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What To Eat To Help With Bloating

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Foods To Beat The Bloat

BEST Foods to Help Constipation that Relieve Stomach Pain and Bloating

Nothing is more influential to the balance of your gut microbiome than what you eat and drink.

The foods you eat are not just part of the cause of your digestive discomfort. They may also hold the answer to how to reduce bloating.

While some foods can trigger your digestive discomfort, others could help it. Here we focus on four food groups that can help. But a note of caution, rather than focussing on eating any one category, aim to get diverse nutrients from all of these gut-friendly food groups.

Probiotics Are Important For Managing Bloat

Probiotics seem to be all the rage right now as kefir and kombucha have grown in popularity over the past few years.

Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, CNS, DC, and founder of;Ancient Nutrition told INSIDER,”Good bacteria called probiotics act like friendly gut bugs in your digestive tract, killing off bad bacteria that can trigger digestive issues and reactions.”

When choosing probiotics, Jessica Cording, MS, RD, CDN, advised,”Yogurt and kefir are both good sources of probiotic bacteria, which help promote good digestion, which is key for managing bloat. If youre sensitive to lactose, kefir may be more easily tolerated than yogurt, as it is almost completely lactose-free.;Whichever you choose, be sure to avoid sweetened varieties, as sugar and artificial sweeteners can be rough on digestion and lead to bloating.”

Supplements That Prevent And Cure Bloating

1. Soil-based probiotics

Probiotics are the building blocks of a healthy digestive system. Probiotics are made up of good living bacteria similar to those that naturally exist in the body and aid with digestive health .

Probiotics regulate the amount of healthy bacteria in your system and normalize bowel movements. Soil-based probiotics have been found to be vastly more effective than other types of probiotics for digestive health.

Proper bacterial balance provided by soil-based microorganisms is vital to healthy immune function, providing appropriate protection against potential infections and playing a critical role in the digestion and absorption of food and nutrients. The interaction of multiple strains of soil-based bacteria is an essential element in health and wellbeing.

2. Detoxy+

Constipation is one of the top reasons for chronic, long-term bloating.

Detoxy+ is a powerful, magnesium-based non-laxative internal cleanser;that helps remove unwanted waste and increase detoxification in your colon.

It is not a harsh laxative, and not habit-forming, so you dont have to worry about taking it and;somehow creating dependence on itit can be used on an ongoing basis as part of an enhanced detoxification regime. It is also 100% vegan, gluten-free and non-toxic.

Here are some of the many benefits:

Given that old, stagnant waste plays a big part in bloating, Detoxy+ is a very potent way to eliminate gas and reduce bloat.

In love and health,


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What Types Of Food Cause Stomach Bloating

If you’re experiencing regular bloating, you should see a doctor and discuss your symptoms with them. Together, you can come up with a treatment plan. As previously discussed, because there are many causes for abdominal bloating, it can be challenging to determine what causes an individuals stomach to bloat.;

The first line of treatment for bloating that a doctor may prescribe is the low FODMAP diet. FODMAP stands for:

  • Fermentable Oligosaccharides. These are found in wheat, onions, garlic, legumes, and beans.
  • Disaccharides. A class of sugars that are found in lactose products like milk, yogurt, and ice cream.;
  • Monosaccharides. This is a type of sugar that includes fructose. It’s often found in fruits like apples and pears.;
  • Polyols. Also called sugar alcohols, they’re found in apricots, nectarines, plums, and cauliflower. They can also be added to chewing gums and candy.

A low FODMAP diet cuts down the number of carbohydrates listed above that you consume. It has been found the small intestine can have a difficult time absorbing them, so it then passes the unabsorbed carbohydrates to the colon. In the colon, they become fermented and then make gas and cause bloating.;

Some people may not have a sensitivity to FODMAP foods. The best way to find out if this diet will work for you is to start cutting FODMAP foods out of your diet slowly and then slowly start bringing them back.;


Stay Away From Sugar Substitutes And Faux Sweeteners

Beat Bloating

Heres the catch, you may think youre doing the right thing by opting for fat-free or sugar-free food options that say they are derived from real sugar. Dr. Sonpal clarifies that these kinds of sugars are actually low-digestible carbohydrates. Our bodies metabolize them differently due to their chemical structure leaving them hanging around in our small intestine leading to bloat.

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Hold Off On Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol can directly damage the digestive tract and research has also found it to mess with the good bacteria in your gut. But more importantly for when you’re trying to reduce bloating in 24 hours or less, alcohol inhibits digestion, as well.

“Alcohol inhibits digestion and causes dehydration, causing the digestive tract to slow downwhich results in constipation,” says Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN. When you drink alcohol, your body switches to processing the alcohol out of your system first before digesting any food, which can leave you with a bloated stomach. It may be tough, but avoid the hard stuff while you’re trying detox.

Take Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Certain over-the-counter products may also help with bloating, such as supplemental enzymes that can help break down indigestible carbohydrates.

Notable ones include:

  • Lactase: An enzyme that breaks down lactose, which is useful for people with lactose intolerance.
  • Beano: Contains the enzyme alpha-galactosidase, which can help break down indigestible carbohydrates from various foods.

