Itching At The Injection Site Or A Full
This would signal an allergic reaction, but its very rare to have an allergic reaction to the flu shot, Dr. Adalja notes. There are lots of myths about egg allergies and the vaccine,” he explainsbecause most flu shots and nasal sprays are manufactured using technology that involves small amounts of egg proteins, per the CDC.
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“If you can eat scrambled eggs, youre not going to have a problem with the flu shot, Dr. Adalja says. If you have a confirmed egg allergy, you can likely still get the shot, the CDC says.
The caveat: If you experience severe itching at injection site, a rash all over your body, or signs of anaphylactic shock, seek immediate medical attention. And if youve had an allergic reaction to the flu shot in the past, you are among those few groups of people who the CDC recommends skip the flu shot.
Swallowing Of Influenza Viruses From The Upper Respiratory Tract
A low pH environment, such as in the stomach, should render most influenza viruses non-infectious by inducing an irreversible conformational change of the viral haemagglutinin . For this reason, influenza virus detection in stools has generally been attributed to swallowed respiratory secretions. However, in this case the acid lability of influenza viruses that destroys their infectivity when passing through the stomach could also result in viral RNA degradation. Therefore, in the hypothetical scenario of swallowed influenza viruses from the upper respiratory tract, the fact that influenza virus RNA and, in some cases, infectious influenza virus was detected and/or isolated from stools could indicate that the viruses were mixed with food and thus protected, or that the gastric acidity was reduced as a consequence of medical treatment , gastric disease , or mutations conferring resistance to low pH .
Can A Cold Cause Diarrhea In Toddlers And Babies
According to a 2016 research review , rotavirus infections are the most common viral causes of diarrhea and vomiting in children. The rotavirus doesnt fall into the category of viruses considered cold viruses. In children and adults, a rotavirus infection is often referred to as the stomach flu.
The adenovirus and rhinovirus are two types of cold viruses that can potentially cause diarrhea in children.
The same research review above showed that adenoviruses are responsible for about 1.5 to 5.4 percent of diarrhea cases in children under 2 years old.
In a 2016 study, researchers examined the symptoms of respiratory infections in a group of 993 children under 2 years old. The researchers found that in 9.6 percent of cases, vomiting or diarrhea were the symptoms of children that developed the rhinovirus infection.
Diarrhea cant directly cause a cold, but it may weaken your immune system and make you more prone to infection.
According to a 2017 research review, its estimated that about of all the lymphocytes in your body are in your digestive tract. Lymphocytes are specialized white blood cells that help you fight infections.
A 2016 research review showed that your digestive system also hosts more than 1,000 types of bacteria. Many of these bacteria play an important role in your bodys immune system.
Having diarrhea may potentially disrupt levels of bacteria in your gut and put you at risk of developing infections.
Diarrhea can be caused by the following infection types:
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How Long Does Stomach Flu Last
The stomach flu usually lasts less than a week. Be sure to stay home if you have symptoms, and continue to practice good handwashing afterward. The virus can still be in your stool for up to two weeks after youve stopped having symptoms, so be extra careful with your bathroom habits. Always wash your hands after having a bowel movement, and wash any soiled fabrics in hot soapy water.
What Should I Do If I Get The Flu
If you think you have the flu, a good first step is to call or set up a telemedicine visit with your doctor, if you can. A virtual visit may suffice and your doctor could advise on next steps for testing, Dr. Gandhi said, to determine if you have the flu, Covid-19, both or something else.
If you do have the flu, you may be eligible to receive antiviral drugs that can reduce symptom severity, Dr. Gandhi said. Also, drink plenty of water and other clear liquids, take over-the-counter pain relievers if needed and avoid contact with others. If possible, stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone.
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Can The Flu Cause Any Other Complications
Most healthy people recover from the flu without any serious problems. Fever and muscle aches usually last only 2 to 4 days, but cough and tiredness can continue for 1 to 2 weeks or more.
In young children, flu can cause croup , pneumonia and bronchiolitis .
Influenza can weaken the immune system, leading to bacterial infections of the ear , lung or sinuses .
Influenza is more severe in children under 2 years of age and in children with certain chronic conditions such as heart, lung or neurological problems.
In rare cases, influenza can affect the brain or heart.
The Word Flu Is Used For Both Influenza And The Stomach Bugs That Can Cause Vomiting And Diarrhea Learn The Differences Between Flu And Stomach Flu
Story by: Kim Huston on January 19, 2021
Flu is a word that is commonly used for influenza, an illness caused by a virus that causes symptoms in the nose, throat and lungs. Gastroenteritis, often called the stomach flu, is not the same virus that causes influenza. Learn the symptoms of both conditions to get your child the care they need.
