Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Fix Severe Constipation

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Prunes Figs And Raisins

Fix Chronic Constipation Without Laxatives: A Gut-Health Dietitian’s Guide

Eating prunes have been the standard home remedy for constipation, says Leann Poston, MD, the assistant dean at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine and a contributor for Ikon Health. Besides their fiber content, they contain sorbitol, which seems to have a laxative effect.

Dried plums or prunes have always been on the list for keeping bowel movements regular. Eating prunes or drinking prune juice is not just for senior citizens. A six-ounce glass of prune juice every morning could be the remedy to end constipation. If you dont like prunes, eating raisins or figs will provide a similar function. Dried fruit has more fiber than drinking prune juice, but both have a natural laxative quality.

The Best Natural Laxatives

While there is a great number of chemical laxatives you can find in the drug stores, you can also consider some natural alternatives to relieve your constipation.

These are remedies that were successfully used for thousands of years. Unlike chemical laxatives, the natural ones pose no risk of physical dependencies.

These also dont result in weight gain or irritation to your intestines, and there are no side effects.

Here is the list of the most effective natural laxatives you may try today: apple cider vinegar, salt water, prunes, cayenne pepper, coconut water, lemon juice, coffee, flax seed or flaxseeds, garlic, tomatoes, castor oil, blackstrap molasses, dates and aloe vera.

Consuming these products regularly you may positively affect your digestion and finally forget about being constipated.

Abdominal massage can be also a very effective remedy, which has no side effects and provides smooth bowel movement.

Home Remedy For Constipation #1 Magnesium

Magnesium is definitely the best natural remedy for constipation youll find. In fact, this mineral is guaranteed to make you as loose as a goose almost immediately! According to magnesium expert, Dr Carolyn Dean, magnesium is crucial for correct muscle action and nerve conduction. So it relaxes the nerves and muscles, which of course, includes the nerves and muscles of the intestines and colon. Magnesium also helps to draw water into the colon to soften stools, making them much easier to pass So magnesium fulfils the two most important functions for treating and curing constipation it relaxes the muscles of the bowel and intestines and helps to soften stools. If youre prone to constipation, we recommend you dont ever go without it!

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How Do Doctors Treat Constipation

If self-care treatments dont work, your doctor may prescribe a medicine to treat your constipation. If youre taking an over-the-counter or prescription medicine or supplement that can cause constipation, your doctor may suggest you stop taking it, change the dose, or switch to a different one. Talk with your doctor before changing or stopping any medicines.

Try Fiber Or Probiotics

Top 7 Home Remedies for Severe Constipation

Probiotics are good bacteria that help support healthy intestines. Healthy intestines will move stool along normally and keep stools soft, preventing constipation.

Fiber feeds the good bacteria and helps promote normal movement in the intestines. It can also help keep more water in the intestines, which helps treat and prevent constipation.

There are different types of fiber, so what works best will vary between cats. Some common sources are Psyllium husks , and wheat bran. Canned pumpkin is often used, but it actually contains very little fiber and lots of sugar, so it isnt the best choice for most cats.

However, the gastrointestinal tract of cats is a little different from people, so high-fiber diets do not always help constipation, explains Dr. Scott Gellman. In fact, sometimes a low-fiber diet works better. A lot of it depends on the cause of the problem. The important thing to understand is there is usually an underlying cause of constipation, and the cat should be brought to a veterinarian to help figure it out.

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Being Constipated Is Downright Uncomfortable Heres How To Get Relief

Some people think if they don’t have a bowel movement every day, they’re constipated, but this isnt the case. Officially, being constipated means having two or fewer bowel movements a week.

You may also be constipated if you experience straining, hard stools, a feeling of being blocked up or a feeling that you don’t completely empty your bowels.

“If you’re constipated, you may also feel cramping, bloating, nausea or pain in the rectum from straining,” says Dr. Amitpal Johal, division chief of gastroenterology and hepatology at Geisinger Medical Center.

If any of these feelings last for several weeks or longer, youre likely looking for a constipation remedy. Here’s what you can do at home to unblock yourself and feel relief.

It Has Prebiotic Effects

Prebiotics are nondigestible compounds that nourish intestinal bacteria and help them grow. Researchers believe that psyllium has prebiotic effects .

Although psyllium is somewhat resistant to fermentation, intestinal bacteria can ferment a small portion of psyllium fibers. This fermentation can produce short-chain fatty acids , including butyrate. Research has linked SCFAs with health benefits (

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Better Bladder And Bowel Control: Practical Strategies For Managing Incontinence

Most people take bladder and bowel control for granted until something goes wrong. An estimated 32 million Americans have incontinence, the unintended loss of urine or feces that is significant enough to make it difficult for them to maintain good hygiene and carry on ordinary social and work lives. The good news is that treatments are becoming more effective and less invasive. This Special Health Report, Better Bladder and Bowel Control, describes the causes of urinary and bowel incontinence, and treatments tailored to the specific cause.

