Friday, July 26, 2024

Why Are You Bloated On Your Period

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When Does Period Bloating Occur

Why am I so bloated during my period?

Youll likely experience bloating well before the start of your period. Bloating is considered a very common symptom of PMS. Symptoms of PMS can begin a week or two before your period starts. You may bloat every month, once in a while, or not at all. Relief from bloating may occur immediately after you start your period or a few days into it.

You may have other PMS symptoms. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists state that up to 85 percent of women report physical symptoms related to their period. Besides bloating, other common symptoms include:

You should talk to your doctor if your bloating:

  • does not go away after your period
  • is severe enough to affect your daily activities

Severe bloating may be a sign of a medical condition or may need to be treated differently.

How Do You Treat Bloating

If you experience bloating that cant be avoided, there are over-the-counter medications that can help ease discomfort.

  • Antacidscontain simethicone, which adhere to bubbles in the stomach so that gas is more easily released.
  • Lactaid contains lactase, which can help prevent gas for people with lactose intolerance.
  • Pepto-Bismol, which is the brand name for bismuth subsalicylate,may help reduce bloating caused by an upset stomach.
  • Beano is a product that contains an enzyme called alpha-galactosidasethat breaks down complex carbohydrates into more digestible sugars. This helps prevent gas.
  • Probioticsare good bacteria that help maintain the health of the digestive system. They can be found in foods such as yogurt as well as in OTC supplements.
  • Movement and massage,like a walk around the block or an abdominal self massage, can help get gasses in the digestive system moving.

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Why Gas Smells So Bad

Abbe Wain, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive science at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, explained why gas before a period might be worse. Dr. Wain said that plenty of patients have complained of way worse gas when menstruation is about to start.

Dr. Wain said different theories explain why period farts happen. A lot of it has to do with why farts smell in the first place.

Farts are a “healthy, natural, and normal byproduct of digestion,” Ana Tuyama, MD, a gastroenterologist with New York Gastroenterology Associates, said.

Though accidental farting can embarrass you, it doesn’t usually mean something’s wrong with your healtheven if it’s stinky. “Smelly gas is usually the result of bacterial fermentation of food/stool matter in the colon,” Dr. Tuyama said. Normal gut bacteria feast on the foods you eat and produce stinky sulfur-containing compounds.

“Smelly gas is often associated with consuming a fiber-rich diet that includes foods high in sulfur,” Dr. Tuyama said. And plenty of healthy veggies fall into this category.

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How Do You Stop Bloating Before Your Period

To help limit bloating before your period, you can try the following:

  • Avoid salty foods.
  • Eat potassium-rich foods.
  • Try natural diuretics .
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates. They can cause an increase in blood sugar levels, which further raises insulin levels and causes the kidneys to retain more sodium.
  • Exercise regularly.

Your health care provider can provide further advice on other possible remedies for water retention, such as diuretics.

Our Top Tips For Reducing Period Bloating:

Swelling before period: what causes it + how to reduce period bloating ...

Make a change to your diet

In the week leading up to menstruation, it can be useful to introduce some friendly foods and start cutting out possible trigger foods.

Whilst you might have cravings for treats and sugar foods during your period, staying away from these could help to reduce bloating. Processed foods like cakes, crisps and chocolate might feel good in the moment but they are very possibly the cause of symptoms like bloating.

Friendly foods include sweet potatoes, nuts, cherries, bananas, avocados, and leafy dark coloured greens. As a rule, most fresh fruit and veg is good for your body and we always try to get our 5 a day in! Drinking lots of water and keeping hydrated will also help flush out any unwanted toxins and reduce any uncomfortable symptoms.

Making slow gradual changes to your diet will help you to figure out what works for you and what doesnt you can then introduce new regular foods and start phasing out those unhelpful foods.

Take out some me time

Taking a holistic approach with your body at this time of month can only be beneficial. Giving your body a little bit of all round love and care will help you to feel more relaxed and in turn, reduce some of those unwanted symptoms. Just like a gardener nurtures their whole garden, we can do the same for our body and nurture it during our menstruation!


Trying low intensity activities such as a long walk, yoga or pilates are a great place to start and get the body moving gently.

Taking vitamins

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Other Possible Causes Of Bloating

While bloating is a common symptom of pregnancy in the first week to two, there is a chance your symptoms are caused by something else. Here are other reasons for stomach gas after implantation.

  • Swallowed air: When you eat or drink in haste, you are likely to swallow air. Excessive chewing of gum similarly irritates your gut by sending the air down the digestive tract, which later causes bloating.
  • Bacterial infections: The presence of harmful bacteria in the gut causes irritation leading to gas production hence bloating.
  • Food intolerance/allergy: Some foods containing lactose such as dairy irritate the gut causing gas because your body sometimes develops resistance and inability to separate sugar from such foods.
  • Also, gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, often brings about abundance in stomach gas and flatulence.

