Sunday, September 15, 2024

How To Write A Good Reflective Statement Ib

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Technical Writer Personal Statement

IB Economics – How to write EE reflections

I am a senior technical writer with 10 years of experience writing software documentation, templates and user manuals to explain highly complex systems and processes. I am passionate about making my documentation both clear and efficient so users can understand these complex processes. I adapt well to the changing needs of businesses and enjoy researching new document management systems to streamline the revision process.”

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Tips For Writing A Great Personal Statement

The personal statement or personal statement plays a vital role in university and job applications. It offers an opportunity to convince the admissions committee you are a good fit for the program, or the hiring committee youd be a good fit for their team. Grad school programs often set word limits for personal statements, so make every word count. The tips below will help you write an exceptional essay:

  • Ignore the word count in drafts

  • Make it personal

Write Your Concluding Statement

Your final statement needs to address the broad idea you have discussed in your response. It will need to be at least two sentences. A longer reflection will require a longer concluding statement if you had a separate introduction you will require a separate conclusion.

To write your concluding statement:

  • Summarise the key ideas that you have discussed.
  • Make a statement about what you have taken away from your study of the Module and the process of producing this task and reflecting on it.
  • Now you need to revise what youve written.

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    How Long Is A Reflection Statement

    This will vary.

    English Extension 2 reflection statements need to be 1500 words. If youre not doing English Extension 2, it is unlikely that you will be required to produce something that long.

    The tasks you will be set for English Advanced will range between 300 and 800 words. Most reflection tasks will be on the shorter side of things at around the 400-word mark.

    Identify The Topic You Will Be Writing On

    Final Reflection

    The first step in writing a reflective essay is coming up with the topic you want to write on. In the institutions of learning, a subject is given for you to write. To write it excellent, you have to choose a topic you are confident with and have a vivid description. In cases where the topic is not given, you will need to employ your imagination and creativity to develop a topic.

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    Tips For Writing Extended Essay Reflections For The 6 Marks

    If you look at Page 154 of the IB Extended Essay Guide, youll see that it gives you some ideas on what you can reflect on. You are free to reflect on:

    • The approach and strategies you chose for the research, how they worked, and whether they were effective
    • The most critical questions that emerged from your research
    • The challenges you encountered in your research and the approach you used to overcome them
    • Exactly what you would do differently if you were to do your research again
    • How your EE research has developed your approach to learning in the areas of social skills, self-management, communication, thinking, and research.
    • How you developed your conceptual understanding or how your understanding changed based as you continued to develop your research.

    Show That You Did More Than Your Teacher Asked

    Your teacher expects you to do exactly as they have instructed, but you stand a chance to earn more marks if you go the extra mile to demonstrate that you have taken a full lead on your research.

    Going that extra mile not only shows that you have looked into the topic as asked but also shows why you think the topic is interesting and important to explore even far beyond what your teacher expect to see.

    You can take the lead on the research by looking into related questions and further analyze how relevant theyre to your research question.

    Doing so shows your teacher that you invested a lot of your time and effort to make your Extended Essay great.

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    Sales Representative Personal Statement

    Results-driven sales representative with a decade of experience in B2B sales. Proven track record of closing multimillion-dollar deals in art and design markets and a reputation for adhering to the highest standards of personal and team excellence.

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    Writing A Reflection Paper

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    If youâre writing a reflection on a certain text, annotate your initial emotions and thoughts while reading it. If you are writing about yourself or an event in your life, brainstorm by making a chart with three columns: past experiences, descriptions, and reflections. This table should help you brainstorm and structurize the introduction and body of your essay.

    Example: Past Experience:Volunteering in an animal shelter.Description: The shelter is located near a vet clinic. I was there with three other volunteers and the shelterâs owner…Reflection: I was really surprised by the number of homeless animals and how tame they were. Working there was a very enriching experience…

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    Pick An Advisor Who Will Push You To Be Your Best

    Some teachers might just take on students because they have to and aren’t very passionate about reading drafts, only giving you minimal feedback. Choose a teacher who will take the time to read several drafts of your essay and give you extensive notes. I would not have gotten my A without being pushed to make my Extended Essay draft better.

    Ask a teacher that you have experience with through class or an extracurricular activity. Do not ask a teacher that you have absolutely no connection to. If a teacher already knows you, that means they already know your strengths and weaknesses, so they know what to look for, where you need to improve, and how to encourage your best work.

