Thursday, September 12, 2024

Why Does My Stomach Hurt And Feel Bloated

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Eat At Regular Intervals

Why Does My Stomach Always Feel Bloated?

Many people experience bloating directly after a big meal. It is possible to avoid this by eating several smaller meals each day, which can help to keep the digestive system moving.

Swallowing food quickly can introduce air into the digestive tract. Drinking from a straw can also lead to people swallowing more air, which in turn leads to gas and bloating. People who have bloating should avoid using straws if possible and try eating slowly to avoid swallowing air during meals.

When To Seek Immediate Medical Help

Severe abdominal pain is a greater cause for concern. If it starts suddenly and unexpectedly, and persists, it should be regarded as a medical emergency, especially if the pain is concentrated in a particular area.

or go to your nearest hospital emergency department if this is the case.

If you feel pain in the area around your ribs, see the section on chest pain.

Can Stomachaches Be Prevented

Not all belly pain can be prevented. But to help avoid common types of stomachaches:

  • Wash your hands before eating or preparing food, and after using the bathroom.
  • Don’t overeat, and try not to eat right before going to sleep.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat fiber-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, to keep food moving through your digestive system.
  • Avoid foods that have passed their expiration date or or weren’t stored properly.
  • If you have a food allergy or intolerance, avoid eating foods that make you sick. If you have a food allergy, always carry two epinephrine auto-injectors, and know when you should use them.

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Look At Supplements And Medications

Some supplements, such as iron, can cause constipation and other symptoms of indigestion. This can increase bloating. Potassium, on the other hand, may reduce bloating by helping to balance the bodys sodium levels .

Medications may also cause side effects that affect GI function or cause indigestion. If this happens, a doctor or pharmacist can suggest alternatives that are more gentle on the digestive tract.

Although it is not common, bloating and swelling of the abdomen can signify a severe medical condition. Liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, heart failure, kidney problems, and some types of cancer can cause bloating.

Bloating that continues for days or weeks may indicate a health issue that needs medical attention. It is advisable to speak to a doctor about ongoing bloating that does not go away over time.

People whose bloating occurs alongside these symptoms should seek medical advice:

  • appetite changes or trouble eating
  • bright red blood in the stool
  • black or dark maroon stools

How Can I Prevent Stomach Bloating

Where does it hurt? tummy troubles #health

If your stomach bloating is caused by diet or alcohol, you can help prevent it by making some lifestyle changes. Some good general guidelines include:

If the cause of your bloated stomach is something more specific, such as specific food intolerance, perimenopause or a medical condition, you might need a little help with diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Some options include:

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Take Digestive Enzyme Supplements

Certain over-the-counter products may also help with bloating, such as supplemental enzymes that can help break down indigestible carbohydrates.

Notable ones include:

  • Lactase: An enzyme that breaks down lactose, which is useful for people with lactose intolerance.
  • Beano: Contains the enzyme alpha-galactosidase, which can help break down indigestible carbohydrates from various foods.

In many cases, these types of supplements can provide almost immediate relief.

If youre interested in trying a digestive enzyme supplement, a wide .


Many over-the-counter products can help fight bloating and other digestive problems. These are usually digestive enzymes that help break down certain food components.

Noisy Abdomen / Rumbling

A noisy gut does not always mean youre hungry. There may be other reasons why your stomach is churning and gurgling. The digestive system causes belly noises, known as borborygmi when fluids or air moves around your small and large intestines.

Borborygmi Definition: The term for the gurgling or rumbling noises made by the movement of gas and fluids in the intestines. During the process called peristalsis, the small intestine and stomach muscles contract and move contents forward in your gastrointestinal tract. These gas noises in stomach can occur both when the stomach is empty and when its full.

Peristalsis Definition: A series of wave-like contraction and relaxation of stomach muscles. Two hours after the stomach contents are emptied, the brain signals the digestive muscles to begin peristalsis again. The belly noises and contractions of an empty stomach can make you hungry. A noisy gut may be louder in this case because the intestines and stomach are empty the stomach noises and pain are not muffled. Take note that you may swallow a lot of air because of eating too fast or talking while eating. This can lead you to have louder stomach rumbles after eating.

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Explained: The Link Between Stress And Stomach Problems

If you are experiencing stomach problems, then you may also be feeling stressed. When we experience high levels of stress, our gut also feels this stress. Stress and anxiety have been linked to chronic health problems such as heart disease, depression, and obesity. There is also a connection between stomach gurgling and bloating, constipation, and stomach pain. Further symptoms of stress induced stomach gurgling include:

  • Bad Bacteria Grows, Good Bacteria Dies
  • Leaky Gut
  • Reduced production of Serotonin

If your stomach gurgling is a symptom of stress, there are many things you can do to change your behavior and response to stress. In general, most of us will often respond to stressful events in a poor way. We will wait and hope that the source of our stress goes away by itself, excessively shop, drink alcohol, treat ourselves to something we want, or gamble. As a result, we then experience more stress and get stuck in a vicious circle.

