Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does Leaky Gut Cause Weight Gain

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I Have Leaky Gut And No One Takes Me Seriously

Can Leaky Gut Cause Weight Gain?

Thirteen years ago, I hit rock bottom. I had excruciating stomach and intestinal pain, along with uncomfortable gas, bloating, and constipation. A few times I went to the ER for painkiller injections. Food should make you feel good, but everything I ate made me feel bad. I was underweight and malnourished. I couldn’t gain weight to save my life. On top of that, I had bad allergies, severe asthma, and I got lots of sinus infections. My periods were all over the place and PMS was a nightmare. Basically, I was a wreck.

I saw several doctors and had all the tests you’d expect, including an endoscopy, an upper GI series, and more. But there were no definitive answers. I remember one gastroenterologist saying, “Nothing in the tests indicate that there’s anything wrong with you. However, I think you have something called irritable bowel syndrome. We don’t know much about it. All I can do is prescribe medication to help you feel more comfortable.”

MORE: 4 Easy Ways To Boost Your Gut Bacteria

He gave me Xanax and another drug I cant recall, but I rarely took them because they didn’t work. They didnt fix anything they just made me temporarily forget about the pain, and that didn’t sit well with me. Western medicine had failed me.

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The 11 Most Nutrient-Dense Foods on the PlanetSalmon. Not all fish is created equal. Kale. Of all the healthy leafy greens, kale is the king. Seaweed. The sea has more than just fish. Garlic. Garlic really is an amazing ingredient. Shellfish. Many sea animals are high in nutrients, but shellfish may be among the most nutritious of all. Potatoes. Liver. Sardines.More itemsAug 27, 2018

Can A Leaky Gut Repair Itself

One thing you can do to heal a leaky gut is take glutamine. I also recommend fermented foods like sauerkraut, which help balance your gut flora out. Your other option is to just take a good probiotic, which you can find at most health food stores. As you can see, one of the main causes of leaky gut is inflammation.

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Food Intolerances Or Allergies

Because the immune systems of people with leaky gut syndrome are in a chronically heightened state, it may cause you to be more sensitive to certain foods, most notably gluten and dairy. A study of children who were allergic to milk and eggs also found that they experienced elevated intestinal permeability.

What Is A Leaky Gut

Is Your Gut Leaky? How to Find Out

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition in which the lining of the small intestine is damaged, allowing harmful particles such as microbes, bacteria, undigested food, and toxins to leak through the intestine and enter the bloodstream.

The presence of these substances in the blood can trigger an inflammatory reaction and lead to a number of health problems that range from migraines to irritable bowel syndrome. A person who suffers from leaky gut syndrome is often at high risk for malnutrition, weakened immunity, hormone imbalances, and other serious health conditions.

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Does Ibuprofen Kill Gut Bacteria

NSAIDs. Many NSAIDs are familiar, over-the-counter remedies such as aspirin and ibuprofen, and yet despite their widespread use and availability, they do have impacts on the bacteria found within the gut microbiome. NSAIDs have been known to cause damage to the small intestine, putting users at risk for ulcers.

As We Start Our New Year Its Very Common To Set New Years Resolutions But Did You Know That 80% Of Those Resolutions Fail By February Despite This We Often Make A Feeble Attempt At Setting Those Resolutions

When it comes to health and weight loss, though, lets commit to positioning ourselves for success this year. After all, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, as said by Albert Einstein.

Did you know that much of your behavior can be dictated by the microorganisms that live within you? Weve all heard about the leaky gut or gut permeability. More than 80% of Americans have some degree of leaky gut, which means that weve got more of the bad guys living in our gut. Slowly but surely, we begin to lose the war within and become outnumbered by the bad guys.

What does this mean? 70- 80% of our immune system resides in our gut, and a normal healthy gut doesnt have gaps for the toxins, bacteria, and yeast to enter our bodies. But a leaky gut means just that, it allows the toxins to enter our gut and wreak havoc.

