Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Probiotic Is Good For Bv

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Appropriate Dose For Treatment Of Bacterial Vaginosis

Best Probiotics For Women’s Ph Balance – Femina Probiotics Vaginal Health & Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

Researchers have tried different dosages in their attempts to treat BV with probiotics, many of which have resulted in positive outcomes. There is strong evidence that BV is most appropriately treated when over 10^8 viable organisms per day is used . However, the minimum dose which can generally confer the favored benefits in women must to be determined.

Probiotic And Bacterial Vaginosis

Since antimicrobial treatment of urogenital infections is not constantly effectual and problems remain due to bacterial and yeast resistance, recurrent infections as well as side effects, it is no wonder why alternative remedies are sought for, by patients and their caregivers . The basis for use of probiotics in BV treatment emerged in 1973, when healthy women with no history of UTI were reported to have lactobacilli in their vagina . Lactobacillus organisms that predominate in the vagina of healthy women spread from their rectum and perineum and form a barrier to the entry of uropathogens from vagina into the bladder .

Probiotics are believed to protect the host against infections by means of several mechanisms including: occupation of specific adhesion sites at the epithelial surface of the urinary tract maintenance of a low pH and production of antimicrobial substances like acids, hydrogen peroxide, and bacteriocins degradation of polyamines and the production of surfactants with antiadhesive properties .

How To Get Rid Of Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis

New approaches to treating BV are currently under investigation in clinical studies designed to meet safety and effectiveness criteria set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for approving medication, Dr. Hemmerling notes.

But in the meantime, its understandable if you feel like finding a cure for your recurrent BV is something you have to take into your own hands. Many women are frustrated with their experiences in the doctors office, particularly when they visit primary care physicians rather than sexual health physicians for recurrent BV, due to what they describe as healthcare providers insensitivity and dismissals.

According to a 2015 study published in Plos One, women suffering from recurrent BV reported that their doctors had told them it will just resolve itself or its just a womans thing, or they admitted that they didnt know what causes it or how to cure it themselves.

Keep in mind: Some of the most popular home remedies youll find on Instagram like vaginal washes or gels, perfumed douching agents, deodorants, or steaming procedures should never be used. These remedies can negatively impact the vaginal microbiome further or cause damage to the protective cell layers of the vagina, Dr. Hemmerling explains. Case in point: A Vagisil Feminine Moisturizer gel actually halted the growth of beneficial bacteria in the vagina, per a 2013 study published in Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease.

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Effect Of Treatment Duration

What BV patients and their caregivers are mostly looking for, is a treatment protocol to get them rid of the recurrence of the infection. Probiotics are a good option to fulfill this goal, provided that they are properly colonized in the vagina. Parent and colleagues found that cure was more common, and the number of vaginal lactobacilli was significantly higher, in women with BV at both 2 and 4 weeks after the start of a 6-day treatment with L. acidophilus and oestriol, when compared to women with BV who received a placebo. However, most clinical trials have reported that 2 months of oral administration of L. acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and L. fermentum RC-14 can be more effective in preventing recurrences of BV and/or increasing vaginal colonization with lactobacilli, thus restoring the normal vaginal microbiota .

How You Can Get Rid Of Bv Without Antibiotics

Her Essence

If youre wondering how to get rid of BV without antibiotics, heres a list of alternatives you can try.

  • Boric Acid
  • Boric acid is most commonly used as an OTC BV medication. It is easily available at your local medical store and is inexpensive too. A clinical study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of boric acid as a treatment for BV. The results concluded that 88-92% of the women were cured within 7 to 12 weeks of treatment.

    According to the guidelines of CDC, boric acid can be applied for 21 days at a dose of 600mg per day to avoid the recurrence of BV.

    2. Prebiotics + Probiotics

    Probiotics are live microorganisms which are good for your health. You can take them as supplements or naturally from yogurt with live cultures.

    Prebiotics are the fibers which remain undigested in the body until they reach your large intestine where they ferment. Their fermentation provides food for beneficial bacteria or probiotics.

    As you know, the imbalance of the vaginal microbiome is one of the major causes of BV. So, in order to balance your microflora, you need to add the combination of both Probiotics and Prebiotics to your diet. They are meant to enhance, build and maintain the good microbial community in your body.

    You can find natural sources of prebiotics in bananas, onions, garlic, artichokes and skin of apples etc. Probiotics can be obtained from natural sources and supplements.

    3. Lifestyle changes

    · Clean eating Avoid the three Ss

    · Reduce alcohol intake and more

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    Culturelle Digestive Daily Probiotic Capsules

    These capsules include L.rhamnosus GG, which can help support digestive health and ease bloating and diarrhea. Additionally, it includes the prebiotic inulin to support the guts microbiome. The company state that Culturelle is vegetarian, gluten-, milk-, and soy-free. This product does not require refrigeration.

    suggests that taking probiotics containing L. acidophilus, L. rhamnosus GR-1, and L. fermentum RC-14 strains at a dose of 10 CFU/day for 2 months inhibits bacterial growth associated with vaginosis, reducing the risk of vaginal infections.

