Friday, July 26, 2024

Why Is My Kitten Bloated

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Can Having Worms Make A Cat Sick

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More serious cases in felines can produce signs of worms such as weight loss, poor coat, weakness, excessive hunger, loss of energy and diarrhoea and sickness. A cat with worms may eat more than usual, but still lose weight and where the diarrhoea is severe it can cause the cats bottom to become sore.

Is The Swollen Belly Due To Heart Liver Or Kidney Failure

Sometimes your cat’s internal organs may fail completely or work at a reduced rate. When this happens, the excess fluid may accumulate in the abdomen.

The heart, liver, and kidneys all take part in the circulatory system and the removal of excess fluids and waste. If one of these is not functioning properly, the distended abdomen may be a sign of that issue.

Kidney failure is both acute or chronic. Acute kidney failure can be caused by blockage in a male cat . Chronic kidney problems can result from conditions like untreated hyperthyroidism. Special diets will be low in phosphorous and protein. Other symptoms can include weight loss, lack of appetite, and lethargy.

Baby Kittens Cant Poop On Their Own

Its also important to understand that neonatal kittensthose under a month of agemay not be physically able to poop without assistance. Young kittens requirestimulation from their mothers tongue in order to defecate. If orphaned, they need to be gently stimulated by a caregiver before every meal. Use a soft tissue or a baby wipe to stimulate the kittens anus in a circular motion, continuing movement until and while the kitten is pooping. This will signal to the kittens body to push, and will encourage them to have a bowel movement.

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Why Do Cats Get Gas

There are several reasons that a kitty might have some extra gas once in a while. Some reasons for cats’ gas are easy to explain and you can solve these problems with home care.

Eating food that disagrees with the cat. Cats need to eat appropriate food or they can get an upset stomach and gas. Some foods that trigger gas in cats are food with high fiber content or too much red meat. Eating spoiled food or garbage is also a trigger for gas. Many cats can’t digest dairy products and those cause gas for them.


Eating too much or too fast. Cats that consume a lot of food very quickly might take in a lot of air while they eat. This causes an upset stomach and flatulence for some cats.

Cats can have food allergies. Cats can develop food allergies at any time in their life. They can even become allergic to the foods that they’ve eaten for years. Most cats have skin symptoms with food allergies, but many also have stomach problems like diarrhea and possibly gas. Your vet can help you diagnose food allergies.

Why Does My Cat Have A Bloated Belly Is It Serious

Kitten With Swollen Belly

Are you worried because your cat has visibly swollen abdomen and you don’t know why? Note that abdominal distension in cats can be due to multiple causes which are not necessarily dramatic. But

It may be a completely normal case or more or less serious problems such as overweight, intestinal parasites, a tumor, or even an unsuspected disease.

Let’s take a look at the most common reasons for your little feline’s belly swelling, as well as some practical tips to deal with them.

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How Do We Determine The Cause Of Abdominal Enlargement In My Cat

The search for answers starts with a complete history and physical examination. Your cats history of illness refers to details about how long your cat has had abdominal enlargement, how quickly it appeared, and any event that might have occurred before you noticed the change.

“The search for answers starts with a complete history and physical examination.”

Physical examination involves checking over the entire cat, listening to the heart and lungs with a stethoscope, and palpating the abdomen . A complete examination may detect heart disease, organ enlargement, an abdominal mass, the presence of free fluid or intestinal gas, and other abnormalities that could explain the abdominal enlargement.

History and physical exam are important, but further testing is usually required and your veterinarian may recommend doing screening tests. These are a series of simple tests that provide information about the overall health of the pet. The most common screening tests are: complete blood count , serum biochemistry profile,andurinalysis.

Potential Causes Of A Bloated Stomach

One of the most common causes of a bloated stomach in cats is a worminfestation. Worms may cause a buildup of fluid or air in your pet’sabdomen that can be both painful and unsightly. Although a worminfestation is treatable, it can also cause serious harm to your cat ifleft unattended. Beyond worms, a bloated stomach can also indicatefluid collection for other reasons. End-stage kidney and liver failurecan cause this buildup of fluid in your pet’s stomach. In these cases,there is little that can be done to save your pet’s life, but yourveterinarian may be able to recommend a treatment program or a way ofeasing his discomfort.

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What Might These Screening Tests Indicate

Complete Blood Count: This is a simple blood test that provides information about the different cell types in blood. These include red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the tissues, white blood cells, which fight infection and respond to inflammation, and platelets, which help the blood to clot. The CBC provides details about the number, size and shape of the various cells types, and identifies the presence of abnormal cells in circulation.

The CBC might reveal a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood, a condition called anemia. More severe anemia in a cat with a distended abdomen could signal bleeding into the abdomen due to trauma or an abdominal tumor. An increase in the number of white blood cell could indicate infectious disease, inflammation associated with a tumor, or accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.

