Thursday, July 25, 2024

Should You Take Probiotics If You Have Diverticulitis

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If You Have Diverticulitis

How Much Probiotic Should I Take?

Treatment depends on how bad your symptoms are.

  • For mild symptoms. You may be put on a liquid diet for a short time. Antibiotics are usually prescribed. If these two steps relieve your symptoms, you may then be prescribed a high-fiber diet. If you still have symptoms, your healthcare provider will discuss more treatment choices with you.

  • For severe symptoms. You may need to be admitted to the hospital. There, you can be given IV antibiotics and fluids. You will also be put on a low-fiber or liquid diet. Although not common, surgery is needed in some people with severe symptoms.

How To Take Probiotics For Diverticulitis

To take probiotics, try natural sources. Foods like kefir can help. Try kimchi and kombucha or other fermented food. Use probiotics supplements. These should contain 5-25 billion CFUs. CFU stands for Colony Forming Units.

Another good option is stocking up on probiotic supplements. Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of them. It is called good bacteria. This bacteria is naturally found in the stomach. But diverticulitis lessens this bacteria. This damages the intestine. Probiotic supplements decrease intestinal infection, diarrhea, and swelling. You can try tablets or capsules from health stores.

Always take the right dose of supplements. A standard dose of probiotics for curing diverticulitis range across 250 MG. Probiotic-rich foods are another correct choice. Besides supplements, probiotics are found naturally. Fermented foods are rich in probiotics. Cultured yogurt or milk can help. Try soy beverages or natural juices, too. Look for active or live cultures, for the best probiotics for diverticulitis. While experts suggest up to 8 ounces of probiotics, do consult your doctor.

Another critical factor is a fiber-rich source of probiotics. Prebiotics or fermented fiber can multiply the benefit of probiotics. This improves digestive health. Try legumes, cereals, and veggies. Ample research shows combining probiotics and high fiber can benefit you. Include 5-8 servings of foods in daily meals.

What Current Research Says

We have selected a study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology Probiotics and Diverticular Disease: Evidence-based?

The presentation came out in 2016 and took a good look at the evidence on probiotics for diverticulitis. The researchers noted a few interesting things-

  • Earlier studies are of poor quality
  • The findings of the studies vary
  • Five studies showing positive results were done by the same authors
  • Some studies didnt follow credible methodologies
  • The researchers often used differing protocols
  • Not all studies researched the same strain of bacteria
  • Different studies focus on different types of diverticulitis
  • The studies measured different factors to establish their findings
  • Recent research agrees there is insufficient evidence to conclude probiotics reduce diverticulitis symptoms.
  • The researchers conclude that its too early to recommend probiotics for diverticulitis. The scientific world doesnt have enough evidence yet.

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    Probiotics For Diverticulitis: Whats The Truth

    As we said, many studies did find probiotics to be beneficial for diverticulitis. Taking probiotics alone or with other compounds showed the symptoms to go down.

    Some of them also found probiotics to lengthen the remission period.

    Most of these studies researched symptomatic diverticulitis or chronic diverticulitis.

    We picked a study called New strategies for the management of diverticular disease: insights for the clinician. Lets see what it says.

    According to the researchers, your gut flora plays a role in developing diseases like diverticulitis. Additionally, people with diverticulitis may have altered bacteria due to effects like reduced colonic transit time.

    The theory behind the use of probiotics is simple. The probiotics in the supplement will colonize your gut and create a healthy and diverse flora.

    As a result, any adverse effect caused by harmful gut bacteria will be reversed.

    Several other small and uncontrolled studies found probiotics useful for diverticulitis. Some of them are-

    Disease type studied: uncomplicated diverticulitis

    You may also be able to find a few other early studies by yourself that prove the benefits of probiotics. However, is that the truth?

    To find out, lets see what scientists are saying in the present time.

    Nutrition Essentials Probiotics 30 Billion Cfu

    How Often Should You Take Probiotics?

    Finally, we have Nutrition Essentials probiotic and before I give you more information about this probiotic let me just mention that for the most part you should avoid this probiotic unless youre on an extremely tight budget.

