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What To Take For Heartburn During Pregnancy

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Pain Medications To Avoid

How can I ease heartburn during pregnancy? – Reston Hospital Center
  • NSAIDs including aspirin and ibuprofen: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a category that includes aspirin and ibuprofen. Studies have shown that women who take these drugs are more likely to give birth to babies with heart defects.
  • Opioid pain medications such as codeine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, and morphine: Taking these medications is associated with severe birth defects affecting the brain, heart, and intestines, as well as withdrawal symptoms in newborns.

If Youre Taking Prescription Medicines

Speak to your GP if youre taking medicine for another condition, such as antidepressants, and you think it may be making your indigestion worse. They may be able to prescribe an alternative medicine.

Never stop taking a prescribed medicine unless youre advised to do so by your GP or another qualified healthcare professional whos responsible for your care.

Medications To Treat Gerd During Pregnancy

Beyond the dietary and lifestyle measures listed above, safe antacids are the next step in treating GERD during pregnancy. The first-line medications that are safe to use during pregnancy include:

Dr. Ross explains that these medications help coat the esophagus, minimizing the burning sensation. They also help neutralize stomach acid. These medications should be taken 30 minutes before each meal and before bedtime for optimal results, or they can simply be taken on an as-needed basis.

If you find that you are taking large and frequent doses of the above medications to treat your GERD symptoms, you may need an acid reducing medication, such as the following treatments are also safe during pregnancy:

  • Zantac*Though ranitidine was previously recalled, Zantac is back on the market with the same active ingredient as Pepcid.

These are considered second-line medications. Antacids work more quickly and are less expensive. Many women with mild symptoms wont need to try Pepcid or Tagamet.

According to Dr. Garza, it is best to avoid sodium bicarbonate or aspirin containing antacids during pregnancy. For severe reflux cases requiring care beyond the safer medications listed above, it is best to talk with your healthcare professional. He or she may prescribe proton pump inhibitors if the medications above dont work. These popular medications, like Prilosec and Nexium , are also generally considered to be safe during pregnancy.

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What Can You Do To Feel Better

Heartburn is very common during pregnancy. Here are some things that can help.

  • Eat small meals.

    Try 4 to 5 smaller meals instead of 2 or 3 large ones.

  • Cut back on drinks with caffeine.

    These include coffee, tea, and some sodas.

  • Avoid foods that have a lot of acid.

    These include tomatoes and oranges.

  • Cut out chocolate, peppermint, and spicy foods.
  • Stay upright after meals.

    Sit up for at least an hour. Or try going for a walk.

  • Try antacids.

    Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids, and Tums are good choices. Don’t take antacids that have sodium bicarbonate or magnesium trisilicate.

  • Take steps to sleep more comfortably.
  • Raise the head of your bed 6 in. to 8 in. . Put the bed frame on blocks. Or place a foam wedge under the head of your mattress.
  • Eat dinner earlier. Try to eat at least 2 hours before bed.

Current as of: February 23, 2022

Medical Review: Adam Husney MD – Family Medicine& E. Gregory Thompson MD – Internal Medicine& Kathleen Romito MD – Family Medicine& Elizabeth T. Russo MD – Internal Medicine& Arvydas D. Vanagunas MD – Gastroenterology

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Look Out For Medication With Magnesium Oxide

How to Treat Heartburn during Pregnancy

The heartburn medicines that include magnesium oxide are good for pregnancy. They will increase the amount of magnesium in your system to help limit the production of stomach acid and reduce the flare up of your heartburn.

Look out for those in tablet form and use as little water as possible. When you swallow any type of liquid, you will start the acid production in your stomach. By keeping the water to as little as possible, the tablets can just get to work on your system.

Antacids with magnesium in it will neutralize the acidic effects. It doesnt affect any other part of your body, so your baby isnt going to be affected.

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Heartburn Acid Reflux And Gerd During Pregnancy

Its called heartburn, although that burning feeling in your chest has nothing to do with the heart. Uncomfortable and frustrating, it bothers many women, particularly during pregnancy.

