Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can A Hiatal Hernia Cause Bloating

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Does my hiatal hernia cause my bloating?

A hernia is a medical condition in which a fatty tissue or organ pushes or squeezes through a weak spot in surrounding connective tissue or muscle. Hernia generally occurs between our hips and chest. It may also happen at the groin or upper thigh area. The Hernia is not a fatal health condition. But the disease itself is excruciating. It leads to a lot of discomforts. It does not go away on its own. You need to take proper medications or undergo surgery to get rid of hernia.

Hiatal Hernia Lifestyle And Medication Treatments

Many people do not experience any symptoms related to their hiatal hernia, or their symptoms, like heartburn, are mild. Generally, the symptoms of hiatal hernias can be controlled with lifestyle changes and medication such as:

  • Eating meals at least three to four hours before lying down

  • Eating moderate to small portions of foods

  • Limiting fatty foods, acidic foods , foods containing caffeine and alcoholic beverages

  • Losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight

  • Over-the-counter antacids or antihistamines; your physician may prescribe a stronger medication to manage your symptoms

  • Sleeping in a slightly elevated position

  • Smoking cessation

Surgery For Hiatus Hernia

Surgery is usually performed laparoscopically. However, open surgery may be required, especially in patients who have had previous upper abdominal surgery , or a recurrent hiatus hernia after a previous attempt at repair. Emergency procedures can also be performed laparoscopically, but have a much higher risk of needing open surgery, especially if the stomach is damaged due to a severe twist.

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What Are The Different Types Of Hiatus Hernia

1.Sliding Hiatus Hernia — In this most common type of hiatus hernia, the herniated portion of the stomach slides back and forth, into and out of the chest. These hernias are normally small and usually cause no problems or even symptoms.

2.Fixed Hiatus Hernia — In this case, the upper part of the stomach is caught up in the chest. Even with this hernia, there may be few symptoms. However, the potential for problems in the esophagus is increased.

3.Complicated or Serious Hiatus Hernia — Fortunately, this type of hernia is uncommon. It includes a variety of patterns of herniation of the stomach, including cases in which the entire stomach moves up in the chest. There is a high likelihood that medical problems will occur with this hernia and that treatment, frequently involving surgery, will be required. Complicated hernias are uncommon.

Minimally Invasive Hernia Repair

Inguinal(Groin) Hernia  Symptoms and Causes

Minimally invasive surgery can effectively diminish the size of a hernia, as well as reduce the opening in the diaphragm, thereby preventing strangulation. During this procedure, surgeons will insert a tiny video camera into your abdomen. Theyll be able to view images projected onto a monitor, which will allow them to complete the procedure with greater control and finesse. The purpose of this surgery is to restore the stomach into your abdomen and close down the hole in the diaphragm. Minimally invasive surgery is associated with a quicker recovery and faster return to function than traditional open repair. Your doctor will determine if you are a candidate for this approach.

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How Do You Know If A Hernia Is Strangulated

If you have any symptoms of a strangulated hernia, you should seek emergency medical care. You might not know that you have this condition for certain, but its important to ensure that you have medical care if needed.

If you have symptoms of a hiatal hernia,;make an appointment;with Gotham Gastroenterology. Our specialists can help diagnose and offer the best treatment options.

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Bloating After Nissen Fundoplication

Mike from Cypress sent us this question: Is it common to have bloating only at night preventing me from getting a good night sleep after Nissen fundoplication?

Dear Mike,

Bloating and excessive burping are very common acid reflux symptoms. Stage 3 and 4 acid reflux patients tend to constantly and unconsciously swallow saliva and air to quench acid reflux. This results in air accumulation in the stomach leading to gastric distention and the sensation of bloating. Concomitantly, air in the stomach escapes back into the esophagus due to weak lower esophageal sphincter and through the mouth leading to excessive burping.

When a Nissen fundoplication is performed for stage 3 and stage 4 acid reflux, at Houston Heartburn and Reflux Center, less than 10% of patients develop what we call gas bloat syndrome. Patients feel bloated for approximately 3 weeks after surgery because they continue to swallow air even after acid reflux has stopped. It takes 3 weeks to get over the habit of swallowing air. 3 weeks after Nissen fundoplication patients report bloating resolution.

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Can A Hernia Cause Stomach Bloating And Breathing Problems

22 Aug 2010 by betdanbet

Is my breathing obstructed from a hernia? Is my stomach bloated from hernia? My stomach is very bloated and cannot eat without feeling very full and uncomfortable, I’ve gained alot of weight and eat much less, can you tell me what it is? Could it be a hernia?My breathing is very difficult, casping for air, and waking up because I cannot breath, Would this be caused by a hernia, and do hernias grow?


No, not usually. Symptoms of a hernia usually include discomfort or pain. The discomfort may be worse when you stand, strain, or lift heavy objects.

It sounds as though you should see your doctor.

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I know this is an old question and hopefully you have had your hernia repaired. but the answer is yes it can. It did for me. I was in so much pain and I would get nauseaus from it and couldn’t eat anything, so yes bloated yet my stomach was empty. I didn’t have any breathing issues, but if your hernia was high then yes it could. I hope you are better now.

