cycle. Estrogen will rise until ovulation, at which point progesterone will take over as the dominant hormone and assist in bringing the estrogen levels down. However, when a woman is estrogen dominant or has high copper levels in her body, the cycles natural build-up of estrogen will lead to an even further increase of copper , along with its correlated emotional symptoms.

Following below are the most common symptoms of copper-induced estrogen dominance, sorted by category:


  • In extreme cases: pseudo bipolar disorder, mild schizophrenia due to misperception of self or others

*Information cited from Fischer, R. .

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Getting The Mirena Coil Taken Out Was The Best Thing I Have Ever Done 56

Jigsawgirl · 14/10/2009 18:39

Following reading lots of posts about the Mirena Coil, I just wanted to say that 9 months after I had it put it in, I had put on nearly 2 stone and despite running 4 miles a day and watching what I was eating I couldn’t shift the weight. Looking at posts on Mums Net encouraged me to have it removed. I had it taken out on a Monday lunchtime, by the Tuesday morning my bloated tummy had gone down – my husband were shocked at the visible difference. by the Friday I had lost nearly a stone in weight and over the next few weeks I had lost a further stone. 3 months on since having it taken out I feel normal and slim again. Thank you all the Mums netters whose threads convinced me to get the damn thing taken out!

Lifeisforliving · 15/10/2009 09:44

Glad to know everything has gone back to normal, I had the MC removed after 6 months of hell, despite doing Pilates everyday and eating well I still put on 3 stone. Unfortunately I fractured my arm in two places so was unable to work out, therefore the weight is still my best friend at the moment Reading your post has given me hope that sooner or later I will be able to lose this excess baggage!!! Hi Miss, my libido was none exsistent, but soon as it was removed it was like someone had flicked a switch Hope all goes well.

susall · 15/10/2009 16:12

LadyOfTheFlowers · 03/11/2009 13:07

hanpat · 13/02/2010 13:11

emmabemmasmom · 13/02/2010 13:37

emmabemmasmom · 13/02/2010 14:10

ShowOfHands · 13/02/2010 14:21

Can It Cause Acne

It probably can.

A 2008 review looked at the safety and side effects of the Mirena IUD. It found that you were more likely to have acne after getting an IUD containing Mirenas main ingredient levonorgestrel. Kailasam C. et al. . Review of the safety, efficacy and patient acceptability of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system.

Fortunately, there are many home remedies for hormonal acne that could help.

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The Truth About Birth Control And Weight Gain

Though the dose of hormones in birth control might cause some changes in the body at first, the idea that it causes lasting weight gain is pure myth, says Richardson. “Some patients may experience changes in weight when initially starting hormonal birth control, but the weight is usually only a few pounds and is related to water retention,” she says. “The weight gain or water retention resolves within a few months.”

Because it’s such a widely reported symptom, scientists have investigated the link between weight gain and birth control many times over. As Richardson emphasizes, though, the evidence points solely to water weight rather than an actual increase in fat or body mass. One 2008 study followed 150 female athletes over the course of two years, only to confirm that their contraception didn’t lead to any increases in weight. Another broad analysis published in 2014 illustrates that women taking birth control didn’t experience any more changes in weight than those in a placebo group.

How Does The Mirena Work

Can U Lose Weight With Mirena Coil

The Mirena IUD, like all hormonal IUDs, contains a synthetic hormone called Levonorgestrel, a progestin, that it slowly releases in your body over time. While progestin sounds like progesterone, it is not, nor does it behave like progesterone in your body.

Instead, the progestin released thins the lining of your uterus, the endometrium, so a fertilized egg would be unable to implant. This is one way in which women have lighter or absent periods while using a hormonal IUD.

It is also designed to stop ovulation by suppressing the production of two brain hormonesFollicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone . FSH and LH work together to mature an egg and trigger ovulation. They are also responsible for signaling the rise and fall of your hormones. It also thickens cervical secretions, making it difficult for sperm to make it to the egg in the event ovulation does occur.

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Expulsionyour Uterus Kicks It Out

Expulsion occurs after an IUD is placed and is your uterus pushing the device out. Hormonal IUDs, like the Mirena, come with a 3-6 percent expulsion rate in the first year. Comparatively, the copper IUD is associated with a 3-10 percent risk of expulsion in the first year.

Who is at risk of IUD expulsion?

Women with a history of heavy or incredibly painful periods are at higher risk of expulsion. Postpartum women may also be at higher risk for expulsion.

If youve already had IUD expulsion then it is estimated that your risk of another is about fourteen percent.

What are the symptoms of expulsion?

More than the usual cramping, either with your period or outside of menses, can be a sign of expulsion. If you experience a significant increase in bleeding, continuous spotting, new vaginal discharge then youll want to see your doctor and possibly have a transvaginal ultrasound to check out where your IUD is currently residing.

How Does Kyleena Cause Weight Gain

Kyleena is a T-shaped plastic contraceptive device that is inserted into the uterus and which contains the hormone progestin which is thought to increase plasma volume by causing increased protein retention in the vascular space as well as an overall expansion of extracellular fluid.

This causes fluid retention which in turn can lead to bloating.