The first question you may have is how to make it stop. You may also wonder if treatments are safe for your baby. Learn what causes heartburn during pregnancy and what you can do about it.

Ginger Can Also Be Taken For Heartburn While Pregnancy

A few ladies feel that ginger candies or ginger tea can help in relaxing a painful tummy. Opt for lukewarm ginger tea as hot tea can worsen the acid reflux signs. Ginger can likewise counteract vomiting and nausea, that occurs with a heartburn issue in pregnancy.

As it is said, prevention is better than cure. Thus, you must adopt these lifestyle methods to secure yourself from heartburn during the pregnancy.

  • Small Meals Can Prevent Heartburn during Pregnancy

    If you have a healthy appetite, make sure to abstain from eating a lot as your stomach feels full. Because when youre not pregnant, an excessively stuffed stomach can add to acid reflux.

    Thus, rather than having three meals in a day, have five or six smaller meals for prevention of heartburn.

  • Stand or Sit After Eating to Prevent Heartburn during Pregnancy

    After having your meal, do a little housework, take a walk, sit for a while and watch TV. Simply do not rest or lay down and do not do anything that makes you bend. As in this way you can make acid head back into the esophagus and cause heartburn during pregnancy.

  • Another Way to Prevent Heartburn during Pregnancy is by Wear Loose Garments

    Tight garments put more pressure on your belly and could exacerbate heartburn. Thus, wear the loose garments or opt for maternity wear.

  • Written, Edited or Reviewed By:Pramod Kerkar, M.D., FFARCSI, DA Pain Assist Inc.This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimerLast Modified On: April 4, 2018

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    Is It Okay To Take Nexium While Pregnant

    Currently, the Food and Drug Administration has categorized Nexium in the pregnancy category B. This category indicates Nexium is generally considered safe to use while pregnant. However, there have been some reports of fetal re-absorption and lethality in the embryo in animal studies. In these studies, animals were given between five to 56 times more Nexium than the average human dose.

    Before using Nexium for acid reflux, schedule a meeting with your doctor to determine if using this medication while pregnant is safe for you and the growing fetus.

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    What Does Gerd Feel Like During Pregnancy

    Heartburn during pregnancy

    GERD can wear many hats and feel different in each individual, says Dr. Garza. Some may experience an intense burning sensation in the chest and throat, while for others it is a sharp pain just below and slightly to the left of the sternum. Some will have a sour taste or frequent regurgitation or burping. Often, symptoms are worse after meals, and this may make eating challenging, notes Dr. Ross.

    Because the symptoms can be wide-ranging and different for each person, it is important to know what symptoms are concerning. Rarely, GERD can cause severe esophageal irritation that leads to pain or difficulty with swallowing, or even bleeding. Passing dark or black stool would be concerning for the development of bleeding and should prompt an immediate discussion with your physician/obstetrician, says Dr. Garza. He also cautions that GERD does not typically cause shortness of breath, pain with breathing, nor chest pain with exertion. Any of these symptoms could be signs of a more worrisome complication of pregnancy, especially the development of a blood clot, and would indicate that medical advice is necessary.

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    Foods That Help With Heartburn During Pregnancy

    There are certain foods that double as natural remedies for heartburn during pregnancy. Some of these home remedies for heartburn during pregnancy may work well for certain women but not for others. Find out what works best for you among these foods that help with heartburn during pregnancy.

    • It is recommended to eat multiple small low-acid meals per day, and to avoid lying down during an hour of eating.
    • Melons and bananas are good as they have low acid content.
    • Fermented foods.

    Foods that contain probiotics, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and tempeh, are incredibly beneficial for digestion. They are full of enzymes and they help to promote the secretion of digestive juices. This keeps things running smoothly and prevents problems like indigestion and heartburn.

    • Green vegetables such as broccoli, beans.
    • Bread, especially whole grain.

