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How Long Does Bloating Last In Early Pregnancy

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Why Does Bloating Occur In Early Pregnancy

3 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect

The increasing progesterone levels during pregnancy relax all the muscles in the body, including those of the digestive tract. This could slow down digestion, and gas builds up in the system, leading to burping, bloating, and flatulence. These develop uncomfortable sensations in the gut after a big meal .

What Is The Meaning Of Bloating In Pregnancy

As your body produces more progesterone to support your pregnancy, progesterone relaxes muscles in your body. This includes the muscles of your intestine. Slower moving intestine muscles mean that your digestion slows down. This allows gas to build up, which in turn leads to bloating, burping, and flatulence.

What Are The First Signs Of Pregnancy

As noted above, the most widely known early pregnancy symptom is a missed period, which usually appears about two to three weeks after conception.

However, some other very early signs of pregnancy could appear even before you realise your period is late or you experience bloating. Such symptoms include:

  • tender breasts: due to higher levels of progesterone, you will probably start experiencing tenderness and swelling in your breasts
  • sensitivity to smell: hormonal changes in pregnancy can also cause changes and sensitivity to smell
  • spotting: spotting might occur as early as six days after conception, so it can represent one of the earliest signs of pregnancy
  • frequent urination: frequent urination can start as soon as two weeks after conception, so its another very early sign of being pregnant
  • fatigue: progesterone is to blame for the constant tiredness that is usually experienced within the first few weeks after conception, even though fatigue is common throughout the whole duration of pregnancy
  • mood swings: just like with PMS and hormonal changes, pregnancy can also result in various mood swings, that vary from feeling excited, depressed, irritated and so on. So brace yourself for an interesting nine-month ride!

The above-mentioned symptoms represent some common signs of pregnancy at its earliest stages. Later on, they can be accompanied by morning sickness that usually develops before the ninth week of pregnancy, again due to an increase in pregnancy hormones.

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What Is Bloating In Pregnancy

Feeling bloated? You might be pregnant says experts | Photo grabbed from Matilda Wormwood

Do you also wonder why a bloated feeling happens especially during your pregnancy?

Bloating occurs in late pregnancy due to the enlarging uterus and hormonal surge. Your body will produce more progesterone as your pregnancy progresses to support your baby. Progesterone is there season why muscles in your body relax.

The uterine cavity takes up more room in the abdominal cavity, pushing the stomach forward and making digestion more difficult. This will allow the gas to build up which causes burping, bloating, and flatulence.

You will feel bloated after eating as a result of this during your pregnancy. As a result, you may get heartburn, acidity, or constipation.

How Is Motion Sickness Prevented

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Most people who are susceptible to motion sickness are aware of the fact. If youre prone to motion sickness, the following preventive measures may help.

Plan ahead when booking a trip. If traveling by air, ask for a window or wing seat. On trains, boats, or buses sit toward the front and try to avoid facing backward. On a ship, ask for a cabin at water level and close to the front or the middle of the vessel. Open a vent for a source of fresh air if possible, and avoid reading.

Sitting at the front of a car or bus, or doing the driving yourself, often helps. Many people who experience motion sickness in a vehicle find that they dont have the symptoms when theyre driving.

Its important to get plenty of rest the night before traveling and avoid drinking alcohol. Dehydration, headache, and anxiety all lead to poorer outcomes if youre prone to motion sickness.

Eat well so that your stomach is settled. Stay away from greasy or acidic foods before and during your travels.

Have a home remedy on hand or try alternative therapies. Many experts say peppermint can help, as well as ginger and black horehound. Although their effectiveness hasnt been proven by science, these options are available.

Last medically reviewed on June 6, 2016

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High Blood Pressure And Dizziness During Early Pregnancy

In most cases, high or normal blood pressure will drop in the early stages of pregnancy. This may also cause feelings of dizziness since your blood vessels are dilated.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, as a result of pregnancy is more difficult to determine. Almost all cases of hypertension within the first 20 weeks indicate underlying problems. It may develop during early pregnancy, but it may also be present beforehand.

A medical professional will take your blood pressure during your first doctors visit to help establish a baseline for a normal blood pressure reading.

What Are Some Ways To Reduce Bloating During Pregnancy

Beating the baby bump bloat can be a tricky task as many doctors don’t like to prescribe stool softens and supplements to mums-to-be. But there are still many at-home remedies and medical treatments for pregnancy bloating.

You can treat occasional bloating at home by:

  • Fibre: Eating more fibre-rich foods, such as fresh fruit, dried fruit, and whole grains, will aid digestion.
  • Exercise: Do pregnancy-friendly exercises such as Pilates and yoga, as well as take regular walks. The best bloating and baby-friendly yoga poses are child’s pose and happy baby. A quick walk around the block can also be enough to get your bowels moving and provide fast and effective relief from constipation.
  • Treat with heat: Applying a heat pack to your stomach or taking a warm bath can help relax your stomach muscles and soothe any gas pain.
  • Drink peppermint tea: Peppermint helps relax the digestive system and allows stool and gas to pass more easily.
  • Water: Drinking plenty of water will help your digestive system move and flush out any trapped nasties.

