Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Does Magnesium Help Constipation

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How Do I Get Magnesium Citrate In My Diet

Should you take magnesium supplements, and what are the benefits of taking Magnesium?

Magnesium citrate comes in many different forms, making it easy to consume when and how you need to:

  • Magnesium citrate supplements
  • Magnesium citrate liquid
  • Magnesium powder

Well tell you about three of our favourite products soon, but first, lets quickly discuss some rules around taking magnesium citrate:

  • Take magnesium citrate on an empty stomach .
  • Its recommended to drink a full glass of water after taking magnesium citrate as this may lessen the potential side effects, such as dehydration.
  • Follow the directions of your doctor or chosen product exactly, including dosage and duration of usage.
  • Only use magnesium citrate at the advice of your doctor and after checking the potential side effectswe cover these further below!
  • Magnesium is a mineral that helps us to turn food into energy and supports healthy bones.
  • Magnesium citrate is a combination of magnesium, salt, and citric acid.
  • The main use of magnesium citrate is to clear the bowels before certain procedures and as a natural form of constipation relief since it increases water in the intestines.
  • It is recommended to try stool softeners or bulk-forming laxatives before magnesium citrate as they are weaker solutions that may work for you.
  • Magnesium citrate is available as supplements, tablets, liquid, and powder, but should only be taken at the advice of your doctor after understanding the possible side effects.

May Help Reduce Chronic Pain

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes muscle pain and tenderness throughout the body .

Some research suggests magnesium malate could help reduce its symptoms.

One study in 80 women found that blood levels of magnesium tended to be lower in those with fibromyalgia.

When the women took 300 mg of magnesium citrate per day for 8 weeks, their symptoms and the number of tender points they experienced decreased significantly, compared with a control group .

Also, a 2-month study in 24 people with fibromyalgia found that taking 36 tablets, each containing 50 mg of magnesium and 200 mg of malic acid, twice daily reduced pain and tenderness .

However, other research has produced conflicting results. In fact, one recent review of 11 studies concluded that the use of magnesium and malic acid had little to no effect on symptoms of fibromyalgia .


Studies show that magnesium may help improve your mood, blood sugar control, and exercise performance. It may also reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia, though research results on this are mixed.

22 ).

Doses over 5,000 mg per day have also been shown to cause toxicity, which can cause serious symptoms, including low blood pressure, facial flushing, muscle weakness, and heart problems .

Magnesium malate may also interfere with certain medications, including diuretics, antibiotics, and bisphosphonates, a type of medication used to prevent bone loss .

The amount of magnesium you need each day varies by your age and gender.

How To Use Magnesium Citrate Oral

Read and follow all directions on the product package. If your doctor has directed you to use this product before surgery or a bowel procedure, your doctor should tell you how long before the surgery/procedure you should take this product. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist. To improve taste, this product may be chilled in the refrigerator before use. Do not freeze.

Dosage is based on your medical condition, age, and response to treatment. Drink a full glass of water after taking this product unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Doing so will help prevent serious side effects .

If this product is used too frequently, it may cause loss of normal bowel function and an inability to have a bowel movement without using the product . If you notice symptoms of overuse, such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, decreased weight, or weakness, contact your doctor promptly.

Avoid taking tetracycline/quinolone antibiotics within 2 hours before or after this product. Doing so may decrease the effect of the antibiotic.

If this product fails to produce a bowel movement, or if you think you may have a serious medical problem, contact your doctor promptly.

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How Can You Use Magnesium Citrate To Treat Constipation

You can often treat occasional constipation with over-the-counter medications or supplements, such as magnesium citrate.

This supplement is an osmotic laxative, which means it relaxes your bowels and pulls water into your intestines. The water helps soften and bulk up your stool, which makes it easier to pass.

Magnesium citrate is relatively gentle. It shouldnt cause urgency or emergency bathroom trips, unless you take too much of it. You can find it at many drug stores, and you dont need a prescription to purchase it.

Your doctor may also prescribe magnesium citrate to help you prepare for certain medical procedures, such as colonoscopies.

If you experience any of these side effects, stop taking magnesium citrate and call your doctor right away.

Consider Natural Calm Magnesium Citrate For Constipation

How to Relieve Keto Constipation

Chronically constipated individuals have been led to believe that their only choice in prevention and relief is a fiber supplementone that can potentially lead to more trouble if an inadequate volume of water is consumed, says Andrea Bartels, Registered Nutritional Therapist. Alternatively, the use of inferior magnesium products as laxatives can lead to sudden and urgent bathroom trips that interrupt your workday. Theres a better way.

One of the biggest benefits of magnesium citrate supplementation is that it can keep us regular naturally, without having to use over-the-counter laxatives.

Award-winning Natural Calm® magnesium citrate powder is an easily-absorbable magnesium supplement that is gentle on gentle on your digestive system. Try it today to relieve the discomfort and stress of constipation symptoms.

