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What Foods Make Your Stomach Bloat

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Top Foods That Bloat You (Stomach and Face Bloating)

Here are additional suggestions to decrease bloating: Eat slowly, and consume smaller, more frequent meals. Chew your foods well. Drink beverages at room temperature. Have your dentures checked for a good fit. Increase physical activity during the day. Sit up straight after eating. Take a stroll after eating.

Foods That Can Cause Stomach Bloat

August 5, 2021, 1:46 am5.2k Views

No one likes the discomfort that comes with a bloated belly. And while we all know the common culprits that lead to bloating sparkling beverages, which release bloat-inducing carbon dioxide, and salty foods, which make you retain water unfortunately, it doesnt stop there. There are a number of other foods that can cause your stomach to balloon, many of which are actually diet-friendly. So, the next time your stomach isnt as flat as youd like, take inventory of your diet and see if you might be sensitive to some of these common bloating culprits.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Or Sibo

SIBO is caused by abnormally high levels of bacteria living in your digestive tract. They can grow and accumulate because of poor digestion, inflammation, and after taking antibiotics. Usually, there is a proper balance of bacteria, which helps in the complete absorption of nutrients. However, when bad bacteria grow and take over, they can damage the stomach lining.

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Why Do I Bloat After Eating

If your stomach bloats after eating, identify your common bloating triggers so you can take steps to resolve the problem.

The first step to dealing with the issue of bloating is to establish the potential causes. And, its easier to do so than you might have imagined. Once youve found the source, you can begin to put an action plan in place and actively take steps to stop bloating and gas after eating.

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Here are additional suggestions to decrease bloating: Eat slowly, and consume smaller, more frequent meals. Chew your foods well. Drink beverages at room temperature. Have your dentures checked for a good fit. Increase physical activity during the day. Sit up straight after eating. Take a stroll after eating.

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What Do I Do If I Eat Some Of These Foods

You could also add in some carminatives to your meal to aid digestion when consuming these foods. Try not to restrict your diet by completely removing such foods from your diet, as they provide many essential nutrients and are important for overall gut health. So youve eaten one of these offending foods and are feeling like a beached whale! Now what?!

Carminatives are foods that have been known for centuries to help soothe the digestive tract and reduce bloating and flatulence. There are many herbs and spices with valuable carminative properties, such as star anise, caraway, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, cumin, fennel, garlic, ginger, lemon balm, nutmeg, parsley, and peppermint.

Peppermint tea is a great go-to when youre feeling bloated and lethargic. Having some warm water with lemon juice may also help soothe your symptoms, since lemons are a natural diuretic and a gentle laxative. Consuming lemon water can help reduce the amount of salt retained in the body and reduce bloating due to fluid retention.

There are also a number of veggies such as celery, cucumber, spinach, and parsley that will help reduce fluid retention in the body. Cook your vegetables when youre feeling bloated, as the fiber structure is broken down once theyre cooked, making these foods easier to digest.

Getting plenty of probiotic rich foods into your diet will increase your healthy gut flora and can improve symptoms of bloating.

How To Get Rid Of A Bloated Stomach

One of the most effective bloated stomach remedies is improving your diet, since the foods you eat play a huge part in regulating how much air and poop is trapped inside your digestive tract.

To keep things flowing smoothly, you want to make sure to eat a high-fiber diet, aiming for about 2530 grams every day or even more.

This isnt too difficult when you eat plenty of whole foods, including veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes and ancient grains. It can certainly help you to track your symptoms after eating certain foods known to cause bloating, but remember that a bloated stomach is caused by your entire lifestyle, not just the food on your plate.

Some of the best foods for helping to battle stomach bloating include:

Now that you know what you should eat, lets look at some of the foods that might make your bloating even worse. More often than not, some of these foods might be the culprit:

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Broccoli And Other Cruciferous Vegetables

The cruciferous vegetable family includes broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts and several others.

These are very healthy, containing many essential nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron and potassium.

However, they also contain FODMAPs, so they may cause bloating in some people .

Cooking cruciferous vegetables may make them easier to digest.

What to eat instead: There are many possible alternatives, including spinach, cucumbers, lettuce, sweet potatoes and zucchini.

Bloating Belly: What To Do About Discomfort After Eating


Sufferers most often experience flatulence directly after eating. However, flatulence can be avoided by observing a few things:

  • Avoiding foods that are difficult to digest and cause gas.
  • Eat small portions to relieve the stomach
  • Chew thoroughly to avoid bloated belly
  • Avoid carbonated drinks
  • Pay attention to proven food intolerances and avoid them consistently

If you have irritable bowel syndrome, a low-FODMAP diet can help relieve bowel symptoms.

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Bloated Stomach Intestinal Flora

Under special circumstances, such as bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine or dysbiosis in the large intestine, abnormal fermentation of food components may occur. Excessive gas formation may then be due to either increased gas production or impaired gas consumption by colon bacteria.