Bloating can also be treated medically if it’s bad enough. Your doctor may prescribe:

  • A fibre supplement
  • Medication to aid digestion
  • A probiotic to improve gastrointestinal conditions and gut health.

They also may conduct allergy tests to determine gluten or lactose intolerance or other food sensitivities this might require keeping a food diary.

You should contact your doctor immediately if you are experiencing severe abdominal pain .

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Diarrhea In Early Pregnancy

Pregnancy and diarrhea often happen together. Diarrhea in pregnancy first trimester is usually mild, but having the runs because of an upset stomach during pregnancy 3rd trimester is most common. Symptoms of diarrhea include:

  • Loose watery stools 3+ times per day
  • Urgent frequent need to have a bowel movement
  • Abdominal cramps or pain

In daily life, reasons for diarrhea can range from bacterial and viral infections to food poisoning and medications. However, loose stools in pregnancy and diarrhea during early pregnancy are often caused by hormonal and dietary changes, stress, and underlying conditions like IBS.

Thats why, basically, first trimester diarrhea and diarrhea during pregnancy 2nd trimester may be a sign that your body is slowly working up to the 3rd trimester and labour. Occasional loose stools in early pregnancy, including diarrhea in the second trimester, and diarrhea at 16 weeks pregnant dont mean there is anything wrong with you.

Can You Tell Your Pregnant At 3 Weeks

First Trimester of Pregnancy What to Expect

While some people feel no difference at all at this early stage, others may start to notice 3 weeks pregnant symptoms. The experience at 3 weeks pregnant can really vary, so dont fret if you dont feel anything out of the ordinary. However, if you feel nauseous and your breasts are sore, thats normal too.

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Why Is The Top Of My Stomach Big

Upper belly fat can be the result of your body storing water weight. Sodium consumption, dehydration, and a lack of electrolytes can cause your body to retain water. This can make your stomach and other areas of your body appear swollen. Stick to a diet low in salt while youre working to lose belly fat.

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How Long Does Bloating Last In Early Pregnancy

How long does bloating will last during pregnancy? Here is the answer. | Photo grabbed from Matilda Wormwood

Bloating is a common pregnancy symptom that will only become worse as your uterus expands and presses on your stomach and intestines. Basically, this least charming feeling among pregnancy symptoms will be with you up until the delivery day. So expect that the whole nine months will be filled with uncomfortable feelings inside your stomach.

Your pregnancy bloating and other symptoms may be uncomfortable for you , but your child seems unconcerned .

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Cut Off Refined Sugars

Sweet tooth during pregnancy is common. But you need to control the urge to consume refined sugars. Carbonated beverages and sweetened fruit juices also contain high levels of fructose corn syrup, which contributes to bloating. Choose fresh fruit juices of apricots, bananas, and peaches to satisfy your craving for candies and soda drinks. Avoid chewing gum and slimming foods as they contain sorbitol, which can cause gas and bloating during pregnancy .

Tips To Reduce Bloating In Pregnancy

When does tummy harden?

If its causing you some real discomfort, there are a few things you can do to help ease the bloating…

Drink plenty of water – try and drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to help keep things moving through your digestive system to help avoid constipation which can make bloating feel a lot worse.

Eat little and often – not only will this better nourish you and your baby but opting for six small meals instead of three large ones will make it easier for your stomach to digest your food.

Up your fibre intake – having plenty of fibre in your diet can ease constipation and bloating, so swap your pasta and bread for whole wheat and try to up the number of fruit and vegetables you eat in a day.

Eat slower – the faster you eat, the more air you take it which can make you feel very bloated. Try slowing things down when you eat and try not to rush meals.

Avoid high-fat foods – these can often make you feel even more bloated and gassy.

Exercise regularly– regular and gentle exercise will help speed up your digestive process – even if its just a brisk walk at lunchtime. Find out more on how to safely exercise in pregnancy.

Eat fewer foods that are likely to make you gassy – foods such as cabbage, baked beans, brussels sprouts and broccoli are all likely to increase the amount of gas you produce so try and go a little easier on your helpings of these foods.

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Increase Intake Of Fluids

Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Boost your day with a glass of water and then keep sipping. Also, include fresh fruit juices in your diet. They help in flushing out toxins in your body, preventing bloating and constipation .

What if you still end up with a bloated tummy after trying all the above? Then, you could try some ways to relieve the discomfort.

How I Helped My Pregnancy Bloat

Fortunately, there are a few things you can to do combat it so you can get back to fitting into your pre-pregnancy jeans for a few weeks longer . As a pregnant woman, you can have a specific medical condition. But bloating should not be included because it is basically related to digestive problems which are easy to cure.

