Friday, July 26, 2024

Does Splenda Cause Leaky Gut

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What Is Monk Fruit

Leaky Gut: What it is, What it Does to Your Body, and How to Reverse It.

Monk fruit is the brand name. Its official name is luo han guo or Buddha fruit.

It is a very sweet and round dried fruit typically grown in southern Chinese provinces such as Guangdong, Guizhou, Hunan and Jiangxi. In the U.S., luo han guo or monk fruit is Generally Recognized As Safe for use as a sweetener or flavor enhancer for food and beverages, excluding meat and poultry products.

Here are some other things to know about monk fruit:

  • The extract is 150-250 times sweeter than table sugar, has zero calories and carbs, and does not raise blood glucose levels.
  • The luo han guo fruit and its extract is popular in TCM , and is slowly gaining recognition in other places because of its potential benefits.
  • Some of its benefits include: anti-inflammatory properties, anti-aging properties, relieving allergies, helping control diabetes, and boosting immunity.
  • Caution if you are allergic to members of the gourd family such as pumpkins, squash, cucumbers and melons.
  • Why Is Aspartame Still Used

    Aspartame is an artificial sweetener, sold under brand names such as NutraSweet® and Equal®, that has been in use in the United States since the early 1980s. It is used in many foods and beverages because it is much sweeter than sugar, so much less of it can be used to give the same level of sweetness.

    Side Effects From Splenda

    Associated with the consumption of the artificial sweetener named Splenda, are many sucralose side effects. Linked to Splenda dangers have been many health conditions. Some of these include causing leaky guy, irritable bowel syndrome, and even diabetes. Toxic compounds are believed to be the cause of this. Toxic compounds develop when Splenda is heated for various uses. Weight gain has also been linked. Which is the complete opposite of what many people use it for.

    In addition, it can be affecting your health in other ways. Consumption has also been linked to causing digestive problems and metabolic syndrome. Sucralose can alter your bodys normal levels of insulin and glucose, causing health concerns. Sucralose can also kill off good probiotics.

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    How I Healed My Leaky Gut Naturally

    Here are the five steps we walk our clients through to heal a leaky gut:

  • Stop eating foods that damage the lining of your gut. Grains, legumes and processed, refined foods can be hard to digest and promote perforations in your intestines.
  • Start eating foods that reduce and heal inflammation and restore the healthy gut bacteria.
  • Get stress and sleep under control.
  • Take gut healing supplements.
  • Prescription & Over The Counter Medications

    5 Reasons to Take a Hard Pass on Sucralose

    Many prescription medications and even some over-the-counter drugs can cause intestinal distress and inflammation. Especially when taken long-term. Some commonly prescribed medications that can be problematic include:

    • NSAIDs
    • Corticosteroids
    • Antacids

    Unfortunately, these are the same drugs frequently used to treat inflammatory gut conditions. Thus, they can make matters worse if the root cause of inflammation isnt determined and addressed.

    Its also worth noting that some medications can cause nutrient deficiencies, which can deprive your intestinal cells, alter your gut bacteria, inhibit your immune system, promote inflammation, and lead to dysfunction.

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    Animals And Sucralose Exposure

    Male C57BL/6J mice purchased from the Jackson Laboratory were used in this study. Twenty male mice were housed in the University of Georgia animal facility for a week before the study and then assigned to the control or treatment group , which received tap water or sucralose in tap water, respectively, for 6 months. The concentration of sucralose was 0.1 mg/ml, which was equivalent to the FDA-approved acceptable daily intake in humans . Fresh solutions were made every week, and the consumption of water was measured for both groups. Standard pelleted rodent diet and tap water were provided to the mice ad libitum, and the mice were housed in environmental conditions of 22°C, 4070% humidity, and a 12:12 h light:dark cycle before and during the experiment. Body weight was measured before and after the treatment. Fecal pellets were collected at baseline and at three and 6 months of treatment. Mice were euthanized with carbon dioxide and necropsied after 6 months. All experiments were approved by the University of Georgia Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. The animals were treated humanely and with regard for alleviation of suffering.

    What About Other Artificial Sweeteners

    Similar findings were discovered with another artificial sweetener called saccharin, and it is suspected that a similar mode of action is at work as well.