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Mirena Detox Is Based Onmodern Medical Science

  • The Mirena Detox is the only program that deals with the side effects of birth control methods and IUDs like Mirena.
  • This eBook fixes your underlying causes of your symptoms, rather than on the symptoms themselves. Fix the reason why you’re gaining weight: your hormones.
  • The Mirena Detox is backed up by scientific research findings and evidence. All the strategies in the program have been proven effective in improving female hormone health, and at the end of the eBook youâll find references to all supporting research and scientific studies.
  • The Mirena Detox recommended diet is an all-natural diet. There are no pharmaceutical drugs or synthetic supplements needed. Everything is completely natural, safe, gentle and proven to work if you commit to it.
  • The Mirena Detox is very inexpensive to follow, and has a budget plan tailored to those on a tight budget. The amount you will spend on the healing foods and herbs and detoxifying your body will be trivial compared to the cost of a doctor visit.

Side Effects Of Mirena

12 MONTH MIRENA UPDATE! | 13.02.16 | Day 775

Perforation and expulsion are two of the scarier side effects associated with the Mirena and other IUDs. Perforation is when the IUD embeds in your uterus and expulsion is when the uterus pushes the IUD out. While scary, they are not very common. But you should still be aware this Mirena coil side effect can happen and what to look for.

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Why Does Endo Belly Happen

Endometriosis and its symptoms arent well understood. There are many factors that we are still studying. When it comes to endo belly, we know that endometrial tissue on your abdominal and pelvic organs can cause inflammation.

Endometriosis on your ovaries can also trap blood and other fluids, leading to the formation of ovarian cysts. There are also links between endometriosis and gastrointestinal issues, including gas and constipation.

What Are Birth Control Options That Dont Cause Weight Gain

If you have an IUD and have noticed unwanted weight gain, you have a few options for dealing with it:

  • Keep the IUD and make lifestyle adjustments to manage your weight, like changing your diet and adopting a more active lifestyle.

  • Switch from a hormonal IUD to a copper IUD, or vice versa. If you gain weight with one type of IUD, theres a chance you may not gain weight with another.

  • Switch to a different birth control method altogether. Instead of trying another IUD, you could try another form of contraception. Keep in mind that weight gain is still a possible side effect of many hormonal birth control methods, including the pill.

  • If youre considering the pill, your best bet is to talk with your doctor to determine the most appropriate option for your body, taking into account any health conditions you have or other medications youre taking.

    Some birth control pills like , , and contain both estrogen and progestin hormones, while others like and only contain progestin. Like progestin, estrogen can cause short-lived weight gain in some women due to water retention. Depending on how your body responds to these hormones, you may need to try multiple brands before finding the one that works best for you.

    Some non-hormonal birth control options include diaphragms, condoms, cervical caps, and natural family planning, but none of these are as effective at preventing pregnancy as the copper IUD.

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    Can It Affect Your Mood

    Theres been a lot of discussion about whether theres a link between IUDs and depression.

    In 2016, one of the largest studies on birth control and depression was published. Skovlund CW, et al. . Association of hormonal contraception with depression. DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2016.2387 This study looked at data of more than one million participants in Denmark over a period of 14 years. It specifically looked at females ages 15 to 34.

    The study noted that 2.2 percent of people who used hormonal birth control methods were prescribed antidepressants in a year, while 1.7 percent of people who didnt use hormonal birth control were prescribed antidepressants.

    Those who used a hormonal IUD such as Mirena were 1.4 times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants.

    That being said, more research is needed to know if theres a definitive link between hormonal birth control and depression.

    It is possible to have depression without being prescribed antidepressants so thats one potential flaw in the study. Since theres stigma against mental illness, some people might not seek medical help for depression at all.

    Other research, such as this 2018 review, suggests that progestin-based birth control like Mirena wont make you depressed. Worly BL, et al. . The relationship between progestin hormonal contraception and depression: A systematic review. DOI: 10.1016/j.contraception.2018.01.010

    Dr Bitner Suggests These Approaches To Find Relief:

  • Stay hydrated. Aim for about 80 ounces of water a day, and more if you exercise. Staying hydrated helps your bowel movements stay regular. If coffee or alcohol are part of your day, drink extra water to offset their dehydrating effects.
  • Get enough fiber. Try to get 35 grams of fiber each day for regularity. Start by eating a combination of soluble and insoluble fibers, including fruit, vegetables and whole grain foods. If thats not enough, top it off with fiber pills or supplements to make up the difference.
  • Exercise. People who exercise have more regular bowel movements and fewer issues with constipation, Dr. Bitner said. Of course, an active lifestyle has other benefits as wellit controls cholesterol, regulates blood sugar and weight, prevents disease and improves sleep.
  • Limit caffeine. Excessive caffeine can cause bowel spasms and looser stools, which can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable.
  • Beware of gassy foods. Some people are sensitive to foods such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts or lettuce, which can make gas and bloating worse. Others can eat these without problems. Be aware of your own personal triggers and avoid them during the time of your period, Dr. Bitner said.
  • Women should not have to suffer when theres so much help available, Dr. Bitner said. Depending on a patients age, condition and specific diagnosis, there are many medical options that can help.

    Get answers to your questions or find a womens health doctor online at Spectrum Health.

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