There were two things I did that pretty much made the bloat go away as fast as it appeared, and I didnt look pregnant for a lot longer.

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Medications For Treating Gas And Bloating

The below medications should only be taken on a doctors prescription:

  • OTC Simethicone for immediate gas relief
  • Antacids with low sodium content for bloated stomach and acid reflux

After knowing all about why bloating and gas occur, you might want to know the answers to some of the commonly asked questions.

How Soon Do You Feel Pregnancy Signs

PREGNANCY UPDATE: 5 Weeks Bad Cramping, Bloating, Gas, Ultrasound | Early Signs & Symptoms

As noted above, the most widely known early pregnancy symptom is a missed period, which usually appears about two to three weeks after conception.

However, some other very early signs of pregnancy could appear even before you realise your period is late or you experience bloating. Such symptoms include:

  • tender breasts: due to higher levels of progesterone, you will probably start experiencing tenderness and swelling in your breasts
  • sensitivity to smell: hormonal changes in pregnancy can also cause changes and sensitivity to smell
  • spotting: spotting might occur as early as six days after conception, so it can represent one of the earliest signs of pregnancy
  • frequent urination: frequent urination can start as soon as two weeks after conception, so its another very early sign of being pregnant
  • fatigue: progesterone is to blame for the constant tiredness that is usually experienced within the first few weeks after conception, even though fatigue is common throughout the whole duration of pregnancy
  • mood swings: just like with PMS and hormonal changes, pregnancy can also result in various mood swings, that vary from feeling excited, depressed, irritated and so on. So brace yourself for an interesting nine-month ride!

The above-mentioned symptoms represent some common signs of pregnancy at its earliest stages. Later on, they can be accompanied by morning sickness that usually develops before the ninth week of pregnancy, again due to an increase in pregnancy hormones.

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How Can You Tell If You Are Bloated Or Pregnant

Some people may find it hard to tell the difference between being bloated or pregnant as they can share similar symptoms. If a person is unsure whether they are pregnant, they may wish to take a pregnancy test. Bloating is the feeling of fullness in the stomach, which sometimes includes abdominal distention.

Moms Body At 4 Weeks Pregnant

This week, a few pregnancy symptoms may appear, though some moms-to-be wont have noticed any signs yet. You might feel some cramping and see a little bit of spotting, both of which can happen as the fertilized egg implants itself in your uterus.

Your body is now starting to make the pregnancy hormone hCG. This hormone tells your ovaries to stop releasing an egg each month, thus stopping your monthly period, and it also increases the production of other hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone. If youve taken a home pregnancy test and gotten a positive result, thats because these tests are designed to detect levels of hCG in your urine.

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How Can You Get Rid Of Period Bloating

If bloating before and/or during your period is an issue for you, try to avoid foods that are known to cause or increase the frequency and severity of bloating. If you do need a salty snack, try to consume those foods in moderation. Reducing salt intake can decrease water retention, and the body will respond with a diminished sensation of feeling bloating,Dr. Karen Patrusky, MD, tells Womans Day.

Instead, Patrusky says you should eat foods that are high in potassium, like bananas and avocados, as well as foods that are high in magnesium, like nuts and seeds. Foods that are natural diuretics like asparagus, cucumber, ginger, and watermelon can also help relieve uncomfortable bloating. And, of course, drinking plenty of water can help flush out your kidneys and improve your period symptoms.

Patrusky also suggests you get your sweat on to reduce bloating, even if youre feeling less than up to it. Exercise can improve energy and mood by increasing endorphins, she says. Exercise also induces sweat, encourages hydration, and makes us more mindful about what foods we put into our bodies.

If that isnt working, you can also try your hand at a few over-the-counter medication. If your symptoms are notable, they may warrant a medication, such as Midol Complete, which provides multi-symptom period and PMS relief including cramps and bloating, Dweck says. Birth control pills have also been helpful for some women to minimize PMS symptoms.

When To See A Doctor

Day 9 bloated stomach and progress pictures

At 1 month pregnant, youre probably feeling decent a little excited, a little nervous, and super tired, but decent. However, if you notice any of the following symptoms, give your doctor a call. You may have an infection or could, sadly, be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage:

  • severe abdominal pain or cramping

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Bloating And Gas During Pregnancy

Are you 11 weeks pregnant with a belly that looks more like youre 20 weeks?

Many women experience bloating during pregnancy, and it may last right up until you deliver .

As moms, weve been there, too. Our experience has led us to further research about bloating in pregnancy, and weve discovered some good news. You can learn to manage your bloating and discomfort, resulting in a more enjoyable and comfortable pregnancy!

In this article, well discuss what causes bloating in pregnancy and what you can do to combat it.

What Noises Does Your Stomach Make When Pregnant

As you bendy baby wriggles and jiggles about, some experts believe that the popping noise could be caused by the fluid moving around inside the amniotic sad. As your uterus moves around inside you, usually because you are being poked and prodded by you babys stretching limbs, air moves around causing a popping sound.

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