Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Sleep When Constipated

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Signs Of Constipation In Babies

BABY MASSAGE | Bedtime routine| Baby Massage for CONSTIPATION

It’s important to note that babies’ poop schedules can swing on both sides of the spectrum. Some exclusively breastfed babies poop after every meal others have been known to hold out for a week or longer, Dr. Shu says. Both situations can be normal, as long as their bowel movements look healthy.

“Consistency is key to defining constipation in breastfed babies. Rather than liquidy, seedy, pasty stools, the constipated baby’s stool will be more like little clay balls,” says Jane Morton, M.D., a clinical professor of pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine, “though it is extremely rare for an exclusively breastfed baby to be constipated.”

Formula-fed babies can be all over the map, too. And when solid foods enter the picture, parents should be prepared for the frequency, form, and color to change again. But as a frame of reference, babies 0 to 4 months of age poop on average three to four times a day, and after the introduction of solid foods, that reduces to approximately one bowel movement per day.

One obvious sign of constipation in babies is a prolonged absence of poop. If your little one isn’t having at least several bright, yellow poops on Day 5 of life, something could be wrong, regardless of whether they’re on breast milk or formula, Dr. Morton says. This usually has to do with the baby not getting enough to eat.

Eat 3 Hours Before Bedtime

Some people believe the ideal time to eat an evening meal is 3 hours before going to bed. This gives the stomach time to digest the food properly. It moves into the small intestine and can prevent problems, such as heartburn.

Once a person lies down, the stomach contents can reflux into the esophagus, which can lead to heartburn or chest discomfort. Food intake prompts the body to release insulin, affecting a persons internal body clock and increasing wakefulness.

Tips To Improve Sleep:

  • Limit daytime naps to 30 minutes
  • Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine close to bedtime.
  • Exercise for at least 20 minutes per day- avoid activity in the few hours before bedtime.
  • Get exposure to natural light during the day and darkness at night
  • Optimize your sleep area by including comfortable bedding, white noise, blackout curtains, and avoid the use of electronic devices.
  • If snoring or apnea are witnessed, seek medical advice for further evaluation.
  • Discuss sleep concerns with a healthcare provider including difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
  • Discuss uncontrolled mood symptoms with your healthcare provider.
  • Unfortunately, it is safe to say that the average healthcare provider does not necessarily ask about sleep disturbance in patients with functional bowel disorders, and patients may not mention them to their treating healthcare provider.

    Be sure to let your healthcare provider know if your IBS symptoms are disturbing your sleep. Treatment for sleep disturbance will likely improve your overall quality of life.

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    Best Ways To Avoid Constipation When Taking Phentermine

    Phentermine is one of the strongest diet pills, but it does come with a number of side effects to avoid. Heres a list of the best ways to avoid constipation when taking Phentermine.

    Phentermine is no doubt the best diet pill for decreasing appetite and increasing metabolism. Its best known for speeding up weight loss at an incredible rate, even without exercise or a strict diet.

    But unfortunately, the benefits of Phentermine do come along with some unpleasant side effects, one of which is constipation.

    In this article, well discuss some of the best ways to avoid constipation while taking Phentermine diet pills, so you can have the best experience while losing weight.

    So How Can The Way You Hold Your Body Affect How Your Digestion Works

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    Well, the most obvious is that the way you hold yourself on the toilet can have a big impact on how easy it is for you to have a bowel movement.

    In recent years, there has been a big push to encourage people to use a more natural squatting position, rather than the normal seated position that most of us use on the toilet.

    The squatting position angles your colon and rectum in the most natural position to allow the stool to exit as easily as possible.

    If you dont have a squatty potty, you can mimic this position by placing your feet on a small stool and raising your legs to your waist.

    But what about when youre not on the toilet?

    Remember that the waste material goes on a long journey throughout your digestive system, so helping it along by positioning your body in the right way has the potential to help speed things up a little.

    And when are you in the same position for the longest period of time? When you are asleep.

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    Body Positions And Constipation

    It is easy to forget that inside our bodies, there is a really complex network of physical processes happening, and the way we position our body on the outside can absolutely affect the way things work on the inside.

    Lets take a quick biology recap first.

    Bowel movements are the last step in the digestive process that happens whenever you eat or drink anything.

    The food you eat moves from your stomach to your small intestine, where your body absorbs all of the nutrients that it needs along its 20 feet journey through the intestine.

    All the leftover waste then moves into your colon , where it sits while water is removed.

    After a day or two, this waste is then expelled through your rectum and anus.

    When you are constipated, the waste stays in your colon for too long.

    The longer it is sat there, the drier and harder it becomes, which can make it more difficult for your body to get rid of it.

    This is where you can get into that vicious cycle that can make constipation chronic.

    Avoid Caffeine Nicotine And Alcohol

    Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are all considered stimulants, which can make having regular bowel movements difficult. All of these substances are dehydrating which means digestive elimination will get backed up more frequently.

    Try to avoid all caffeinated beverages including soda, coffee and energy drinks during times when you are taking Phentermine. Nicotine is actually one of the unknown culprits and makes things worse by drying out your bowels.