    How To Relieve Pregnancy Heartburn

    When youre experiencing heartburn, a handful of raw almonds can help you feel better, as can ginger or ginger tea. Also, try snacking on pineapple, which can act as a digestive enzyme. After dinner, we know its tempting to lie on the couch and watch Netflix, but try going on a walk to ease your heartburn. In terms of medications, its considered safe to take Tums, Gaviscon or Ranitidine , but its a good idea to talk to your health care provider before taking any medication.

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    Change Your Eating And Drinking Habits

    You may be able to control your indigestion with changes to your eating habits.

    It can help to eat small meals often, rather than larger meals 3 times a day, and to not eat within 3 hours of going to bed at night.

    Cutting down on drinks containing caffeine, and foods that are rich, spicy or fatty, can also ease symptoms.

    Cut Down On Problematic Foods

    Heartburn During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes &  Remedies

    Forget about foods that are very spicy, salty or fatty during your pregnancy

    Spicy foods contain a chemical compound called capsaicin, which can irritate your oesophagus, worsening the symptoms of heartburn.

    The connection between salt and heartburn remains a mystery for researchers, but the bottom line is that a diet high in sodium may be a cause of heartburn, even though generally healthy people do not seem to suffer from it. Avoiding salt in pregnancy is a general recommendation anyway, as salt promotes water retention, bloating and high blood pressure.

    Lastly, fatty foods cause your lower oesophageal sphincter to relax, which again lets the stomach acid travel all the way up to your throat. Additionally, fat promotes the production of the hormone cholecystokinin, which enables the food to stay in your stomach for longer, thus increasing the risk of acid reflux.

    Up for a bonus tip? Excellent! Have you ever thought about having a glass of Donat? Because this natural mineral water is a lot more than a sure-fire way to fight off slow digestion or constipation. If you suffer from acid reflux issues, drinking Donat will neutralise the stomach acid in your food pipe and help get rid of that burning feeling!

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    Why Is Gerd Common During Pregnancy

    GERD is practically a hallmark of pregnancy because changing hormone levels can affect the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. The hormone progesterone, producedin large amounts by the placenta, is a smooth muscle relaxant, according toHeather Johnson, MD, an OB-GYN at Reiter, Hill and Johnson of Advantia Health in the Washington, D.C. area. The relaxation of muscles in the digestive system also causes the lower esophageal sphincter muscles to relax. This allows stomach acid to more easily make its way into the esophagus. This, combined with the increasing size of the uterus in the second and third trimesters, pushes the stomach upward and intensifies uncomfortable symptoms. Hence, symptoms tend to worsen as the pregnancy progresses, Dr. Johnson notes.

    What To Avoid To Get Relief From Heartburn In Pregnancy

    When a female is pregnant, she has to think about the safety of everything she puts into and on the body. Some heartburn medications that are for nonpregnant females might not be good for a pregnant female. Unsafe heartburn medications in pregnancy include-

    • Antacids containing sodium bicarbonate, as they can increase swelling.
    • Antacids containing aspirin, as they can be toxic to the baby. Taking aspirin in pregnancy has been linked to pregnancy loss, heart defects, and bleeding on the brain in premature infants. It is advised to strictly avoid this heartburn medication in any case.
    • Antacids containing magnesium trisilicate, as they have been proven to be safe during pregnancy, research is going on to know if they are safe in pregnancy or not.

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    Safe Prescription Allergy Medications

    • Singulair : Usage of montelukast during pregnancy for treatment of asthma does not appear to increase the risk of major birth defects.
    • Allergy shots : Its considered safe to continue your allergy shots during pregnancy. Let your healthcare providers know that youre pregnant and they will carefully monitor your dosage.

