Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Milk Thistle Cause Diarrhea

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How Much Milk Thistle Should I Take Daily For Fatty Liver

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Some studies administered 70 mg to 80 mg three times daily. Others used once daily dosing, and 1 study used 540 mg twice daily. The authors indicate that doses of 70 mg 3 times daily or 140 mg twice daily seem to have the most robust therapeutic effect. Overall, participants who took silymarin tolerated it well.

Dairy Allergy Rash Adults

A dairy allergy is one of the most common food allergies, and it is particularly prevalent in young children. Up to three percent of children in western populations are estimated to be allergic to dairy, and while many children grow out of the affliction, 6.1 million adults in America reported dairy allergy symptoms in 2019. Symptoms can range from very severe life-threatening anaphylaxis to .

Benefit Of Milk Thistle For Liver Disease

  • Sixteen prospective trials were identified.Fourteen were randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled studies of milk thistle’s effectiveness in a variety of liver diseases.In one additional placebo-controlled trial, blinding or randomization was not clear, and one placebo-controlled study was a cohort study with a placebo comparison group.
  • Seventeen additional trials used nonplacebo controls two other trials studied milk thistle as prophylaxis in patients with no known liver disease who were starting potentially hepatotoxic drugs.The identified studies addressed alcohol-related liver disease, toxin-induced liver disease, and viral liver disease.No studies were found that evaluated milk thistle for cholestatic liver disease or primary hepatic malignancy .
  • There were problems in assessing the evidence because of incomplete information about multiple methodologic issues, including etiology and severity of liver disease, study design, subject characteristics, and potential confounders.It is difficult to say if the lack of information reflects poor scientific quality of study methods or poor reporting quality or both.
  • Among six studies of milk thistle and chronic alcoholic liver disease, four reported significant improvement in at least one measurement of liver function or histologic findings with milk thistle compared with placebo, but also reported no difference between groups for other outcome measures.

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What To Do If Your Dog Experiences Side Effects

So, watch your dog closely when they first take milk thistle. And speak to your vet if you notice any strange behaviors or physical changes. If your vet isnt open, you should take your dog to an emergency vet to be on the safe side. Especially if it is their first time taking milk thistle.

Stick to the dosage recommended by your vet. And do not mix with any other medications unless your vet has given them the OK. On top of this, its best to avoid giving milk thistle to pregnant dogs.

Is Milk Thistle Safe For Dogs With Liver Disease

10 Herbs for Weight Loss That Work

Milk thistle is one of the best-known and most often used herbs for humans and pets with liver disease. Only a few conventional medications are available for this condition. Supplementing with milk thistle may be useful for pets with liver problems. The scientific name for the milk thistle plant is Silybum marianum.

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Milk Thistle For Dogs

Milk thistle is becoming a more common and more popular treatment for our pets. Especially those suffering from renal and liver issues. Hopefully, as this usage increases, we will see more studies investigating the efficacy and use of milk thistle for dogs.

Has your veterinarian recommended this treatment for your dog? Or has it improved the condition of your dog in the past? We would love to hear your stories in the comments.

Causes Of Liver Disease In Horses

The most common cause of acute liver damage in horses is consumption of plants that contain the toxin pyrrolizidine alkaloid. This leads to liver necrosis and fibrosis that can not be recovered through normal cellular regeneration.

This toxin is present in ragworts and groundsels, fiddlenecks, rattlepods, and Hounds tongue. Horses that have consumed these poisonous plants should be closely monitored for signs of liver damage.

Equine liver disease can also develop slowly over time. Horses with equine metabolic syndrome or those that are overweight are at higher risk of liver problems. Many of these horses have fat accumulation in the liver which makes them more insulin resistant.

This sets off a vicious cycle in which fatty liver tissue causing more insulin resistance which makes the liver store more fat. Horses with excess fat deposits in the liver are also at risk of inadequate antioxidant levels within liver cells, which can impair detoxification function and cause cells to die off leading to liver damage.

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Data Collection And Analysis

Abstractors independently abstracted data from trials a nurse and physician abstracted data about adverse effects. Data were synthesized descriptively, emphasizing methodologic characteristics of the studies, such as populations enrolled, definitions of selection and outcome criteria, sample sizes, adequacy of randomization process, interventions and comparisons, cointerventions, biases in outcome assessment, and study designs. Evidence tables and graphic summaries, such as funnel plots, Galbraith plots, and forest plots, were used to examine relationships between clinical outcomes, participant characteristics, and methodologic characteristics. Trial outcomes were examined quantitatively in exploratory meta-analyses that used standardized mean differences between mean change scores as the effect size measure.

Milk Thistle Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels For People With Diabetes

Liver Detox- Milk Thistle is superb!

Milk thistle may be a useful complementary therapy to help manage type 2 diabetes.

Its been discovered that one of the compounds in milk thistle may work similarly to some diabetic medications by helping improve insulin sensitivity and .

