Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Chewing Gum Bad For Ibs

Must read

How Chewing Gum Can Prevent Cavities

why chewing gum is bad for you| Let’s state THE FACTS!

It may be hard to believe, but chewing sugar-free gum can actually protect your teeth from tooth decay.

One study reported that people who chewed sugar-free gum for twenty minutes after their meals had far fewer cavities than people who didnt. These impressive results can likely be explained by the increased production of pH-balancing saliva we discussed above.

Also, theres a certain artificial sweetenera secret ingredient, if you willthat works wonders for your dental health in ways that others cant.

Sugar-free gums sweetened with xylitol are shown to reduce the development of cavity-causing oral bacteria significantly.

To be more specific, 100% xylitol-sweetened gum is what youre looking for if you want to protect your teeth while you chew.

NOTE: Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that can cause digestive issues in people with irritable bowel syndrome . If you have IBS, look for sugar-free gum that contains stevia.

The benefits of chewing gum dont stop there

Gums And Additives That You Should Be Aware Of And Try To Avoid

  • Gum Guar from the ground endosperm of guar beans.
  • Locust Bean Gum a vegetable gum extracted from the seeds of the carob tree, mostly found in the Mediterranean region.
  • Mastic Gum made of the hardened sap of a tree.
  • Xanthan Gum This is gum that can be synthetically made OR by bacterial fermentation. And finally
  • Carrageenan a sulphated polysaccharide that is extracted from red edible seaweeds.
  • Foods High In Fructose

    High fructose corn syrup is a main ingredient in processed foods, commercially prepared sweets, snacks and soft drinks, and these items can aggravate IBS symptoms. But they are not the only source of blame .

    It turns out some very healthy foods like apples, pears and dried fruits are naturally high in fructose, which when ingested, can trigger some of the same side effects as undigested lactose. Fruits lower in fructose, such as berries, citrus and bananas, may be a better choice for people with IBS.

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    Our Personal Sibo Recovery Program Is A Great Place To Start

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    Can Chewing Gum Cause Abdominal Pain And Bloating

    Can You Chew Gum on a Carnivore Diet?

    Did you know that the oldest piece of gum is around 9,000 years old, and was found in Sweden.

    Did you also know that excessive chewing of gum can lead to irritable bowel syndrome type symptoms. If you suffer with irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain, excessive gas and abdominal bloating, and you chew gum regularly, then I would urge you to stop.

    When you chew gum, small amounts of air are being forced into your stomach and bowels. Additionally, the constant chewing stimulate the production of saliva and digestive enzymes. If these digestive enzymes have nothing in the stomach to work on and break down, they will create irritation, gas and bloating.

    You can perhaps try chewing one of the more natural gums. Look at the natural chewing gums by Peppersmith at: Theyve had their gums tested by the British Dental Association. Peppersmith use naturally derived xylitol in their gums, instead of sugar. Xylitol has also been shown to reduce the amount of plaque that can build up on your teeth, and reduce cavities. Peppersmith dont use artificial colours, flavourings , preservative, synthetic gum bases or synthetic sweeteners. There are no animal derivatives either, that some gum manufacturers use.

    Peppersmith also provide little papers in their packets of gum, so when youve finished with the gum, you can spit it out into the paper, and put it in the nearest bin, instead of what some people do, and throw it on the floor!

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    Is Chewing Gum Bad For Your Stomach

    Chewing gum frequently can cause stomach problems and even trigger IBS. Chewing gum can cause you to swallow air pockets, which can cause abdominal pain and bloat, according to ABC News. This bloating and discomfort can cause particular pain to those who suffer from IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome.

    What Kinds Of Issues Can Sorbitol Cause

    “Sorbitol can work as a laxative, and cause bloating and diarrhea,” said Roshini Rajapaksa, MD , Health‘s medical editor and gastroenterologist at New York University’s Langone Medical Center.

