Home Remedies For Dog Diarrhea
A great many cases are mild and, with your vets advice, maybe treated without a trip to the office. They may respond to a regimen of very basic treatments, including:
These treatments are good to have on hand and can be ordered online for quick delivery.
Withholding food for 12 to 24 hours, and providing water in small amounts frequently, can clear the cause of the upset and allow the gastrointestinal tract to settle. Its usually the first line of attack for diarrhea. Before you decide on a fast, be sure that your dog is healthy enough to endure it. Puppies, and elderly dogs, for example, need nutrients. Also, a fast may not be appropriate for small dogs who do not have the physical reserves of their larger cousins.
Diarrhea can lead to dehydration, so make sure to give your dog access to water at all times. You may also offer unflavored Pedialyte to help maintain electrolyte balance under a vets advice.
Kitchen Cures for Dog Diarrhea
After a fast, simple foods are usually introduced slowly. Many dog owners start with foods that act as binders, which can help normalize stool consistency. Some tried-and-true methods include:
What Is The Treatment For Diarrhea In Adults
During mild cases of diarrhea, diluted fruit juices, soft drinks containing sugar, sports drinks such as Gatorade and water can be used to prevent dehydration. Caffeine and lactose-containing dairy products should be temporarily avoided since they can aggravate diarrhea. If there is no nausea and vomiting, solid foods should be continued. Foods that usually are well tolerated during a diarrheal illness include rice, cereal, bananas, and potatoes.
Oral rehydration solutions can be used for moderately severe diarrhea that is accompanied by dehydration in children older than 10 years of age and in adults. Directions on the solution label usually state the amounts that are appropriate. After rehydration, older children and adults should resume solid food as soon as any nausea and vomiting subside. Solid food should begin with rice, cereal, bananas, potatoes, and lactose-free and low-fat products. The variety of foods can be expanded as the diarrhea subsides.
Most episodes of diarrhea are acute and of short duration and do not require antibiotics. Antibiotics usually are not even necessary for the most common bacterial infections that cause diarrhea.
What medications treat diarrhea?
Antibiotics often are used when
The two main absorbents are attapulgite and polycarbophil both available without prescriptions. Psyllium, another absorbent has been used for mild diarrhea but is primarily used for constipation.
Examples of products containing attapulgite are:
How To Stop Diarrhea In Infants And Children
Infants are especially susceptible to dehydration that can happen along with diarrhea. Plus, theyre more likely to have diarrhea due to allergies or illnesses since their immune systems arent yet fully developed or strong. Its estimated that 3 percent of infants are allergic to proteins found in dairy. This includes the dairy found in most formulas, as well as dairy obtained from breast milk if the mother is consuming dairy. Symptoms to look out for that indicate a milk protein allergy include vomiting and developing a rash, in addition to diarrhea. Its not safe to give infants or young children anti-diarrheal medications that are meant for adults. Rather, its recommended you try these treatment methods instead:
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Dietary Recommendations For Diarrhea:
- Drink 8-10 cups of fluid per day, like water, broth, half-strength juice, weak tea, or electrolyte replacement drinks.
- Eat small frequent meals slowly during the day.
- Try sources of soluble fibre to help firm up stool.
- Limit fried or fatty foods since these can worsen diarrhea.
- Some high fibre foods may contribute to diarrhea.
- Foods with lots of sugar may worsen diarrhea, such as regular pop, candy, large quantities of juice, and chocolate milk.
- Some people may become temporarily lactose intolerant when experiencing diarrhea .
- Consult your physician to determine if an anti-diarrheal medication is suitable for you.
What To Give Dogs For Diarrhea At Home
You should never use your human medications on your pets.
Only administer medications as prescribed by your veterinarian.
Antibiotics can make diarrhea worse.
Imodium works by paralyzing the gastrointestinal tract.
This can be a problem for pets that eat things they arent supposed to (such as toxins or foreign objects or have parasites that need to be moved through.
Once diarrhea has resolved, introduce food slowly to help prevent further tummy upset.
You may have heard that white rice and boiled chicken help with sensitive stomachs but soup or broth is a gentler way to smooth your dogs transition back to his regular diet.
You can purchase soup or bone broth at your natural supermarket, but make sure its low in sodium and has limited ingredients .
The best thing you can do for your dog at home when diarrhea hits is to feed them a bland diet.
Here is a simple recipe you can make at home:
- Place three to four chicken thighs in six cups of water.
- Add chopped celery and carrot if you like.
- Bring to a boil and simmer for 1½ to 2 hours.
- Remove the skin and bones and set the meat aside.
- Strain the broth and let it cool before serving.
- Give your dog small portions of the soup a few teaspoons for very small dogs, and ½ to one cup for larger dogs. Wait 4 to 6 hours and watch for diarrhea or vomiting before offering more.
Dont feed the soup if theres still diarrhea present wait until diarrhea resolves.
Feed small, frequent meals that help heal but do not overwhelm it.
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What To Do About Nutrition When You Have Diarrhea
Do stick with bland foods. One tried-and-true diet for diarrhea is the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Low in fiber, bland, and starchy, these foods can help replace lost nutrients and firm up your stools. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases , you can also try boiled potatoes, crackers, or cooked carrots.