    Dont get me wrong, youll probably still experience some benefits from taking this probiotic, but they certainly wont be the benefits youll see from probiotics like Physicians Choice, as its simply much more effective.

    The reason for that is that while the probiotic does contain 30 billion CFUs, unfortunately, they only come from a single probiotic strain, which is not the best way to go about things.

    The reason is that often a mix of strains works a lot better, as it can heal the gut in numerous ways and thus also improve the chances of reversing and curing diverticulitis. For more information click here.

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    How To Manage Diverticulitis With Diet

    While newly-diagnosed people often feel overwhelmed by the limitations of a diverticulitis diet, the good news is that you dont need to be overly restrictive with what you eat. There are a few golden rules when it comes to choosing safe foods for diverticulitis that can make it easy to keep your stomach happy.

    There Are Natural Ways To Prevent And Treat This Painful Disease That Affects Many People Over The Age Of 50

    Aggressive treatments for diverticultis, including surgery and antibiotics, may be overused, according to a recent study published in JAMA.

    No one who has ever suffered from diverticulitis is lucky, but some people are able to get through the intense attack of lower abdominal pain relatively unscathed. The unlucky diverticulitis patients have a different story, one that can include complications, hospitalization, surgery, or chronic disease that will have an ongoing effect. Fortunately, natural medicine can help prevent and treat this painful disease.

    Associated with the modern Western diet and lifestyle, diverticular disease is the most common disease of the colon in the Western world.1 While it is most prevalent in people over the age of 50 in the United States and Europe, it is beginning to affect more people worldwide, at younger ages.2

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    Minor Injury Or Other Trauma

    In many cases, trauma or injury to the rectum or anus results from anal play during sex or masturbation. It can also result from a particularly hard fall or injury during other physical activity.

    People who have significant constipation with hard stools may experience tears in the anal mucosa, also known as anal fissures. These can be quite painful.

    In addition to rectal pain, minor injury can cause:

    • bleeding
    • difficult bowel movements

    Perianal Or Perirectal Abscess

    Diverticulitis – Symptoms & Relief

    The rectum and anus are surrounded by glands or cavities. If bacteria, fecal matter, or foreign matter get into the cavities, they can become infected and fill with pus.

    If the infection grows worse, the gland may develop a tunnel through the nearby tissue and create a fistula.

    In addition to rectal pain, perianal or perirectal abscess can cause:

    • redness of the skin around the anus
    • fever
    • vomiting

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    Possible Connection Between Ibs And Diverticulosis

    There may be a connection between IBS and diverticulosis.

    One 2013 study followed over one thousand people who were diagnosed with diverticulitis, with no previous history of a functional gastrointestinal disorder , such as IBS, over a period of approximately six years. Compared with a control group, they found that these individuals were at an almost five times greater risk for developing IBS. These results led this group of researchers to propose the notion of “post-diverticulitis IBS” , though it is not yet considered an official sub-type of IBS.

    Other researchers have concluded that a link may exist, but that the connection and its implications for treatment are not yet clear.

    How Is Diverticulitis Treated

    If your diverticulitis is mild, your healthcare provider will prescribe an oral antibiotic, such as metronidazole , trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole , ciprofloxacin or amoxicillin and clavulanic acid . Rest, taking over-the-counter medications for pain and following a low-fiber diet or a liquid diet may be recommended until your symptoms improve. Once your symptoms improve, you can slowly return to soft foods, then a more normal diet, which should be one that includes many high-fiber foods. You and your healthcare provider will discuss the specifics of your treatment plan.

    If your diverticulitis is severe, you have rectal bleeding or are having a repeat bout of diverticulitis, you may be admitted to the hospital to receive intravenous antibiotics, IV fluids or possibly be considered for surgery.

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    Using A Colonoscopy To Diagnose Diverticulitis

    If you have symptoms of diverticulitis, your doctor might encourage you to have a colonoscopy once the acute episode resolves. This procedure can help confirm a diagnosis of diverticulitis or another condition that causes similar symptoms, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease.

