Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can You Have Diarrhea And Constipation At The Same Time

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Why Do Kids Get Ibs

Constipation diarrhea at the same time cure

No one really knows what causes IBS, but it tends to run in families.

Stress can affect kids with IBS too. Stress can speed up your colon and slow your stomach down. Stressful feelings also can be a trigger for IBS. Let’s say a kid has a big test at school the next day and really worries about it, that’s stress. Or if a kid’s parents argue a lot that’s stress too. A kid in this situation can learn to handle stress in other ways, so IBS symptoms will go away or at least be less severe.

What kids eat can also be a trigger. This can be different for each kid. For example:

  • A high-fat diet may bother some kids.
  • Sugary drinks may cause diarrhea in other kids.
  • For other kids, eating big meals and spicy foods might cause problems.

Add Natural Laxative Foods

Many foods have a natural laxative effect. Foods that are full of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids promote regular healthy bowel function.

Some of the most popular options include:

  • Aloe vera
  • Sour figs
  • Spices and herbs such as cayenne pepper, turmeric, and ginger

If youre on a low-carb diet youll want to avoid high-sugar fruit. Instead, opt for low-sugar fruit like berries and citrus fruit, which can be a great source of fiber.

With lots of essential vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, in a tiny package, nuts and seeds are a quick, easy, way to combat constipation.

Flax and chia are among the most versatile and nutritious options. With more soluble fiber than other varieties, flax and chia seeds are popular natural dietary remedies for constipation.

You can easily add many of these foods to your morning yogurt or use them as ingredients for a fiber-fueled smoothie.

Many great sources of fiber are acceptable on a low-carb diet, but that doesnt mean you want to overdo it. Overeatingeven healthy foods, and particularly those that have lots of fibercan lead to digestive discomfort.

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Link Between Constipation And Indigestion

Constipation and indigestion might seem like two very different things, but there are a number of connections between the two.

First, people who suffer from indigestion can sometimes have an increased risk of constipation. This happens because the medication that people with indigestion us, can sometimes cause constipation, especially if they take it frequently.

In particular, medication that helps treat indigestion and heartburn have been associated with constipation. In these cases, stopping the medication or changing the medication they use can deal with constipation. It also helps to eat more fiber and drink more water to help soften stool.

On the other hand, constipation can also sometimes trigger indigestion. This happens if a person has been constipated for a while, and their stool starts to ferment and produce gas in the rectum.

This gas can then cause a person to experience indigestion due to constipation. Its not uncommon for persons with constipation to feel gassy or bloated.

To prevent this from happening, improve your diet. Try to eat more foods that are rich in fiber such as leafy vegetables and oats, and avoid eating too much meat or fatty foods.

In some cases, fiber supplements can also help, as these can provide extra fiber that can help with your digestion. Its also a good idea to stay hydrated as this helps keep your stool soft.

If youre still experiencing digestive problems after making dietary changes, dont hesitate to consult your doctor.

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Can Fish Oil Cause Diarrhea

If omega-3 fatty acids can help with constipation, can fish oil be too effective and cause diarrhea? Be aware that consuming large quantities of fish oil, or taking a poor-quality fish oil supplement, can sometimes contribute to unpleasant gastrointestinal issues and loose stools.

That being said, a number of studies show that fish oil supplementation can also reduce the incidence of diarrhea . For instance, one study feeding hospitalized patients a combination of fish oil and fiber found significantly lower rates of diarrhea in the omega-3 and fiber group compared to the control .

What Else Can Alternating Diarrhea And Constipation Mean

What Causes IBS along With Alternating Constipation ...

As Dr. Hagan explains, relative to IBS, its a time period of diarrhea, followed by a time period of constipation, and constipation is defined as three-plus days without a bowel movement and/or voiding hard, pellet stools.

Constipation can also mean straining hard to void hard stools, not necessarily pellet shaped.

They can be larger chunks but hard, necessitating a lot of straining and discomfort while youre on the toilet seat.

