Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Help Bloating During Period

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Dont Skip Your Workout Routine

how to reduce bloating during period : do i need to workout from scratch after a bloating period

I get it: Working out is probably the last thing you feel like doing. But experts say getting your heart rate up is one of the best ways to alleviate PMS symptomsincluding bloat.

Bloating usually starts to kick in about one to two days before the start of a womans period.

People who live a more sedentary lifestyle tend to have more sluggish digestive systems, says Dr. Ross. Sweating it out can also help keep you stay regular and reduce constipation. Lighter workouts like swimming and yoga are your best bet, though high-intensity exercises may actually promote inflammation and, in turn, add to the bloat.

What Causes Period Bloating

You might be wondering: why do I get bloated on my period? What is happening when you get cramps and bloating but no period?

As an entirely natural process hormonal changes occur that regulate the menstrual cycle. Those who experience extreme bloating before periods are experiencing significant hormonal changes. You may need to make some changes to your lifestyle to reduce period bloating to ease things up.

Make Sure To Exercise

Exercise is shown to help with all PMS symptoms, and bloating is no exception. Working out gets your digestive system going and increases your blood circulation â both of which can help your bloating symptoms. One word of caution though: extreme workouts that cause inflammation can make bloating worse, so take it a bit easier the week before your period and save that spin class for later.

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Causes And Symptoms Of Period Cramps?

Causes Of Period Cramps

It is widespread to feel discomfort around the abdomen, thighs, and lower back when a woman is menstruating. Sometimes, she experiences cramps, which are her muscles at work.

Period cramps and pain happen when the muscular wall of the womb tightens, as mentioned earlier. The mild contract keeps passing through the belly, yet they are often mild that most women could not feel them. During your monthly period, the wombs wall starts to tighten and contract more vigorously to promote the womb lining to shed away as a regular part of your period. Once the muscular wall of the womb contracts, it will compress blood vessels lining the womb. Temporarily, this will cut off the supply of blood and oxygen to the organ. Due to having not enough oxygen, wombs tissues release chemicals which trigger pain.

While the female body is releasing such pain-triggering chemicals, it also produces other chemicals called prostaglandins.

This chemical encourages muscles of the womb to contract more, thereby further boosting the severity of pain. Doctors do not understand why some women experience muscle cramps or have painful menstruation while others do not. Perhaps, it is because some women have a build-up of prostaglandins, meaning that they experience stronger contractions.

  • Endometriosis

How Long Should You Wait To Take A Home Pregnancy Test

Ovarian Cyst Miracle

Early pregnancy symptoms show up weeks before your period, but an average waiting period of two weeks is recommended from the date of ovulation, to take a home pregnancy test. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a placenta-produced hormone that enters the urine, once an embryo is implanted in the uterus. This takes place about 6 to 12 days after fertilisation. hCG levels are picked up by the test, only closer to when periods are due. The ideal time to take a home pregnancy test is a week after your periods are due. There are 90% chances of an accurate result when the test is taken after the due date for the period has passed.

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Check Out Alternative Therapies

If these tips dont work to help you find your perfect bloat-busting routine, consider consulting with a therapist. Therapies like acupuncture and Chinese medicinal herbs can also work to relieve painful bloating and poor blood circulation associated with PMS and dysmenorrhea.

Chiropractic adjustments have also long been touted for their ability to help with nagging period symptoms, says Dr. Brandon Buttry, CEO and chiropractor at OneHealth Chiropractic. Adjusting the lower back and pelvis ease pressure on vital nerve trunks that supply the digestive tract as well as the smooth muscle that is often involved in .

However, remember that these self-help tips are not meant to be used as medical advice or in place of treatment. So please seek a professional medical advisor or your primary doctor if you experience painful menstruation symptoms and need further relief.

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Why You Get Period Bloating

As Dr Penelope Law, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at HCA UK’s The Portland Hospital, explains: “The uterus contracts daily in a mild, almost imperceptible manner.”

“As you get closer to your period, these oscillating waves – usually from the fundus work their way down to the cervix – with a frequency of about every 40 minutes. During your period these are more intense – they originate from the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, and are responsible for the pain some women feel,” she explains.

Although menstrual bloating is linked to these ‘contractions’, the expert explained how it’s actually your digestive system, and not your reproductive system, that causes the swelling of your lower abdomen during your monthly bleed.

“During menstruation, the bowel works more slowly because the increased contractions, waves, of the uterus have an impact on how quickly food moves through the digestive system, known as peristalsis,” Dr Penelope said.

“This leads to the familiar swollen feeling many women experience whilst on their periods and can also be linked to why you can feel more constipated during menstruation.”