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Can Magnesium Help You Poop

Magnesium is essential for your heartbeat regulation, blood pressure, nerve transmission and muscle contraction. Yet, dietitians rarely get questions about these important roles. Instead, they most frequently get questions about magnesium’s poop-inducing potential. So, we’re jumping right into this popular topic. Here’s what you need to know if you are interested in trying magnesium to help you poop.

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Choosing A Magnesium Supplement

Start by checking the labels on magnesium packaging. This will allow you to find the active dosage as well as any other ingredients in the product. They may include flavorings, fillers, or binders.

You also want to confirm the product is safe and effective by looking for a product certified by an independent testing organization like ConsumerLab. In 2019, the company investigated dozens of popular magnesium supplements sold on the market and found a few that disintegrated quickly when exposed to moisture.

ConsumerLab also found several that contained harmful amounts of lead, and others that were improperly labeled based on the contents. These third-party test sites can help you to know if you can trust what you see on the label.

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How Magnesium Supplements Ease Constipation

The body requires adequate magnesium to maintain your digestion functioning smoothly. Various studies show low magnesium intake equates to high rates of constipation. Conversely, magnesium supplements have been proven to work better than bulk laxatives in certain patients with constipation.

The reason magnesium citrate is a superb option as a gentle laxative is because it works in two ways. First, magnesium helps to relax muscles inside the intestinal wall, increasing your ability to go to the toilet. Secondly, magnesium functions as an osmotic, pulling water into the intestines and making the stool softer and easier to move.

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Magnesium Citrate For Ibs

Magnesium and Pain by Andrea Furlan MD PhD

Magnesium citrate is magnesium in combination with citric acid.

Magnesium citrate is considered an osmotic laxative. It works by relaxing your bowels and pulling water into the bowels. The water helps soften and bulk up your stool, making it pass through more easily.

Magnesium citrate can be found in capsule, liquid, or powder formulations . You dont need a prescription to purchase magnesium citrate. It can be easily found in drugstores or online.

The recommended dose for magnesium supplements depends on brand, intended use, and how much magnesium you already get in your diet. Follow the dosage on the package instructions.

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Is Magnesium Different For Kids Than Adults

The basic ingredient magnesium citrate or magnesium oxide are the same for kids and adults. Some supplements include calcium which we don’t recommend for children. When looking at magnesium supplements, read the label carefully to see if your child has sensitivities to added flavors and colorings.

Magnesium Citrate For Constipation: Why Does It Work

Weve been talking about magnesium citrate as a potential solution for helping relieve constipation, but how does it actually work?

Well, magnesium citrate is something called an osmotic laxative, meaning it helps your bowels to relax while drawing more water in your intestines. This water then helps to soften and bulk your stool together, linked to easier bowel movements.

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Is Magnesium Citrate Bad For Kidneys

Magnesium supplements may cause excessive accumulation of magnesium in the blood, especially in patients with chronic kidney disease. Accumulation of magnesium in the blood may cause muscle weakness, but does not directly damage the kidneys.

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Magnesium Supplement Benefits For Digestion Sleep And More

Top 10 Best Type Of Magnesium For Constipation

Home»Magnesium Supplement Benefits For Digestion, Sleep, and More

Magnesium is one of those miraculous minerals that are 100% natural but has recently found renewed relevancy in cutting-edge medical supplements. Lets take a look at precisely what magnesium is and the benefits it can have for the human body.

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Who Should Not Take Magnesium For Constipation

In some cases, chronic constipation is a sign of a more serious health condition. Speak to your doctor if you are experiencing long-term constipation, or if you notice sudden changes in your bowel habits.

Magnesium is also contraindicated for patients with certain medical conditions, or for people who are taking specific medications.

Dr. Dean Carolyn Dean notes, Magnesium is contraindicated in patients with nausea, vomiting, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, undiagnosed abdominal pain, or kidney disease.

Determine The Cause Of Your Constipation

Magnesium citrate can be highly effective in addressing constipation. However, if your constipation is chronic, its important to address the underlying cause. Causes of chronic constipation can include:

  • Not drinking enough water
  • Gut dysbiosislack of healthy gut bacteria
  • Lack of digestive enzymes
  • Poor communication between the brain and the digestive system
  • Brain chemistry imbalances

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What Other Remedies Could I Try For Constipation

Magnesium citrate is just one potential treatment for constipation. A range of other options may also offer benefits, and some individuals opt to experiment with different alternatives to find the combination that works best for them.

Three of the most popular supplements for recurring constipation are:

Psyllium Fibre – A rich source of fibre, ideal for encouraging more regular toilet visits. Learn about psyllium fibre here.

Glucomannan – Also known as konjac fibre, glucomannan is a popular source of soluble fibre. Take this supplement with a large glass of water, which it will absorb in the gut, turning into a thick gel that eases stools along their journey. Learn about glucomannan here.

Probiotics – Some experts believe that an imbalance in the bacteria that line the gut wall can lead to digestive problems like diarrhoea and constipation. Indeed, some IBS sufferers regularly use probiotics to help rebalance their microflora.