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Home Remedy For Constipation #5 Black Strapmolasses And Honey

3 Reasons For CHRONIC CONSTIPATION | How To Fix Constipation Quickly

Black strap molasses and honey are both very good remedies for constipation and for increasing your energy. They are well-knownfor their laxative effect, due in part to the high levels of magnesium theycontain. Use both of these together by taking a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses and one teaspoon of raw manuka honey before each meal. If you do find these foods too sweet and have trouble eating them straight offthe spoon, just add both to a nice warm glass of almond milk. This treatment isalso safe to use during pregnancy and for kids and even toddlers too, by the way. So be sureto use it as often as you like to stay regular. It really does work atreat!

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How To Get Rid Of Constipation Remedy #10 Diet

As I said earlier, poor diet is one of the main causes ofconstipation. So to keep yourself regular and constipation free all you need todo is this

Simply avoid all foods that are man-made and only eat foods that have been provided by nature! Plenty of freshfruit and veggies, along with herbs, nuts and grains are definitely the way togo. These foods are packed with fiber and essential nutrients, which of courseare crucial for proper digestion, assimilation and elimination.

So to finish off, heres a few of the best home remedies and curesfor constipation that have been given to us by nature

Prunes: Prunes are extremely high in fiber and guaranteedto keep you regular. Eat fresh prunes daily or drink the juice.

Plumbs, pears, apricots, grapes, figs and apples: Also exceptionallyhigh in fiber. These fruits are considered the standard colon cleansers and naturalconstipation cures.

Flax seeds: Flax seeds and/or flaxseed oil is a terrific remedy for constipation. It gently cleans and soothes the walls ofthe intestines and bowel to soften stools and promote regular bowel movements.

Cabbage, spinach, beans and broccoli: These veggies andlegumes are also excellent high fiber foods that should be eaten as much aspossible to stay regular.

Bananas and rhubarb: Two more home remedies forconstipation that work very well. Just make sure the bananas are overripe bananasand not green. Green bananas can have the opposite effect and will actually makeyou more constipated.

How To Relieve And Avoid Constipation Naturally

Nov 08, 2019Cedars-Sinai Staff

Backed up? For otherwise healthy people, constipation can be a frustrating and uncomfortable situation, but it isn’t usually cause for alarm.

While over-the-counter laxatives are always an option, many people prefer a more natural remedyor better yet, want to avoid needing one altogether.

“Your gut is a muscle, and it needs to move.”

If you’re seeking to relieve or avoid constipation without using medications, a few tweaks to your diet and lifestyle can help. Here, Kelly Issokson, a registered dietitian at the Cedars-SinaiInflammatory Bowel Disease Center, shares expert advice to help get things moving naturally.

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Treat Ibs Or Fodmap Sensitivities

Irritable bowel syndrome affects an estimated 11% of the worlds population .

It causes chronic constipation , chronic diarrhea or alternating symptoms .

Theres no known cure for IBS, but certain diets including a low-FODMAP diet can help prevent constipation.

FODMAPs are short-chain carbohydrates that are found in many fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and sweeteners. Theyre not digested well in the small intestine and ferment when they reach the bowel, causing constipation and other digestive problems.

Removing high-FODMAP foods from the diet for several weeks and then systematically reintroducing them helps to identify food intolerances. This method has been shown to relieve IBS-C symptoms for those with food sensitivities .

More information about a low-FODMAP diet for IBS can be found here.

Summary: Low-FODMAP diets have been shown to help with constipation and other digestive issues. These diets are temporary and are meant to identify food sensitivities.

Enjoy Whole Grains With Dinner

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Choose brown rice instead of white. Or serve whole-grain noodles. For something different, make a dish with millet, quinoa, or bulgur — whole grains that are packed with fiber. Adding fiber to your diet can also help you manage your weight by making you feel fuller longer. These foods also take more chewing, which gives you your body more time to feel full.

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When Should I Seek Medical Attention

Make sure the medical intervention is with a functional medicine provider, otherwise you will just get a prescription for a laxative. Seek medical attention if:

  • you have not passed a bowel movement in over three days
  • there is blood in your stool
  • you are having other symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, and gas.

~Dr. Ewers

People, especially older adults, often believe they are constipated when they arent. Bowel habits do change with age. The normal range for bowel movements can be from three times per day to three times per week. If you believe you have chronic constipation, consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.Call your doctor if:

  • constipation is new for you
  • constipation has persisted more than three weeks and youre going three times a week or less
  • your stool is hard and difficult to pass
  • youre losing weight without trying
  • you have severe pain with defecating
  • you have blood in your stool

See your doctor to rule out more serious conditions like colorectal cancer or colon inertia. Your doctor may suggest medication to help overcome occasional constipation. ~Healthline

Stop Taking Certain Medicines Or Dietary Supplements

If you think certain medicines or dietary supplements are causing your constipation, talk with your doctor. He or she may change the dose or suggest a different medicine that does not cause constipation. Dont change or stop any medicine or supplement without talking with a health care professional.