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Preventing Bloating And Weight Gain:

So can this bloat be prevented along with the fluid retention and weight gain that at least 40% of all women suffer monthly? The best ways to attempt to prevent extreme bloating is to limit the outside factors that can add to it. You cannot prevent the increases in hormones but you can eliminate factors that will increase the fluid retention and therefore the bloat.

Some things to consider are:

  • Reduce your dietary intake of salt which in itself leads to fluid retention.
  • Reduce your dietary intake of sugar, alcohol and caffeine around the middle of your cycle because these items can also be responsible for some additional bloating.
  • Drink at least 8-10 eight oz. glasses of water which will lead to reduced bloating. We realize this is counter intuitive but the more water you consume the less bloating you will have.
  • Exercise will increase blood circulation if done on a regular basis and will help prevent bloating.
  • Avoid rich, fatty and gassy foods. These foods are hard for the body to digest and therefore will add to the sluggishness of the digestive system and add to bloating. Avoid red meat and dont overeat and avoid any unneeded fats such as adding oils when cooking. No fried foods, chips or nuts. Avoid the gassy foods that are mostly in the vegetable family such as broccoli, beans, cabbage, lentils, cauliflower, milk, corn, potatoes, peas, artichokes and wheat bran in order to prevent period bloating and menopausal bloating.

Period Vitamin

Menopausal Bloating:

Got It But When Should You See A Doctor


Yes, period bloat is super normal, but if it doesnt seem to cycle with your cycle , or the bloating and your other PMS symptoms are really bothering you, talk to your ob-gyn.

Your doc may suggest keeping a symptom diary, according to the Mayo Clinic. This will help you keep track of your bloating and give your MD useful data to help determine next steps.

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Elevated Basal Body Temperature

Often more accurate than the rest of the symptoms, basal body temperature should be monitored for months to figure out a noticeable change. Prior to ovulation, the body temperature increases and comes back to normal after your period cycle. However, during pregnancy, the basal body temperature tends to stay elevated throughout. This is due to high levels of progesterone during pregnancy, which causes basal body temperature to rise. If your body temperature has been on the rise for over 20 days post-ovulation, it marks the onset of a new journey.

What Is Bloating Like Whats Actually In There

One thing people commonly mix up is the difference between bloating and water retention. They are often used interchangeably, but are in fact two separate things that can both happen in the week before your period. Premenstrual water retention is typically caused by hormone fluctuations, and diet can also play a role. Bloating of the period variety can be caused by hormones, but it presents as a gaseous feeling of increased pressure in the abdomen, even if there isnt actually anything in there.

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Menstrual Bloating Before And During Periods

The time period from ovulation to menstruation is marked with various symptoms some of which can vary among women. Abdominal bloating is one of these symptoms that many women experience and loathe as it not only is uncomfortable but can also alter the female figure. It is often termed as fluid retention but there is no significant evidence to suggest that fluid accumulation within the lower abdominal cavity accounts for all cases of menstrual bloating. Although the fluctuation in hormone levels may affect fluid retention, abdominal bloating in menstruation is largely due to functional bloating. This means that there is bloating that is not a result of any disease and neither is it associated with functional bowel disorders like irritable bowel syndrome where bloating is a common symptom.

Complications Or Side Effects From Period Gas Pain

What foods to eat and avoid during periods

A buildup of gas is not generally known to cause any health problems or symptoms other than pain. However, the pain can become excruciating if you arent able to release all of the gas that is building in your abdomen.

If youre taking medication to prevent or treat gas pain, you might develop side-effects specific to the medicine. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the treatment they give you and the potential side effects.

Birth control pills change the release of some hormones in your body, so you might experience some mood changes, such as depression.

Laxatives and stool softeners make your stool soft and might give you diarrhea for the time youre taking them. Simethicone can give you diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or a headache.

Gas might be a sign of other health concerns as well. Endometriosis and irritable bowel syndrome commonly cause more gas to build up during your period, so make sure you ask your doctor about these conditions as well.

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Cook At Home More Often

Of course, not everyone has the time or ability to make home-cooked meals nightly. But when you can, try to make it a habit, as making your own meals can drastically decrease bloating.

People are often unaware of hidden salt in restaurant meals, as well as in processed foods, Dr. Streicher says. Of course, thats why restaurant meals taste so good, but if you do your own cooking you can make sure not to over-salt your food, which can make a huge difference as far as keeping bloating down.

Causes Of Period Gas Pain

Period gas pain is caused by a buildup of gas in your gastrointestinal tract. The gas produced from the digestive process travels along with the food as it is digested. Since your digestive system has slowed down, the food you eat doesnt travel as fast as it usually does through your system.