We live in a toxic world where we are bombarded with toxins from the air we breathe to the foods we eat. This doesnt include the stressors in our lives and the stuff that we put on our skin. Not only that, many of us take medications that further cause toxicity, especially antibiotics. All such things cause gut permeability.

Toxins love fat cells and as the bad bacteria take over within your body, they tend to crave fat and ultimately begin dictating your behavior. This causes a gain in fat but a loss in muscle which makes it hard to exercise as we arent able to supply energy to our muscles.

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Healthy Gut Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy gut is critical for your health, and its also one of the most significant things you can do to manage your weight. Commit to making dietary changes, maintaining an active lifestyle, and looking forward to better health and better numbers on the scale as well.


I am not a doctor and do not recommend anything on this site, or blog post, for anyone without consulting with their doctor first. Please read the privacy policy for more information.

The information in this article is for educational and entertainment reasons, it should not be interpreted as medical advice or as a recommendation for a specific treatment. Always talk to your doctor and in the event of a medical emergency one should seek the help of a qualified and licensed health care provider.

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Gut Dysbiosis And Leaky Gut

Can Leaky Gut Cause Weight Gain?

It is well documented that those with obesity have significantly impaired gut function compared to the general population. Obese individuals are shown to have problems with effective digestion and absorption of food, gastrointestinal illness, unstable or pathological intestinal microbiota, poor immune status, and overall lower wellbeing, suggestion a lack of gut health. This gut dysbiosis is thought to cause increased permeability in the small intestine, allowing the entry of toxins called lipopolysaccharides into the blood and triggering systemic inflammation.

One theory is that the metabolic activity of gut microbiota contributes to weight gain by causing more calories to be extracted from the food passing through the gut. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth may also play a role in intestinal permeability by increasing constipation, reducing pancreatic enzyme and gastric acid activity, and disturbing the microbiota and host immune system relationship.

Probiotic supplementation can help strengthen the tight junctions of the intestine, reducing overall permeability. Probiotics can have anti-inflammatory effects in the gut, regulating the production of inflammatory cytokines and reducing intestinal permeability. This demonstrates the benefits of a balanced microbiota in the gut to maintain the function of the intestinal barrier, particularly in obesity.

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Optimizing Mucosal Defense Is Key

These issues can be prevented or at least limited by living a lifestyle that supports mucosal defense and bile production. Bacteria wont grow where the environment restricts their growth. This goes for commensals and pathogens.

Under normal conditions, the body promotes the growth of commensals and restricts the growth of pathogens. It also does a pretty good job of keeping commensal bacteria from overgrowing. Mucosal defense regulates all of these processes.

Gut Microbiota And Autism

2016 review , autistic children often develop significant digestive problems, such as constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting.

In a small 2017 study, researchers compared stool samples from two groups of children autistic children with GI symptoms, and those without autism or GI symptoms. The researchers identified significantly higher amounts of Clostridium perfringens bacteria in samples collected from autistic children with GI symptoms.

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The Cycle Of Inflammation And Weight Gain

The relationship between inflammation and weight gain is a complicated one. It appears that inflammation causes weight gain and weight gain causes inflammation, so they feed off each other in a vicious cycle that can be hard to break. For example, studies have suggested that overeating triggers the immune system, which causes the body to generate excessive inflammation.

Fat in and of itself causes inflammation, as one study concluded that an excess of macronutrients in adipose tissue stimulates the release of inflammatory mediators like tumor necrosis factor and interleukin 6. Visceral fatwhich is the name given to the particularly unhealthy fat that accumulates in the abdomenhas been shown to be even more active, producing inflammatory markers, triggering long-term inflammation, and increasing a persons risk for inflammation-based chronic diseases, such as arteriosclerosis and diabetes.