Serum biochemistry refers to the chemical analysis of serum . There are many substances in serum, including proteins, enzymes, fats, sugars, hormones, electrolytes etc. Measuring the levels of the various substances in the blood provides information about the health of the bodys organs and tissues such as the liver, kidney, and pancreas, and helps to detect diabetes.

In cats with abdominal distension, abnormal biochemistry results may indicate which organ is affected and what the problem might be. Some examples are:

Treatment Of A Cat Swollen Belly

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Treatment of a cat or kitten swollen belly is based on the underlying cause and can include â but is not limited to â removing fluid from the abdomen, medication and/or surgery. With any treatment plan, it’s essential to monitor your pet and follow up with your veterinarian if you notice any behavioral or physical changes. If you are ever concerned about your cat looking potbellied, the simplest thing you can do is call your veterinarian and get their expert opinion on what to do next.

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Abdominal Inflammation In Cats Due To Liver Tumors

The presence of a tumor or tumors in the liver is another cause which may explain why a cat has a swollen or hard belly. This disorder is more common in older cats. In these cases, older cats will usually show other non-specific symptoms, i.e. those which are common to several diseases. Concurrent symptoms usually only occur when the damage is already advanced.

When the cat has abdominal distension due to tumors, the belly area either enlarges or becomes loose and flabby. The tumor is a rigid mass which means the cat’s stomach feels hard. We might also see other symptoms such as:

  • Anorexia

When hair and skin is affected, it is likely the condition is in an advanced stage and treatment is more difficult. They will also become very weak and frail.

Born This Way: Genetic Causes Of Kitten Bloat

Congenital disorders are abnormalities that are present at the time of birth. Some kittens can have congenital malformations that are not visible on the outside. An afflicted kitten can appear normal at birth, but as days go on, become bloated and may experience poor suckling and development.

A commonly seen malformation is called atresia ani. While still in the womb, a fetus with this condition does not develop an anal opening for feces to exit the body. Kittens born with a disruption or narrowing anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract may experience bloating. For human babies born with this condition, surgery is performed to correct it. Sadly, in kittens and puppies this type of surgery is not usually a viable option. If the stricture, or smaller-than-normal passage, within the stomach or intestine is still large enough for milk to pass through, a problem may not emerge until weaning, when solid foods are introduced. A veterinarian can perform a barium radiograph study to potentially identify this kind of congenital disorder.

Congenital defects affecting the kidneys may also cause a distended abdomen. Hydronephrosis or polycystic kidneys may cause organ enlargement and the abdomen to appear distended. Routine veterinary examinations of kittens are often able to detect these conditions, if the abnormal organ size is significant enough to be felt with abdominal palpation.

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The Causes Of Ascites In Cats

Does your cat have a bloated stomach? A cats abdomen and internal organs are sheathed in a tissue lining called the peritoneum. This lining secretes fluid peritoneal fluid which permits everything inside to move comfortably as the cat moves. If your cat suddenly develops belly swelling or abdominal distension, it might indicate any one of a wide array of potentially life-threatening cat health issues due to excess fluid buildup. Depending on the specific issue, this fluid might be overproduced peritoneal fluid, internal bleeding, urine or a combination. Lets examine some of the major causes of abdominal fluid buildup in cats, or ascites in cats.

How To Prevent Sneezing

Why Is My Cats Eye Swollen And Red

If your kitten is sneezing intermittently and there are no other symptoms, you can start by cleaning up your kitten’s environment. There are a few easy changes you can make:

  • Stop using air fresheners, scented laundry detergents, perfumes and smoking inside to see if that makes a difference.
  • Be careful with any disinfectants you do use, particularly if the cat walks on the surface you spray and then licks its paw pads. Many disinfectants contain chemicals that can be harmful to cats. About 3/4 cup of plain bleach mixed with a gallon of water makes a safe disinfectant for cleaning a litter box and works well for other surfaces too, such as kitchen counters and sinks. It leaves a nice, clean scent, so you shouldn’t need additional air fresheners.
  • Thoroughly rinseyour kitty’s litter box and other kitty-frequented surfaces with plain water following the use of bleach solutions or other cleaning products.
  • Check your kitty’s litter as well. Some litters throw up a lot of dust when the kitty scratches in the box and can exacerbate allergy problems in both cats and humans.

Keep an eye on your kitten for a few days. If it shows any other symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, such as watery eyes, sniffling or coughing, or if it continues sneezing after you’ve eliminated environmental problems, you should take it to the vet sooner rather than later.

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Diagnosing Cat Bloated Stomach Problems

Cat bloated stomach problems can be very serious in nature,and may indicate a late-stage terminal illness. In other cases,however, a bloated stomach may be a sign of a potentially less seriouscondition as well. It is important to make the distinction betweenpotential causes of a bloated stomach as soon as possible so that youcan provide your pet with the treatment that he requires. In diagnosinga bloated stomach, it is crucial that you react quickly to any sign ofsymptoms and that you take careful note of any concurrent signs ofillness or pain. Your veterinarian will make a diagnosis based in parton the other warning signs that you detect.