You may even be having normal frequency of BMs, but nearly every time, they are hard and require heavy straining.

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What If In Between These Episodes You Have Diarrhea

This would fall under the category of alternating. The in-between episodes themselves can vary.

For instance, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday you have BMsall hard and requiring straining.

But Thursday you have diarrhea. Friday you strain and void hard poops. Saturday, diarrhea. Sunday, diarrhea. Monday, a few hard, straining bowel movements. Wednesday, diarrhea.

You get the picture. Any given day is either all diarrhea or all constipation.

Another scenario is that on a given day, you have both diarrhea and constipation. The day after may be all diarrheaor all constipation.

Or maybe in between normal voiding days , you have days of both constipation and diarrhea.

There are benign causes like IBS and food intake, but potential serious causes like colon and ovarian cancer, and Crohns disease.

In short, the concept of diarrhea alternating with constipation comes with multiple permutations.

No particular permutation points to colon or ovarian cancer!

Dr. Hagan says, If the symptoms are present for three months or longer, you should consider discussing with a health care professional.

However, if the symptoms come with other issues such as unexplained weight loss, stomach or pelvic pain, back or leg pain, poor appetite or new-onset fatigue, dont wait longer than two weeks to make a medical appointment.

If you see blood in your stools, make the soonest appointment.

Home Remedies For Constipation Relief

Dietary changes, drinking water, exercise, and taking supplements are among the natural ways to relieve symptoms of constipation. Identifying the factors contributing to constipation can help you decide which remedies are best. A combination of the following remedies may be necessary to treat the problem.

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Supplements That May Help Relieve Constipation

Constipation is a condition with symptoms that include infrequent bowel movements, hard feces, frequent straining to poop, and the sensation of incomplete emptying. It affects up to 20% of adults worldwide and can significantly affect quality of life .

Healthcare providers typically treat constipation with lifestyle modifications, laxatives, and medications.

They also use other treatments in certain cases, including biofeedback therapy, transanal irrigation with a water enema, and surgery (

In addition to these treatments, some evidence suggests that certain supplements may help reduce constipation symptoms.

This article reviews 10 supplements that may help relieve constipation.

Magnesium plays a number of essential roles in the body, and using certain forms of this mineral may help those with constipation.

For example, research has shown that magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate, and magnesium sulfate all improve constipation symptoms.

One high quality, 28-day study including 34 women with mild to moderate constipation found that taking 1.5 grams of magnesium oxide per day significantly improved stool consistency, quality of life, and colonic transit time, compared with a placebo treatment .

Colonic transit time refers to the time it takes digested food to travel through the colon. Scientists consider delayed CTT to be one of the main causes of constipation (

7 ).

Why Is My Dog Constipated

IBS Constipation And Diarrhea Relief in Ten Minutes

The question of why your dog is constipated can have many answers. A physical exam by your vet and tests, such as X-rays, will help discover or rule out the following problems:

  • Ingestion of foreign material
  • Sluggish intestinal movement
  • Matted fur blocking the anus
  • Enlarged prostate gland in male dogs
  • Hernias
  • Tumor or mass within the intestinal tract
  • Infected or impacted anal sacs
  • Side effect of medications
  • Orthopedic and neurological conditions, such as arthritis, that hinder a dog’s ability to squat

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Constipation A Number Of Causes And A Number Of Solutions

Constipation, like diarrhea, has a number of causes. However, some of the more common ones include

  • Lack of fiber
  • Medications
  • Digestive diseases

Because there are many different causes of this particular condition you should keep in mind that just because flaxseed helps relieve diarrhea in one person doesnt mean it is necessarily going to work for you, although it does have a good chance.