    A May 2021 study in Digestive Diseases indicated that sorbitol can specifically cause osmotic diarrheaa type that can only be alleviated with fasting, according to the National Library of Medicine.

    Still, Dr. Raj said that sorbitol affects everyone differently. “Some people are more sensitive to it than others,” Dr. Raj added. “It’s not harmful if you’re not experiencing any issues.”

    Digestive problems aside, the sweetener does not cause any long-term damage to the intestines, Dr. Raj said. Sorbitol-related digestive issues are typically resolved when someone stops consuming the ingredient.

    Further, if you only swallow a stick of gum every once in a while, it’s not a big concern: “It should pass around the same time as other foods, in one to three days,” Dr. Raj said.

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    Chewing Gum & Oral Health Faqs

    Is it bad to chew gum every day?

    Occasional gum chewing can be good for your oral health, as it removes food bits that are stuck in your teeth and encourages saliva production. But a daily gum-chewing habit puts a lot of pressure on your joints.

    Researchers say people who chew daily have a higher risk of temporomandibular joint disorder than those who don’t chew gum daily.

    What kind of gum is good for your teeth?

    Gums containing the American Dental Association seal are sugarless, so they don’t promote cavities. Manufacturers also prove that their products won’t harm your dental tissues and that they can boost your health in some way.

    Products might reduce acids, for example, or they can help remineralize your enamel. Shop carefully and ensure the product you’re about to buy is the best product for your smile.

    Does chewing gum destroy your teeth?

    Some chewing gum products are loaded with sugar. As you chew, your mouth fills with saliva, and bacteria lurking between your teeth come to life. A sugary gum habit can lead to cavities over time.

    If your mouth is filled with fillings, implants, braces, and other dental devices, avoid any kind of gum. As you chew, you could weaken or loosen your products and prompt a visit to the dentist.

    Does gum hurt tooth enamel?
    What are the side effects of chewing gum?

    What Are Some Integrative Therapies And Healing Practices To Consider For Ibs

    5 Foods Not to Consume for IBS

    Functional Medicine

    This is a system of medicine that brings an integrative perspective to a scientific understanding of the body and the disease process. It focuses on common ways in which illness develops and healing happens. Functional medicine offers a personalized approach that works on primary prevention and underlying causes for serious chronic disease instead of mere symptom management.

    If you see a Functional Medicine practitioner for GI dysfunction, they will likely evaluate the balance of bacteria in your gastrointestinal system, the permeability of the gut, the levels of inflammation , your immune function, and stress level.

    Treatments would vary, depending on what was found, but could include: rebalancing the gut bacteria, quieting inflammation by changing diet, eliminating problematic foods, adding adequate fiber and water, supplementing appropriate nutrients, addressing psychosocial issues, and encouraging stress reduction practices.

    Botanicals and Supplements

    Typical doses for each botanical are indicated below. However, you should talk with your healthcare provider before adding botanicals to your health regimen and ask about the right dosage for you.

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    Can You Chew Gum Too Much

    If youre someone who suffers from migraines or tension headaches, research suggests limiting how often you chew gum.

    Although the evidence is limited, theres reason to associate frequent chewing with headache attacks and migraines.

    Also, a recent study reported that of 200 subjectshalf with a gum-chewing habit and half withoutthose who chewed regularly experienced jaw clicking and pain much more frequently than the control group.

    These results suggest that excessive chewing can lead to temporomandibular disorders , which can cause pain, discomfort, and clicking or locking of the jaw.

    I Know I Know Sometimes You Just Really Hate Me

    Because Im the one whos always gotta burst your bubble. Im the one who told you BPA-free is a load of BS, your favorite chocolate is likely loaded with nasties, your new clothes are covered in chemicals, your tea bags are dangerous, and, now, chewing gum is bad for you.

    Just like that friend who tells you that your hot new boyfriend is slimy and likely cheating on you, you just really cant stand me. She can find something wrong with everyone I date/everything I touch.