There are far better ways to handle stress, including:

  • Meditation
  • Remove the Source of Stress
  • List Ways to Solve the Problem

Learn these 3 simple steps to boost digestive health in the morning from BIOHM Health:

How do you manage stomach disturbances? Are you experiencing persistent stomach growling after eating? Lets talk about gut health in the comments below. Up Next:

What Is Abdominal Bloating

Upper Abdominal Pain And Bloating – Why Does My Upper Stomach Hurt

Abdominal bloating refers to a sensation of fullness or a sense of abdominal enlargement. It is often due to disturbance in the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract, causing an increase in intestinal gas.Gas in the intestine is a mixture of numerous different components which can be increased by swallowing too much air, excess production, or impaired absorption due to obstruction. Excess gas causes bloating as well as other gas symptoms such as flatulence or burping.If the abdomen is visibly distended in association with bloating, it is more likely that there is an organic, rather than functional, cause of the symptom. Bloating is frequently associated with abdominal pain that may be relieved by passing gas or bowel motions.

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Having A Food Intolerance

Typically, if someone is feels bloated, it is because of their food or water intake, but even if you havent eaten too much, you may have eaten the wrong thing. Certain food intolerances or sensitives to spicy or acidic foods can cause the gastrointestinal tract to have a more difficult time than usual.

An undiagnosed intolerance to foods can cause a lot of bloating, Hoffman said. The body is trying to break down the foods for the body to use, and a lot of gas can be the result of that work.

If you experience a lot of bloating, try keeping a food journal to track what you eat, when you notice bloating and the amount of discomfort you experience.

Excess Gas Can Build Up

Gas is a normal part of digestion, but if it builds up in your intestines, it may cause bloating and pain. Gas happens when food that is not digested is broken down in your colon. This process produces methane and hydrogen, which you pass naturally as gas.

If you do experience bloating due to gas, modifying your food intake may help. Here are some common drinks and foods that can cause bloating:

  • Foods high in fiber or fat
  • Fried and spicy dishes
  • Carbonated drinks, such as soda or beer
  • Lactose found in milk, cheese and yogurts

Over-the-counter supplements can even trigger bloating.

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Sudden Stomach Cramps With Diarrhoea

If your stomach cramps have started recently and you also have diarrhoea, the cause may be a tummy bug . This means you have a viral or bacterial infection of the stomach and bowel, which should get better without treatment after a few days.

It can last for up to 14 days, and this would not require you to see your GP unless you have any of the following features:

  • blood in the stool
  • recent hospital treatment or antibiotic treatment
  • persistent vomiting
  • painless, watery, high-volume diarrhoea increased risk of dehydration
  • night time symptoms disturbing your sleep

Gastroenteritis may be caused by coming into close contact with someone who’s infected, or by eating contaminated food .

Long-term or recurring abdominal pain

See your GP if you or your child have persistent or repeated abdominal pain. The cause is often not serious and can be managed.

Possible causes in adults include:

Possible causes in children include:

When Is It Serious

The real reason why your stomach is bloated and how to fix ...

Most of the time, you can manage bloating on your own. But if you also feel weak or lose your appetite, or have diarrhea, weight loss, fever, belly pain, or blood in your stool, talk to your doctor. To find out whatâs going on, they may take a stool sample or an X-ray of your small intestine, or test you for lactose intolerance or celiac disease.

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Bloating And Ovarian Cancer

Even though ovarian cancer is certainly not the most common cause of abdominal bloatingand is down on the listit is an important cause of abdominal bloating. Among people who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, it’s been found that this bloating is often attributed to something else, such as middle-age spread or winter weight gain.

While ovarian cancer isn’t the most common cause of abdominal swelling and bloating, these symptoms are one of the more common symptoms of ovarian cancer. It is also a symptom that is most ignored. The bloating may be so bad that one can’t button their pants, or even have to go up a size.

Symptoms of ovarian cancer may also include pelvic pain, pain with intercourse, and frequent urination, but it is also considered the silent killer. In the early stages, the only symptom may be a feeling of being full quickly when eatingin other words bloatingso it is important to make sure you get your symptoms evaluated thoroughly.

It’s also important to note that sometimes people have two conditions at the same time. For example, someone could have both irritable bowel syndrome and ovarian cancer, so trust your instinct. If your healthcare provider does not seem as concerned as you are, get a second opinion.

Ovarian cancer is not a common cancer in women, but it’s the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths in womenmost likely due to the fact that the diagnosis is missed until it has progressed to the later stages of the disease.

Wheres Your Abdominal Bloating And Pain

Pain in different areas of the abdomen can mean different things.

Abdominal pain can be anywhere between the chest and the pelvis. People often call it a stomachache. The pain can also be:

  • cramp-like
  • dull
  • sharp

Causes of abdominal bloating and pain can vary from mild to severe. Most of the time, abdominal bloating and pain occur due to:

  • overeating
  • stress
  • indigestion

This kind of bloating or pain is usually normal and will go away within two hours.