    Alcohol can also affect your bowel movements because it is a diuretic, causing more frequent urination, especially throughout the night. This can disrupt your sleep and cause you to wake up multiple times during the night, disrupting sleep patterns The lack of sleep and increased dehydration can then lead to a bad case of constipation.

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    When Should I Seek Help For Constipation

    If you experience frequent constipation, or if your constipation doesnt resolve, its essential to seek help from a trained medical professional. At Prima Medicine, our team members are experts at treating constipation and helping our patients manage chronic constipation.

    Your provider may recommend at-home treatment options in addition to medications and laxatives for mild to moderate constipation. Other interventions may be necessary for severe constipation. If left untreated, constipation can cause uncomfortable and problematic side effects.

    To find relief from chronic constipation, book an appointment online or over the phone with Prima Medicine today. We also offer telehealth appointments, so you can meet with your provider from the comfort of your home.

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    Is A Constipated Baby In Pain

    How to eat right as a Vata body-type (Dosha) for anxiety, insomnia, bloating, constipation, pain.

    A baby in pain puts a parent in pain. Everyone knows this, and youre likely experiencing this right now as you try to solve this problem for your baby. This is the first of many minor medical instances that you might have to deal with as your baby grows into a toddler and then pre-schooler. And its likely to be a problem that repeats itself over the years, so how you handle this first bout is going to be a real precursor for future instances . Some parents are able to prevent constipation in their baby just by following the diet principle, but there are other times when a medical condition may make your baby constipated.

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    Include Fiber In Their Diet

    Eating fiber is healthy, but how much fiber is good enough? To figure out how many grams of fiber your child should consume each day, add five to their age . For example, your 2 year old would need 7 grams of fiber. Adults, on the other hand, need about 19 to 38 grams per day depending on age and gender.

    Eating fiber doesnt have to be boring, says Dr. Kabbany. Offer fruits, vegetables and whole grains like prunes, apricots, plums, raisins, peas, beans and broccoli.

    On Your Back With Your Head Raised

    Thus far, weve really sung the praises of sleeping on your back. But theres one digestive problem that can make back sleeping a real issue acid reflux.

    Being flat on your back during a reflux attack is very unpleasant. The supine position itself makes matters worse, as the position allows the acid to travel up the throat fairly easily.

    Also, if you have any sinus or snoring conditions, straight-up back sleeping can do more harm than good. Luckily, a simple adjustment can make all the difference add pillows! In other words, elevate your head.

    By lifting the head, acid reflux now has to work against gravity to annoy you, which tends to minimize reflux effects. Also, the raised head position helps clear sinuses and reduces snoring.

    To find the right amount of elevation for you, start with an extra pillow. If you have extreme acid reflux, GERD, or sleep apnea, you may want to try a padded wedge. The triangular-shaped pillow gives greater support to your head, neck, and ribcage.

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    How Does Phentermine Cause Constipation

    Constipation is a condition that results in difficult and infrequent bowel movements, often with stools that are dry, hard, small and painful to pass. Phentermines stimulating effects on the nervous system can cause side effects like dehydration, leading to constipation.

    In addition, constipation is a common side effect of many medications, including some that are commonly prescribed for depression and anxiety. Similarly, Phentermine can cause constipation because of how it affects serotonin levels in the brain which impact bowel movements.

    Aside from constipations obvious problem of making bowel movements incredibly difficult to have, constipation also leads to other things. Problems such as hemorrhoids and fissures due to straining, along with severe cramping, are all things you dont want.

    Can Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Cause Digestive Problems


    Yes, both of these conditions can lead to digestive problems. When someone is sleep-deprived, as is often the case with insomnia and sleep apnea, the digestive system doesnt get allotted a proper amount of time to heal itself, grow, and repair damaged tissues. Therefore, not getting enough rest can exacerbate existing problems, and even cause new ones to emerge.

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    Contact Doctor During Office Hours

    • Leaking stool
    • Suppository or enema was needed to get the stool out
    • Infrequent stools do not get better after changes to diet. Exception: normal if breastfed infant more than 1 month old and stools are not painful.
    • Stool softeners are being used and have not been discussed with your doctor
    • Toilet training is in progress
    • Painful stools occur 3 or more times after changes to diet
    • Constipation is a frequent problem
    • You have other questions or concerns

    You Might Have Diarrhea

    Leading a sleepy life can cause you to make lifestyle choices that may result in constipation. But it can go the other way, too, and cause diarrhea.

    “When you’re sleep deprived, your brain releases more ghrelin, which makes you hungry,” Matt Ross, co-owner and COO of The Slumber Yard, tells Bustle. “Additionally, when you’re sleep deprived, the area of your brain that controls decision making is impaired, meaning you’re more inclined to eat junk food rather than healthy, nutritious food.”

    While it’s always fine to eat junk food in moderation, if it becomes a major habit, your gut may start to struggle. “If you consume a lot of highly-processed foods that contain artificial ingredients,” Ross says, “your stool can be come quite loose, even to the point of diarrhea.”