Gas is also the result of swallowing air from eating and drinking.

If you tend to eat or drink more during your period, you might be swallowing more air. This, combined with gas from digesting, can cause pain if too air much accumulates.

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Are Home Pregnancy Tests A Foolproof Indicator Of Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body produces human chorionic gonadotropin , which can be detected in the urine. A Home Pregnancy Test checks for the presence of this hormone and declares a positive or negative result. While most home pregnancy tests are considered accurate, it is also dependent on the brand of pregnancy test you choose, as well as the timing of the test. Each pregnancy test brand recognises varying amounts of hCG in the urine. Moreover, hCG levels are low during the initial stages, and gradually increase as the pregnancy progresses. In many instances, you may take the test too early or use a less accurate test, prompting a negative result even when you may be pregnant, also called a false negative result. In some cases, certain drugs, medication, or proteins in the body may cause a false positive result. Hence, it is always best to confirm pregnancy by a doctor, via a blood test.

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Is It Possible To Avoid Any Weight Gain During Your Cycle

PMS and Bloating: Top 10 Remedies for Period Bloating!

Its important to note that weight gain and bloating from hormonal fluctuations cannot always be avoided. Natural body mass and weight changes are part of life, but they can be minimized with the above tips and methods. Also, if prevention is no longer your main concern because you’re already bloated, our experts recommend eating these seven foods to soothe the digestive issues and minimize symptoms.

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When Does Period Bloating Occur

Youll likely experience bloating well before the start of your period. Bloating is considered a very common symptom of PMS. Symptoms of PMS can begin a week or two before your period starts. You may bloat every month, once in a while, or not at all. Relief from bloating may occur immediately after you start your period or a few days into it.

You may have other PMS symptoms. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists state that up to 85 percent of women report physical symptoms related to their period. Besides bloating, other common symptoms include:

  • cramping

You should talk to your doctor if your bloating:

  • does not go away after your period
  • is severe enough to affect your daily activities

Severe bloating may be a sign of a medical condition or may need to be treated differently.

Period Bloating: 9 Ways You Can Stop Period Bloating

It can be bad enough having a period every month many of us get a range of PMS or premenstrual syndrome symptoms like menstrual cramps, irritability and mood swings, but period bloating is another level of challenge: do we really have to go through that as well?

If youre feeling bloated, youre not alone. According to Diana Bitner, M.D., an obstetrician-gynecologist based in Michigan, about 70 percent of women experience bloating as a PMS symptom too. Feeling bloated can make you very uncomfortable and also negatively affect your self-confidence it can make you feel like you’ve gained weight with a swollen stomach. However, the good news is that there are things you can do to help. You may want to try our WUKA High Waist, with a 45% stretch around your waist. Super comfortable, especially on those bloated days.

We have our very own WUKA ambasaador who happened to be a doctor. Each month we ask her a question related to our blog and get an expertise opinion. So we asked Dr Larisa Corda one question that really bugged us. Is menstrual bloating same as pregnancy bloating? Her anwers is right at the bottom of this article…

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Minimize Foods That Can Cause Acid Reflux

Some foods that cause acid reflux can also exacerbate bloating. When you have acid reflux, you often swallow a lot of air to calm down your throat and stomach, causing bloat because thereâs just more air in your stomach. If youâre prone to acid reflux, steer clear of foods with lots of pepper, chilis, hot sauce, mustard, vinegar, tomato sauce, cloves, and ketchup â these are likely to cause some reflux, and in turn bloating.

Bloating During Menstruation Weight Gain

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Gaining weight during period bloating is a common phenomenon. According to Natasha Johnson, M.D., a gynecologist at Brigham and womens Hospital in Boston, you can gain up to five pounds or more during your period.

This comes about when the female sex hormone estrogen peaks during the second stage of your menstrual cycle right before your period.

High levels of the estrogen hormone can indirectly lead your body to retain fluid making you feel bloated which can potentially cause you to gain a few pounds of water weight. The estrogen levels will eventually drop as you start your period.

Another hormone which plays a role here is progesterone hormone. Progesterone levels spike in the second half of your cycle, which leads to water retention, enlargement of breasts and sometimes water gain, this is according to Johnson.

Food cravings and overeating can also cause bloating leading to weight gain. It is normal to have food cravings and overeating during this time of the menstrual cycle are due to hormonal changes and am increase in levels of metabolism.

These are perceived by the brain due to lack of glucose which leads you to consume around 100-200 extra calories, especially if you bleed heavily. Although these habits are temporary and they disappear with the end of your period.

How to treat weight gain during period

Some of the ways of controlling weight gain during your periods include the following:

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