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How To Deal With Severe Heartburn

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What Are The Health Consequences Of Gerd

How to Deal with Severe Acid Reflux

Chronic reflux and GERD can cause serious complications. These include inflammation and ulcers of the esophagus, scar tissue that narrows the esophagus, spasms affecting the airway, chronic cough, damage to teeth, and exacerbated asthma symptoms.

In about 10-20% of cases of GERD, damage to the esophagus from stomach acid becomes a condition called Barrett esophagus. Barrett esophagus is considered to be the primary risk factor for esophageal cancer although not everyone with the condition develops cancer.

How Is Gerd Treated

Treatment for GERD depends on how severe symptoms are. For some people, treatment may just include lifestyle changes, such as changing what they eat or drink. Others will need to take medicines. In very rare cases, when GERD is particularly severe, a doctor will recommend surgery.

These lifestyle changes can help ease the symptoms of GERD or even prevent the condition:

  • quitting smoking
  • losing weight if you are overweight
  • eating small meals
  • avoiding carbonated beverages
  • avoiding foods that trigger reflux

It also can help to not lie down for 3 hours after a meal and to not eat 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. Doctors sometimes also recommend raising the head of the bed about 6 to 8 inches. Before you start a major bedroom makeover, though, talk to your doctor and your parents about the best sleeping position for you.

If symptoms continue, doctors might prescribe medicine, such as:

  • H2 blockers, which can help block the production of stomach acid
  • proton pump inhibitors, which reduce the amount of acid the stomach makes
  • prokinetics, which help the esophageal sphincter work better and the stomach empty faster. This can prevent reflux episodes.

Take A Licorice Root Supplement

Licorice root is generally considered a traditional, folk sort of treatment the kind that has been used for decades, if not centuries. Why? Theres a chance that it will help increase mucus production to coat the lining of the esophagus more reliably. This can prevent stomach acid damage.

Of course, eating licorice candy wont exactly help you. The trick lies in a supplement known as deglycyrrhizinated licorice or DGL. The supplement has reduced glycyrrhizin content to reduce licorice side effects, providing the benefits without too many downsides.

However, do note that you shouldnt consume too much DGL, according to experts at the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Excessive DGL consumption can cause:

  • Medication interference

Always speak to a medical professional before taking any supplements, even alternative ones like licorice root.

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Stay Away From Cigarettes

Its common knowledge that smoking leads to poor health. But you might not have known that smoking can also contribute to significant bouts of heartburn. If youre a smoker, and you find yourself experience severe heartburn, dont use cigarettes until after the pain has left. Otherwise, it could get worse.

How What And When

GERD vs Heartburn: Whats the Difference?

Watch how you eat: Dont inhale giant mouthfuls of food. Take smaller bites and eat slowly, allowing your stomach time to digest and without giving it an excuse to pump out excess acid.

Watch what you eat: Youre probably aware that specific foods trigger heartburn, usually foods high in acid or spicy foods. Avoid these as best you can to ward off

Watch when you eat: Dont eat within 3-4 hours before bed. Lying down puts more pressure on your LES and increases the likelihood of acid sneaking through.

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Cant Use Zantac Try These 5 Heartburn Remedies

By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

May 7, 2020

Heartburn, a form of uncomfortable indigestion, affects millions of people every day, yet is largely preventable and treatable.

Roughly;20 percent of adult Americans;put up with painful heartburn or;acid;reflux;symptoms on a recurring basis and more than 60 million yearly.

In April 2o20, the Food and Drug Administration called for retailers in the U.S. to pull the popular over-the-counter heartburn medication called Zantac from store shelves. Although Zantac has been used by millions of people for years in order to reduce acid reflux and heartburn symptoms, according to available research reviewed by the FDA, the drug may contain a probable human carcinogen.

Heres the good news: Not only are there other medications that can be safely be used in Zantacs place, but you can also benefit from simple natural heartburn remedies that often work quickly to correct the underlying causes of this digestive problem.

What Does Heartburn Feel Like

Heartburn typically feels like a burning in the center of your chest, behind your breastbone. When you have heartburn, you may also feel symptoms like:

  • A burning feeling in your chest that can last anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours.
  • Pain in your chest when you bend over or lay down.
  • A burning feeling in your throat.
  • A hot, sour, acidic or salty taste in the back of your throat.
  • Difficulty swallowing.

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Symptoms Of Gerd: How Do Doctors Diagnose Gerd

Since heartburn is the most common symptom of GERD, most doctors try to determine if GERD is the cause of a patients problems by offering a medication to stop acid reflux.

If the medication works then its usually safe to assume that the person was suffering from heartburn as a result of GERD .

This method on its own often isnt enough however, since there are other causes of heartburn which can be treated in this way this test on its own doesnt confirm 100% that GERD is the problem, so usually other tests are carried out as well.

The point made above in relation to GERD coughs also indicates why this method doesnt always work, since the heartburn symptom isnt always present in every GERD case.

How Common Is Gerd

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GERD is very common. The condition and its symptoms touch a huge number of people: 20% of the U.S. population.