    Researchers have found that although our bodies can’t metabolize artificial sweeteners, our gut bacteria can, and that’s why they can still cause us problems.

    With this new information, it’s important to consider not only how a sweetener tastes, but how it digests and impacts our inner ecology as well.

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    Are Healthy Sweeteners Really Healthy

    In response to this, the European Food Safety Authority has set an Acceptable Daily Intake limit for sweeteners, which differs for each sweetener. Most consumers may not be aware of this ADI, however they are usually far more than what would be consumed in a day. Remember, the best sweeteners are ones that dont affect our health.

    Can Artificial Sweeteners Negatively Affect Gut Bacteria

    Ozone Therapy for Leaky Gut

    Ive looked at commonly used products: sucralose , acesulfame potassium , aspartame , polyols like xylitol and stevia .

    An animal study on sucralose and the GI microbiome found that sucralose altered the gut microbiome by decreasing beneficial bacteria by up to 50%. Additionally, it was found that 12 weeks after the study the beneficial bacteria in the gut had not recovered, meaning that even after sucralose was no longer being consumed, the gastro-intestinal tract was still negatively affected..

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    Extended Data Figure 6 Dysbiosis In Saccharin

    Heat map representing W11 logarithmic-scale fold taxonomic differences between commercial saccharin and water or caloric sweetener consumers . Right column, taxonomical differences in germ-free mice following faecal transplantation from commercial saccharin- or glucose-consuming mice . OTU number and the lowest taxonomic level identified are denoted.

    Other Reasons To Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

    Diet drinks can also contribute to a host of other negative potential health issues. Research suggests the following can be linked to artificial sweetener consumption:

    • Slowed metabolic rate and subsequent weight gain
    • Brain fog
    • Increased appetite, especially for sugary carbohydrates
    • Increased risks for certain types of cancers and autoimmune conditions

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    Foods High In Lectins Are Not Vital Anymore

    In summary, lectins were able to ensure the survival of humanity in ancient times.

    When food was scarce, the lectins in grains and beans could provide body fat to survive rough winters.

    However, today, in times of abundance, the same effect works against us.

    Since the supermarket does not close from November to March, the fattening effect of foods high in lectins is redundant.

    Especially since they promote a variety of diseases, it makes sense to avoid foods high in lectins.

    Besides harming gut health, lectins can cause autoimmune, Parkinsons, or mental diseases, such as depression and anxiety.

    Although they are not the only factor in developing diseases, a lectin-free diet can be decisive for curing them.

    How To Help A Leaky Gut Through Diet

    Artificial Sweeteners and Gut Health

    Say Bye-Bye to Leaky Gut with These 9 Tips First Things First: Know What a Leaky Gut Is to Fight It Well. Cut Back on Gluten to Avoid Hurting the Gut Lining. What is gluten? Get Rid of Sugar. Nourish Your Intestines to Promote Friendly Bacteria. Consume Bone Broth to Supplement Collagen. Reduce Your Stress to Decrease Inflammation. Go Easy on Your Workouts to Avoid Worsening Your Condition. More items

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    Is Sucralose Safe For Humans

    The big question is whether sucralose is safe for humans, and the answer is not as definitive as you might hope. There just havent been that many human studies on sucralose. Most of them are in rodents, and the rodent studies bring up some troubling questions about sucraloses safety.

    At best, sucralose is an unknown. In the next 20 years, human research may find that its totally safe, or it may find that sucralose damages gut bacteria, causes metabolites to bioaccumulate in your fat cells, and creates carcinogens.

    Why take the risk? With its chemical aftertaste, sucralose is a poor substitute for sugar anyway. Youre better off choosing a natural, well-tested alternative sweetener. Below are a few options.

    Can You Still Buy Diet Pepsi Without Aspartame

    Pepsi offers aspartame -free diet sodas too. Diet Pepsi with Splenda provides a diet soda without aspartame added. Note that other diet sodas from Pepsico, including Diet Mountain Dew and diet Muggs root beer, contain aspartame.

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    What Is Glucose Intolerance

    Glucose intolerance occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin. Since insulin is the hormone that signals to your cells that they should absorb the sugar in your blood, insulin resistance causes this glucose to remain circulating in your bloodstream instead of nourishing cells. This can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes.

