Monday, September 16, 2024

Does Heartburn Cause Chest Pain

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Home Remedies For Heartburn

Symptoms of GERD & Chest Pain

Home remedies are many but remember 2 thumb rules: Eating less and avoiding high-fat foods & maintaining a healthy lifestyle filled with physical activity & devoid of smoking & drinking. Other home remedies include.

  • Eating vegetables low in fat & high in fiber.
  • Intake of ginger
  • Having oatmeal for breakfast as it is complete and high in fiber
  • Eating more of non-citrus fruits
  • Seafood & lean meat
  • Egg whites, lean meats, and healthy fats

Before you sum up there are 2 more things you should know as these 2 are most confused

  • Heartburn vs. acid reflux
  • Heartburn vs. nausea.

In the first case, heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux and both are not the same while in the later both are the symptoms of indigestion, and nausea can be the result of heartburn.

Well, this is what heartburn is and a detailed answer to can heartburn last for days?

Sudheendra is a passionate blogger for 8 years and holds a Degree in Journalism & Mass Communications. His writings particularly focus on health, medicine, diet & lifestyle. For him, everything that interlinks and relates to health & medical world entices him. His write-ups aim at educating people not by just giving facts but by infusing human touch.

Digestive Issues That Cause Chest Pain

Various issues related to the digestive system can also cause chest pain. These tend to be less serious than heart-related conditions, but still can have significant health effects and may influence the quality of life:

As we can see, there are many different causes of chest pain. Knowing the common causes of chest pain may help you determine what is causing your chest pain however, because some causes of chest pain can be life-threatening, it is recommended to consult with a doctor to properly diagnose and provide treatment for your chest pain.

If the cause of your chest pain is obvious, such as from a recent muscle strain or indigestion, then you may not need to seek treatment, especially if the discomfort goes away in a relatively short period of time.

If you are experiencing frequent, recurring chest pain, however, or your chest pain is severe or sudden, it is strongly advised to seek professional medical attention to properly diagnose your condition.

How Is Noncardiac Chest Pain Diagnosed

If you experience chest pain that resembles cardiac chest pain, you should go to the emergency room. On arrival, you’ll receive a complete physical exam that measures all of your vital signs, including blood pressure and heart rate. Then youll be screened for heart attack or heart disease. Tests include an electrocardiogram a noninvasive test that records your hearts electrical activity and blood tests. Your heart releases certain proteins when a heart attack occurs that will show up in a blood test. Only when cardiac factors have been ruled out will you be diagnosed with noncardiac chest pain.

Once a cardiologist or your primary care provider has ruled out cardiac causes, youll likely be referred to a gastroenterologist next. Theyll test you for esophagus-based causes, starting with GERD. One way of testing is to send you home with a proton-pump inhibitor , a highly effective medicine for GERD. If the PPI relieves your symptoms, it can also confirm their cause. Other tests may include a PH study of the esophagus, an esophageal motility test, an upper endoscopy or ultrasound. In addition to physical tests, your healthcare provider will take a medical history and ask about your stress and emotional factors.

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Can Chest Pain Be Caused By Acid Reflux

Chest pain may force you to worry a bit, especially if you are a patient with heart problems. Chest pain may even take place as a common symptom associated with the acid reflux. Most of the medical experts even call chest discomfort related to acid reflux as NCCP i.e. Non Cardiac Chest Pain. Most of the times, NCCP mimics the angina pain or the chest pain related cardiac origin.

Hence, it has become very much essential to differentiate different forms/ types of chest pain, which may potentially ease ones mind and help in the treatment of acid reflux in an effective way.

When To See A Healthcare Provider


You should see a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and for proper treatment if:

  • You have constant heartburn that won’t subside
  • Your symptoms of heartburn are becoming more severe or frequent
  • You have taken an over-the-counter PPI for the recommended two weeks and your symptoms return
  • You experience vomiting or difficulty swallowing with your heartburn
  • You have hoarseness or wheezing
  • You experience unexpected weight loss

Untreated acid disorders can lead to complications, including Barrett’s esophagus , esophageal cancer, or scarring or narrowing of the esophagus.

You should seek care immediately if you vomit blood or material that looks like coffee grounds . You should also seek care immediately if you notice blood in your stools or have black or tar-like stools .

If your vomiting is large, green, yellow, or forceful, you should seek care urgently by going to an emergency room.

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Heartburn And Acid Reflux


  • Burning pain in the chest, abdomen, or throat after eating
  • Pain in the sternum
  • Bad breath or bad taste in your mouth

Heartburn is a brief burning pain in your throat, chest, or abdomen that is caused by stomach acid. When it happens frequently, it can be a sign of acid reflux.

Both heartburn and reflux are caused by a problem with the sphincter that separates the esophagus from the stomach. When the sphincter doesnt close tightly or opens too frequently, stomach acid or food can travel out of the stomach back into the esophagus.

Heartburn can also be caused by a hiatal hernia, which happens when part of the stomach slips through a hole in the diaphragm .

