So Should I Just Follow A Low Fodmap Diet
Since weve seen just how much digestive distress high FODMAP foods can cause, shouldnt we just switch to a low FODMAP diet?
Nein! Nyet! No! Heres why
If you start Googling around for low FODMAP diets, youll probably fall out of your chair as you find many of our leaky gut foes on the YES list of these diets!
From canola oil to cheddar cheese to sugar-filled pineapple, these low FODMAP diets just lump them all on the okay list!
Heck, even table sugar is on the okay list since it combines fructose and glucose in even amounts, and is thus not a FODMAP problem. Crazy!
I mean, sure, these foods are not high in FODMAPs. But heck, they sure are high in other gut irritants like gluten, sugar, lectins and whatnot.
It is quite funny how people can have their world view so narrowed. i.e. high FODMAP = bad, and everything else = good.
So instead of following a low FODMAP diet, what we want to do is simply filter our leaky gut diet against the high FODMAP foods.
Which is exactly what Ive done for you in the list above.
Have Leaky Gut These 7 Food Additives Might Be To Blame
Our intestines do more work than we give them credit for, with the ability to process the food we eat and utilize the nutrients for the health of our bodies all while we go about our daily lives. Individuals who may indulge in less than healthy diets could be doing damage to their intestines without even knowing it, and their digestive problems might be a result of something called leaky gut.
Termed a medical gray area by physicians across the world, not much is known about this condition except that it can cause symptoms that make life difficult, including gas, bloating, and cramping after eating certain foods. Also called intestinal permeability, its thought to be linked to a wide variety of ailments including:
- Lupus
- Type 1 diabetes
- And so many more!
Leaky gut occurs in individuals when their intestinal lining breaks down and allows undigested food particles to enter into the bloodstream. This triggers an inflammatory response that can vary in severity, and until the gut lining is healed, the symptoms they experience will be ongoing. If youve ever had a stomach ache after eating a specific food or have a general feeling of unwellness all of the time, leaky gut could be the reason for the way you feel.
Foods That Contribute To Leaky Gut
Bolstering Our Gut Health
Red Meat And Processed Meats
Red meat such as beef, pork, lamb, and bison should be limited because of their association with higher levels of inflammatory markers. The tough, fatty cuts of meat are hard to digest and can worsen leaky gut symptoms. Processed meats are also hard on the digestive tract. Different types of meat including hot dogs, sausage, and lunch meats are high in sodium, fat and preservatives and low in iron and proteins.
Studies have shown that red meat can raise levels of trimethylamine N-oxide , which is a byproduct of gut bacteria. The negative change in gut bacteria can occur quickly, in as little as two days. Diets high in animal protein can put people at a higher risk for leaky gut and other chronic conditions because of its inflammatory properties. Higher levels of TMAO not only affect your gut microbiota negatively but can also lead to a higher risk of heart disease5.
Researchers looked at the gut bacteria of children in Burkina Faso, Africa, and compared them to the gut bacteria of children in Italy in a 2010 study. The children in Burkina Faso consumed diets high in fiber and more pea protein while the Italian children consumed more meat. The gut microbiota of the children in Burkina Faso was made up of more good bacteria and had lower inflammation than the children in Italy who had more bad bacteria in the gut microbiota and more inflammation6.
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How To Heal Leaky Gut Naturally
If you suspect you might have increased intestinal permeability, you have a lot of options for healing leaky gut. Some physicians prescribe drugs for the condition, including antibiotics, antidepressants, and immune system suppressors, but pharmaceuticals always come with side effects of their own and fail to address the root cause of the issue. If your gut lining isnt sealed properly, no amount of drugs is going to seal it if you continue eating, drinking, or doing something that causes it to unseal or become permeable. Thankfully, there are many lifestyle-based, side-effect-free ways to heal leaky gut naturally.