In either situation, the unfavorable bacteria in the intestines can lead to functional gastrointestinal discomfort or, more specifically, gastrointestinal dysfunction. Healthy intestinal flora therefore plays a major role for those suffering from bloating belly.

The Best Foods For Bloating

Depending on the type of bloat youre experiencing, different foods may be helpful to reduce the sensation.

Overall, foods that help with bloating:

  • have high water content
  • are rich in potassium and fiber
  • are low in sodium

Try adding one or more of the following best foods for bloating to your diet to see if your digestive symptoms abate.

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Bloating : Why You Feel Bloated

Bloating, gassiness, and abdominal discomfort arenât limited to the occasional holiday feast. One in 10 Americans say they suffer from bloating regularly, even when they havenât eaten a large meal. In some cases, bloating can become severe enough that it causes distention, or a perceptible swelling of the abdomen. Bloating and gas are usually tied to what and how you eat, so a few simple changes may help.

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The most common cause of stomach pain and bloating is excess intestinal gas. If you get a bloated stomach after eating, it can be a digestive issue. It might be as simple as eating too much too fast, or you could have a food intolerance or other condition that causes gas and digestive contents to build up. Your menstrual cycle is another common cause of temporary bloating. Sometimes a bloated stomach can indicate a more serious medical condition.

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Bloating: Causes And Prevention Tips

How often do you hear yourself or friends complain about bloating? We often just say were bloated when we feel full, but for many women, the problem relates to a chronic underlying condition. If you feel bloated often, you may have a condition like irritable bowel syndrome , which affects up to 24 percent of women.

Linda Lee, M.D., explains common causes of bloating and what you can do to prevent this uncomfortable condition.

What Is Bloating What Does Feeling Bloated Mean

Why am I so bloated? Abdominal bloating or “feeling bloated” is a very frequent and familiar symptom most people have experienced at some time in their lives. There are many reasons you may feel bloated. Most causes are simple, harmless, and easily treatable with over-the-counter or home remedies. Very rarely, abdominal bloating is caused by something more serious, leading to a rapid worsening of uncomfortable symptoms.

The definition of “bloated” is swelling or distension, and it usually refers to abdominal bloating, which is a distended belly. Bloating may be accompanied by burping , gas , abdominal discomfort, and a feeling of fullness. People sometimes refer to abdominal bloating as a “bloated stomach” or “bloated belly.”

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Common Foods That Make You Bloat

For some people, abdominal bloating is not only embarrassing, its also a source of extreme physical discomfort.

If its a common occurrence for your stomach to excessively expand, particularly after eating, making you feel as though your distended belly has the entire Atlantic ocean swooshing around inside it, then it might be worthwhile taking a closer look at your diet. Most gastroenterologists agree that, provided youre not suffering from a medical condition such as heart or liver disease or IBD, then the likely cause of your abdominal bloating is a build up of intestinal gas.

People often find that although theyre eating healthily and, what they believe to be, all the right foods, theyre continuing to suffer from frequent stomach discomfort and ballooning. Theres nothing worse than puffing up after a delicious and healthy meal and ending up feeling like the Michelin Man on steroids.

To help you understand why this may be the case and to narrow down what you might find is a common cause, Ive compiled a list of 10 common foods that could be the cause of your stress-inducing belly bloat. Its important to note that everyones digestive system is unique, and its unlikely that youll react to all of these foods. The best method for determining your inflatable culprits is to experiment with trial and error. Serving sizes may also come into play, as you could possibly be able to tolerate these foods, but only in restricted quantities.

Watermelon Can Fight Off Some Common Causes Of Bloat

What Foods Cause Bloating | Foods That Cause Bloating | How To Fix Bloating

If water content is the key to fighting bloat, watermelon wins. As indicated in a 2014 study, the summer staple contains almost 92%t water.

Fillenworth further explained,Since watermelon is primarily composed of water, it helps fight dehydration, which can be a cause of bloat. Consuming watermelon will also help to act as a diuretic which can flush out excess sodium from the body.

Watermelon season typically ends in September so get your fix while you can.

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Probiotics Are Important For Managing Bloat

Probiotics seem to be all the rage right now as kefir and kombucha have grown in popularity over the past few years.

Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, CNS, DC, and founder of Ancient Nutrition told INSIDER,Good bacteria called probiotics act like friendly gut bugs in your digestive tract, killing off bad bacteria that can trigger digestive issues and reactions.

When choosing probiotics, Jessica Cording, MS, RD, CDN, advised,Yogurt and kefir are both good sources of probiotic bacteria, which help promote good digestion, which is key for managing bloat. If youre sensitive to lactose, kefir may be more easily tolerated than yogurt, as it is almost completely lactose-free. Whichever you choose, be sure to avoid sweetened varieties, as sugar and artificial sweeteners can be rough on digestion and lead to bloating.