Bowel Disorders : : Severe Constipation With Bloating And Pain

Im 22 and have suffered from severe constipation since puberty. I’ve been to doctors and tried metamucil, coloxyl, movicol, oral laxatives etc etc etc i have a high fibre diet, I’m active and i drink enough water. my constipation comes with the typical bloating and pain but also a feeling as though I am trying to digest hundreds of little needles. The only thing i have found to offer some reprieve is dulcolax suppositories. As unpleasant as they are they do soften enough so I can pass the initial blockage but nothing else. my first doctor refused to believe me until he sent me for an X-ray and seen that I was blocked up the wazoo. My second doctor handed me a referral to a dietician even tho I wanted to see a gastro specialist. I’m aware I’ll have to see a specialist in the near future I was just wondering if anyone else has/is experiencing the same problem. when I say sever constipation I’m talking 3 weeks usually before I start to lose my marbles and opt for a suppository.

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Why Does Fish Oil Make Me Poop

Omega-3 fish oils, on the other side, have been proven to be effective as the natural lubricants in your important part. It can vouch for better bowel movements.

If you are not sure, or you dont think that what you do right now is not effective in treating your hemorrhoids, you could consult a doctor. Normally, with the appropriate home remedies, you can manage it in one to two weeks max. If self-help steps do not bring any good results within two weeks, you must consider visiting your doctor.

How Does Ibs Affect My Body

Bloating And Back Pain Causes Diarrhea Child ...

In people with IBS, the colon muscle tends to contract more than in people without the condition. These contractions cause cramps and pain. People with IBS also tend to have a lower pain tolerance. Research has also suggested that people with IBS may have excess bacteria in the GI tract, contributing to symptoms.

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What Else Should I Ask My Healthcare Provider

If you have IBS symptoms, ask your provider:

  • Could another condition be causing my symptoms?
  • What medications can help?
  • What foods should I avoid?
  • What other lifestyle changes should I make?
  • Can a dietitian help me?
  • Should I see a gastroenterologist?
  • When will I start to feel better?
  • Am I at risk for other health conditions?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Living with irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, can be challenging. IBS symptoms, such as stomach pain, diarrhea, gas and bloating, often interfere with your life. But IBS is manageable. Though there is no cure, you can control and improve symptoms through diet and lifestyle changes. If you have stomach symptoms that arent going away, talk to your healthcare provider. Together, you can find an IBS treatment plan that works for you.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 09/24/2020.


What Causes Constipation

Having a bowel movement fewer than two or three times a week may be constipation. In constipation, stool tends to be hard and its also difficult and potentially even painful to pass. It may involve straining or pushing to have a bowel movement.

Constipation tends to be common in children, and adults may experience it a few times a year. Some of the causes of constipation include not eating enough fiber or drinking enough water and a low level of physical activity. Traveling or stress also causes some people to become constipated.

In children, holding in bowel movements can lead to constipation. This can result in a cycle of painful bowel movements, which a child holds in order to avoid the pain, which leads to more constipation.

Medications are also a major cause of constipation, especially in older adults. Some of the medications that may cause constipation include opioid pain medications, antihistamines, antacids, and antidepressants.

Conditions that may cause constipation include IBS, thyroid disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Colon cancer is also linked to constipation but it is not a common cause and there may be other symptoms such as blood in the stool, pain, weight loss, or fatigue.

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Possible Causes Of Ibs

While we do not know for sure what causes IBS, it is a multifactorial disorder that likely involves an interaction between the GI tract, bacteria in the gut, the nervous system, and external factors, such as stress.

Although not proven, theories exist as to factors that influence IBS symptoms, including:

  • neurological hyper-sensitivity within the GI nerves
  • physical and/or emotional stress
  • the amount or pattern of physical exercise
  • chronic alcohol abuse
  • abnormalities in GI secretions and/or digestive muscle contractions
  • acute infection or inflammation of the intestine , such as travellers diarrhea, which may precede onset of IBS symptoms

The GI system is very sensitive to adrenalin the hormone released when one is excited, fearful, or anxious and to other hormones as well. Changes in female hormone levels also affect the GI tract, so IBS symptoms may worsen at specific times throughout the menstrual cycle. Since these hormones can affect the transit time of food through the digestive tract, this might account for the predominance of IBS in women, although direct evidence is still lacking.