In fact, a recent review and analysis found that people routinely taking silymarin experienced a significant reduction in their fasting blood sugar levels and HbA1c, a measure of blood sugar control .

Additionally, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of milk thistle may also be useful for reducing the risk of developing diabetic complications like kidney disease .

However, this review also noted that the quality of the studies was not very high, so more studies are needed before its possible to make any firm recommendations .

Summary Milk thistle may help lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes, though more high-quality studies are needed.

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How To Use Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is available as a supplement from many health food stores. There is no standard dose of milk thistle, so it is best to read the dosage suggested on the packaging.

Milk thistle is also available as a tea. If drinking milk thistle tea, it is best to limit intake to 6 cups a day.

As milk thistle is a supplement, the United States Food and Drug Administration do not regulate it in the same way as they regulate drugs. For this reason, it is important to buy milk thistle from reputable retailers.

As with any natural remedy, people should discuss using milk thistle with a doctor before taking it.

Milk thistle may interact with some medications. This is of particular concern if a person is already receiving treatment for liver conditions.

Supporting Liver Health In Horses

If you suspect poor liver function in your horse or have it confirmed by a veterinarian, there are some things you can do to help support liver health in addition to feeding milk thistle.

Breaking down protein is an important function for the liver but it is also a demanding process. Meeting the horses dietary protein requirement without exceeding it will help to not overburden the liver.

If possible, replace high protein forages like alfalfa and fresh spring grasses with first cut hay and fall pasture grazing.

Increase the number of meals per day to spread out the feed over multiple meals. This will also help minimize large spikes in nutrients reaching the liver after each meal, which will make it easier to metabolize these nutrients without overworking liver cells.

Avoid supplements that contain added iron. Iron is not easily excreted by the body and excess accumulations are stored in liver tissue. Chronically high iron intake from the diet or water is known to cause liver damage in horses.

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Milk Allergy Rash Baby

Milk allergy is an adverse immune reaction to one or more proteins in cows milk.When allergy symptoms occur, they can occur rapidly or have a gradual onset. The former may include anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening condition which requires treatment with epinephrine among other measures. The latter can take hours to days to appear, with symptoms including.

Are There Any Side Effects To Milk Thistle For Dogs

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Many dogs with liver problems have had excellent results after using this natural product. Some vets now prescribe a nutritional supplement called Denamarin for dog liver support. Denamarin contains two active ingredients: Silybin A+B and SAM-e. The supplement reportedly causes little or no side effects.

As it has not been fully studied, it is not known with certainty what to expect with a milk thistle overdose. However, it is likely to include an exacerbation of the side effects listed above. It will also depend on how much was taken, and whether the milk thistle was taken alongside any other substances.

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Milk Thistle Dosages For Dogs

So how much milk thistle should I give my dog? You may ask.

The standard dosage of milk thistle extract is based on a silymarin content of around 80 percent. Most supplements of milk thistle contain about 100 to 200 mg of the herb.

As mentioned above, milk thistle is generally safe on dogs. For dogs with advanced liver disease, a dosage as high as 200 mg per 10 pounds of body weight is possible.

For other liver problems or health conditions, 75 to 100 mg per 10 pounds of body weight per day is sufficient to see results. If milk thistle causes upset stomach, gas, or mild diarrhea in your dogs, simply reduce the dosage.

In addition to milk thistle, many holistic vets recommend also giving SAM-e for dogs with liver issues.

Remember glutathione, the “great liver detoxifier” that I mentioned above? SAM-e is essential for the production of this substance. So supplementing SAM-e with milk thistle can better facilitate liver support and liver detoxification.

Dosage of SAM-e is 100mg per 10 pound of body weight per day.

Milk Thistle For Dogs Livers

In humans, milk thistle is a great choice to help with liver issues. And, some studies have found similar effects in dogs. Research is ongoing about milk thistle as a treatment for liver problems, among other health issues in dogs. But, it is becoming a more common treatment. Even with non-holistic veterinarians.

For some dogs, milk thistle could help with liver problems. But, for others it may have no effect. So, its important to speak to your vet about the most recent research. And about whether it could be useful for your dogs specific situation. If its something you want to try, its always best to do under your vets guidance.

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Milk Thistle Side Effects

After reading about many benefits of milk thistle, you could be curious whether it has any side effect. When dealing with alternative medicine, it is sensible to research about the side effects before trying one. Side effects are common for any medication, including OTC and prescription drugs. They usually come with a long list of possible health issues that may occur. Fortunately, there are only a few concerns related to this useful herb.

The most common side effect of milk thistle is stomach upset, including loss of appetite, bloating, diarrhea. heartburn and indigestion. In rare cases, milk thistle can cause allergic reactions, including swelling, rash, hives, itching and breathing problems. Some individuals may experience, impotence, weakness, lethargy or insomnia, however, they are exceptionally rare.