Anyone of any age can develop GERD, but some may be more at risk for it. For example, the chances youll have some form of GERD increase after age 40.

Youre also more likely to have it if youre:

  • Overweight or obese.
  • Smoking or are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke.
  • Taking certain medications that may cause acid reflux.

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How Is Heartburn Diagnosed

Often all that a health-care professional requires is a thorough history and physical to make the preliminary diagnosis of heartburn. To evaluate if there is any damage and how severe your heartburn is, the doctor my suggest some of the following tests:

  • Endoscopy: A flexible scope is passed down the esophagus to examine the esophagus as well as the stomach. Biopsies can be taken if indicated. This lets the doctor see if there is any obvious damage, and also eliminate other reasons for the patient’s symptoms .
  • Upper GI series : After drinking a liquid that coats the inside of the digestive tract, X-rays are taken. These X-rays will show the outline of the digestive system.
  • Ambulatory pH testing: This test measures the acidity in the esophagus via a small tube that goes through the nose into the stomach.

What Is The Quickest Way To Get Rid Of Heartburn

Taking antacids is considered the quickest way to get rid of heartburn. These over-the-counter medications help neutralize stomach acid. They are one of the first recommended treatments. They may provide quick relief. However, antacid overuse can cause problems such as diarrhea or chronic kidney disease, especially if they contain aluminum and magnesium.

Other common ways to get rid of heartburn include

  • H2 receptor blockers: These medications work to reduce the amount of acid that is made in the stomach. While they do not work as quickly as antacids, they provide longer relief for up to 12 hours. Examples of these include Pepcid AC, Tagamet HB, Zantac and Axid AR. Although most people have no problems taking them, long-term use can cause vitamin B12 deficiency leading to an increased risk of bone fractures.
  • Proton pump inhibitors: This class of medications block acid production. They also help to heal any damage caused to the lining of the esophagus. They are much stronger than the H2 receptor blockers and include Prevacid, Prilosec, Protonix and Zegerid. Excessive use of these medications can cause diarrhea and nausea, vitamin B12 deficiency and an increased risk of bone fractures.
  • Baclofen: This medication works to strengthen the muscular valve present at the lower esophageal sphincter muscle. However, it may cause nausea and fatigue in some people.
  • Surgical procedures: In rare cases, these are required to help with severe heartburn symptoms.

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Ways To Relieve Acid Reflux Without Medication

Image: Bigstock

A few lifestyle changes are worth trying before resorting to drugs for controlling gastroesophageal reflux.

If you are sounding a little hoarse and have a sore throat, you may be bracing for a cold or a bout of the flu. But if you’ve had these symptoms for a while, they might be caused not by a virus but by a valveyour lower esophageal sphincter. That’s the muscle that controls the passage between the esophagus and stomach, and when it doesn’t close completely, stomach acid and food flow back into the esophagus. The medical term for this process is gastroesophageal reflux; the backward flow of acid is called acid reflux.

Acid reflux can cause sore throats and hoarseness and may literally leave a bad taste in your mouth. When acid reflux produces chronic symptoms, it is known as gastroesophageal reflux disorder, or GERD. The most common symptom of GERD is heartburnpain in the upper abdomen and chest that sometimes feel like youre having a heart attack.

Three conditionspoor clearance of food or acid from the esophagus, too much acid in the stomach, and delayed stomach emptyingcontribute to acid reflux, says Dr. Jacqueline Wolf, a gastroenterologist and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and author of;A Woman’s Guide to a Healthy Stomach: Taking Control of Your Digestive Health.

If you’ve been having repeated episodes of heartburnor any other symptoms of acid refluxyou might try the following:

Heartburn Relief: Simple Remedies To Put Out The Fire

  • The terms heartburn and acid reflux are often used interchangeably, but heartburn is actually a symptom of acid reflux.
  • Pay attention to the foods that trigger heartburn for you and eliminate them from your diet.

Heartburn occurs when the muscular valve between your stomach and esophagus loosens or doesnt completely close, allowing stomach acid to escape into your esophagus. You may be very familiar with the symptoms of heartburn; that burning sensation just below your breast bone, that can rise up into your chest. You may also have a bitter or sour taste in your mouth. The terms heartburn and acid reflux are often used interchangeably, but heartburn is actually a symptom of acid reflux.

If you experience occasional heartburn, there are simple things you can do to identify the cause, and ways to prevent the burn.

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Will Heartburn Go Away On Its Own

For many people, occasional heartburn is common. By watching what you eat and avoiding certain triggers , you may be able to prevent heartburn or manage it. If you find that you frequently experience heartburn and that it keeps getting worse, it could be a sign of a medical condition like GERD. In these cases, your heartburn will not go away without treatment. Talk to your healthcare provider so that you can develop a treatment plan.

Alter Your Current Position Or State

Sometimes, heartburn is minor and easily treated by making a minor adjustment or two to your current state. These adjustments take mere seconds and can often reduce or relieve heartburn symptoms significantly. Here are some of those changes to try!

·;;;;;;;; Straighten Up

The act of sitting or lying down can add to esophageal pressure, especially if youre slouched or curled up when doing so. You can easily relieve this by standing up straight.