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What Foods Are Recommended To Eat When You Have The Stomach Flu
Some health care professionals suggest a special diet for the gastroenteritis, especially for viral and/or bacterial infections in children. First and foremost is adequate fluid rehydration to prevent dehydration.
The diet frequently suggested is termed the BRAT diet. This diet consists of foods that are not usually irritating but soothing for the gastrointestinal tract. The BRAT diet stands for bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Although some doctors think this diet may not markedly benefit patients, others recommend it for both adults and children for a day or two to make the transition from the resolving symptoms of acute gastroenteritis to the patients previously normal diet.
Stomach Flu Vs Food Poisoning: How To Tell The Difference
Differentiating between food poisoning and a stomach flu can be tricky because both share almost identical symptoms, like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.
But you can tell which is which with these critical differences:
- Food poisoning usually begins faster than the stomach flu since you may experience symptoms within hours. In contrast, a stomach bug takes longer to develop.
- Food poisoning typically only lasts for a day or two, but the stomach flu can last longer up to ten days.
- Food poisoning can often be traced back to contaminated food sources, but the stomach flu doesnt have to be linked to a specific food source.
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How To Identify Stomach Virus Symptoms
Typically, a stomach virus is caused by either being around a surface contaminated with, or someone who is infected by, the virus. Symptoms of a stomach virus include:
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Stomach cramps, muscle aches or weakness
- Lightheadedness
Keep in mind that if someone does have a stomach virus, they are contagious right when they first start experiencing symptoms as well as a few days after they recover.
Loss Of Taste Or Smell
On the CDCs list of common COVID-19 symptoms, one stands out. In addition to fever, chills and a sore throat, the public health agency recognizes new loss of taste or smell as evidence of a coronavirus infection.
People who have colds, if they get a really stuffy nose, they may complain of lack of smell, but, you know, thats sort of an unusual right now in the absence of COVID, UCSFs Winston says. But it may be one of the best indicators of a coronavirus infection.
A study published in the journal Nature Medicine tracked more than 2.5 million participants who reported their potential symptoms of COVID-19 on a smartphone app. About 65 percent of people who tested positive for COVID-19 reported loss of taste and smell, making it one of the strongest predictors of the illness among those studied. Similarly, researchers from the University of California, San Diego, found that smell and taste loss were reported in 68 and 71 percent of COVID-19positive subjects, respectively.
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What Causes Food Poisoning
When it comes to viruses, norovirus is the most common cause of foodborne illness in the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. It typically hangs out in items like raw, ready-to-eat produce shellfish and contaminated water.
On the bacterial side, you have salmonella, listeria, shigella, campylobacter,E. coli, and more that can make you sick, according to the Mayo Clinic. These can show up in anything from hot dogs, milk, egg yolks, alfalfa sprouts, meat, poultry, and beyond.
Food contamination can happen at any point, whether its through soil as its grown, in a storage facility, or on your countertop when you leave food out for too long, the CDC says. You may also get food poisoning if someone with one of these illness-causing microorganisms in their system handles your food or utensils.
Key Points About The Common Cold In Children
The common cold is one of the most common illnesses. Most children will have at least 6 to 8 colds a year.
Most colds are caused by rhinoviruses.
Your child can catch a cold through airborne droplets from or through direct contact with a sick person.
Sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose are common symptoms. Symptoms often last about 1 week.
There is no cure for the common cold. The goal of treatment is to ease symptoms until your child feels better.
Colds can be prevented by washing hands often.
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Urgent Advice: Ask For An Urgent Gp Appointment Or Get Help From Nhs 111 If:
You or your child have symptoms of flu and:
- you’re worried about your baby’s or child’s symptoms
- you’re 65 or over
- you’re pregnant
- you have a long-term medical condition for example, diabetes or a condition that affects your heart, lungs, kidneys, brain or nerves
- you have a weakened immune system for example, because of chemotherapy or HIV
- your symptoms do not improve after 7 days
Are There Conventional Medicines To Help With Diarrhoea
A doctor is likely to be concerned that your diarrhoea is causing you to experience dehydration. The risk of this is higher in children, the elderly, or after prolonged bouts of diarrhoea. If this is the case, he may recommend,an oral rehydration solution which will replace essential salt, glucose and minerals.
Anti-diarrhoeal medications may also be recommended, particularly if your diarrhoea has persisted for more than a few days. They work by slowing the movement of muscles in the gut, and usually help to shorten the duration of your diarrhoea by around 24 hours.
In order to help you to fight off the flu, your doctor may suggest an anti-viral drug, Oseltamivir or Zanamivir. However, this treatment is not appropriate for everyone, and you should discuss with your doctor the possible side-effects.
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Whats New With The 2021
There are many types of flu virusesand each consistently changes. This means that the U.S. flu vaccines are reviewed every year to prevent against the currently circulating flu viruses. This yearâs vaccines are all âquadrivalent,âaccording to the CDC, meaning theyâre designed to protect against four different viruses that cause the flu.