In many cases, these types of supplements can provide almost immediate relief.

If youre interested in trying a digestive enzyme supplement, a wide .


Many over-the-counter products can help fight bloating and other digestive problems. These are usually digestive enzymes that help break down certain food components.

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Top 8 Foods That Reduce Bloating

  • May 23, 2019
  • Post Views:7,645

According to Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, Bloating can take a day from great to gloomy pretty quickly. One minute youre feeling sexy and confident. And the next minute, you feel like a balloon thats ready to pop.

Thats so true, isnt it? Chances are, you know exactly what Dr. Petrucci is talking about. And depending how you look at it, youre in good company. After all, at least 30% of adults struggle with bloating. Its a universal complaint among folks who more routinely suffer from maldigestion issues. 1

You read that right. As many as one in three people report bloating. And chances are, there are many more silent sufferers who just suck it up. Hands down, bloating is one of the most frequently reported digestive complaints. Perhaps more importantly, it is one of the most bothersomeaffecting quality of life . Common as it may be, belly bloat is not normal.

But you already knew that, didnt you? Fortunately, its not all bad news. In fact, Ive got great news for you: What you eat can have a powerful de-bloating effectand quickly. Thats right. Here are the top 8 foods that reduce bloating.

Why Youre Feeling Bloated

Foods That Cause Gas & Bloating…And What To Eat Instead

So, what is bloat, exactly?

A little nutrition 101 for you: Bloat is a buildup of gas in the abdomen, usually caused by digestion or swallowed air. Feeling bloated can result from an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. This bacteria ferments food, creating gas that causes bloating. In other words, you feel like youve been blown up like a balloon.

Water retention is similar to bloating. You know the feeling: You cant get your rings on, and your eyes look like youve been in a brawl. This lovely feeling is usually caused by consuming foods high in salt . High levels of sodium cause your body to hold onto extra fluid.

Not only can bloating and water retention be uncomfortable and less than attractive, they can be downright painful. If you plan on debuting your new bikini but feel puffier than the Michelin Man, Im here to help. My favorite anti-bloat foods can help with both of these troublesome problems.

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Summary: How To Reduce Bloating

There isnât a single superfood that can miraculously cure bloating, however, much you eat. In fact, eating too much of any one food type can in some cases make bloating and other digestion problems worse. More important than eating any single food is consuming as wide a range of gut-healthy foods as possible.

18 June 2020

Coeliac Disease And Bloating

Coeliac disease;is a common digestive condition where your intestine cannot absorb gluten found in wheat, barley and rye.

If you have Coeliac disease, eating foods containing gluten can also trigger diarrhoea, abdominal pain and fatigue.

See your GP if you suspect you may have Coeliac disease.

There is no cure for Coeliac disease but, once the condition has been diagnosed, switching to a gluten-free diet should help.

Find out more about Coeliac disease.

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Dont Eat Foods That Give You Gas

Some high-fiber foods can make people produce large amounts of gas.

Major players include legumes like beans and lentils, as well as some whole grains.

Try keeping a food diary to figure out if certain foods tend to make you more gassy or bloated than others.

Fatty foods can also slow down digestion and the emptying of the stomach. This can have benefits for satiety , but can be a problem for people with a tendency to bloat.

Try eating less beans and fatty foods to see if it helps. Also, check out this article on 13 foods that cause bloating.


If certain foods make you feel bloated or give you gas, try cutting back or avoiding them. Eating fatty foods can also slow digestion and may contribute to bloating for some people.

When Should You Seek Help

Beat Bloating: The Dos & Don

Bloating is often caused by not following a clean diet, but it can also be caused by other health conditions, such as intolerances, gut health issues or hormone imbalances.;

If youve tried eating some of the foods that help reduce bloat naturally, but havent seen any improvement or your bloating is causing severe discomfort, schedule an appointment with a professional. It is important to see a doctor to make sure you dont have a serious condition. But if youre not having any luck with a doctor, try and an Integrative Doctor or a Naturopath :);

Bloating may be normal, but its definitely not a fun experience. Try eating clean, avoiding the bloat-inducing foods while incorporating more of the foods that relieve bloating quickly into your diet on a regular basis.

The less bloated you feel, the more excited youll be to get active and enjoy your workout routine!

Love Rachael xx

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The Best And Worst Foods For Bloating

Lets talk about something uncomfortable: gas and bloating. Most of us pass gas anywhere from 12 to 25 times a day, according to Brigham and Womens Hospital, and surveys show that abdominal bloating affects up to 30% of Americans. Having a perfectly flat stomach all the time isnt normal, says Health contributing nutrition editor Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD. After you eat and drink, food and liquids take up space inside your stomach and intestines, and that means some expansion.

A ballooned belly doesnt necessarily indicate that something is wrong with what you eat, but if your abdomen is too swollen to squeeze into your jeans, you may want to identify the belly bloaters in your diet. 11 Reasons Why Youre Not Losing Belly Fat

Worst: Broccoli, cabbage, kale Kale, broccoli, and cabbage are cruciferous vegetables, which contain raffinose a sugar that remains undigested until bacteria in your gut ferment it, which produces gas and, in turn, makes you bloat. But dont shun those healthful greens just yet. Consistently eating nutrient-rich, high-fiber foods leads to having a stronger, healthier digestive system thats less prone to bloating, Sass says.