Certain foods and drinks, including spicy or fatty foods, alcohol, and coffee, can trigger heartburn. Overweight people and pregnant women have a higher risk for reflux.

Your doctor may prescribe changes to your lifestyle and diet, medications, and sometimes surgery.

How Long Does Indigestion Chest Pain Last

The uncomfortable symptoms of heartburn can last for two hours or longer, depending on the cause. Mild heartburn that occurs after eating spicy or acidic food typically lasts until the food has been digested. Heartburn symptoms may also return several hours after they first appeared if you bend over or lie down.

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What Is Heartburn Acid Reflux And Gastro

As part of normal digestion, the stomach produces acid to help break down the food we eat. It is usually contained within the stomach but, sometimes, the valve between the stomach and the oesophagus doesnt work as it should, allowing acid to escape and irritate the sensitive lining of the food pipe. This is called acid reflux and the associated burning sensation in the chest is commonly referred to as heartburn.

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease is a condition in which a person experiences uncommonly frequent bouts of acid reflux. Many people experience acid reflux and heartburn occasionally, but when its frequent and severe it may be diagnosed as GERD.

Sometimes, the pain produced by GERD can be mistaken for heart-related chest pains so its important to understand your symptoms and to consult a doctor if you are unsure about the root of any pain you are experiencing.

Whilst the pain of heartburn or GERD and heart conditions occur behind the breastbone, there are different symptoms that can help you to tell them apart.

  • Heartburn that occurs frequently after eating
  • Unpleasant, sour taste in your mouth caused by acid reflux
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Regurgitation of food or sour liquid
  • Sensation of a lump in your throat

Other symptoms of a heart attack include:

  • Shortness of breath

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Rare Symptoms Of Acid Reflux: When You Should Be Worried

Acid Reflux & Heartburn : Symptoms of GERD & Chest Pain

Acid reflux may be a common gastrointestinal problem, but it turns out its symptoms are not always that common. From headaches to nerve pain, there are uncommon acid reflux symptoms that can cause alarm and panic to patients.

So, what are rare acid reflux symptoms? Headaches, dizziness, asthma symptoms, and nerve pain are among those considered to be uncommon but safe acid reflux symptoms. On the other hand, fever and intense pain accompanied by left arm pain are just two examples of potential medical emergencies for reflux patients.

Read on to learn more about the lesser known acid reflux symptoms, and whether or not they pose a health risk.

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When Does Ger Become Gerd

If you have heartburn that occurs two times a week or more, and you experience other related symptoms, you may be diagnosed with GERD.

Its important to note any changes that occur in your digestive habits. Are you starting to experience heartburn when you didnt before? Do you find that youre more sensitive to certain foods than you used to be? These may be natural effects of aging. However, if symptoms persist, its important to make an appointment with your doctor to avoid other potentially dangerous health conditions.

Almost anyone can experience GER after consuming a large meal or when lying down too quickly after eating. However, risk factors for GERD are typically more specific. They may include:

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Do You Have Laryngopharyngeal Reflux

Laryngopharyngeal reflux or LPR is a type of esophageal reflux that doesnt involve the tell-tale sign of GERD: heartburn. As a result, patients have a difficult time understanding the nature of their symptoms. In most cases, patients with LPR dont even know they have reflux, which is why the disorder is called silent reflux.

LPR is caused by the same mechanism that triggers GERD. When the lower esophageal sphincter loosens, stomach contents travel back up the esophagus. In this case, stomach acids travel further up the pharynx, reaching the larynx and nasal pathways. As a result, a patient with LPR experiences symptoms like:

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What Exactly Is Heartburn Anyway

Heartburnor gastroesophageal reflux or acid refluxis a painful burning feeling in your chest or your throat, according to the US National Library of Medicine .

Basically, heartburn happens when your esophagus relaxes too much and stomach acid comes back up into your esophagus, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases . It can be managed by making changes to your diet, like cutting back on coffee and alcohol, or through medications.

Having heartburn every once in a while, like after a spicy meal or taking a nap too soon after eating, is normal but if it occurs more than twice a week for more than a few weeks, its time to see a doctorin that case, you could have gastroesophageal reflux disease , a chronic, sometimes damaging form of heartburn.

But GERD isnt the only issue that is related to heartburn. Many other conditionssome even life-threateningcan mimic the feeling of heartburn. Here, nine other conditions that heartburn could be masquerading asand when to see your doctor about it.

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Heartburn Or Heart Attack

Heartburn Shortness Of Breath Chest Pain

What does heartburn have to do with your heart? Nothing, actually!

Despite its name, heartburn or acid indigestion is related to your esophagus. But because the esophagus and heart are located near each other, either one can cause chest pain which is why many people mistake heart burn for angina and vice versa.

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Can Heartburn Cause Chest And Back Pain

Heartburn begins when stomach acid splashes up into your esophagus, a tube that connects the back of your throat and stomach. Besides the burning feeling in your chest, you may also get: Chest pain, especially after you bend over, lie down, or eat. Burning at the back of your throat.