How Can I Cure My Cat’s Flatulence

You may want to write down what your cat eats within a 24-hour period in order to see which foods might be causing his gas. The following are other suggestions that may help your cat:

  • Gradually change diet to a low-fiber, easily digestible food. Ask your vet for a recommendation.
  • Offer smaller, more frequent meals.
  • Feed cats in multi-cat households separately to avoid food competition.
  • Keep your cat away from spoiled food, i.e. the garbage.
  • Make sure your cat gets regular exercise.

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Eating Makes Me Sick: Food That Can Cause Bloat

A mother cats milk has the ideal combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and is rarely the cause of diarrhea or bloating in nursing kittens. Certain kinds of infection, however, can compromise mama cats optimal milk makeup and possibly make it dangerous for her kittens. Infections of the mammary glands or uterus can produce toxic milk syndrome, which causes bloating, green diarrhea, crying and a red, swollen rectum.

Milk replacement formulas, particularly powdered forms, may be a source of woes from constipation or diarrhea if not mixed in the correct proportions with water. A distended abdomen caused by constipation may also result if bottle-fed kittens do not receive proper anogenital stimulation to produce feces and urine after feeding. If you are raising orphaned kittens, educate yourself on the fine points of raising them to help eliminate such potential pitfalls.

What Causes Vomiting And Diarrhea In A Cat

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It can be caused by contamination with bacteria, viruses, parasites, drugs or even new foods. The disease often causes abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting and/or other clinical symptoms. What are the symptoms of gastroenteritis? Most cats with gastroenteritis have occasional bouts of vomiting and diarrhea.

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Causes Of Bloated Belly In Kittens


Roundworms infection is a common cause of a pot-bellied appearance in kittens. Two species infect cats, Toxocara cati and Toxascaris leonina. Infection with T. cati is most common in cats.

Roundworms feed upon the intestinal contents, competing with the host for food. They are around 3 5 inches long with a spaghetti-like in appearance. Both T. cati and T. leonina are found throughout the world.

Roundworm infection is called toxocariasis.

The most common source of infection in kittens is via the mothers milk which is detailed below.


  • Direct ingestion Transport hosts which is an unlikely source of infection in kittens.
  • Transmammary infection . As we know, roundworms encyst in the tissues of older kittens and adults. Pregnancy can reactivate larvae who migrate to the mammary glands and infect nursing kittens.

Once consumed, the larvae hatch from the egg and can behave in one of two ways.

  • In young kittens, the larvae migrate through the intestinal wall and into the circulatory system, passing through the liver where it molts into stage three larvae and into the windpipe where they are coughed up and swallowed, finally taking up residence in the cats small intestines where they reach sexual maturity and begin to produce eggs which are shed in the feces where it develops in the environment into the infectious stage containing second-stage larvae .
  • Symptoms:

    • Severe infestations can lead to pneumonia and intestinal and bowel blockage



    Why Bloated Occurs In Cats

    This condition can be caused by a number of circumstances and most of these circumstances require medical attention to correct. If your cat is showing signs of a bloated abdomen, a call or visit to the animals regular veterinarian is recommended.


    Felines who are afflicted with constipation may have a bloated abdomen and may also vocalize when attempting to defecate, vomit, or stop eating entirely. This condition is most commonly caused by dehydration due to low moisture food, although obstructions, endocrine disorders, and behavioral retention may also play a part in its development.

    Fluid Accumulation in the Abdomen

    Referred to medically as ascites, the accumulation of fluids in the abdomen may come from blood vessels, internal organs, or from abdominal masses, and may be a product of liver or kidney damage. Ascites can develop either slowly or quickly depending on the rapidity of leakage into the abdominal cavity and may be accompanied by difficulties breathing, loss of appetite, fever, and weakness.

    Intestinal Blockage

    Objects that get lodged somewhere in the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal tumors and masses may interfere with the proper passage of food through the digestive system. This may cause the stomach or intestines to become distended which can sometimes be felt as a hard mass in the abdomen area.

    Intestinal Worms

    Overeating and Obesity



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    An Accurate Diagnosis For Ascites In Cats Is Critical

    Before the excess fluid buildup from ascites in cats is treated, an accurate diagnosis is needed. A veterinarian might conduct any of a number of tests, including a physical examination of the cats abdomen to check for pain or discomfort caused by external pressure, tests on a cats blood and urine, X-rays, and ultrasounds.

    The scans might reveal which organ or system is affected, while the blood and urine tests can determine chemical imbalances or reveal infectious agents. The fluid present in the abdomen might also be tapped and tested to find the cause of ascites in cats.

    Symptoms Of Bloating In Cats

    Why is my cat bloated?

    Cats usually develop several signs that can tip the pet owner off to a major problem. Until the veterinarian knows just what has caused the bloated stomach, knowing the cats signs helps the pet owner fill the veterinarian in more accurately:

    • Repeated attempts to vomit or belch
    • Swollen abdomen and stomach

    If the cat has developed gastric dilation and volvulus , its symptoms may include:

    • Depression

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