Should they occur you should discontinue the treatment temporarily for about two days. Additionally, if you bought a milk thistle supplement with poor quality, the consequence can be more serious due to the possibility of chemical contamination. If the effect is serious, find a medical help immediately and to prevent unexpected problems, only buy products from reputable manufacturers.

Like some herbs, milk thistle contains trace compounds that can interfere with our hormone, especially estrogen. Caution is advised, although there are no conclusive evidences that milk thistle can impair hormonal balance. In theory, milk thistle may worsen:

  • Prostate cancer

Baby Formula Allergy Rash

The Benefits of Milk Thistle / Silymarin

The formula allergy rash on your babys skin might take various forms. Some rashes may be itchy, while others may secrete fluid or would be crusty. It is essential to get your baby checked as soon as you notice the symptoms of allergy as if the allergy goes untreated, it might become a cause of concern for the parents.

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Counteracts High Iron Intake

Silymarin has iron chelating effects which could enhance detoxication processes to protect your horse from the damaging effects of excess heavy metal exposure. These chelating compounds bind iron and help reduce serum ferritin levels and iron stores in tissues. This might be especially beneficial to horses with iron overload. If you suspect your horse has high exposure to in their feed or water, you may want to consider supplementing their diet with milk thistle.

In humans that are genetically prone to iron overload, milk thistle seed was shown to .

Articles On Supplements & Your Liver

Prickly yet pretty, milk thistle is a plant with a long, thin stem, spiny leaves, and a purplish-pink thistle at the top. Often considered a weed, it has been used for hundreds of years as a natural, herbal way to treat liver and gallbladder diseases. But is it really good for you, and can it really help your liver?

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Is Milk Thistle Good For The Heart

By lowering LDL “bad” cholesterol levels, milk thistle may lower the chance of developing heart disease. But studies on heart benefits have only been done in people with diabetes. People with diabetes often have high cholesterol. Itâs unclear if milk thistle has the same effects in people without diabetes.

Milk thistle can also be taken with cholesterol-lowering medications, like statins. It can help prevent elevation of liver enzymes, which can be a side effect of the medication. Find out more on the side effects of statins.

Special Precautions & Warnings

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Pregnancy and breast-feedingpregnant

Allergy to ragweed and related plants: Milk thistle may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae plant family. Members of this family include ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, and many others. If you have allergies, be sure to check with your healthcare provider before taking milk thistle.

Diabetes: Certain chemicals in milk thistle might lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. Dosing adjustments to diabetes medications might be necessary.

Hormone-sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Milk thistle extracts might act like estrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to estrogen, don’t use these extracts.

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Side Effects Of Milk Thistle

Milk thistle creates few side effects on its own. The most widely reported side effect of milk thistle use is stomach upset or diarrhea. Usually, these side effects disappear when you stop taking the herb. Rarely patients report an allergic reaction. If you experience any severe reaction, such as rash or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately. Loose, white colored stools may also be a sign of liver disease, so if you experience this symptom along with yellow skin head for the emergency room or your doctor’s office immediately.

If the following symptoms appear, they’re probably due to the detoxification effects of the milk thistle on the liver – in other words, these symptoms are unlikely to be caused by milk thistle, but may be simply your body cleansing itself of toxins and pollutants:

  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Insomnia

The best way to enhance detoxification is to drink plenty of water. Water naturally helps the body flush toxins out of the system. Avoid taking aspirin or other headache remedies during detoxification. Detoxification helps the liver remove the effects of previous courses of over the counter pain relievers. Taking them during detoxification just puts the chemicals back into your body.

Milk Thistle Could Protect Your Bones

Osteoporosis is a disease caused by progressive bone loss.

It usually develops slowly over a number of years and causes weak and fragile bones that break easily, even after minor falls.

Milk thistle has been shown in experimental test-tube and animal studies to stimulate bone mineralization and potentially be protective against bone loss (

This may be because people arent able to absorb enough to get a medicinal effect.

More studies are needed before it can be determined how silymarin might be used to support people undergoing cancer treatment.

Summary The active ingredients in milk thistle have been shown in animals to improve the effects of some cancer treatments. However, human studies are limited and havent yet shown any beneficial effects.

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What Is Milk Thistle

This plant is named for the white lines that streak across its green leaves. If the leaves are ripped or crushed, a milky white liquid oozes out. You might also hear it called Mary thistle or holy thistle.

Milk thistle is native to Europeâs Mediterranean region. It now grows all over the world, including northern Africa, South Australia, and parts of North and South America.

Itâs sometimes called silymarin, which is one of the main components of the plantâs seeds. The terms milk thistle and silymarin are often used interchangeably, even though they arenât exactly the same thing.

Silymarin is considered an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. In the United States, itâs one of the most commonly used herbal supplements for liver issues.

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