Can heartburn cause pain between shoulder blades?

The primary symptom is acid reflux , which is felt as a burning sensation in the pit of the stomach or in the middle of the chest beneath the breastbone. Sometimes pain can be felt between the shoulder blades or in the jaw or teeth.

Can your upper back hurt from acid reflux?

Acid reflux can cause chest and back pain, but its better to consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Can Acid Reflux Cause Upper Back And Shoulder Pain

If you are experiencing chronic cases of GERD and heartburn, you may notice an increased intensity in your symptoms. Your chest pain may radiate to your back between your shoulder blades, lower back, and down into your abdomen. If you experience increased heart rate, palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, you should visit a doctor.

GERDs are a group of conditions in which the stomach and small intestine become inflamed and irritated.

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Heartburn Or Heart Attack When To Sound The Alarm

Heartburn is a very common condition that affects about 42 percent of Americans. In fact, I experienced it myself shortly after dinner last night. It is a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux that you typically feel as pain or burning in the chest. When you have heartburn, some of the acid in your stomach comes up into your esophagus, causing that pain. Taking an over-the-counter antacid can bring relief in moments.

Chest pain, however, is also a common sign of heart disease. Heart disease is life-threatening and is diagnosed in about 12 percent of Americans . It is one of the top causes of death for Americans. A heart attack, a condition in which the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen because of blocked blood vessels, can strike suddenly and be fatal if not treated promptly.

If youre experiencing pain or burning in your chest, how do you know its just heartburn and not something more? We spoke with a pair of UVA doctors for some clarity.

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Heartburn Or Heart Attack How To Tell The Difference

How can I tell the difference between heartburn and a heart attack?

Chest pain can be scary. And its not always easy to tell the difference between heartburn and a heart attack especially since heartburn-like symptoms can be from a heart attack. Columbus Batiste, MD, an interventional cardiologist and chief of cardiology at Kaiser Permanentes Riverside and Moreno Valley Medical Centers in Southern California, breaks down the symptoms and details the importance of knowing if youre at risk for heart disease.

What is heartburn?

Heartburn is discomfort or pain that occurs when food and stomach acid back up into the esophagus the tube that leads from the throat to the stomach.

Common indicators of heartburn include:

  • A burning sensation in the chest or stomach
  • Foul breath and a sour, acidic, or metallic taste in the mouth
  • Increased gas or belching
  • Coughing, especially when lying down
  • Symptoms start after eating or lying down

You should be able to relieve your symptoms by taking an antacid, like Tums or Rolaids, or by drinking a glass of water with a spoonful of baking soda stirred in it. If heartburn is keeping you from sleeping, propping yourself up in bed can help.

Contact your doctor for advice if an antacid doesnt temporarily ease your symptoms, this is the first time youve had heartburn, or your symptoms have changed.

Heart attack signs can vary greatly

  • Back discomfort
  • Lightheadedness

Silent heart attacks are common

Another cause of chest pain

Risk factors for heart disease

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Heartburn And Heart Attack Pain Can Be Similar Learn The Difference

Youre relaxing at home after a delicious meal. You notice you dont feel quite right. You have an upset stomach. There is a burning sensation in your chest area.

Is it heartburn from indigestion? Could it be a heart attack?

Chest discomfort is the most common symptom of a heart attack, which can be life-threatening. But it can also be a sign of heartburn, which has nothing to do with the heart and is a common symptom of indigestion.

It can sometimes be difficult to tell one from the other. Learning the difference can help you protect your heart health and know when to seek medical attention.

If youre not sure if its heartburn or a heart attack, and your chest pain is persistent seek medical help right away, says Kiyon Chung, MD, a Scripps cardiologist. You will be checked immediately to rule out a heart attack. If your chest pain turns out to be a heart attack, doctors will work to lessen any heart damage.

If its indigestion, youll want to make sure it doesnt become a chronic problem. You may be able to find quick relief taking an over-the-counter antacid or other medication.

What is indigestion?

Heartburn is a symptom of indigestion or acid reflux. It happens when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, the food pipe that connects the throat to the stomach. This backflow causes a burning feeling or pain in the chest. Another symptom is regurgitation, which is when food rises in the back of the throat.

What is a heart attack?

Symptoms of heart attack

Gallbladder Or Liver Inflammation

The gallbladder and the liver are two organs of the abdominal cavity that are located on the right side of the body and so, when they get inflamed or suffer alterations they can cause pain in that area. Although it is more common for the pain to be in the abdominal region, in some cases it can radiate to the chest too.

When there is a problem with the gallbladder or the liver there can be other symptoms besides the chest pain and these include vomiting, loss of appetite, general feeling of being unwell, and jaundice.

What to do: if you suspect you have gallbladder inflammation or a liver problem, its important to visit a gastroenterologist to confirm the diagnosis and start adequate treatment. Gallbladder inflammation is usually quite serious, especially if the gallbladder is obstructed by a stone. In these cases, the pain is very strong and there can be fever and acute vomiting. If this happens, go to the hospital immediately.

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