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    Chewing Gum Does Cause Bloating

    Some gum can make your stomach expand because each time you open your mouth, you slurp in a little more air, causing your belly to inflate like a balloon. Additionally, some chewing gum contains the sugar-free sweetener xylitol. Xylitol in general has been shown to cause flatulence, Chen says. Another sugar-free sweetener called sorbitol, which can be found in some gums, has also been shown to ferment in your gut and cause bloating.

    Avoid These Common High Fodmap Ingredients

    Which brand of chewing gum has the longest lasting flavor?

    Below is a compiled list of potential high FODMAP ingredients in gums, mints, and cough drops. Make sure you read the ingredient label carefully and cross-reference these ingredients with the Monash App.

    • Agave
    • Chicory Root
    • Fruit Juice and Vegetable Juice Concentrates
    • High Fructose Corn syrup
    • Honey
    • Inulin

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    Does Chewing Gum Cause Ibs Symptoms

    After reviewing the literature, I could not find any evidence-based research stating that one should avoid or limit the consumption of chewing gum, mints, or cough drops while on the low FODMAP diet. However, some sensitive individuals may experience increased aerophagia , which may lead to bloating, abdominal distention, and abdominal pain. These unpleasant side effects may also occur when consuming carbonated beverages and smoking.

    Feel free to experiment with your favorite low FODMAP mint, gum, or cough drop just be sure to test your personal tolerance when symptoms are well managed if you have concerns or have reacted negatively in the past.

    The ingredients of gum

    So what is gum actually made from? Originally, gum was made from tree sap, however this is rarely the case now as many gum manufacturers use synthetic rubbers. Gum is non-digestible, meaning it passes through the GI tract without being absorbed or fermented . Low FODMAP ingredients such as resins, softeners, and preservatives are often added to help bind, add texture, and increase shelf-life, however these are not FODMAPs. Sweeteners are often added and here lies the problem.

    Sugar-free gums, mints, and cough drops

    I think it is safe to say that all sugar-free gums, mints, and cough drops contain one or more of the followingn sugar alcohols: mannitol, lactitol, sorbitol, maltitol, isomalt, erythritol, and xylitol.

    What about gum sweetened with sugar?

    Tip: 4.2 grams of sugar is equal to 1 teaspoon of sugar.

    Chewing Gum Frequently Can Cause Stomach Problems And Even Trigger Ibs

    Chewing gum can cause you to swallow air pockets, which can cause abdominal pain and bloat, according to ABC News. This bloating and discomfort can cause particular pain to those who suffer from IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome.

    But that’s not the only reason it can cause stomach problems: a study by Binghamton University in New York found that titanium dioxide, which is found in many types of gum, could even mess with your digestion.

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    How Do I Keep My Gums Healthy

    9 Tips for Keeping Healthy Gums Brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste. Replace worn-out toothbrushes at least every three to four months because they can injure your gums. Floss between teeth or use an inter-dental cleaner once a day. Rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash at least once a day.

    Avoiding Foods That Might Cause Symptoms

    Ginger Root~ Works Fast on Irritable Bowel Syndrome aka~IBS

    Many people find that their IBS symptoms get worse after they eat. Sometimes certain foods make symptoms worse.

    Make sure that you don’t stop eating completely from any one food group without talking with a dietitian. You need to make sure that you’re still getting all the nutrients you need.

    Foods most commonly listed as causing symptoms include:

    • Cabbage.
    • Carbonated drinks.

    Other types of food that can make IBS symptoms worse include:

    • Lactose. This is a sugar found in milk. Some dairy products have less lactose.
    • Fructose. This is a sugar found in vegetables and fruit.
    • Sorbitol and xylitol. These are artificial sweeteners found in sugar-free chewing gum, drinks, and other sugar-free sweets.
    • Caffeine.