Do eat small meals. Too much food will stimulate your gastrointestinal tract to move even more, says Ganjhu, and possibly worsen the diarrhea. Eating five or six small meals, rather than three large ones, can give your intestines a chance to digest the food more easily.
Dont eat fried food. Prepare foods like beef, pork, chicken, fish, or turkey by baking or broiling, not frying, which can worsen diarrhea. Cooked eggs are okay, too, according to MedlinePlus.
Do eat when hunger strikes. Listen to your body and dont force yourself to eat, which can worsen symptoms. Trust your body to tell you when and how much it can tolerate, notes Ganjhu.
Dont eat fruits and vegetables that cause gas. Eating gassy food when you have diarrhea can increase intestinal gas and should be avoided. This includes fruits and vegetables like beans, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and leafy greens and sweet foods like cookies or cakes, per the Mayo Clinic.
Moderate To Severe Diarrhea
With moderate to severe diarrhea, your child may need to drink an oral rehydration solution like Pedialyte® to help prevent dehydration. An ORS replaces the electrolytes and fluids that your child needs.
- You can buy ORS in liquid or powder form or as popsicles at most pharmacies without a prescription. ORS store brands are just as good as a brand name.
- Do not water down or mix an ORS with formula.
- Offer your child other things to drink. ORS should not be the only fluid given for more than 6 hours.
- If your child eats solid foods, give them more starchy foods like rice, cereal, and crackers. Do not give them red-colored foods that might look like blood in diarrhea.
- Try to go back to a normal diet after one day. Do not use sports drinks and home remedies instead of ORS.
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When To Seek Medical Help
You should never ignore diarrhea. If you have tried the above-listed home remedies and still have loose stools, call your doctor or your pharmacist. They might recommend over-the-counter medicine that can help.
On the other hand, you should see a doctor right away if you or your child have persistent or severe diarrhea or show signs of dehydration, such as:
When Should I See My Doctor
“If your diarrhea hasn’t improved after five to seven days, or if you’re having high fevers, blood in your stool, or are becoming dehydrated, you should see your doctor,” says Dr. Genant. “Also, if your diarrhea keeps coming back, or you’ve had two weeks of fairly consistent symptoms, it’s probably time to see your doctor for further testing.”
Your doctor will likely perform tests to figure out what’s causing your diarrhea. Testing can tell you if you have a viral or bacterial infection. If those are ruled out, further testing may be needed to look for noninfectious causes, such as inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome or microcolitis. Once you know what’s causing your diarrhea, your doctor can help you plan a course of treatment to resolve your symptoms.
Worried about diarrhea?
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When To Call The Vet
With so many causes of puppy diarrhea out there, how do you know when to call the vet and when to wait it out?
Most cases of puppy diarrhea are not severe.
However, if your puppy has any of the following symptoms: Bloody diarrhea, Black, tarry stools, Fever, Pale gums, Discomfort or pain, and Vomiting
If your dog is healthy and has a strong immune system, these natural solutions should resolve diarrhea in 2 or 3 days. If your dog still has diarrhea and seems sick work with your holistic vet to find out why. Your vet may:
- Change your dogs diet.
- Run a fecal exam to rule out parasites.
- Check blood work to rule out concerns with organ functions.
- Do X-rays or an abdominal ultrasound to rule out foreign objects, obstruction, and cancer.
- Do an endoscopy to view the stomach and intestinal mucosa
Luckily, most cases of diarrhea are self-limiting. With a little help from you, your dog can get back to normal quickly.
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When Should I Be Concerned About My Dogs Diarrhea
If your dog is healthy and has a strong immune system, the diarrhea should resolve in 2 or 3 days. If your dog still has diarrhea and seems sick work with your holistic vet to find out how to treat dog diarrhea. Your vet may want to:
- Change your dogs diet
- Run a fecal exam to rule out parasites
- Check blood work to rule out concerns with organ functions
- Do X-rays or an abdominal ultrasound to rule out foreign objects, obstruction and cancer
- Do an endoscopy to view the stomach and intestinal mucosa
Luckily, most cases of diarrhea are self-limiting. With this simple dog diarrhea home remedy, youll be able to help your dog get back to normal quickly.
Herstad HK et al. Effects of a probiotic intervention in acute canine gastroenteritisa controlled clinical trial.
Blaabjerg S et al. Probiotics for the Prevention of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea in OutpatientsA Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Small Anim Pract. 2010 Jan 51:34-8.
Paap PM et al. Administration of Bacillus subtilis C-3102 may improve feces consistency in dogs with chronic diarrhea. Antibiotics . 2017 Dec 6: 21.
B Mounika et al. Effect of probiotic formulation containing Bacillus spp. on diarrhoea in dogs. The Pharma Journal 2019 8: 81-85
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How To Stop Diarrhea And Get Rid Of The Bacteria Causing It
Diarrhea is an unpleasant condition that has a handful of causes. Maybe you picked up a virus over the weekend. Or, you might have eaten something at Aunt Karenâs potluck that made your stomach upset. At the end of the day, it doesnât really matter how you got diarrhea. What does matter is knowing how to get rid of diarrhea and stop its symptoms.