If youre surprised by how complicated this all seems, youre not alone. It is complicated! Clearly, the calories in, calories out equation we were all taught as kids isnt going to cut it anymore. When you dive deeper into the relationship between inflammation and weight gain it will inevitably lead you to the gut, which brings us to

Dietary Effects On Leaky Gut

What is Leaky Gut?: Leaky Gut Fast Facts: Dr. Becky Campbell

Besides just the composition of gut bacteria, nutritional factors play an important role in permeability as well. The authors of this study suggest that there are two major components of the diet that can affect intestinal permeability: fructose and fat. Fructose is thought to damage the liver directly by increasing blood levels of LPS toxins, causing fatty liver, inflammation, and hepatic insulin resistance. These effects explain why high fructose consumption has been implicated in the development of metabolic syndrome.

As far as fat goes, the authors of this study suggest that fat is more efficient than carbohydrates at transporting LPS toxins to the liver through the formation of chylomicrons, molecules that deliver dietary fats from digestion to the liver. An increase in liver toxins was demonstrated to induce obesity, diabetes, and insulin resistance in rats, demonstrating why a high fat diet could exacerbate metabolic disease. The type of fat matters though oleate, a monounsaturated fat, promotes the delivery of toxins to the liver, while butyrate, a short chain saturated fat, does not form chylomicrons or increase LPS toxins in the liver. It has also been found that changes in bile secretion are associated with altered intestinal permeability, and a decrease in bile allows for greater bacterial growth in the small intestine and more LPS being produced.

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Leaky Gut Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms:

Fatigue: Usually tired throughout the day and feeling the need to take naps after lunch.

Sleeping Problems: Either trouble falling asleep, or the more common symptom, waking up in the middle of the night, around 2am or 3am, and have trouble falling back to sleep.

Inability To Tolerate Stress: Your emotional fuse has become shortened. You find yourself yelling more than you used to and things tend to bother you more than they used to.

Pain and/or Inflammation: Something in your body hurts your stomach, knee, back, neck, hands It might be every day or it might only be once a month.

Anxiety and/or Depression: Most people are not aware that the adrenal glands actually make neurotransmitter responsible for mood and emotion.

Cravings for Salty or Sugary Foods: Chips, pretzels, ice cream, cheese and other goodies can be craved.

Brain Fog: Have trouble thinking or putting words together. Asking yourself questions like, Why did I come into this room? What was her name?

What Foods Are Bad For Leaky Gut

Foods To Avoid With Leaky GutGrains. Particularly the gluten-containing grains like wheat, spelt, rye, and barley. Sugar. Especially refined white sugar added to foods like desserts and drinks. Milk. Conventional milk can also be problematic for many. Phytochemicals. Bone Broth. Fermented Foods. Healthy Fats. Turmeric.More items

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A Path Toward A Healthier Gut

Although it is unusual to hear the term “increased intestinal permeability” in most doctors’ offices, alternative and integrative medicine practitioners have worked on gut healing as an initial step to treat chronic diseases for decades. Other cultures around the world often recommend specific diets to make people feel better. Even in the United States, it is common to see people changing their diets after getting sick. A common initial step some practitioners take is to remove foods that can be inflammatory and could promote changes in the gut flora. Among the most common are alcohol, processed foods, certain medications, and any foods that may cause allergies or sensitivities. In my practice, I often see patients improve significantly when they start eating a healthier diet.

Controversy still exists on whether leaky gut causes the development of diseases outside the gastrointestinal tract in humans. However, it is always a good idea to eat a nutritious, unprocessed diet that includes foods that help quell inflammation , which may, at least in theory, help to rebuild the gut lining and bring more balance to the gut flora. This recipe could make you feel better, without any side effects. It is definitely worth a try.

Clues That Leaky Gut May Be At The Root Of Your Health Issues

How Organs and Leaky Gut Affect Weight Loss

08.14.2014 by Dr. Doni

Dr. Doni explains how leaky gut is extensively researched yet under-diagnosedand could be the underlying cause of any number of chronic health problems.

Considering that chronic diseases such as diabetes, autoimmunity, and liver failure, as well as common symptoms, like eczema, anxiety, fatigue, weight gain, bloating, and muscle/joint pain, can all be caused by leaky gut syndrome , it is imperative that you determine whether it may be occurring in your body.