  • Constipation: Constipation is characterized by hard stools and inability to pass gas also leads to bloating and discomfort.
  • If your bloating is severe and lasts more than 3 days, see a doctor. The gas may not be a pregnancy sign or symptom in the first week or two weeks. Rather, it could be an indication of another illness.

    Don’t Suddenly Overdo It On The Fiber

    If you’re feeling bloated, it might seem like a good idea to load up on as many fruits and veggies as you can to get your system movin’but that tactic might backfire.

    It’s certainly good to have a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet, but if you suddenly begin eating them in mass quantities during your period, you may experience increased bloating simply because your body isnt used to the fiber, says Sara Twogood, MD, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine.

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    Keep Up Your Regular Exercises

    Even though it`s perhaps the very last thing you want to do, specialists claim that getting the heart rate up is among the best methods of reliving PMS signs, bloating included. People who have a sedentary lifestyle have a tendency of having slower digestive systems. Sweating it out can reduce constipation and aid you feel active.

    Stay Away From Foods That Cause Gas

    BLOATING & WATER RETENTION before your period? Here’s Why What To Do About It!

    Yep, were looking at you, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. They may inspire your favorite healthy-eating Pinterest boards, but they also contain a complex sugar called raffinose. Humans lack the enzyme to help break it down properly, which leads to gas and bloat. Other dietary culprits in this category include beans, cabbage, cauliflower, and lettuce, says Dr. Ross.

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    When Does Bloating Happen

    Most people who menstruate can experience bloating one or two days before their period begins. For some, it starts as much as five days before, and can affect everyday activities. One study done in 2011 found that people whose bodies retained the most water experienced worse bloating on the first day of their period. Once you start your period, bloating tends to dissipate and you may find some relief.

    How Many Days Before Your Period Do You Feel Bloated

    Most women who menstruate experience symptoms such as bloating one to two days before the start of their periods. Others regularly experience symptoms during the five days before their periods that interfere with some of their normal activities. This is called premenstrual syndrome .

    How do you tell if youre pregnant by feeling your stomach?

    The pregnancy hormone progesterone can cause your tummy to feel full, rounded and bloated. If youre feeling swollen in this area, theres a possibility you could be pregnant.

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    Is Weight Gain During Your Period Normal

    Weight gain during your period is incredibly normal. However, the factors that cause the weight gain arent clear and can vary from person to person. We do know that hormonal changes around the end of the cycle can lead to bloating by way of water retention, explains Anna Druet, a former research scientist at the period and ovulation tracking app Clue. Other women may experience gas retention and constipation, as progesterone can affect the speed of digestion. Some women also experience diarrhea, which is caused by the same hormone-like lipids that make the uterus cramp during menstruation, she explains. Each of these GI issues can result in bloating and, thankfully temporary, weight gain.

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    Do Your Jeans Start To Feel A Bit Tighter In The Days Leading Up To Your Period Many Women Notice A Slight Fluctuation In Weight And Bloating Throughout Their Cycle

    Pin on WOMEN

    Period bloating and sometimes weight gain are unfortunately just other symptoms of PMS. This usually occurs just before you start your period and may extend a few days into it. But remember that around 70% of women experience bloating as a PMS symptom, so theres no need to panic as its just part of the natural cycle of the womb that many people tend to experience.1

    Even though bloating may cause some discomfort, its important to realise that this physical change is temporary and tends to ease off during, or as soon as you start your period. In the meantime, read on to find out exactly why you may gain weight just before or during your period, along with some tips to help relieve and control bloating.

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    What You Can Do About Gas Before Your Period

    If period farts plague you, try consuming primarily unprocessed whole foods in the days leading up to tampon time, Dr. Bartos said.

    “Going cleaner with your diet, gas tends to get better, plant-based foods tend to move better through the system, and you can feel like your symptoms are nearly gone,” Dr. Bartos said. It’s probably a good idea to stick to easy-to-digest foods before your period, too. In other words, beans and cauliflower will only worsen a stinky situation.

    Please don’t be too embarrassed or nervous to talk to your healthcare provider if you think a food intolerance or something more serious could be behind your gas. If you already have sensitive intestinessay, irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel diseaseyou may find that menstruation worsens things.

    If you’re pretty confident you’re dealing with normal, albeit extra smelly period farts, there’s really no reason to do anything about it. As Dr. Bartos said: “If you’re not bothered by it, who cares?” Exactly.

    You Might Be Constipated Between Periods Too

    Another period-related hormone, progesterone, can cause diarrhea in some people and constipation in others.Progesterone is responsible for the growth and thickening of the uterine walls, and it peaks right before ovulation. A buildup of the hormone can cause bowel issues.

    Progesterone typically promotes constipation, which tends to come around ovulation or a couple of days after, he says.

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    Can Birth Control Treat My Pms

    No, birth control cannot treat PMS. While some women may experience relief from PMS symptoms while on birth control, birth control does not actually treat PMS. Rather, hormonal birth control functions to suppress a womans cycle, so that she neither ovulates nor menstruatesno period, no PMS, right? Unfortunately, suppressing your cycle comes at a cost, and birth control may replace your monthly PMS symptoms with a host of other unsavory effects.