    A probiotic that may good for maintaining good vaginal health is:

    What Is The Vaginal Microbiome

    Weve all heard about our guts microbiome, but our vaginas? You probably dont even realize it, but its working overtime as your personal defensive armor against yeast infections, BV, UTIs and other things that make you feelless than pleasant. Complex and dynamic, your vagina is host to millions of bacteria

    Vaginal Microbiome: your vaginas defensive armor against infection

    Believe it or notthats a good thing! Colonized predominantly with Lactobacillus, the beneficial bacteria feed off the sugar naturally present in the vagina. In return, they produce lactic acid in droves, helping your vagina sustain an ideal low pH 3.8 4.5 according to medical experts. At this acidic pH, only certain types of bacteria and yeast can flourishtypically the good kind, like Lactobacilli. Rich in healthy bacteria, your vagina maintains harmonious balance.

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    The 4 Best Probiotics For Vaginal Health

    To avoid infections and maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria, you may benefit from the best probiotics for vaginal health. To learn more, Bustle touched base with Dr. Savita Ginde â the Medical Director for Stride Community Health Centers.

    While research is limited, Dr. Ginde says the Lactobacilli species is the most widely identified strain of âgoodâ bacteria to look for when youâre searching for a probiotic to support vaginal pH and to help maintain the normal balance of bacteria within the vagina. âYou can get this in yogurt, pickled vegetables like kimchi, or miso as well,â she says. That’s why, in addition to probiotic capsules, I’ve also included some probiotic-rich food options in this roundup.

    Dr. Ginde says your good bacteria is what supports a healthy level of acid pH, and the acid pH is what fights infection. But maintaining good bacteria requires a consistent probiotic intake. âIn those women who have problems the regular use of a probiotic containing Lactobacilli acidophilus could be the answer,â Dr. Ginde says.

    Taking probiotics regularly may help with recurring bacterial vaginosis as well. According to a Harvard Health article, consuming lactobacilli bacteria might prevent the overgrowth of harmful organisms that cause BV. Further, a 2003 study found that daily consumption of an oral probiotic containing L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. fermentum RC-14 can reduce bad bacteria and yeast in the vagina.

    Is There Any Evidence To Prove That Probiotics Treat Bv

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    Well, there is some scientific evidence which supports that probiotics in yogurt, capsules, and vaginal suppositories could cure BV and treat the imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the vagina.

    In 1996, a study was conducted on a small group of women for BV prevention. During the study, half of the women who consumed probiotic yogurt that contained lactobacillus acidophilus had a better number of lactobacillus bacteria in their vaginas when compared to the women who didnt consume.

    As a result, the women who had the probiotics yogurt were also actually less prone to have bacterial vaginosis when compared to the women who didnt. Clearly, the end results of the study imply that the probiotics had some sort of positive effect on women who had vaginal imbalances.

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    In a similar study, half of the women in the group who had BV had taken antibiotics for a week, while the other half of the women had taken antibiotics with probiotics for a month. The cure rate in the women who had taken antibiotics along with probiotics was significantly higher than the women who had not.

    Also, there are other studies which have proven that taking daily one probiotic suppository for BV is effective not only in treating but also in preventing BV in the future.

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    How Probiotics Can Help Bacterial Vaginosis And A Yeast Infection

    Both bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections are common conditions that many women deal with at one time or another. These illnesses each stem from having an overproduction of unhealthy bacteria in the vagina. Such bacteria are only able to grow when there is an imbalance in vaginal microflora, which is a group of bacteria that keep the vagina healthy.

    When left untreated, BV and yeast infections can lead to serious complications like the development of transmitted infections or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease . If the patient is pregnant, these conditions could also result in a preterm birth or low birth weight.

    Can Acidophilus Actually Help

    When you hear the term acidophilus, you probably think of yogurt and wonder how yogurt works to treat bacterial issues. Well, it does, but that’s not the only form of acidophilus you can use. This treatment option is effective because it actually reintroduces good bacteria into the system and restores the pH balance.

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    What Causes Candida Infections

    Normally this happens when there is a drop in Lactobacillus, a type of good bacteria, in the vagina. Lactobacillus imbalances can be caused by low estrogen levels or by a drop in vaginal pH, and when this bacteria declines, Candida can proliferate in the vagina. Other factors like diet, medications, hormonal changes, douching, scented pads, and even tight or irritating clothing have also been linked to yeast infections. Many of these factors cause imbalances in the healthy microflora of the vagina, and that imbalance can allow unhealthy organisms, like the fungus Candida that causes yeast infections, to proliferate. These harmful microorganisms will often continue to proliferate until a healthy balance of bacteria is restored.

    Boric Acid Suppositories For Bv

    Her Secret

    Boric acid suppositories have long been used for vaginal infections, including BV and yeast infections. It is regarded as a simple, safe home remedy for vaginal infections. It is thought that boric acid may affect the biofilms of BV-causing bacterial.