Ultimately, the course of action that works for you will depend on the underlying cause of your increased intestinal permeability. But generally, taking steps to improve your overall gut health will support a strong intestinal lining and can help heal leaky gut. To support your gut health and help heal leaky gut naturally, you can:
What Foods Should You Limit If You Have Leaky Gut Syndrome
If you have a leaky gut, the foods that you eat can directly affect your symptoms. Certain foods have been found to worsen leaky gut symptoms and increase inflammation. You can tailor the guidelines based on your preferences, your specific trigger foods, and nutritional needs. Each individual will have different reactions to foods, so find what works and doesnt work for you and talk about it with your registered dietitian to limit any nutritional deficiencies. A few common foods known to worsen leaky gut symptoms include:
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Leaky Gut: What To Eat Or Avoid
Leaky gut syndrome is a condition thats thought to affect millions of people, many of whom dont even know it. The good news is following a leaky gut diet can help overcome this condition.
From the sound of it, you might think leaky gut syndrome only impacts digestive health, but in reality it can lead to many other health conditions. For example, according to recent research, the cause of your food allergies, fatigue, joint pain, thyroid disease and autoimmune conditions may be a leaky gut.
What is the fastest way to treat leaky gut? Following a healing leaky gut syndrome diet is one of the best strategies for getting your body back on track.
In this article, I outline specifically how a leaky gut diet works, so you can break through some of the stubborn health problems youve been struggling with.
Leaky Gut Foods To Avoid: 5 Foods To Remove From Your Diet Today
You can heal an inflamed, leaky gut by making simple changes to your diet. By avoiding gut-damaging foods, you can let your intestinal mucosa heal.
Once youve read about why gut health is important, its time you find out what leaky gut foods to avoid.
: September 13, 2019
Leaky gut syndrome is a condition involving damage to the delicate intestinal lining, also known as the mucosa. In a healthy, non-inflamed state, the intestinal mucosa performs two primary functions.
If your gut mucosa becomes damaged, however, both the absorption and barrier function suffer. This can lead to a number of health problems. These can range from simple digestive symptoms to more serious immune-mediated diseases, such as multiple sclerosis.
One of the most likely sources of damage to your delicate gut lining is your diet. Makes sense, right? Your diet is sending all the chemicals it contains right into contact with your intestinal wall!
Here are the 5 worst leaky gut foods to avoid right now to prevent or heal an unhealthy gut!
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While many of these compounds are harmless, theres research suggesting that some may wreak havoc on the intestinal mucosa and microbiota.
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What Is The Leaky Gut Syndrome
The leaky gut syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that people from the world over are experiencing of late. Although problems begin with your digestive system if you have the leaky gut syndrome, it affects other aspects of your health as well.
Your gut is lined by a wall, which is similar to a net with small holes in them. These small holes act as filters and enable the passage of certain substances only. It acts as a shield to keep out the bigger, harmful substances from entering your body.
When someone has a leaky gut, it means that the gut lining is damaged and cannot optimally function as a barrier any longer. The smaller holes become larger and allow harmful substances like gluten, bad bacteria, and undigested food particles to enter your system and cause considerable damage to health.
Foods To Eat And Avoid In A Leaky Gut Diet
While you might need help from a health professional to help pinpoint the origins of your leaky gut problems, that doesnt mean you have to just sit and wait. Over time, keeping proactive and taking steps towards a healthier gut can help heal a leaky gut. While there are some lifestyle changes that you can make to help heal your gut, here are some foods to both eat and avoid in a leaky gut diet!
The 5 Foods to Eat in a Leaky Gut Diet
Prebiotic + Probiotic foods
Amongst some of the most important foods to consume during a leaky gut diet, or even on a normal basis, are prebiotic and probiotic foods. Our gut contains trillions of tiny bacteria, with the majority of them being good and just some of them bad. Keeping that balance towards good bacteria is the key to maintaining a health gut and a properly functioning body!
Including prebiotic and probiotic foods into your leaky gut diet, or even your day-to-day diet, will help bolster your gut health. Most prebiotic foods consist of healthy fiber, which well get to in just a bit. Some probiotic foods that you can include are kefir, kombucha, kimchi, legumes, sauerkraut, probiotic supplements, etc. Maintaining that healthy gut environment, filled with good bacteria, will not only help heal leaky gut, but can also help prevent it .