It is important to note that since there is no definitive proof of the source of IBS, many promoted potential causes and advertised cures of this syndrome are simply speculation.

How Do We Translate Bowel Symptoms In A Meaningful Way

What does it mean when your constipation turns to diarrhea, and what should you do about it?

Constipation is a cluster of symptoms which can mean having infrequent stools of any kind. Constipation is commonly described by the passing of hard pellet-like stools.

This can also include bowel movements that happen less often, or three or fewer times in a week. People often have difficulty or straining when passing a BM, feel unable to completely empty during a BM, or they feel that they need to go but are not able to have a BM. The rectum is the final section of the large intestine where BMs are stored before being emptied.

Diarrhea is defined as loose, watery, or frequent bowel movements. Everyone has had experience with diarrhea, the passage of liquid stools. For most people, it is a symptom that lasts for a couple days, then resolves suddenly, typically within one week. These acute episodes usually are due to infections resulting from consuming contaminated food or drink. The average American has an episode of acute diarrhea every few years. For other people, diarrhea may be a more chronic problem, occurring for months to years. About 5% of the population has diarrhea lasting more than a month in any year

So, while it may seem strange to have constipated diarrhea, it is not that uncommon. If you have loose stools, but also have difficulty having a BM or feel you have trouble completely emptying, then it makes sense.

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A Recent Example: Causes And Effects

Last year an apparently insignificant repeated event took amazing proportions. My back seized up totally. I sat down and find it hard to get up or walk and felt like I was a 100 years old. And I rapidly became severely constipated. This reaction crept up on me. I didnt see or feel it coming, which is why I repeated it and got this severe reaction.

The last time this happened was 15 years ago after a difficult pregnancy. The symptoms looked and felt as if something was physically wrong with me and I felt awful for months. Back then I went to see my doctor, an osteopath, took pain killers, but nothing helped. After about 6 months my symptoms slowly improved.

Constipation And Diarrhea Prevention

Constipation followed by diarrhea is no fun. Wouldn’t it be great to keep them from happening in the first place? This really isn’t all that difficult. Here is the plan of action I follow:

  • I take a daily doses of Ionic Sea Minerals.This magnesium rich mineral supplement paves the way like nothing else I know for soft, manageable stools instead of spiky hard or runny ones . Plus, magnesium offers numerous health benefits.
  • I try to include a good amount of fiber in my diet. This provides a food source for the good bacteria in my gut. Second, as the magnesium draws water into my colon, the fiber soaks it up like a sponge. You can do this by eating whole wheat beans broccolithe list goes on!
  • I try to stay hydrated. For Americans, dehydration is a major cause of constipation. The body will pull any extra moisture from the colon to other places it is needed more.
  • Even a little extra physical movement can help to get things moving. It doesnt have to be intimidating or grueling. Any small effort you make to do so will be richly rewarded.
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    Cause #: Gerd Or Acid Reflux

    Another possible cause for experiencing both heartburn and constipation is acid reflux or GERD.

    If you have acid reflux, likely, the link between the heartburn and constipation is not the condition, but the way that you are treating it.

    Many people who suffer from GERD, a condition where stomach acid can get into the esophagus and cause a burning sensation, are taking some type of medication to ease the symptoms.

    If you look at the details on many of those medications, you will see that the side effects often include constipation.

    That is because many medications dehydrate the body or change the way that certain nutritional aspects are absorbed and processed in the body.

    To combat this issue, youll have to make some changes focused on preventing and relieving constipation since the medicine should eventually help the heartburn.

    Plus, all of these constipation solutions often help people feel heartburn less frequently.

    Potential Solutions

    The main goal here should be to counteract what the medication is doing to your body, so you will want to give what it is taking away: water and fiber.

    Water and fiber uptake are two of the things that are most affected by medicines that treat GERD, so you should increase how much water you drink and also improve your diet.

    Your diet should include some fiber supplements such as Mucinex as well as a lot of fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber.

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