    During a colonoscopy, your doctor will thread a flexible scope into your rectum and colon. They can use this scope to examine the inside of your colon. They can also use it to collect tissue samples for testing.

    To help you feel more comfortable during this procedure, you will be sedated beforehand.

    In some cases, your doctor might learn that you have diverticula during a routine colonoscopy. If the diverticula arent inflamed, infected, or causing symptoms, you probably wont need treatment.

    More research is needed to learn what causes diverticular disease, including diverticulitis. Currently, experts believe that multiple factors play a part. Some of your potential risk factors may be modified through lifestyle changes.

    For example, it might help to:

    • maintain a healthy body weight
    • eat a diet thats high in fiber
    • limit your consumption of saturated fat

    commonly occurs in men under 50 and women ages 50 to 70.

    But people who develop diverticula at a younger age may be more likely to experience diverticulitis. Younger people are also to be admitted to a hospital if they have diverticulitis than older people.

    Family history

    Low-fiber diet

    Low levels of vitamin D


    Physical inactivity

    Does Anyone Have Diverticulitis With Diarrhea

    Probiotics After Antibiotics: Should You Take Them ...

    I had diarrhea almost daily since starting on a 10-day antibiotic regime along with stomach pain that radiated into my back. I wanted to finish the course of pills the doctor gave me so I beared with it. Now that I am off the medication, and am following a very bland diet, yet I still am getting daily loose stools and/or diarrhea? I even began probiotics. Anyone else experience diarrhea?

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    Taking Vitamins Or Supplements

    Fiber supplements are powerful for managing symptoms of diverticulitis, largely because it keeps stool moving through the colon. If you keep stool soft, you can prevent the clogging of the diverticula, explains Ashkan Farhadi, MD, a gastroenterologist at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in California. In general, if you can manage to avoid constipation, it may prevent flare-ups. A high-fiber dietas long as it includes high-fiber foods that dont irritate your systemcan also be beneficial.

    He also suggests takingmagnesium, which can strengthen the intestinal muscles and keep stools soft and regular. Its been shown, says Dr. Farhadi, that foods rich in magnesium can prevent the progression of diverticulosisbut be aware that some of these foods are nuts, and you may be limited in eating them if theyre a trigger food for you.

    As far as other vitamins, some patients with diverticulitis wonder about vitamin D. Some studies have shown thatpeople with higher vitamin D levels are less likely to develop diverticulitis. However, theres not much research here, and a 2020 controlled trial looking at the link found no difference among diverticulitis hospitalizations between people who supplemented with vitamin D and those who didnt.

    What Are Nice Guidelines

    The National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence make evidence-based recommendations on a wide range of topics in health, public health and social care. They recommend the most effective ways to prevent and manage specific conditions and to improve health and manage medicines in different settings. You can find their guidelines on diverticular disease here.

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    How Is This Surgery Done

    To perform a bowel resection with primary anastomosis, your surgeon will:

  • Cut three to five small openings in your abdomen or make a six- to eight-inch opening to view your intestine and other organs .
  • Insert a laparoscope and other surgical tools through the cuts .
  • Fill your abdominal area with gas to allow more room to do the surgery .
  • Look at your organs to make sure there arent any other issues.
  • Find the affected part of your colon, cut it from the rest of your colon, and take it out.
  • Sew the two remaining ends of your colon back together or open a hole in your abdomen and attach the colon to the hole .
  • Sew up your surgical incisions and clean the areas around them.
  • Youll spend about two to seven days in the hospital after this surgery while your doctors monitor you and make sure you can pass waste again.

    Once you go home, do the following to help yourself recover:

    • Dont exercise, lift anything heavy, or have sex for at least two weeks after you leave the hospital. Depending on your preoperative status and how your surgery went, your doctor may recommend this restriction for longer or shorter periods of time.
    • Have only clear liquids at first. Slowly reintroduce solid foods into your diet as your colon heals or as your doctor instructs you to.
    • Follow any instructions you were given for taking care of a stoma and colostomy bag.