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Greasy Or Fried Foods

The greasy or fried foods can wreak havoc on your GI tract. Such foods are high in fat which takes it longer to digest, which means food stays in your GI tract longer.

The meat, pizza, or other foods are to be limited if you feel the bloating symptoms after consuming them.

They can really slow down the digestive process in our guts. Subsequently, the build-up of gas takes longer to pass through and leave you feeling bloated and uncomfortable

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Take It Easy With The Salt

Sodium is a major ingredient in the Western diet, and diets high in sodium are also known to cause bloating. Salt encourages the body to retain water, thats why we feel thirsty after eating salty food. It can also alter the composition of the gut microbiome by decreasing the abundance of Lactobacillus, a probiotic bacterium.

The good news is reducing salt intake can relieve the symptoms of bloating, and its simple to do. Most sodium intake comes from processed foods and eating out, so try cooking at home and using herbs and spices to infuse your dishes with flavour.

How Common Is Stomach Bloating

11 Common Foods That Can Cause Bloating

Between 10% and 25% of otherwise healthy people complain of occasional abdominal bloating. As many as 75% describe their symptoms as moderate to severe. About 10% say they experience it regularly. Among those diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome , it may be as much as 90%. Up to 75% of women experience bloating before and during their period. Only 50% of people who experience bloating also report a distended abdomen.

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Drinking Through A Straw

A straw might make your morning protein shake easier to sip on the run, but it isn’t doing your stomach any favors. “When you drink through a straw, you also suck air into your stomach, which can increases gas and distention in your digestive tract,” says Rumsey. Sip straight from the lid to ward off tummy discomfort.

Top Foods That Cause Bloating

There are certain foods that can cause you to feel more bloated than others. Some of the most common culprits include:

  • Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.
  • Beans. Other legumes, like soybeans, peanuts, and lentils, tend to not be as bloating.
  • Onions.
  • Carbohydrates.

Carbs can cause you to feel overly full. But the reason for that is twofold. For one thing, the average stomach is only about the size of your fist. Although its able to stretch to accommodate more food, eating a large portion can definitely make you feel bloated, says Taylor.

Finally, Taylor says When you eat more than what your body needs for fuel, it stores those extra calories as glycogen, she says. Glycogen attracts water, so large portions of carb-heavy foods cause you to retain fluid. This magnifies that bloated feeling.

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How To Relieve Bloating After Eating

The best way to relieve bloating is to prevent its occurrence. As dietary triggers are often the cause of bloating, knowing which triggers you are most sensitive to is vital to avoid bloating. Keeping an eye on your intake of fiber, salt, and carbonated beverages can also play a big part in preventing stomach bloating. Also, make sure you are not consuming a high-fat diet, as fatty foods are a major culprit in stomach bloating after eating. There also may be a difference between trans fats, saturated fats, and unsaturated fats for your digestion as well, so try and keep track of which ones make you feel the worst.

Although it is a dairy product, eating yogurt can help to fill your stomach with healthy bacteria in the form of probiotics, which boost digestion and gut health. When eating, try not to drink too many liquids. Beverages dilute stomach acids and cause the digestion process to become prolonged. Wait until after eating to finish your drink. Finally, take your time and eat slowly while sitting up straight. Allowing your digestive tract time to begin the digestive process will help to decrease the risk of bloating after eating.

Avoid Swallowing Air And Gases


There are two sources of gas in the digestive system.

One is gas produced by the bacteria in the gut. The other is air or gas that is swallowed when you eat or drink. The biggest offender here is carbonated beverages like soda or fizzy drinks.

They contain bubbles with carbon dioxide, a gas that can be released from the liquid after it reaches your stomach.

Chewing gum, drinking through a straw and eating while talking or while in a hurry can also lead to increased amounts of swallowed air.


Swallowed air can contribute to bloating. A major cause is drinking carbonated beverages, which contain gases that are dissolved in the liquid.

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Here Are The 4 Foods That Make Your Stomach Bloat The Most

Gas, bloating, digestive discomfort Here are 4 foods that make the stomach swell the most according to specialist Caroline Tancrède, naturopath in Paris.

We all know her, that feeling of being cramped in her jeans or her skirt when everything was fine a few hours earlier. In question ? Probably what we ate: a meal or snack that causes bloating. But before knowing the foods that make the belly swell the most, we must first understand the reasons for these swelling.

The answer: some foods are just more difficult to digest than others. Their assimilation by the intestinal chain creates fermentation and this fermentation can cause gas. It is these which can be swelling of the belly, explains Caroline Tancrède, naturopath in the 9th arrondissement of Paris and creator of the Detox center in Sologne, specializing in food detox. According to the expert, 4 main types of food can cause these gases and therefore this phenomenon:

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