Combine legumes with easily digestible whole grains, like rice or quinoa. Your body will eventually get used to them. If you eat fruits, veggies, nuts, whole grains, and beans often, they wont bother you as much as if you eat them sporadically, Sass said. 24 Fat-Burning Ab Exercises

Dont Eat Too Much At A Time

Being stuffed can feel like being bloated, but the problem is that you simply ate too much.

If youre eating big meals and tend to feel uncomfortable afterward, then try smaller portions. Add another daily meal if necessary.

A subset of people who experience bloating dont really have an enlarged stomach or increased pressure in the abdomen. The issue is mostly sensory .

A person with a tendency to be bloated will experience discomfort from a smaller amount of food than a person who rarely feels bloated.

For this reason, simply eating smaller meals can be incredibly useful.

Chewing your food better can have a two-fold effect. It reduces the amount of air you swallow with the food , and it also makes you eat slower, which is linked to reduced food intake and smaller portions .


People who experience bloating often have increased sensitivity to food in the stomach. Therefore, eating smaller meals can be very useful.

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The Best Foods For Bloating

Depending on the type of bloat youre experiencing, different foods may be helpful to reduce the sensation.

Overall, foods that help with bloating:

  • have high water content
  • are rich in potassium and fiber
  • are low in sodium

Try adding one or more of the following best foods for bloating to your diet to see if your digestive symptoms abate.

More Advice To Beat The Bloat:

Eat To Fight: Gas and Bloating

1. Eat fermented food once a day: Foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, kefir and kombucha are naturally high in probiotics. Like the probiotic supplement, fermented foods introduce good microorganisms that can contribute to maintaining a balanced, healthy gut.

2. Drink up: When youre dehydrated, your electrolyte levels can become unbalanced. This means you could be holding on to unwanted water weight without even realizing it. Drinking more water does not mean more water is retained. Drinking more water means your body can flush out any excess more easily.

3. Move more: You can be eating the right foods, but if youre spending all day sitting, the stagnation can cause unwanted gas buildup. Make a point to get up and move every hour.

Breakfast: 1 cup green tea with an egg scramble with leftover grilled salmon and asparagus

Snack:Gut health smoothie: 1/2 cup plain kefir, 1/3 cup papaya and 1/4 avocado

Lunch: Spinach , 2 teaspoons olive oil and top with 1 tablespoon of chopped pecans and 4-6 ounces lemon herb chicken

Dinner: Large romaine lettuce salad with carrots, tomatoes and red bell peppers; top with simple lemon dressing; roasted fennel, sweet potato fries and 4-6 ounces parchment baked salmon

Drink flat water with lemon throughout the day!

For more advice from Keri Glassman, follow her on .

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Identify Which Vegetables And Spices Cause Bloating

Wed never recommend cutting vegetables from your diet, but its important to know which ones typically result in symptoms of bloat. Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and carrots have been known to induce gas because of their high sugar and starch contents. So, enjoy these with cautionor on a day you dont need to squeeze into your skinniest jeans.

Certain cruciferous greens and high-fiber vegetables can also leave you feeling puffy. For example, broccoli and kale are high in fiber, making it difficult for the body to break them down. Try sautéing greens and other vegetables in olive or coconut oil instead of eating them raw to reduce bloating.

Pay attention to the vegetables you use in cooking, too. Sulfurous vegetables like onions and garlic cause bloating because they contain fructooligosaccharides that naturally occur in plants like onions, garlic, and asparagus, Bristol adds. If you regularly feel bloated after consuming these flavorful vegetables, Bristol recommends cooking with spices and onion-flavored oils to keep the flavor but decrease the bloat.

Swap Unhealthy Fats To Reduce Bloat

Including too much fat in your diet will likely result in a full feeling, increased bloat, and digestive disturbance. Balancing healthy and unhealthy fats will help eliminate some of these symptoms. Healthy fat turns on the hormone leptin, which helps signal to your body when your stomach is full. It also dials down the hunger hormone ghrelin so that you feel as if you are satiated, Dr. Shemek says.

Keep in mind that although healthy fats are good for you, they can cause discomfort and expansion of the stomach as well. For instance, peanut butter can be hard to digest and can cause the abdominals to feel tight and distended, which may be linked to a food intolerance or an unknown peanut allergy. Experiment with other nut spreads such as cashew or almond butter as an alternative to reduce bloat.

Avocados are another popular healthy fat but should be proportioned wisely. They contain salicylates, which cause gas, bloating, and stomach pain, so eating too much could result in adverse effects. Try swapping avocado with hummus or edamame for a healthy alternative.

If you regularly suffer from bloat, take a look at your diet first. Even some of the healthiest foods can leave our digestive systems in a bit of distress. Try these easy foods swaps to reduce bloat next time your system is feeling a bit under pressure.

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