How Do I Treat Heartburn During Pregnancy
When youre growing a human being, you dont have time for that yucky acid reflux. But your usual go-to methods for treating it may not be safe for your unborn baby.
Instead, here are some of the safest and best ways to get rid of heartburn when youre pregnant:
Preventive Measures For Heartburn During Pregnancy
- No one knows your body better than you. Keep track of foods triggering heartburn. Try to avoid them as much as you can. Stay away from carbonated drinks and consuming caffeine.
Heartburn is an early sign of pregnancy, which is caused because of acid reflux in the esophagus. However, it can be cured with slight changes in diet and the medicines suggested by doctors.
Chew Gum To Get Rid Of Heartburn
A research shows that people with gastroesophageal reflux disease got relief when they were asked to chew sugar-free gum for about half an hour after a meal. When you chew gum, it stimulates your salivary glands to increase the flow of saliva. This saliva washes away or neutralizes your stomach acid giving you instant relief from heartburn.
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Some Tips For Getting Rid Of Heartburn
Now that you have no secrets from heartburn, let’s tackle the part that probably interests you the most: our tips to make it go away or at least minimize it. Because while it is almost impossible to miss digestive problems during pregnancy, we can be successful in avoiding them as much as possible.You will obviously have to focus on your diet first. Identify foods that cause this burning sensation, and avoid consuming them until birth. Unsurprisingly, we find among these foods spicy and very seasoned food, fried and particularly fatty foods, carbonated drinks, even sometimes carbonated water, but also for some women chocolate, coffee, mint, and citrus fruits. like lemon. For reasons other than these gastric reflections, we will obviously also forget to take alcohol during the entire pregnancy, to preserve the health of our baby.
The Best Way To Get Rid Of Heartburn When Pregnant
By Fritz
Are you looking for the best way to get rid of heartburn when pregnant? Heartburn is a very common condition, but it can become quite complicated during pregnancy. You are more likely to experience heartburn during the second trimester than in the first trimester, because of the increased fluid levels in your stomach.
The muscle at the top of the stomach called the esophagus does not enlarge as it normally would during other stages of your pregnancy. As a result, the stomach acids back up into the esophagus and cause a painful burning sensation that you know you cant tolerate.
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Discuss H2 Blockers With Your Doctor
If an antacid isnt working, it may be time to consider stronger medications.
Your first option will likely be an H2 blocker like Tagamet or Zantac. These drugs suppress stomach-acid production. All four H2 inhibitors on the market are now available without a prescription and considered to be safe during pregnancy. But talk to your doctor before taking them.
They really work, says Einarson. You only have to take one or two a day.
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Suffering From Pregnancy Heartburn 5 Top Tips To Relieve Heartburn During Pregnancy
If you are having pregnancy heartburn, you are definitely not alone! In fact, pregnancy heartburn affects 8/10 women at some point during their 9 months and – as you probably know by now – can be pretty unpleasant. Its been found that around 1/4 of women experience heartburn during pregnancy in their first trimester, 1/3 of women in their second trimester and 3/4 of women in their third trimester. So, whilst some things get better as your pregnancy progresses, pregnancy heartburn, although harmless is unfortunately, likely to get worse.
Thankfully there are some solutions and pregnancy heartburn remedies that have been tried and tested. To help you find pregnancy heartburn relief and put your mind at ease, weve put together a brief insight into what pregnancy heartburn actually is and some of the best ways to manage it.
What is pregnancy heartburn?
All heartburn, including heartburn during pregnancy, is caused by acid reflux: Acid from your stomach rises up through your food pipe , irritating it. This happens when a small muscle, located where the food pipe meets the stomach, is weak or too relaxed. Its job is to let food into the stomach and to stop food and acids from coming back out, but if it is weak, the stomachs contents are able to flow upwards. It can leave you with pain or a burning feeling in your chest and/or throat. It can also cause a hoarse voice, sickness, bloating, an unpleasant taste in your mouth and bad breath not fun!
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Causes Of Heartburn In Pregnancy
Heartburn is commonly caused by eating spicy foods, which can irritate the stomach or esophagus or slow the rate of digestion. This can be true during pregnancy, too, but many of the causes of heartburn in pregnancy are simply natural parts of pregnancy, such as:
Hormonal changes
Experts believe that heartburn in pregnancy is caused by hormonal changes. Pregnant people have high levels of the hormone progesterone which causes muscles in the body to relax. One of these muscles is the lower esophageal sphincter, which seals the stomach off from the esophagus, the long tube connecting the throat with the stomach.