Let Dr. Doni help you take action now with her Leaky Gut and Digestive Solutions Package. More info > >

Leaky gut is not well recognized by most practitioners, and is not found with the usual tests, not even with an endoscopy or colonoscopy. Still, there are close to 11,000 research studies about intestinal permeability from the past sixty years that clearly indicate that this is real health issue, including 35 studies released in just the past month.

For many, identifying leaky gut can be life changing because it is a condition that can be addressed with diet changes, nutrients, herbs, enzymes, and probiotics that help the intestinal lining to heal. In a medical system where people often find themselves reliant on medications, it is empowering to discover that there are natural solutions to address not only leaky gut, but challenging health concerns throughout their body.

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How Does Leaky Gut Cause Weight Gain

Toxins that leak into the body from the intestinal tract produce inflammation.

The bodys way of coping with inflammation is to release the hormone cortisol, which helps lessen inflammation.

This sounds all well and good, but its not and heres why. Cortisol may help to reduce inflammation but it also makes you store belly fat.

Cortisol can also elevate insulin and insulin is the most powerful fat storing hormone in the human body.

This combination of increased cortisol and increased insulin can shift a persons body straight into fat storing mode making it difficult to lose weight even with diet and exercise.

In some cases the person with leaky gut will lose weight, but as soon as they stop their diet or exercise, the weight comes right back.

An increase in cortisol and insulin caused by leaky gut can produce symptoms such as:

  • Weight gain

  • Blood pressure problems

Here my opinion on weight and health problems caused by leaky gut.

Over the last 22+ years my clinic and I have worked with over 20,000 patients and clients and Ive found something to always be true all health and weight problems have an underlying cause.

In order for a person to get well and/or lose the weight they have to identify the underlying cause.

The Leaky Gut Quiz is the first step in identifying if your weight gain and/or health concern is caused by leaky gut.

From there we will give you a Free Consultation with either our Naturopathic Doctor Pam or our Certified Health Coach Taneka.

Vitamin And Mineral Deficiencies

One of the main jobs of the digestive system is to extract nutrition from food. But when damaged, it fails to do this job well. Nutrients affected by leaky gut syndrome include: vitamin B12, zinc, iron, and magnesium. Many times people with leaky gut also have digestive disturbances, such as diarrhea, making it even more likely that the body becomes deficient in vitamins and minerals. If the food moves through too quickly, their body cannot absorb the nutrition it needs. If you do suspect leaky gut, get tested for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Correcting these could help you start to feel better.

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How To Fix Your Gut Bacteria And Lose Weight

I read somewhere that a high-fat diet can damage your gut bacteria and promote weight gain, writes this weeks house call. Should I be concerned if Im eating a high-fat diet?

It is true that what you eat can affect your gut bacteria, for better and for worse, and changes in your gut bacteria or microbiome cause weight gain. Indeed, some studies demonstrate that high-fat diets can adversely affect your gut flora and promote inflammation and weight gain. However, its important to note that the type of fat you eat matters! Most of these studies are focused on diets that incorporate high levels of inflammatory, refined omega 6 vegetable oils like soybean oil.

Refined omega-6 rich vegetable oils fall into the bad fats category and should be avoided. While most of us have been convinced, by the food industry and our government, that vegetable oils are safe and a heart-healthy alternative to saturated fats, we now know differently.

Polyunsaturated fats from soybean, canola, and other seed oils are inflammatory. Avoid them if you want to be healthier. Even if you consume some omega 3 fats while consuming these inflammatory oils, you wont reap the healthy fat benefits.

The vast quantities of omega 6 fats in our diet contribute to heart disease, diabesity, and cancer. Studies also link high omega 6 fat consumption to depression, suicide, and other major health problems due to increased inflammation.

Why Is Gut Health So Important?

8 Ways to Optimize Gut Flora

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