    So, what does this have to do with the gut microbiota? Scientists continue to unravel more information regarding the powerful interactions between the foods we eat and our gut microbiota. We know that significant changes can take place when we change the gut environment, such as when we consume specific probiotics, antibiotics, and even prebiotics, which are foods that encourage the growth of specific bacteria.

    To confirm the hypothesis that changes to the gut microbiota were responsible for the resulting glucose intolerance the researchers gave the mice antibiotics. This led to the return of similar levels of glucose tolerance across all groups of mice, whether they had been consuming artificial sweeteners, sugar, or water. In addition, they found that if they performed fecal transplants from mice consuming artificial sweeteners to mice consuming sugar, they essentially transferred glucose intolerance to the sugar-fed mice. Since modifying gut bacteria turned on or off glucose tolerance, they concluded that this is likely how these sweeteners have their effect.

    The Best Sweeteners To Choose From Ranked From Worst To Best

    What is Leaky Gut & How to Avoid It

    We eat a lot of sugar in the United States an average of 765 grams of sugar every five days the amount in 17 cans of soda! That translates to about 130 pounds of added sugar every year, and about 3,550 pounds of sugar over the course of a lifetime. Thats like eating 1.7 million Skittles or an industrial-sized dumpster of cane sugar.

    You might wonder about these numbers if you arent chomping on fistfuls of candy or drinking 2-liter bottles of soda at one sitting, but much of this sugar consumption comes from hidden sources of the sweet stuff its in condiments, kombucha, crackers, soup, salad dressing, and almost everything else that comes in a package. Even so-called health food like granola or health bars, smoothies, and yogurt. Sugar is often disguised, hidden behind euphemistic names, so it can be hard to recognize, but lets be honest, most of us dont want to have to worry about going without a single grain of sugar for the rest of our lives.

    So lets get practical. Heres my list of the sweeteners to avoid completely, which ones are not great but okay in moderation, and which ones should be your go-tos when you want something sweet.

    The Worst:

    Artificial sweeteners

    These are the worst of the worst. The most common culprits, on colorful display wherever coffee is sold, include:

    The truth is, there arent many large-scale studies on the subject of autoimmunity and artificial sweeteners, but lets look at what is out there:

    High-fructose corn syrup

    Agave nectar

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    What Is The Microbiome Diet

    The microbiome diet is a three-phase eating plan created with the goal of helping people restore gut health and lose weight. The diet was created by Raphael Kellman, MD, who developed the program based on his work with patients in his practice, the Kellman Center for Integrative and Functional Medicine. The diet was popularized by his 2014 book titled The Microbiome Diet.

    Dr. Kellman is an integrative and functional medicine physician who specializes in gut health. The basic principle of Dr. Kellman’s work and the microbiome diet is that eating the “right” foods will keep your gut happy, which in turn keeps the rest of your body at its best.

    The microbiome in your gut is made up of bacteria and other microorganismstrillions of them in factthat are both “good” and “bad.” Physicians like Dr. Kellman believe that by eating certain foods and keeping the good and bad bacteria in your gut balanced, you can improve digestion, reduce inflammation, decrease anxiety, and improve brain function and mood. Dr. Kellman also claims that the diet can boost your metabolism and help with weight loss.

    It’s important to note that not all physicians are convinced of all of the lofty health claims made by proponents of the diet, but according to herbalist Daniela Turley, there does seem to be some good evidence supporting making diet changes for certain types of acne.

    Extended Data Figure 2 Artificial Sweeteners Induce Glucose Intolerance

    a, AUC of mice fed HFD and commercial saccharin or glucose . b, AUC of HFD-fed mice drinking 0.1 mg ml1 saccharin or water for 5 weeks , followed by antibiotics A . c, d, OGTT and AUC of HFD-fed outbred Swiss-Webster mice drinking pure saccharin or water. e, f, Faecal samples were transferred from donor mice drinking commercially available, pure saccharin, glucose or water controls into 8-week-old male Swiss-Webster germ-free recipient mice. AUC of germ-free mice 6 days following transplant of microbiota from commercial saccharin- and glucose-fed mice or pure saccharin- and water-fed donors . Symbols or horizontal lines , means error bars, s.e.m. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ANOVA and Tukey post hoc analysis or unpaired two-sided Student t-test . Each experiment was repeated twice.