    If youd rather not replace your PMS symptoms with birth control side effects, consider some of the following alternative ways to relieve your PMS:

    Bloating During Period And Weight Gain

    Can ovulation cause cramping, bloating, and an increased appetite?

    Gaining weight and bloating before and during your period is mostly contributed by the retention of water and overproduction of gas.

    As the body experiences an increase in the levels of progesterone and estrogen hormones, a lot of changes will occur which contribute to gaining weight in preparation for a pregnancy. These changes include

    • Thickening of the endometrium.
    • Slowing down the digestive system.
    • Retaining water in the body and many other processes.

    Most of these processes cause abdominal bloating and bloating in its general meaning.

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    And So Is Progesterone

    As you know, progesterone levels will start rising and peak in the days before your period. As it happens, progesterone also has an effect on your intestines by either causing reduced bowel motility, like oestrogen, which translates into flatulence, bloating and constipation, or by causing diarrhoea. We know, why cant our hormones give us a break, right? But thats not all. High levels of progesterone can also trigger liquid retention which cause further bloating.

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    Why Does Period Bloating Happen In The First Place

    You can thank fluctuations in estrogen levels and a sharp drop in progesterone right before your period. “When estrogen levels are higher, our bodies tend to retain water,” says Meggie Smith, MD, an obstetrician-gynecologist and assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology, reproductive endocrinology, and infertility at the University of Southern California.

    Progesterone, which is high in the latter half of your cycle, can make for a slower digestive tract, so to speak, which also may not help symptoms of bloating or fullness, she adds. Basically, it’s a bloating double-whammy.

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    Bloating usually starts to kick in about one to two days before the start of a woman’s period, according to the Mayo Clinic. But some women experience symptoms up to five days beforehand, often interfering with normal activities. Period bloating will typically go away once you’ve been menstruating for a few days.

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    What Causes Gas Before Your Period

    For some women, the fluctuation of hormones estrogen and progesterone can cause abdominal bloating and gas before and during their periods.

    Rising levels of estrogen in the days leading up to your period affect estrogen receptors in your stomach and small intestine. These higher estrogen levels can cause:

    • build-up of air and gases in the intestinal tract

    Estrogen and progesterone can also affect fluid retention. When estrogen levels rise and progesterone levels decline, women tend to retain more water than they typically do. This commonly results in bloating.

    Some conditions, such as IBS, can be intensified by your period. Talk to your doctor if you think you have IBS.

    Four ways that may help you with gas before and during menstruation are birth control, exercise, diet, and over-the-counter remedies.

    What Is Pms Bloating


    Bloating means your body is retaining water. This means your belly will feel heavy or swollen a few days before your period or just at the start of it. Bloating has two mechanisms. Fluid retention and gut function.

    This can be uncomfortable and painful.Bloating PMS symptoms can include feeling tight or gaining weight. If you feel that any symptoms of bloating PMS happen for a long period of time , you should check with a doctor.

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    Be Mindful Of How You Eat

    Whatever it is youre eating, being mindful and doing so in a specific way can aid in less period bloating. For example, try to eat more slowly while consuming smaller and more frequent meals. Also, try to chew your food well before swallowing to aid in less digestive action. Additionally, sitting up straight whilst you eat, and taking a relaxed stroll after your meal, can help reduce dreaded period bloating.

    How Long Does Period Bloating Last

    Period bloating generally appears around one to two weeks before your period or also only a couple of days before.

    Your body supposedly retains the most water on the first day of your period, so the situation should calm down during your period or at least a few days after.

    However, if you experience extreme bloating before your period or your period bloating prevents you from engaging in your daily activities, you should talk to your doctor to determine possible underlying causes.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Bloating

    Symptoms of bloating include:

    • The skin around your stomach may feel stretched and tight

    Depending on the cause, bloating may be accompanied by other symptoms as well.

    Abdominal bloating will continue until the food in an overfull stomach is digested or accumulated gas is released. This can take hours or days.

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    Foods You Dont Tolerate Well

    Why you’re bloated ( how to fix it)ð¤°ð?»

    This might seem obvious, but its worth emphasizing: If you have food sensitivities, avoid those foods, especially during your period.

    If youre lactose intolerant, you might occasionally treat yourself to a milkshake, regardless. But during your period, its especially important to avoid the foods that can trigger issues in your body.

    Eating these foods can cause nausea, constipation, or diarrhea, which will only add to your discomfort when youre having a painful period.

    Eating and avoiding certain foods isnt the only action you can take to ease the symptoms of your period. Try these, too:

    • Exercise. Some evidence suggests that exercise, such as light cardio and yoga, can reduce menstrual cramps.
    • Hot compresses. Hot water bottles or microwaveable hot compresses can soothe pain in your abdomen and back.
    • Over-the-counter medication. Ibuprofen and other OTC meds can reduce your cramps.
    • Massages. Massaging your stomach or your back can reduce menstrual pain. In a small

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