    Also, don’t forget that your supervisor’s assessment is part of your overall EE score. If you’re meeting with someone who pushes you to do betterand you actually take their advicethey’ll have more impressive things to say about you than a supervisor who doesn’t know you well and isn’t heavily involved in your research process.

    Be aware that the IB only allows advisors to make suggestions and give constructive criticism. Your teacher cannot actually help you write your EE. The IB recommends that the supervisor spends approximately two to three hours in total with the candidate discussing the EE.

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    Ive helped thousands of job seekers land their dream jobs at Fortune 500 companies via my coaching programs. From resumes to cover letters and optimizing their presence online, I enjoy teaching people the science of crafting materials for every stage of their career.

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    Focus On Your Strengths

    Extended essay teacher comments

    A great personal statement is a sales pitch that highlights the attributes that qualify you as a worthy candidate. Concentrate on your knowledge of the field, your experiences and your projections for the future.

    Example:My undergraduate studies prepared me well for my profession. Understanding the role of truckers and fleet companies gave me a unique insight into the workings of the logistics industry and how to improve the conditions of drivers, my organizations bottom-line and customer satisfaction. Working in this industry opened my eyes to the impact of overregulation in the transport sector. I believe there is an urgent need for regulators to come up with creative reforms to transport laws, improve driver welfare and create more awareness on the challenges of trucking.

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    Maintain A High Standard Of Analysis

    When writing your reflective essays, you need to analyze the experiences you are writing about by continually asking yourself questions about the incidents. Take note of the challenges that you might encounter and your knowledge in handling such challenges. By having this in mind while writing, you will be able to handle your reflective essay paper and capture all the experiences, making the reader relive your experience. When writing, you need to ask yourself relevant questions that will keep you on the topic.

    For example:

    What challenges are you facing? What are the lessons learned? What knowledge do I need for me to handle this experience?

    Demonstrate Your Thinking And Explain Your Research Process

    Since your teacher expects you to demonstrate your thinking and explain your research process, it helps to reflect on more than just what youve done.

    Start by reflecting on the decisions you made.

    • How easy or difficult was it for you to make a research decision?
    • Did you make any poor decisions in your research process?
    • What decisions did you find difficult to make? How did you deal with these decision-making issues?

    As you reflect on the above questions, you may want to discuss what you would have done differently in your research process.

    Because the IB EE guide encourages students to write the reflection in their own voice, feel free to write yours in your own words.

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    Make Sure Your Essay Has A Clear Structure And Flow

    The IB likes structure. Your EE needs a clear introduction , research question/focus , a body, and a conclusion . An essay with unclear organization will be graded poorly.

    The body of your EE should make up the bulk of the essay. It should be about eight to 18 pages long . Your body can be split into multiple parts. For example, if you were doing a comparison, you might have one third of your body as Novel A Analysis, another third as Novel B Analysis, and the final third as your comparison of Novels A and B.

    If you’re conducting an experiment or analyzing data, such as in this EE, your EE body should have a clear structure that aligns with the scientific method you should state the research question, discuss your method, present the data, analyze the data, explain any uncertainties, and draw a conclusion and/or evaluate the success of the experiment.

    Why Cant You Give A Specific Definition Of What Reflection Tasks Involve

    Reading my IB HL History IA

    The exact nature of the reflection task will depend on the assessment task youve been asked to reflect on. To give you an idea of this, well look at some examples of the tasks that reflection statements might accompany and what the reflection statements need to address.

    Reflection Statement Requirements
    • Reflect on why you took your position on the question
    • Reflect on why you chose your essay structure
    • Reflect on what you found challenging about the task.

    As you can see, there are a wide variety of tasks where you could be asked to provide an accompanying reflection task.

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    For instance a good reflective essay thesis statement on a literature piece shows the ability of the author to see a deeper meaning between the lines of this piece. A thesis statement of a reflective essay is the projection of the knowledge on the issue and the author’s personal life experience. The ReflectiveStatement: Your Path to Artistic Enlightenment!

    Proof And Edit Your Work

    It is really important that you proof and edit your work before submitting. You dont want to throw away marks on typos and unnecessary grammatical errors. Proofing your work is something you must do after you finish any task.