In cases of the stomach flu, you may feel intense pain or bloating that comes and goes before each episode of vomiting or diarrhea. Stomach viruses usually go away with rest and home care.

This guide lists the organs associated with different locations of abdominal bloating or pain:

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Replace Sodas With Water

Fizzy, carbonated drinks contain gas that can build up in the stomach. The carbon dioxide that makes soda and similar beverages fizzy can also cause bubbling and bloating in the stomach.

Sugars or artificial sweeteners in the diet can also cause gas and bloating. Drinking water eliminates these issues and helps to treat constipation as well.

Why Are You Feeling Bloated Sick And Tired


Inside: Reasons for a bloated stomach/belly. Why are you feeling sick and tired with bloating? A quick guide to stop feeling bloated.

Stomach bloating is one of the most common complaints that I have seen patients with. Patients will often say I am so bloated that I feel pregnant but I know I am not . Some people dont even realize that they are bloated because as far as they can remember, bloating is so normal for them.

Bloating oftentimes is accompanied by tiredness, feeling rundown all the time. This makes them feel nauseous and also some people complain about gaining weight with this bloating. Bloating will typically happen after eating food, but for some they always feel bloated.

Oftentimes there are reasons for bloating that people are not aware of and simple things can be done to alleviate this bloating.

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Left Side Of The Abdomen

Upper left:

This part of the abdomen contains a portion of the body of your stomach, the tail of the pancreas, and your spleen.

The spleen is an organ that filters blood and supports the immune system.

Center left and center middle:

The transverse colon and the small intestine make up the center left and center middle of the abdomen. The small intestine is where most food digestion occurs.

The transverse colon is the upper part of the large intestine, where unabsorbed food is carried after going through the ascending colon. The small intestine is the organ that takes up most of the abdomen.

Lower left:

The descending and sigmoid colon portions are the part of the digestive system that stores unabsorbed food remains and waste before they leave your body.

Signs And Symptoms Of Abdominal Bloating

Abdominal pain and bloating are considered two different symptoms. That being said, you are likely to feel both at the same time. These symptoms refer to the ache or distention felt under the gastral cavity and above your pubic bone, also called the lower and upper abdominal regions.

Its important to note that a bloated stomach is not related to gaining fat mass around the stomach or water retention. It is mainly caused by air being temporarily stuck around the abdomen.

You may experience the following signs and symptoms alongside the gassiness, fullness, and stomach pain of abdominal bloating:Signs of an allergic reaction

  • A fever
  • Swollen, painful lymph nodes in your throat, armpits, or groin

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Stomach Cramps With Bloating

Stomach cramps with bloating are often caused by trapped wind, or constipation. This is a very common problem that can be embarrassing, but is easily dealt with. Your pharmacist will be able to recommend a product, which can be bought over the counter to treat the problem. If problems persist, you should see your GP.

When Should I Call The Doctor

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Sometimes, what seems like one problem food poisoning, for example can turn out to be something more serious, like appendicitis.

  • the pain is very strong
  • you’re vomiting a lot
  • you already have another health condition
  • the pain gets worse over time, doesn’t go away, or wakes you up from sleep

Also let the doctor know if you:

  • have a fever
  • have pain when you pee
  • have trouble pooping or peeing
  • have blood in your poop or pee
  • think the belly pain is from an injury
  • might be pregnant

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The 17 Best Foods To Relieve Constipation

About 14% of people experience chronic constipation at some point .

Symptoms include passing stools less than three times per week, straining, lumpy or hard stools, a sensation of incomplete evacuation, feeling blocked, or being unable to pass a stool.

The type and severity of symptoms can vary from person to person. Some people experience constipation only rarely, while its a chronic condition for others.

Constipation has a variety of causes, but its often the result of the slow movement of food through the digestive system.

This may be due to dehydration, a poor diet, medications, illness, diseases affecting the nervous system, or mental disorders.

Fortunately, certain foods can help relieve constipation by adding bulk, softening stool, decreasing gut transit time, and increasing stool frequency.

Here are 17 foods that can help relieve constipation and keep you regular.

Can Bloating Be Prevented Or Avoided

There are many ways to prevent and avoid bloating:

  • Avoid the foods that are known to cause gas. These include cabbage, Brussels sprouts, turnips, beans, and lentils.
  • Avoid chewing gum.
  • Avoid using straws for drinking.
  • Reduce or avoid drinking carbonated drinks .
  • Reduce or avoid eating and drinking foods that include fructose or sorbitol. These artificial sweeteners are often found in sugar-free foods.
  • Eat slowly.
  • Eat more foods high in fiber to prevent constipation. If foods alone dont help, consider taking a fiber supplement.
  • Avoid dairy products if you notice they cause gas and bloating.
  • Quit smoking.

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