+0Barbara Dallas

I need the answer to this question cause I’m having that problem


Causes And Risk Factors

Can a hiatal hernia cause AF?

The causes of the structural weaknesses that lead to a hiatal hernia are not clear. One potential cause might be pressure on the diaphragm, the risk of which may be higher in some people due to certain genetic factors.

Several risk factors make a weakening of the hiatus, an opening in the diaphragm through which the food pipe passes, more likely. For example, hiatal hernias are more common among people over 50 years of age and those who have obesity.

Other risk factors include an upward force that occurs due to weightlifting, straining to empty the bowel, or persistent coughing or vomiting. These actions temporarily increase the pressure inside the abdominal cavity.

A hiatal hernia often occurs in women during pregnancy. The growing fetus pushes the abdominal organs upward, sometimes causing them to bulge through the diaphragm where it meets the food pipe.

A congenital anomaly in the diaphragm is another cause, but this type of hiatal hernia is rare.

Injury to the diaphragm, such as trauma from a fall or traffic accident, can also lead to a hiatal hernia. Some surgical procedures involving the food pipe also increase a personâs risk.

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What Is A Hiatus Hernia

A hiatus hernia is a common condition where a part of the stomach slides or protrudes from the abdomen into the chest. Most hiatus hernias dont cause any problems, but some especially large hiatus hernias cause symptoms such as heartburn. There are treatments available, including self-help measures, medicines and surgery.

How Is Surgery For A Hiatal Hernia Performed

Surgery for repairing a hiatal hernia involves:

  • Pulling the hiatal hernia back into the abdomen.
  • Improving the valve at the bottom of the esophagus.
  • Closing the hole in the diaphragm muscle.

During surgery, your surgeon will wrap the upper part of the stomach around the lower portion of the esophagus. This creates a permanently tight sphincter so that stomach contents will not move back into the esophagus.

A laparoscopic surgery is done through several small incisions instead of one big cut. This is considered a minimally invasive option. The specific laparoscopic procedure used to repair a hiatal hernia is called the Nissen fundoplication. This procedure creates a permanent solution to your hiatal hernia symptoms. During the procedure, your surgeon will make five or six tiny incisions in the abdomen. The laparoscope and other surgical instruments are inserted through the small incisions. The fundus is wrapped around the esophagus and the sphincter is tightened during surgery. The advantages of laparoscopic surgery compared to an open surgery include:

  • Smaller incisions.

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Five Facts You Should Know About Hiatal Hernias

As a medical professional and board-certified thoracic surgeon, I understand there is lot of information out there about common medical conditions that individuals deal with on a daily basis including hiatal hernias.

A hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach pushes up into the diaphragm through an opening called the esophageal hiatus, through which the esophagus travels to bring food to the stomach. Most of the time, symptoms of reflux from hiatal hernias may be treatable with medication. Some require surgery.

Since its not always easy to find and identify what is relevant and reliable information about this condition, here are five facts you should know.

Fact 1:Hiatal hernias, especially smaller ones, are relatively common. Statistics reveal that 60% of adults will have some degree of a hiatal hernia by age 60, and even these numbers do not reflect the real prevalence of the condition because many hiatal hernias can be asymptomatic. You could be walking around with a hiatal hernia and not know it.

For some people, the hernia will never cause any problems. For others, it can cause painful symptoms over time, and the individual will need to seek medical treatment.

If a parent has this type of tissue, their children often do as well. Lifestyle factors like obesity, smoking, and age can increase the chance that a hernia will form. Some hernias can take several years to develop.

What Happens In A Hiatal Hernia

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The diaphragm ensures that abdominal organs cannot enter the chest cavity. It serves as a border and barrier but certain structures do not to pass through across the chest and abdominal cavities. The esophagus is one such example. Large blood vessels like the aorta and vena cava also need to pass between the chest and abdominal cavities.

Therefore small openings have to be present in the diaphragm to allow these structures to pass through. Other organs in the abdomen should not be able to fit in these openings or protrude through into the chest cavity. However, this is what occurs in a hiatal hernia. The stomach protrudes into the chest cavity through the esophageal opening.

Even when the esophageal opening is abnormally enlarged, the stomach barely fits through it. Therefore only a portion of the upper region of the stomach may protrude through. It is a tight squeeze and the stomach becomes trapped in the esophageal opening. It may also be pinched by the muscles around this opening.

There are several reasons why this enlargement of the esophageal hiatus may occur. Any persistently high negative pressure in the chest cavity or increased abdominal pressure may cause widening of this opening. An injury, forceful and persistent coughing, vomiting or straining to pass stool as well as lifting heavy objects may be responsible.

Read more on stomach hernia.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Hiatus Hernia

Many people with small hiatus hernias have no symptoms at all and may never know they have the condition unless it is discovered by accident as part of an investigation for another problem. When symptoms do occur, the most common symptoms are those arising from gastro-oesophageal reflux, which can occur as a result of the hernia.