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    What Are Some Causes Of Constipation And Fatigue

    Dehydration and nutritional issues may cause constipation and fatigue.

    Medications are also a factor. Constipation is a common side effect of opioid pain medications and certain treatments for cancer. These treatments can also make you feel fatigued.

    A number of medical conditions can cause both of these symptoms, such as:

    • anxiety

    Is My Baby More Likely To Be Constipated On Formula

    Remedies via Color Therapy for Constipation and Insomnia | Color Therapy Treatment | Sweety Gulati

    Babies on formula are also more likely to become constipated than breastfed ones because formula milk is harder to digest, explains GP Philippa Kaye, author of Baby & Child Health: Everything You Need To Know.

    As formula milk is harder to digest, it produces more fully formed poos which can be harder for your little one to pass. If you change brands, similarly to introducing new foods, this can cause constipation while your baby’s body gets used to the formula. If your baby has a milk protein allergy or intolerance, a milk-based formula may cause the baby to become constipated.

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    Strategy #1 Learn To Spot Your Childs Sleep Cues How To Get My Constipated Baby To Sleep

    Like the rest of us, your child has a sleep window of opportunity, a period of time when he is tired, but not too tired.If that window closes before you have a chance to tuck your child into bed, his body will start releasing chemicals to fight the fatigue and it will be much more difficult for you to get him to go to sleep. So how can you tell if your baby is getting sleepy? Its not as if your one-month-old can tell you what he needs. Here are some sleep cues that your baby is ready to start winding down for a nap or for bedtime:-Your baby is calmer and less active this is the most obvious cue that your baby is tired and you need to act accordingly.-Your baby may be less tuned-in to his surroundings his eyes may be less focused and his eyelids may be drooping.-Your baby may be quieter if your baby tends to babble up a storm during his more social times of the day, you may notice that the chatter dwindles off as he starts to get sleepy.-Your baby may nurse more slowly instead of sucking away vigorously, your baby will tend to nurse more slowly as he gets sleepy. In fact, if hes sleepy enough, he may even fall asleep mid-meal.-Your baby may start yawning if your baby does this, well, thats a not-so-subtle sign that hes one sleepy baby.

    You May Have Cramps & Bloating

    Sleeping in can result in constipation, diarrhea, upset stomach, and even cramping and bloating, Dr. Nesheiwat says, due to the way it can affect your digestive system.

    “Signals and hormonal control from the brain affects and regulates activity of sleep patterns and our intestines, and when we have a bowel movement, via feedback loops which helps regulate sleep and our circadian rhythm,” she says.

    While it can be difficult to do, it can help to stick to a consistent sleep schedule, so you don’t disrupt this delicate balance. And if you find that you’re sleeping the day away, you may even want to check in with your doctor to uncover some possible causes for your sleepiness â so you can get back on track.

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    Take The Sting Out Of Heartburn

    Sometimes, stomach acid goes up into your esophagus, the tube that connects your mouth and stomach. Thatâs called heartburn.

    If itâs also an issue, sleep with your head slightly raised. It may also help to avoid or limit:

    • Peppermint, chocolate, garlic, and tomatoes
    • Tight clothes
    • Meals within 2 or 3 hours of bedtime
    • Lying down right after a meal

    It Can Impact The Microbes In Your Gut

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    Sleep can have a surprisingly big impact on the microbes in your gut, but especially so when you aren’t sticking to a predictable sleep schedule.

    “Our bodies follow a 24 hour sleep/wake cycle, also called our circadian rhythm,” nutrition and wellness consultant Rebecca Washuta, MS, tells Bustle. “When this cycle is disrupted by sleeping less than the ideal per night, our intestinal cells and gut microbes are directly impacted.”

    As a result, this can cause “processes like digestion and excretion to be significantly slowed down,” she says. And you might notice even notice that it throws off your usual poop schedule.

    That’s why it’s important to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day â even on the weekends â so your body can fall into a rhythm, and stay on track.

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    This Sleeping Position Can Help You With Chronic Constipation

    • Nutritionist Pooja Makhija recently revealed a simple and effective hack to deal with chronic constipation.

    If you thought your sleeping position can only help you deal with those nagging aches and pains or aid in better sleep, then you would be amazed to know sleeping in a particular position can also work wonders for chronic constipation. Nutritionist Pooja Makhija recently took to Instagram to share a simple and effective hack to tackle persistent constipation in people.

    Chronic constipation is irregular bowel movement or difficulty in passing stools that persists for several weeks or longer. You have constipation when you are having fewer than three bowel movements a week. If you have been dealing with lumpy or hard stools and having a hard time emptying your bowels for a long time now, you can try this hack.

    Makhija recommends side sleeping for relief from constipation and explains how it works in her social media post. Several studies vouch for the benefits of side sleeping in this regard.

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    Here’s how this sleeping position helps with chronic constipation.

    Listing another benefit of side sleeping, Makhija says it also makes you snore less.

    Here are some other home remedies that could help you with constipation:

    * Have a fibre-rich diet including lots of green leafy vegetables, fruits and whole grain cereals to ensure enough roughage

    * Exercise regularly and manage your stress levels.

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