    The outlook for diverticulitis surgery is good, especially if the surgery is done laparoscopically and you dont need a stoma.

    What Is The Rationale Behind Taking Probiotics With Antibiotics

    When Should I Take a Probiotic? | Best Time to Take a Probiotic – Before or After Eating?

    Taking an antibiotic for an infection can kill beneficial bacteria that live in your gut.

    Probiotics may be taken orally to restore any imbalance in the normal intestinal or urogenital flora. This is the rationale behind taking probiotics with antibiotics. Severe antibiotic-induced diarrhea can also lead to an infection with Clostridium difficile, also known as C. difficile, a bacteria which can cause dangerous inflammation in your colon .

    Experts have hypothesized that If you suffer from stomach cramping, gas or diarrhea when you take antibiotics, adding a probiotic may help to lessen, or even prevent, these symptoms. The addition of a probiotic will also reintroduce helpful bacteria into your digestive tract that have been killed or had their numbers reduced by the antibiotic.

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    What Are The Best Probiotics For Diverticulitis

    Now that you have an idea of what you should consider when looking for the best probiotic for diverticulitis, the next step would be to figure out which one to get for your digestive problems. Yes, there are quite many probiotics out there, so we have come up with our own list of best probiotics that might help you deal with diverticulitis. Here are some to get you started.

    • Blue Rock Holistics Super Shield Supreme Multi-Strain Adult Probiotic Formula Dietary Supplement
    • Our rating
    • Emerson Health Digestive Enzymes Vegetarian Capsules Dietary Supplement
    • Our rating
    • Purity Products Fiber with Probiotics Dietary Supplement
    • Our rating
    • Infinite Health Probiotic Dietary Supplement
    • Our rating


    For those who are interested in getting the best probiotic for diverticulitis, you might want to start with Emerson Health Digestive Enzymes vegetarian capsules dietary supplement. This product contains both probiotics and prebiotics that can improve your overall digestion. It reduces gas, indigestion, bloating, and constipation after each meal and promotes microflora growth. Another plus to taking this probiotic is that it can break down food and proteins into much smaller molecules so that they will be able to move into the bloodstream which, in turn, can boost metabolism for a normal and healthy digestion.

    Are Alcohol And Coffee Bad For Diverticulitis

    Not necessarily, though you definitely want to avoid alcohol and caffeine if youre experiencing a diverticulitis attack.

    Coffee is a bowel stimulant, so if youre having an attack you might want to stay away and rest your bowel, says Dr. Boling, but in the long run, people who have recovered can drink it.

    The same goes for alcohol, though Dr. Boling does warn that alcohol is hard on your stomach in generaland symptoms of other health conditions, likepancreatitis, can be similar to symptoms of a diverticulitis flare .

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    Do Prebiotics Help Return The Gut Microbiome To Normal

    Prebiotics are foods for probiotics and include fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, cereals.

    Mixing prebiotics with probiotics, such as yogurt with fruit and cereal or sauerkraut with a vegetable stir fry could be helpful for your gut, although there is no scientific evidence to support this.

    Good prebiotic foods include vegetables such as artichokes, asparagus, garlic, onions, and any green vegetable fruits such as bananas, berries, and tomatoes herbs such as chicory or garlic grains like barley, oat, and wheat and other fibers such as inulin that may be available on its own or added to foods such as granola bars, cereal, and yogurt.

    What Is Diverticular Disease


    Diverticular disease is a group of conditions that affect your large intestine . It involves small pouches or sacs, called diverticula. These pouches can form in your intestine wall. They can push through the wall of your colon. The most common conditions of diverticular disease are:

    • Diverticulosis. This is the base condition where the pouches form. It becomes more common as you age. Most people with diverticulosis dont know they have it.
    • Diverticulitis. This occurs when the pouches become inflamed or infected. It can cause pain and other symptoms. Serious cases could require staying in the hospital.
    • Diverticular bleeding. Diverticular bleeding occurs when a blood vessel in a pouch bursts. Its not as common as diverticulitis.

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