Usually when we swallow our food, the lower esophageal sphincter opens up to allow food to enter our stomachs, but the rest of the time, its squeezed shut. Because of the increased levels of hormones in pregnant people, the muscle relaxes, allowing stomach acids and partially digested food to move backward into the esophagus. The esophagus lining is more sensitive than stomach lining which is why it feels like its burning.
Hormonal changes also cause the digestive system to slow down, so the food moves more slowly through the body and stays in the stomach longer.
Growing uterus
As the baby grows, especially during the third trimester, the uterus pushes on the abdomen, adding pressure or blocking parts of the digestive tract. This sometimes pushes stomach acid up into the esophagus. It also adds to the slowing down of the digestive system.
How Can Heartburn In Pregnancy Be Relieved
Although heartburn can last for the entire pregnancy, there are some things you can do to relieve the feelings.
Some suggestions are:
- Eat a high fiber diet
- Dont eat late at night
- Dont eat and then lie down
- Sleep propped up, not completely horizontal
- Eat a diet low in acidic and fatty foods.
Its best to try to treat heartburn during pregnancy naturally.
Although its unpleasant, heartburn isnt usually serious enough to take stronger measures.
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Why Is Gerd Common During Pregnancy
GERD is practically a hallmark of pregnancy because changing hormone levels can affect the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. The hormone progesterone, producedin large amounts by the placenta, is a smooth muscle relaxant, according toHeather Johnson, MD, an OB-GYN at Reiter, Hill and Johnson of Advantia Health in the Washington, D.C. area. The relaxation of muscles in the digestive system also causes the lower esophageal sphincter muscles to relax. This allows stomach acid to more easily make its way into the esophagus. This, combined with the increasing size of the uterus in the second and third trimesters, pushes the stomach upward and intensifies uncomfortable symptoms. Hence, symptoms tend to worsen as the pregnancy progresses, Dr. Johnson notes.
Checklist Of Foods To Avoid In Your Daily Diet
I have mentioned earlier certain foods will alleviate the pregnancy symptoms indigestion and heartburn. The same sort of food which causes indigestion causes heartburn too.
Unfortunately, pregnancy heartburn is the worst in the last trimester. So, the best way is to completely staying away from those foods even if it is your favorite.
The list is as follows:
- Chocolates
- Large quantities of water while eating
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Use Carom Seeds To Relieve Heartburn
Carom seeds or ajwain as they are known in India is an age-old remedy for heartburn and other gastric problems. It is one of the finest Ayurvedic remedies for heartburn and gas. Carom seeds have anti-acidic properties and thus act as natural antacids. Thymol present in carom seeds act against acidity and gives you relief from heartburn. It also soothes the mucous membrane of your stomach.
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Ways To Get Rid Of Heartburn During Pregnancy Fast
When you are pregnant the hormone progesterone which is a muscle relaxant will increase in your body. The hormone is responsible in relaxing all muscles in the body as a way of preparing for child birth. Remember during pregnancy the uterus muscles will relax for easy child birth.
The esophagus muscles can as well relax this makes it easy for food to escape back hence causing heartburn. As the baby develops, he will occupy more space which will push the stomach upwards hence increasing chances of heartburn. Heartburn is felt as burning sensations just behind the breastbone.
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Other Method Of Getting Rid Of Heartburn During Pregnancy
- Increase your intake of low fat milk and other dairy products
- Eat ice creams
- Increase your intake of whole grain foods
- Drink a lot of water and other fluids regularly
- Avoid wearing skin tight clothes which will exert pressure on the stomach
- Chew gum after food to increase saliva flow to the stomach
- Eat food steadily and slowly when pregnant
- Avoid smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol
- Try to reduce the amount of baking soda in your diet
- Try to bend at the knees level instead of bending at the waist level
- Try to avoid stress to improve your health as well as health of your baby
- Try to keep your weight at check. Maintaining the right weight will improve your health as well as the death of your baby.
You Can Try Papaya As Well
This little helper has proven itself to be one of the best natural ways to get rid of heartburn while pregnant. The digestive enzymes in this fruit can soothe your insides. Eat it any form diced, dried, juice or tablets, and experience some relief as it will aid digestion and discourage heartburn. However, pay heed to this word of caution. You must be well aware that eating papaya during pregnancy in excess amounts is discouraged, and for good reason. While papaya in small amounts can provide you the relief you need, its safer to depend on fruits like bananas, watermelons, or muskmelons too.
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What Causes Heartburn In Pregnancy
Unfortunately, its extremely common to experience heartburn during pregnancy. And while morning sickness seems to get all the hype, many women find heartburn just as unpleasant a pregnancy symptom. In early pregnancy, heartburn is caused by the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the uterine muscles to fit your growing babyand also relaxes the valve between the esophagus and the stomach. In the final months of pregnancy, baby squashes your digestive organs and causes heartburn. The good news? Heartburn wont affect baby.