    One study showed that treatment with nitroimidazole followed by 21 days of intravaginal boric acid suppositories and then, if in remission, metronidazole gel twice weekly for 16 weeks. BV cure rates at 12, 16, 28, and 36 weeks were 87%, 78%, 65%, and 50%, respectively.

    Though the BV cure was not permanent for 50% of women in the trial, this study indicates that boric acid , may be useful in delaying recurrence of BV. More studies are needed to determine if ongoing use of boric acid may be helpful for BV prevention, especially for those with recurring BV.

    Please note: Oral use of boric acid is toxic vaginal use only. Pregnant women should not use boric acid.

    You can purchase boric acid suppositories online quite easily. As always, it is best to discuss any of these remedies with your doctor before use.

    Other home remedies for BV that are less studied include: herbal suppositories , tea tree oil for BV, and hydrogen peroxide for BV.

    If you are considering any BV treatment over the counter or home remedies for BV, talk to your doctor.

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    Can Other People Smell Bv

    Dont worry too much about other people noticing the way your vulva smells. Generally other people wont be able to smell it at all unless they get very close to your vulva, like when youre having sex, and in that case most people like the way their partners vulvas smell.

    So What Exactly Is Bacterial Vaginosis

    Bacterial vaginosis is characterised by an overgrowth of pathogenic organisms in the vagina. Gardnerella vaginalis is the most commonly found pathogen, but bacteria from other species, such as Prevotella, Mycoplasma hominis, and Mobiluncus, can also be present. This pathogenic overgrowth leads to a relative lack of healthy species of bacteria in the vagina. As a result, a state of dysbiosis occurs. In effect, BV is simply dysbiosis in the vagina and uro-genital tract. In the same way that the flora of the gut can lose its healthy balance, so too can the flora in the intimate area.

    Normally, the majority of bacteria found in the vagina are from the Lactobacillus genus. Lactobacilli help to keep the vaginal environment healthy in a number of different ways, with one of them being via their production of lactic acid. Lactic acid decreases the vaginal pH and keeps it within healthy levels below 4.5. Maintaining an acidic pH in the vagina is very important to intimate health. When the area becomes too alkaline, pathogenic species of bacteria can begin to flourish. This becomes a vicious cycle as pathogenic overgrowth raises the pH, and in turn, a raised pH encourages yet more pathogens to colonise.

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    Home Treatment Of Bacterial Vaginosis That Works

    Probiotics can be an effective home treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis for many women. But a home remedy won’t work unless you chose the right probiotic.

    And the right one is any supplement that contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 in the correct amount.

    My personal favorite probiotic supplement for these two is Fem Dophilus because it contains those two probiotics in the same strength that was used in the successful studies.

    If you’re looking for an effective home treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis it makes sense to duplicate what was done in the trials.

    Even the Mayo Clinic suggests probiotics for BV!

    So – big drumroll, please – introducing

    • Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14

    Research has shown that some Lactobacilli need to be inserted vaginally whilst others can be taken as an oral supplement and yet still be effective in the vaginal/urethal area.

    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14 have both proved particularly good at this “ascent from the rectum after oral ingestion” as the scientists like to put it which makes them very suitable for home treatment of bacterial vaginosis.1,2,3

    “The ingestion of the GR-1/RC-14 probiotic therapy resulted in the vaginal flora being restored to normal within 28 days in 82% in one group of patients.”

    Remember, these ladies were taking their probiotic supplement for BV by MOUTH, not inserting it vaginally!

    Bv Develops When G Vaginalis Kicks Out Lactobacillus

    Bacterial vaginosis yogurt Yogurt For BV Treatment Does Yogurt Work for BV

    The vaginas healthy bacteria are overwhelmingly from the Lactobacillus family. They live together in a cooperative way, keeping out bad bacteria and yeasts.

    But G. vaginalis can multiply rapidly, outgrow healthy vaginal bacteria, and form a slime layer that allows pathogenic bacteria to thrive. When G vaginalis overgrows, total bacteria counts in the vagina increase up to 1000 times, while the number of healthy Lactobacilli decreases.A

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    S Rrna Gene Sequencing And Qpcr

    We collected vaginal swabs in duplicate but DNA was extracted from one swab per woman only at each time point : screening , enrollment and four follow-up visits , and self-sampled swabs from 12 women who had been asked to self-sample at home every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during the first month . Briefly, DNA was extracted using a combination of lysozyme lysis, Qiagen DNeasy Blood and Tissue kit , and bead-beating procedures . Purified DNA underwent two PCR rounds: amplification of the 16S rRNA gene V3-V4 region and dual-index barcoding allowing multiplexing of up to 384 samples. Samples were sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq2500 instrument , run in rapid mode, 2 × 300bp using a 250PE and 50PE kit. All samples collected from the same participant were included in the same run. Negative and positive controls were incorporated throughout. The panbacterial 16S rRNA gene copy concentrations of physician-collected samples of enrolled women with valid sequencing results were determined by BactQuant qPCR assay as previously described.

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    The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Mass General consistently ranks among the best women’s health care providers in the country, offering innovative treatments from leading experts in obstetrics, gynecology, infertility, cancer, and urogynecology. Learn more about our department.

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