Symptoms include:

  • Heartburn; a painful burning sensation felt in the lower front chest area behind the breastbone and upper abdomen, often after eating or when lying down.
  • Regurgitation of sour or bitter-tasting acid fluid into the mouth, particularly at night, which occurs with more severe reflux.

These symptoms are often worse when you bend over, lie down or strain to lift heavy objects.

Depending on the type of hiatus hernia you have, other symptoms can include:

  • belching or burping;
  • pain on swallowing .

Does It Matter If Youre A Methane Producer

While it is normal and healthy to have a diverse bacteria in your colon including the presence of methanogens if youre primarily a methane-producer, it can help to explain why you struggle with bloating.

  • Methane producers suffer more frequently from bloating than non-producers
  • Methane producers also suffer more frequently with abdominal pain and gas
  • Methane acts as a paralytic to slow down gastrointestinal transit time

And if youre struggling with constipation or maintaining a healthy weight?

  • In those reporting constipation, higher amounts of;M. smithii;have been found
  • The amount of;M. smithii;inversely correlates to stool frequency
  • Research studies;have proposed that the presence of;M. smithii;also increases caloric absorption because of its effect on metabolism
  • Other studies;have suggested that methane-producers have reduced postprandial serotonin levels, which can also affect intestinal transit

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Pain While Bending Over Or Lifting Heavy Objects

Pain and discomfort in your abdomen can signal a hernia even if you dont see a bulge. In particular, if you feel pain, pressure, or discomfort while bending down, lifting things, or coughing, you might want to talk to your doctor. Hernias can also manifest themselves in the form of an uncomfortable tightness in your abdomen or groin. Some rare types of herniassuch as femoral or obturator hernias, in which a part of the bowel pushes into the groin or upper legare less likely to reveal themselves in the form of lumps; diagnosing these types can require a CT scan. Here are some more reasons you might have abdominal pain.

Is Bloating Really A Big Deal

Hiatal Hernia… What Can I Do?

If youre debating whether bloating is really such a big deal, consider these statistics:

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Hiatus Hernia And Heartburn

A hiatus hernia itself rarely;has any noticeable symptoms. However, it can cause a problem called;gastro-oesophageal reflux disease .

GORD is where stomach acid leaks into the oesophagus . It can occur if a hiatus hernia prevents the valve at the bottom of the oesophagus from working properly.

Your oesophagus can become;severely irritated, because it’s not protected against stomach acid. This can cause symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain, an unpleasant sour;taste in your mouth, and swallowing problems .

You should see your GP if you have frequent and severe symptoms of GORD.

Treatment For A Hiatus Hernia

Broadly, treatment follows these steps:

  • Change your eating habits, for example, eat smaller, more frequent meals and do other things to help with the symptoms of GORD.
  • If you smoke, try to give up, as it can irritate your digestive system and make your symptoms worse.
  • Buy medicines from the pharmacy .
  • If medicines from the pharmacy and changing your eating habits do not help, see a GP, who can prescribe stronger medicines.
  • If stronger medicines do not work, a GP can send you for further tests to find out if your symptoms are caused by a hiatus hernia. They might also prescribe medicines for long-term GORD.
  • A GP might refer you to a specialist to check if you need surgery. This usually only happens if other treatments have not worked and you keep having very bad symptoms.
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    Frequent Belching Or Hiccuping

    Belching and hiccuping are common bodily actions. While sometimes embarrassing, they are rarely signs of a major issue. However, if belching becomes frequent, excessive, or accompanies bloating or pain, it could point to an underlying condition. Acid reflux, regurgitation, and heartburn may all occur alongside frequent belching if the cause is a severe hiatal hernia. The belches may also result in a stinging sensation in the throat or have a bitter taste.

    What Can Be Done To Help Reduce Hiatal Hernia Symptoms Without Resorting To Surgery

    What Causes Stomach Bloating?

    If you are diagnosed with reflux, whether from Hiatal Hernia or not, the very first thing that will happen is that you will be prescribed an H2 BLOCKER, or far more likely, a PPI .; All you have to do is follow the links to see that these drugs have been in the news for the past several years and none of it is good.; As far as medical care of an HH is concerned, the other option is surgery to repair the hiatus.

    Although it appears that most people do well with the surgery, peer-review abounds with studies dealing with those who dont .; Bottom line, if there are ways to avoid having the surgery, by all means use them. If you have one of those massive Hiatal Hernias where the stomach is in the thoracic cavity, Im not sure theres really another option.

    • DO WHATEVER YOU CAN TO GET OFF PPIS:; In researching this post, I came across any number of message boards where people were trading information on getting off of PPI drugs, many of whom had been on them for decades .; There is actually a school of thought that PPIs, over time, actually lead to HH.; Regardless, these drugs are bad news because they have a myriad of side effects, are meant to be used no more than six weeks a year, and are extremely hard to get off of for people who have been on a long time.
    • QUIT SMOKING:; Nuff said.; Along these same lines, be aware that alcohol is a common cause of reflux as well.
    • LOOK AT YOUR MEDICATIONS:;; Be aware that there are any number of PRESCRIPTION DRUGS that are known to cause reflux.;

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