    Suffering From Pregnancy Heartburn 5 Top Tips To Relieve Heartburn During Pregnancy

    Heartburn/Acidity During Pregnancy: Reasons, Signs & Treatment

    If you are having pregnancy heartburn, you are definitely not alone! In fact, pregnancy heartburn affects 8/10 women at some point during their 9 months and as you probably know by now can be pretty unpleasant. Its been found that around 1/4 of women experience heartburn during pregnancy in their first trimester, 1/3 of women in their second trimester and 3/4 of women in their third trimester. So, whilst some things get better as your pregnancy progresses, pregnancy heartburn, although harmless is unfortunately, likely to get worse.

    Thankfully there are some solutions and pregnancy heartburn remedies that have been tried and tested. To help you find pregnancy heartburn relief and put your mind at ease, weve put together a brief insight into what pregnancy heartburn actually is and some of the best ways to manage it.

    What is pregnancy heartburn?

    All heartburn, including heartburn during pregnancy, is caused by acid reflux: Acid from your stomach rises up through your food pipe , irritating it. This happens when a small muscle, located where the food pipe meets the stomach, is weak or too relaxed. Its job is to let food into the stomach and to stop food and acids from coming back out, but if it is weak, the stomachs contents are able to flow upwards. It can leave you with pain or a burning feeling in your chest and/or throat. It can also cause a hoarse voice, sickness, bloating, an unpleasant taste in your mouth and bad breath not fun!

  • Look at what and how you eat
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    Heartburn And Indigestion In Pregnancy

    Heartburn causes a burning feeling in the chest or throat. Its uncomfortable, but is not usually harmful to pregnant women or their babies.

    8 out of 10 pregnant women experience heartburn. Youre most likely to get heartburn in the third trimester of your pregnancy.

    The symptoms of heartburn include:

    • a burning feeling in your chest or throat
    • acid coming up into your mouth
    • feeling sick

    What Can I Eat That Wont Give Me Heartburn While Pregnant

    The good news is you can eat a lot of things that wont cause heartburn symptoms while pregnant. The important question really is, says Dr. Johnson, what should you not eat if you have GERD? There is actually a relatively short list of foods to avoid, including alcohol, chocolate, citrus juices, tomato-based products, peppermint, coffee, and fatty foods.

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    Tips To Ease The Heartburn Of Pregnancy

    American College of Gastroenterology
    Physician experts have compiled important health tips on managing heartburn symptoms during pregnancy, and importantly, identifying which heartburn medications are safe for use in pregnant women and those, which should be avoided. Heartburn symptoms are one of the most commonly reported complaints among pregnant women. Heartburn usually starts during the first trimester and tends to worsen during the second and third trimesters.

    Heartburn symptoms are one of the most commonly reported complaints among pregnant women. Heartburn usually starts during the first trimester and tends to worsen during the second and third trimesters.

    Studies have shown elevated levels of the hormone progesterone accompanied by increased intra-abdominal pressures from the enlarging uterus, may lower esophageal sphincter pressure in pregnant women contributing to heartburn symptoms, according to research highlighted in the newly updated Pregnancy in Gastrointestinal Disorders monograph by the American College of Gastroenterology .

    From the monograph, physician experts from ACG have compiled important health tips on managing heartburn symptoms, and importantly, identifying which heartburn medications are safe for use in pregnant women and those, which should be avoided.

    Strategies to Ease Heartburn Symptoms during Pregnancy

  • Eat smaller meals. Overfilling the stomach can result in acid reflux and heartburn.
  • Antacids

    Proton Pump Inhibitors

    Blood Pressure Medications To Avoid

    5 Ways To Reduce Heartburn During Pregnancy
    • ACE inhibitors including Vasotec and Epaned , Prinivil, Zestril, and Qbrelis , and Altace : Have been shown to cause birth defects in all three trimesters of pregnancy.
    • Angiotensin II receptor blockers including Diovan and Cozaar : ARBs have been shown to increase the risk of fetal kidney damage or miscarriage.
    • Renin inhibitors including Tekturna : Renin inhibitors are associated with severe, catastrophic birth defects. Women taking renin inhibitors should avoid becoming pregnant.

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