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Articles On Flu Symptoms & Diagnosis
Sometimes people mistake symptoms of stomach flu, or gastroenteritis, for the viral infection we commonly call “flu.” But theyâre not the same.
Stomach flu happens when your stomach and intestines are inflamed and irritated. Causes range from bacteria, viruses, and parasites to food reactions and unclean water.
The flu comes with symptoms like fever, congestion, muscle aches, and fatigue. The cause is the influenza virus. More severe cases can lead to life-threatening illnesses like pneumonia.
Antibiotics are sometimes used to treat bacterial gastroenteritis, but they don’t work against flu viruses.
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Which Specialties Of Doctors Treat The Stomach Flu
Most individuals with viral or mild bacterial caused gastroenteritis require no treatment or can be treated by the patients primary care provider or pediatrician. For more patients with more severe gastroenteritis, such infectious disease specialists, gastroenterologists, emergency medicine specialists, allergists, critical care physicians, and hematologists may be consulted.
When To See A Doctor
Most people don’t need to see the doctor when they have the stomach flu. But it’s a good idea to get medical attention if you or your child has stomach flu and:
- Is under 3 months old
- Is over 3 months old and has been vomiting for more than 12 hours or the diarrhea hasn’t gotten better after two days
- Is an adult and the diarrhea hasnât gotten a little better after two days
- Has other symptoms, such as high fever or blood or pus in the stool
In rare cases, people with stomach flu need to be hospitalized, usually because of dehydration. In adults, dehydration can cause extreme thirst, decreased urination, dark urine, dry skin, fatigue, and dizziness. In babies and young children, dehydration can cause:
- Crying without tears
- Going three hours or more without a wet diaper
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Common Flu Shot Side Effects
Repeat: The flu vaccine won’t give you the flu, but you can experience mild symptoms because of how the vaccine works.
“The flu vaccine is designed to stimulate your immune system to build antibodies to the virus. That stimulation can cause a low-grade fever, a decrease in appetite, loose stool, mild fatigue or myalgia and even a scant cough,” Teague said.
According to Teague, these symptoms usually resolve after a few days and are no cause for alarm. You may also experience some redness, swelling or soreness where the shot was injected, which is also normal.
The CDC says you can experience “flulike” symptoms after getting the vaccine, such as:
- Soreness, redness, and/or swelling at the injection site
The symptoms listed above should resolve in a few days. Also, keep in mind not everyone has symptoms, but those are the most common. When it comes to other symptoms, or symptoms that last longer, it’s important to keep in mind that you can still catch a cold, or other virus, right after you get the flu shot.
So if you experience other symptoms that seem like the flu, it could be another illness and it doesn’t mean the shot made you sick. The flu shot also takes about two weeks to become effective at protecting you from the flu, so you could technically catch the flu within that two-week window.
Why Does Diarrhea Feel Good
According to the authors, this feeling, which they call poo-phoria, occurs when your bowel movement stimulates the vagus nerve, which runs from your brainstem to your colon. Your vagus nerve is involved in key bodily functions, including digestion and regulating your heart rate and blood pressure.
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How To Tell The Difference Between The Common Cold Flu And Covid
What is the difference? COVID-19, the flu, the common cold
Health experts advise getting tested by a health care provider but here are some key differences between COVID-19, the flu and the common cold as told by a nurse educator.
As colder temperatures set in for many U.S. states, the uncertainties of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continue to linger, leaving many people still wondering if the cough and aches they feel are actually due to the flu, common cold or the novel coronavirus.Despite the wide availability of COVID-19 vaccines to Americans as young as 5 years old, the chance of infection from COVID-19 is still a possibility. So how do you tell the difference between the flu, the common cold or COVID-19? Jade Flinn, a nurse educator at Johns Hopkins Hospitals biocontainment unit, outlines some key differences and similarities between the three illnesses.
Common Stomach Flu Symptoms
Watery diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting are the main symptoms of stomach flu. Additional symptoms include fever, chills, body aches, headache, abdominal pain, cramping, and bloating. Stomach flu can also cause dehydration. Be on the lookout for dark urine, thirst, fatigue, unusually infrequent urination, dizziness, and lightheadedness. If you are dehydrated, your skin will not flatten out normally after pinching. Young children and the elderly are at most risk for dehydration. Signs of dehydration in infants and young children include no wet diapers for three hours, dry mouth and tongue, no tears with crying, and sunken eyes, cheeks, or soft spots. See your Dignity Health North State doctor right away for signs of dehydration, as well as the following symptoms:
- Inability to keep down liquids
- Diarrhea or vomiting for more than two days
These can be signs of more serious medical conditions.
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