Try to bulk up the friendly bacteria in your digestive tract and you may find that constipation becomes a thing of the past. Learn about probiotics here.

Muscle Pain And Tightness

Natural Constipation Relief in 3 Easy Steps (“MOO to POO”)

Your muscles might be feeling tight and hurt a lot more often than they used to as a result of your magnesium deficiency.

Sarah said: Magnesium is often used to help muscles to relax and prevent the build-up of lactic acid, as well as improving a variety of joint and muscle problems such as Fibromyalgia, Osteoporosis, restless leg syndrome and other inflammatory conditions. If you are not consuming an adequate amount of magnesium, it is likely that your muscles will be causing you a lot of discomfort, and you might even find it difficult to sleep at night as a result.


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Benefits Of Magnesium Oxide

Magnesium oxide, often available in capsule form, is commonly used to help a number of concerns, ranging from simple low magnesium levels to more specific concerns, like the following:

Relief of Indigestion and Heartburn

Magnesium oxide may be used as an antacid to relieve indigestion and heartburn.

Relief from Constipation and Irregularity

Magnesium oxide causes the intestines to release water into the stool, which softens the stool and relieves constipation and irregularity. A dose of 250 milligrams can be repeated every 12 hours until you find relief.

Relief from Migraine

Studies have shown that patients with migraine, including cluster headaches and menstrual migraine, often have low levels of magnesium, and taking supplements like magnesium oxide may be helpful. Studies suggest that magnesium ions provided by magnesium oxide interrupt the brain signals that may cause migraine. A dose of 400â500 milligrams per day may be required to be effective. This dose may also cause diarrhea as a side effect, but this can usually be controlled by starting with a smaller dose.

Other Health Benefits

Magnesium offers many other health benefits, but magnesium oxide is not the best source for these benefits. Magnesium oxide has difficulty dissolving in water and is not absorbed into bodily tissues as easily as water-soluble magnesium salts, such as magnesium citrate, magnesium chloride, magnesium lactate, or magnesium malate.

Dietary Supplements Can Ease Constipation:

Q. Heres another vote for magnesium to promote regularity. Im in my 50s and have had terrible constipation for more years than I can remember. Ive tried drinking lots of water and adding fiber to my diet. I only eat whole grains, got rid of white foods , ate prunes, drank prune juiceand nothing worked.

Then a good friend asked if I had been tested for magnesium deficiency. I hadnt. She suggested a magnesium supplement every night. From the very first pill I took, the results were miraculous, so I never bothered to go in for testing. Its great to find a solution that isnt a drug and is cheap!

A. Many people report that magnesium supplements can help fight constipation. Too much may lead to diarrhea, though. People with low kidney function should avoid extra magnesium, as poorly functioning kidneys would strain to get rid of it.

You can read more about magnesium for constipation and sluggish bowel here.

Another reader offered her experience:

I am a 61-year-old woman who has struggled with constipation from the time I was a child in the 1950s. My mother would chase me around the house to give me an enema! A nurse practitioner suggested taking vitamin B6 with magnesium and it has worked very nicely.

Rhonda shared:

I suffered from constipation for years. Only when I started taking 500 mg magnesium twice a day did I find relief. It has been a miracle find for me.

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Some Side Effects Can Be Serious If You Experience Any Of These Symptoms Stop Taking Magnesium Hydroxide And Call Your Doctor Immediately:

  • unable to have a bowel movement 6 hours after use

Magnesium hydroxide may cause other side effects. Call your doctor if you have any unusual problems while taking this medication.

If you experience a serious side effect, you or your doctor may send a report to the Food and Drug Administration’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program online or by phone .

Want More Help Check Out Our Poop Boot Camp

Top 10 Magnesium Supplement for Constipation â Magnesium Mineral ...

Dealing with constipation is scary and frustrating for you and your child. Our Poop Boot Camp gives you reliable information about relieving constipation for your child. Say goodbye to relying on:

Dr. Google,

Watching endless youtube videos

Scouring all the forums where you dont know who to trust

Poop Boot Camp was created by our teams Registered Dietitian and Pelvic Floor Specialist who specializes in working with children. It includes six modules packed with actionable information to get your child from constipated to a regular poop schedule. Youll also learn how to deal with withholding, encopresis, and enuresis.

Poop Boot Camp has helped numerous parents and children. We want you to be next!

Note: Links included are affiliate links. We receive some compensation when you purchase through these links.

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What Is Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium citrate is an over-the-counter magnesium preparation made with a combination of salt and citric acid. Magnesium citrate is sometimes described as a saline laxative because it effectively works to relieve constipation and clear out the intestines, thanks to its ability to increase water and fluids in the small intestine.

However, treating occasional constipation is not the only use for magnesium citrate supplements they are also taken for nutritional support.

The main purpose of using magnesium citrate and other forms of magnesium is to maintain healthy levels, since magnesium deficiency can contribute to a wide variety of symptoms and conditions. These include trouble sleeping, headaches, fatigue, and muscle aches or spams.

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