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    This Post Has 27 Comments

  • Deirdre 6 Dec 2020Reply

    Thank you so much for this very comprehensive information as an Auto Immune person I had NO idea of this deeper Lectin problem. Thought my Quinoa was being very healthy. Shall refer regualrly to educate and also make sure I am not causing myself more health problems in the future. Doctors caused problems with the wrong Diagnosis and Self-Diangosis/food based synergised treatments have made my recovery possible and my innards incredibly youthful after 23 years of undiangosed Systemic Candidiasis.

    But to have this information to make sure i am not tempting a new set of health problems is crucial to well-being.

    Sincere appreciation for all you work.

    D Ryan

  • Gluten The Mother Of Leaky Gut

    Artificial Sweeteners, Gut Flora &  Diabetes I Reducing ...

    This conversation wouldnt be complete without discussing gluten. For gluten-sensitive individuals, gluten causes leaky gut in the following ways.

  • When intestinal cells interact with gluten proteins, the cells produce and secrete a protein called zonulin. And zonulin is directly responsible for regulating the tight junctions between your intestinal cells. So as zonulin production increases, the tight junctions between your intestinal cells loosen and cause leaky gut. In this study, researchers found that a gluten-free diet significantly reduced zonulin levels as well as anti-gluten antibodies in those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Zonulin levels also coordinated with levels of autoimmune antibodies used to diagnose celiac disease. And the researchers found evidence of genetic factors that influence how well zonulin levels respond to a gluten-free diet.
  • When you eat gluten, your immune system is triggered. Mast cells in your gut are activated. And these things lead to inflammation and cellular damage.The immune reaction and resulting damage that occurs in response to gluten is a form of physical stress.
  • The destruction caused by gluten can lead to gut bacteria imbalances, which can trigger inflammation and microbial imbalance. Plus, medications used to treat symptoms associated with gluten sensitivity can alter the composition of your gut bacteria as previously discussed.
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    How To Remove Lectins From Tomatoes

    Like other nightshade plants eggplants, potatoes, peppers, or goji berries – tomatoes come from the New World.

    Therefore, as late as 400 years ago, after Columbus discovered America, they could enter our food chain and our guts for the first time.

    Moreover, Europeans did not want to eat tomatoes for more than 200 years and rightly so, as they contain countless lectins. It was not until the end of the 19th century that dishes such as tomato sauce and pizza were adapted and made popular in Italy.

    However, even today, real Italians still peel and seed tomatoes when preparing tomato sauce. Since peels and seeds contain the most lectins, this is still an effective way to reduce lectins.

    And this is how to remove lectins from tomatoes:

    • Add tomatoes to boiling water
    • Peel them
    • Cut the fruits in halves
    • Squeeze out the seeds

    This peeling and coring of tomatoes reduce lectins. However, this does not mean that the tomatoes are entirely free of lectins.

    Do Sugar Alcohols Rot In The Gut

    Once in the large intestines, sugar alcohols can pull excess water into the large intestine which results in their partial breakdown. The un-metabolized portions then begin to ferment and rot creating the perfect environment for undesirable bacteria thrive and grow.

    Are Sugar Alcohols Bad For The Gut? The main problem with sugar alcohols is that they can cause digestive problems, especially when consumed in large amounts. Your body cannot digest most of them, so they travel to the large intestine where they are metabolized by your gut bacteria.

    What Does Sugar Alcohol Do To Your Stomach? Digestive problems. . Unlike sugar, which is digested and absorbed fairly quickly in the body by being converted to glucose, most sugar alcohols are partially absorbed and then fermented in your colon. This means that they often linger in your intestines and can make you have gas, watery stools, and diarrhea!

    What Are The Disadvantages Of Sugar Alcohols? Sugar alcohols also add texture to foods, retain moisture better and prevent foods from browning when they are heated. Unfortunately, there are some negatives associated with sugar alcohols. The most common side effect is the possibility of bloating and diarrhea when sugar alcohols are eaten in excessive amounts.

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