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    Urgent Advice: See Your Gp Urgently If:

    You have other symptoms, including:

    • a change in your bowel habits that has lasted for more than six weeks, especially if you are over 50 years of age
    • unexplained weight loss
    • a swelling or lump in your stomach or back passage
    • bleeding from your back passage

    These can sometimes be a sign of a potentially more serious condition.

    You should also tell your GP if you have these symptoms and a family history of bowel cancer or ovarian cancer.

    Mercury Release From Dental Fillings

    If you have amalgam fillings that contain mercury as one of their ingredients, chewing gum could cause the release of the mercury into your body. High levels of mercury in the body system may lead to mental disorders, neurological problems, and other health issues.

    These are some legitimate reasons you should avoid chewing gum. If you cant avoid it, however, its advisable only to chew sugarless gum made with Xylitol, and be conscious about which side youre using to chew.

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    Does Every Type Of Gum Have The Same Effects

    No. Every gum has a slightly different impact on your oral health depending on:

    • Its flavor. Fruit-flavored gums often contain citric acid, which may lower the pH of the mouth enough to wear down tooth enamel even if the gum is sugar-free.
    • Whether it has sugar in it. Gums with sugar in them promote tooth decay, but sugarless gums do the opposite.
    • If it is sugar-free, what type of sweetener is in it. Gums with xylitol in them are doubly beneficial for fighting bacteria and reducing the risk of tooth decay. Other sweeteners do not contribute to tooth decay but also dont help to fight it.
    • Whether it is medicated. Some chewing gums contain additional fluoride or a compound called chlorhexidine. These ingredients are extremely helpful for strengthening teeth.
    • When you chew it. Chewing gum at any time can be helpful, but chewing it right after meals is most effective.

    What Is A Low

    Stomach bloating: Three supplements to reduce gas and bloating

    For many people with IBS, following a healthy diet and lifestyle, along with avoiding known food triggers, provides adequate relief from symptoms.

    But some people still experience bothersome symptoms after following these steps. If this includes you, you may benefit from trying a special diet, such as a low-FODMAP diet, which cuts down on many IBS culprits. The American College of Gastroenterology recommends trying a low-FODMAP diet, noting in its 2021 guidelines that the diet is associated with a significant reduction in IBS symptoms.

    FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. Together, they are a group of carbohydrates found in a variety of grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and sweeteners, but they are often difficult to digest.

    Several categories of food contain significant amounts of FODMAPs.


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    Low Fodmap Shoppers Guide To Gums Mints & Lozenges

    Many folks on the low FODMAP diet wonder if they can chew gum, pop a breath mint, or suck on a cough drop. The simple answer is yes! You can. However, you need to really pay attention to which products you choose as many contain high FODMAP ingredients.

    One of my standing questions during initial consults for FODMAP education is: Do you chew gum or regularly enjoy mints or cough drops?. If the answer is yes, then its a good idea to check your favorite brands to ensure they fit the bill.

    Personally, I have battled IBS for more than 20 years and, over that time, have come to identify many unforeseen triggers. Sadly, I discovered sugar-free gum was a BIG culprit in my late 20s. Boy was I disappointed when I learned of this. Sugar alcohols have been on my avoid list ever since, and I have read a LOT of labels to ensure they are not accidentally consumed. Hopefully, this article helps you discover your favorite low FODMAP gum, mint, or cough drop, while providing sound label reading advice for the products you currently enjoy.

    Gum Can Help With Dry Mouth

    Dry mouth, or xerostomia, is a common condition that happens when your mouth doesnt produce enough saliva. It can cause bad breath and, eventually, tooth decay.

    Gum does increase saliva production, but frequent gum chewing is probably not the best way to treat dry mouth, Dr. Kahn notes. Frequent sips of water can be equally effective. And there are medications you can take to increase your natural saliva production.

    Your healthcare provider can help you find the underlying cause of your dry mouth and either prevent it or develop a plan to reduce your symptoms.

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