    To proof your reflection statement:

  • Reread your summary of the notification of the task and the marking criteria.
  • Read your reflection statement aloud.
  • Whenever you encounter a mistake or a sentence that sounds ungrammatical, correct it.
  • Pay attention to the logic of your argument. Does it make sense?
  • Ask yourself, have I addressed the instructions for the task?
  • Ask yourself, have I addressed the marking criteria for a Band 6 response.
  • Redraft your reflection statement in its entirety. Dont submit your first draft. Your second draft will always be better.
  • If you would like to know more about the editing process, you should read Part 7 of our Beginners Guide to Acing HSC English: How to Edit Your Work.

    Now youve finished a second draft you can submit. If you can, you should try and get some feedback. Matrix students get regular feedback from their Matrix Tutors and Teachers. Feedback on your work allows you to take somebody elses perspective and use it to improve your marks.

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    Winning Personal Statement Examples

    Jennifer Herrity is a seasoned career services professional with 12+ years of experience in career coaching, recruiting and leadership roles with the purpose of helping others to find their best-fit jobs. She helps people navigate the job search process through one-on-one career coaching, webinars, workshops, articles and career advice videos on Indeed’s YouTube channel.

    A personal statement, also sometimes known as a professional statement or resume summary, is one of the most important documents you will write when applying to schools or jobs. An exceptional personal statement can increase your chances of admission or getting a job offer. It provides an opportunity to demonstrate to a prospective employer or school that your skills, experience and previous education have prepared you to excel in their program.

    In this article, we show you how to write a compelling personal statement and provide 16 personal statement examples and a template to help you start writing.

    How Ive Used Reflective Statements:


    I was first introduced to reflective statements in a painting class where I was required to submit one along with every painting that I completed. I paid a lot more attention to my process knowing that I would be required to write about it.

    Sometimes I found myself writing my statement in my head while I worked, which made me even more aware of the decisions I was making. I found it so helpful that I continue to write reflective statements for myself to this day.

    To give you an idea of what a reflective statement might look like, here is an excerpt from one that I wrote for a recent painting:

    Because the last orange painting I did ended up being a very red-y painting, I was very conscious of adding enough yellow to make a proper orange. I wasnt happy with the colour of that painting because when I added white for highlights, the whole piece took on a bit of a peachy salmon tinge.

    In this piece, I made sure I added extra yellow to the highlights. However, I must have gone too far in that direction because Im no longer sure that I would classify the painting as orange. It is now more of a sandstone yellow, which I dont mind.

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    Demonstrate How Youve Done Your Research

    A wrong approach to writing an IB Extended Essay reflection is to make it look like it was easy to find relevant information for the EE.

    You should show that you invested your time in research and state that you were careful when choosing your sources.

    Your reflection should show that you have looked deeply into the information you used to answer your research question.

    In addition to explaining your research process, you should reflect on how you planned your Extended Essay.

    Below are a few questions that can help you get this right:

    • How well did you plan your essay?
    • Were you successful in planning the right aspects of your IB Extended Essay?
    • Do you feel as if you over-planned or under-planned your work?
    • How easy was the planning phase?
    • What are the most critical challenges that you faced when creating a plan for your EE and how did you overcome these difficulties?

    Also, your reflections should show how you would do things differently if you ever have to do a similar research next time.

    What Is A Personal Statement

    A personal statement is a written account of who you are, what interests you and what your goals are in life.

    In business, a personal statement is a brief paragraph that summarizes your professional accomplishments. In academics, a personal statement is typically longer, although its still a short essay that introduces you to a selection committee.

    Employers and universities use personal statements to learn about candidates academic qualifications, interests, motivations and other important factors. Professional statements, if written correctly, can be a deciding factor for a job or educational program.

    When you apply for scholarships and graduate studies, the main requirements are your personal statement, GPA and letters of recommendation. The quality of your personal statement often carries more weight than the other two requirements, which makes it vital to get it right.

    A thoughtful and well-written personal statement that is tailored to the school or employer can take some time and effort. Remember that no two personal statements are the same, as they are about your individual experiences and goals.


    Here are 16 personal statement examplesboth school and careerto help you create your own:

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    Ib Exam Changes Due To Covid

    Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the IB has decided to extend the adaptations which were put in place for 2021 to 2022. May 2022 IB assessments will have two routes, exam and non-exam, depending on which your school chooses. Stay up to date with the latest information on what this means for IB diplomas, course credit for IB classes, and more with our our IB COVID-19 FAQ article.

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