·;;;;;;;; Loosen The Clothes Youre Wearing

Tight clothes can put pressure on the esophagus and lead to stomach gasses entering it. Loosening your clothing is a great way to relieve some of that pressure. Whether its taking off a belt, loosening your pants, or untying a dress or skirts ribbon, this can help you significantly!

·;;;;;;;; Raise Your Upper Body

As aforementioned, lying down can add to esophageal pressure. If you absolutely need to rest or lie down, though, make sure youre sleeping in a bit of an inclined position, with your upper body raised. An adjustable bed or wedge pillow is ideal, so consider investing in one if you deal with heartburn a lot.

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Apples To Reduce Heartburn

Banana is not the only fruit that helps you with heartburn. The nutritious and tasty apples to come to your help when its about getting rid of heartburn. Apples can in fact, even reduce the symptoms of GERD, the chronic heartburn. This is because apple helps in producing an alkaline environment in your stomach so that the excessive acids get neutralized. This also helps in better digestion which is again a key to no heartburn. Not only does apple cure but also prevent heartburn. However, you need to eat sweet apples, preferably those that are organic. Tart apples wont do any wonders.

Ways to have Apples to Avoid Heartburn

  • Have half an apple after each of your meals.
  • If you suffer from night heartburn, eat half an apple before you go to sleep.
  • You may also have 1 tsp of raw organic honey or blackstrap molasses with half of your apple. Both of them are rich sources of potassium and help create an alkaline environment in your stomach. This will only increase the efficiency of apples in preventing heartburn.
  • If you do not so much like to have apples, juice it. Add a little honey to your apple juice and have it.
  • Some apples may give you instant and better relief from heartburn than others. Therefore, keep on changing the varieties of apples to find out the one that is most soothing for your condition.

    Heartburn Symptoms Causes & Treatments

    Instantly Stop Pregnancy Heartburn and Indigestion (WITHOUT TAKING ANYTHING!)

    By Jillian Levy, CHHC

    Its now estimated that more than 60 million American adults experience heartburn symptoms at least once a month. Surveys have found that the number of people reporting daily or weekly heartburn and/or acid reflux symptoms;has risen nearly 50 percent over the last decade. If youre one of these people, wondering how to get rid of heartburn for good, or at least how to find fast relief from your most painful heartburn symptoms?

    As youll learn more about below, tackling heartburn requires figuring out first and foremost whats causing the condition and then taking steps to remove the underlying triggers. Reasons you might be struggling with these forms of indigestion include consuming a poor diet, not getting enough exercise, older age, which changes aspects of digestion, frequently using certain medications, or being under a great deal of stress.

    Natural heartburn remedies therefore include lifestyle and dietary changes like avoiding certain problem foods, consuming more whole foods, and changing your sleep, exercise, medication use and stress management habits.

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    How Is Gerd Diagnosed

    Usually your provider can tell if you have simple acid reflux by talking with you about your symptoms and medical history. You and your provider can talk about controlling your symptoms through diet and medications.

    If these strategies dont help, your provider may ask you to get tested for GERD. Tests for GERD include:

    Make Ginger Tea To Relieve Heartburn

    If you want to get rid of nausea accompanying your heartburn, just make a cup of fresh ginger root tea that will soothe your stomach and give you the much-wanted comfort. If nausea and heartburn become a regular feature of your life, you may also consider having a cup of fresh ginger tea before your meals. This helps your stomach in settling down as ginger acts as an acid buffer.

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    What Is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease is when someone has reflux more than twice a week. It’s a more serious condition than GER. Doctors usually treat it with medicine.

    GERD can be a problem if it’s not treated because, over time, the reflux of stomach acid damages the tissue lining the esophagus, causing inflammation and pain. In adults, long-lasting, untreated GERD can lead to permanent damage of the esophagus.

    Diagnosing H Pylori Infection

    Do you suffer from frequent heartburn? You may be dealing ...

    If your GP thinks that your symptoms may be due to an infection with H pylori bacteria, you may need to have a test for it, such as:

    • a stool antigen test a pea-sized stool sample will be tested for H pylori bacteria
    • a breath test
    • a;blood test a blood sample will be tested for antibodies to H pylori bacteria

    Antibiotics;and PPIs can affect the results of a urea breath test or a stool antigen test. Therefore, these tests may need to be delayed until two weeks after you last used a PPI, and four weeks after you last used an antibiotic.

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    Severe Heartburn: What Is It

    In general terms, we refer to this condition when you experience more frequent symptoms that can significantly impair your quality of life.

    This comes along with two things to consider:

    • the duration of symptoms
    • the intensity of symptoms

    The latter is of particular importance because it frequently poses differential diagnosis problems with heart attacks.

    However, heart attacks and severe heartburn have nothing in common and also have different origins.

    In many cases, the occurrence of heartburn symptoms for a longer time and with a stronger intensity is a sign of real GERD.

    This means that the acid reflux that underlies the symptoms is getting worse.

    In these cases, severe heartburn is a way to recognize the condition and this allows us to act properly with the right treatments, to prevent some serious complications often related to untreated GERD.

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