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Elevate Your Upper Body
Lying down can make heartburn worse. When it comes time for bed, adjust your sleeping surface to raise your upper body.
According to the Mayo Clinic, lifting your head with extra pillows isnt usually enough. Instead, the goal is to elevate your body from the waist up.
If you have an adjustable bed, set it at a suitable angle to provide relief. If your bed isnt adjustable, you can change the angle of your sleeping surface by using a wedge pillow.
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Diet Nutrition And Lifestyle
What and how you eat can make all the difference with heartburn during pregnancy.
- Eating smaller meals throughout the day
- Making your main meal at lunchtime, which takes pressure off the digestive tract later in the day when the body is tired or ready for bed
- Avoiding food a couple hours before bed or a nap
- Sitting upright after eatinglying down can push stomach contents back up
- Propping your head up with a couple of pillows while sleeping
- Tight fitting clothes. They put even more pressure on your organs.
- Liquids while you eat. This dilutes your digestive juices, making them less effective.
- Eating the following aggravating acidic foods:
- Chocolate
- Caffeinated and sugar beverages, like tea, coffee, soda, etc.
- Onions
- Spicy, fatty, rich, and fried foods
- Fizzy drinks
- Large quantities of meat in one sittingthe body works harder if overloaded or too rich
Again, adding and subtracting certain foods and behaviors daily will help build a more balanced foundation for your wellness.
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Heartburn During Pregnancy Remedies
Preventing heartburn is the best way to deal with it! Here are some helpful tips for avoiding heartburn:
- Eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day rather than three large meals
- Wait an hour after eating to lie down
- Avoid spicy, greasy, and fatty foods
If you are experiencing heartburn, there are a few natural ways to relieve the symptoms:
- Eat yogurt or drink a glass of milk
- Try a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm milk
Over-the-counter antacids may prove helpful in relieving your heartburn, but do not take antacids without speaking to your healthcare provider. Some antacids contain high levels of sodium, which can cause fluid buildup in body tissues. Some also contain aluminum, which is not considered safe for pregnancy.
If your heartburn is severe, your healthcare provider may prescribe medication for you.
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Heartburn During Pregnancy And Your Babys Hair
If you heard that heartburn during pregnancy means your baby will be born with a full head of hair, you may have wondered if its true or its simply an old wives tale.
While some experts say this is another pregnancy myth, a December 2006 study in the journal Birth found there may some truth to it.
Of 28 pregnant women in the study, 23 who had moderate or severe heartburn gave birth to babies with average or above average amounts of hair.
Whats more, 10 out of 12 of the women who had no heartburn during pregnancy had babies with less than average or no hair at all.
Whether heartburn has something to do with the amount of hair your baby will have or not doesnt really matter but its still fun to imagine what your baby will look like when you finally get to meet him.
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When Can I Expect The Heartburn To End During Pregnancy
Unfortunately, heartburn is a symptom you’re likely to experience throughout your entire pregnancy if you have it at all.
In fact, even if you escaped indigestion early on in your pregnancy, there’s a good chance you’ll have a surge starting around the second or third trimesters, when your uterus takes over your abdominal cavity and forces your stomach upwards.
Fortunately, the burn should clear up as soon as you give birth.
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Feeling The Burn Tips To Manage Heartburn Gerd In Pregnancy
Heartburn is common in adults especiallyduring pregnancy. While some research suggests women who have moderateheartburn during pregnancy give birth to babies with fullerheads of hair, having symptoms more than twice a week might be asign of gastroesophageal reflux disease , or recurrent heartburn.
According to a study of 510 pregnant women, approximately 26% have GERD symptomsduring the first trimester. The rate jumps to 36% in the second trimester and51% during the third trimester. Thats substantial compared with the 20% of adults in the U.S. who experienceheartburn.
Why the increase in symptoms during pregnancy? Progesterone, a hormone that increases early in pregnancy, relaxessmooth muscle in the body. It helps your uterus stretch to accommodate thegrowing fetus, but also reduces the reliability of the esophageal sphincter aring-like structure that seals off stomach contents from the throat.
Increased pressure placed on the stomachexternally from the growing uterus, especially in the third trimester, can alsoworsen heartburn symptoms such as:
- Burning pain in the center of thechest, especially after eating
- Sour or bitter taste in the mouth
- Sore throat or cough
Thankfully, thereare several pregnancy-safe ways to deal with acute heartburn and ongoing casesof GERD.