Lifestyle Dos And Donts When You Have Diarrhea
Along with knowing what to eat and drink when youre dealing with gastrointestinal woes, its also important to be mindful of other everyday habits to help you deal with diarrhea.
Do wash your hands. Since diarrhea can sometimes be transmitted by person-to-person contact or from contaminated hands, washing your hands after using the bathroom and before you eat or prepare food can help block possible diarrhea-causing pathogens. Handwashing can reduce episodes of diarrhea by about 30 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. To wash properly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends wetting your hands, then applying soap and rubbing them together for at least 20 seconds. Make sure to include the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. Rinse with clean, running water and dry thoroughly. An alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol can work, too.
Do know when to call the doctor. Mayo Clinic advises to seek medical help if you have any of the following symptoms:
- Your diarrhea lasts more than two days.
- You experience severe abdominal pain or pain in your rectum.
- Youre dehydrated or exceptionally weak.
- You have a fever of 102 degrees F or higher.
- Your stools are bloody or black and tar-like.
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How Can I Treat My Acute Diarrhea
In most cases, you can treat your acute diarrhea with over-the-counter medicines such as loperamide and bismuth subsalicylate . Doctors generally do not recommend using over-the-counter medicines for people who have bloody stools or feversigns of infection with bacteria or parasites. If your diarrhea lasts more than 2 days, see a doctor right away.
When you have acute diarrhea, you may lose your appetite for a short time. When your appetite returns, you can go back to eating your normal diet. Learn more about eating when you have diarrhea.
What Stools Say About Your Dogs Health
The consistency and color of diarrhea reveal a lot about the cause of the problem and what is happening in your dog. Take very careful note of the color, consistency, and anything else that might help when you describe the symptoms to a vet. In many cases, diarrhea will resolve after a few days of home treatment, but its a good idea to give your vet a call if it continues for a long period or has any one of several signs that may point to a serious problem.
This infographic from Purina gives you an idea of a perfect dog poop, which is chocolate brown, shaped like logs, compact, and easy to scoop. Experts say it should feel like cookie dough or Play-Doh when pressed. Large volumes, pudding-like or watery consistency, or signs of mucus , or blood streaks, are not normal.
Take Note of the Color of the Poop
Color can also indicate a lot about what is going on inside your dogs gut. Chocolate brown is normal, while colors like orange, green, or gray may signify issues with such organs as liver, gall bladder, or pancreas. Black tarry stool is very serious, and may point to internal bleeding. If you see this, contact your vet as soon as possible.
Purina has also provided a handy referencea color wheel of dog poop.
Color, shape, and consistency will all help you and your vet figure out what is wrong when your dog gets diarrhea. These factors will help your vet determine where the problem is originating along the dogs digestive tract.
Other Ways to Decipher Dog Poop
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Using Probiotics To Get Rid Of Diarrhea
Taking probiotics in food or or as supplements might help naturally shorten a mild bout of diarrhea. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that are beneficial to your digestive system.
Diarrhea can cause you to lose a lot of the healthy bacteria in your stomach and intestines.
Probiotics can quickly replace these protective microorganisms and help restore normal bowel function. Some helpful probiotics include:
- Lactobacillus bacteria
- Saccharomyces boulardii yeast
In particular, S. boulardii has powerful antidiarrheal effects.
It may be best to avoid some dairy products during diarrhea, but not all. Certain dairy foods, like yogurt or kefir with live probiotic bacteria, are extremely beneficial.
Other natural probiotic sources are fermented foods like:
- Sourdough bread
Kimchi is another popular fermented food. Some people even call it a “super-probiotic.” But kimchi has hot spices that might make your diarrhea worse.
Side effects of probiotics, whether in food or supplement form, tend to be mild and may include an upset stomach, bloating, and gas.
How To Stop Diarrhea With White Rice
Some people avoid eating white rice like a plague because it does not have a distinct taste. It can be very good with other food products, but mixing it with other food might not be that wise when having diarrhea.
What You Need:
- Plain White Rice
The main reason eating plain white rice can be helpful is probably because rice can help the stools become hard. Eat the white rice without any other sauce or spices to ensure there will be no problems later on.
Note: As diarrhea improves, try eating more and more plain white rice.
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What Procedures And Tests Diagnose Diarrhea
In healthy people with diarrhea, and who appear well otherwise, the doctor may elect to do no tests at all. Stool cultures are not usually necessary unless there is a high fever, blood in the stool, recent travel, or prolonged disease.
- Stool sample: In some cases, the healthcare professional may send a sample of the stool to the laboratory to evaluate if the cause of diarrhea can be determined . It usually takes approximately 1-2 days for the results of these tests.
- Blood test: Blood tests are sometimes necessary for patients with other medical problems or with severe disease.
- Colonoscopy: A colonoscopy is an endoscope procedure that allows the physician to view the entire colon to evaluate for infections or structural abnormalities that could cause the condition.
- Imaging tests: Imaging tests such as X-rays or CT scans are performed to rule out structural abnormalities as the cause of diarrhea, particularly when pain is a prominent symptom.