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Nutrition Tips For Relieving Constipation

It’s a taboo subject but something that many people suffer from. Constipation, sometimes referred to as irregularity, is a problem with bowel movements. Symptoms may include difficulty passing stools and a feeling that not all of your stool has passed. Stools can be hard, dry, or lumpy and less frequent. If you have less than three bowel movements a week, a healthcare provider might diagnosis you with constipation.

The good news: Making smart food choices and adopting good habits can make a difference. Foods high in fiber may help keep your bowels working regularly.

Choose a Variety of Foods with Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber may help promote health in a variety of ways. Fiber may help manage both cholesterol and blood glucose levels. Fiber may also speed up the transit of stool through the digestive system, which can help keep you regular.

The daily recommendation for dietary fiber is 14 grams for every 1,000 calories, which is about 25 grams for women and 31 grams for men per day.

  • Fruits, such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, pears, apples with skin on, prunes and raisins.
  • Unsalted nuts and seeds, such as almonds, peanuts, pecans and walnuts, as well as pumpkin, sunflower, flax and chia seeds.
  • Vegetables, such as green peas, broccoli, sweet potato, winter squash and pumpkin.
  • Whole grain foods such as brown rice, whole grain bread and rolls, whole grain pastas, wheat bran and bran cereals.

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What Is Occasional Constipation

How to fix constipation | Constipation treatments by an MD

Do you find yourself having a hard time going #2 from time to time? If youâre having less than three bowel movements per week, hard stools that are difficult to pass, or a feeling of incomplete evacuation, you may be experiencing occasional constipation. Itâs more common than you think. It affects up to 16% of U.S. adults in general and 33% of U.S. adults older than 60 years.1

Youâve probably heard that consuming more fiber can improve your regularity and help with occasional constipation. And thereâs some truth to this. However, not all types of fiber benefit regularity or help with occasional constipation.*2

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When Is The Best Time To Exercise

Wait an hour after a big meal before doing any tough physical activity. After eating, blood flow increases to your stomach and intestines to help your body digest the food. If you exercise right after eating, blood flows away from your stomach and to your heart and muscles instead. Since the strength of your gut’s muscle contractions depends on how much blood it has, less blood in the GI tract means weaker contractions and the food will move sluggishly through your intestines. This can lead to bloating, gas, and constipation. So after a big meal, give your body a chance to digest it before you start on that nature hike.

Dont Forget The Prunes

Perhaps one of the most classic cures for constipation is prunes or prune juice. The fruit works as a natural laxative because it has high amounts of fiber, and contains sorbitol. Sorbitol softens stools because it is a natural carbohydrate that is not easily ingested, causing it to draw a lot of water as it passes through the intestines and adding bulk to stool. Be careful though-too much and sorbitol can cause gas and make stool too soft.

You will need-2 glasses of prune juice

DirectionsDrink one glass of prune juice in the morning and one at night to relieve constipation. It should start working within a few hours, so its important to let one glass pass through your intestines before attempting to drink another-or else you risk diarrhea. You can also eat several prunes instead of drinking the juice if you prefer.

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How To Empty Your Bowels Every Morning

If you are in need of constipation relief, you may consider one or more of the following to encourage your gut to get back to normal .

  • Lemon juice take a glass of water mixed with the juice of half lemon both before bed and when you wake up. You may want to drink with a straw as you could find your teeth becoming sensitive after a regular course of lemon water.
  • Olive oil consuming a teaspoon of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach can encourage stool to flow through the gut. The oil acts as a lubricant in the digestive system meaning its easier for solids to slide through. It also softens up the stool, making it easier to pass.
  • Prune juice/dried prunes one of the more traditional remedies for constipation. Prune juice lacks the fibre of the dried fruit but both are high in sorbitol content, which acts as a laxative.
  • Stewed apricots de-stone and chop a punnet of apricots in half. Put in a saucepan with 2-3 tablespoons of brown sugar, add two tablespoons of water and turn to a low-medium heat. Stew until they begin to soften then take off the heat and leave with a lid on to cool. These are delicious for breakfast and go fantastically with yoghurt and granola.
  • Fluids There are a million and one reasons why its great to drink water. Aiming for 2.5 litres/12 glasses a day will ensure youre refreshing your system and helping to break down any food in the gut. A mug of hot water is great for settling the stomach and encouraging the peristaltic process.
  • Restore Gut Health Now

    How To Help With Constipation

    Diarrhea, constipation, and bloating are often caused by pathogens like parasites, Lyme bacteria, and Candida, as well as poor microbiome health.

    So, do everything you can to clear out uninvited guests. This should include using herbs that support good digestion and help kill critters. You also need to support your drainage pathways, as well as omit food triggers and get regular physical activity.

    Theres no need to feel chained to your bathroom due to loose stools or be so restricted in what you can eat that you avoid social gatherings. Tackle your gut issues now so you can live life to the fullest, as well as reduce your risk of health issues in the future.

    What will be your first step in restoring gut health?

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