Bone Broth + Collagen
Healthy Fats
Fiber Filled Foods
The 5 Foods to Avoid in a Leaky Gut Diet
Sugar + Artificial Sweeteners
Unhealthy Fats
Low-Fodmap Diet
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What Foods Should You Avoid During Flare
If youre having increased intestinal permeability symptoms, raw fruits and veggies can be triggering because they are packed with fiber and harder to digest. To help with digestibility, try cooking the vegetables or blending the fruit into a smoothie instead. Similarly, whole grain foods, like bread and pasta, can be hard to digest when having symptoms, so they might have to be limited during flare-ups.
Say Hello To Fodmapsthe Four Horsemen Of Your Colon
There is a special group of foods out there. Many of them appear harmless, maybe even healthy at first glance.
But they can cause serious digestive health issues for a lot of us. .
And so youre probably wondering
Richard, youve been holding back this goodness, why you do me like that?
Well, thats because Ive tried to keep my leaky gut protocol as simple as possible for you. Since after speaking to 1000s of you, the #1 determinant of success is a protocol that is easy to follow and thus actually gets done.
But I finally realized not talking about this special group of foods is kind of crazy.
After all, eliminating them has helped 100,000s of people with serious gut problems feel better within just weeks. Including my Aunt and cousin last year!
Plus, this special group of foods was identified by one of the best dietary-focused research universities in the world, Monash University. And best of all, for those of us on a leaky gut diet, it is a fairly easy dietary change to make.
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Why Most Leaky Gut Diet Advice Sucks
Youve probably spent hours Googling around trying to work out what foods to eat for leaky gut.
And yet, it can still feel so confusing! Which makes sense, since no one has summarized the leaky gut diet onto one page.
Instead, doctors, bloggers and health sites, prefer to bombard you with
- Short posts, like 8 foods to eat for leaky gut
- 400 page books that leave you more confused than when you started
- 10-page shopping lists of weird foods youve never heard of and have zero chance of finding in your local supermarket
The problem is that you then end up feeling extremely overwhelmed .
And if youre crazy enough to soldier on, you might end up running into lots of conflicting food advice .
Well, dont worry, because Ive simplified it all for you. And now you can find the ultimate leaky gut diet food list on one page!
What Is The Fastest Way To Heal Leaky Gut
To date, there are no FDA-approved treatments available at this time for leaky gut, especially because it is not officially a diagnosable condition. Instead, the treatment recommendations a person is likely to receive from their doctor will instead be focused on the underlying condition theyve diagnosed, which may include leaky gut as a symptom. For example, if youve been diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, the treatment will likely be anti-inflammatory drugs, immune system suppressors, antibiotics, pain relievers, and supplements to help the lining of your gut recover. If the diagnosis is irritable bowel syndrome, then anticholinergic medications, tricyclic antidepressants, antibiotics, or medications specifically for IBS may help reduce the symptoms.
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Possible Culprits: Foods That Cause Leaky Gut
We all know the obvious things to avoid in order to feel better and stay healthier, regardless of how well we follow what we know
And while I’m not at all opposed to the odd cheat day to treat yourself, you should be conscious of avoiding altogether the things that are going to exacerbate issues you might be experiencing.
If youve been diagnosed with leaky gut or you even suspect it could be the culprit, eliminating or reducing the following foods in your daily diet will give your gut health a boost and help to protect your gut lining from further deterioration.
And as mentioned earlier, limiting these foods to avoid with leaky gut will be a boon to your overall wellness anyway.
Bottom line- Its a win-win to steer clear of the following list! Not to make any promises, but your brain and your body will probably thank you
The Scd Diet Lowers Inflammation But Is Challenging Long
Despite its name, the diet is not a low carbohydrate diet. It focuses on eating simple carbohydrates that can be easily absorbed. It eliminates all grains, milk , and sugar, except for honey. There is overlap with the low FODMAP diet .
Research demonstrates an improvement in IBS symptoms with the SCD diet, but not research looking specifically at gut permeability. It has been shown to lower inflammation .
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Foods That Can Disrupt The Balance Of Your Gut Microbiome:
- Sugar, added sugars, refined carbohydrates, and high fructose-corn syrup.
- Artificial sweeteners.
- Refined vegetable oils: canola, corn, peanut, sunflower, soybean, safflower.
- Cured and processed meats and food additives.
- GMO foods. Look for the Non-GMO Project Verified seal on a food label.
- Foods containing emulsifiers and food additives: Gums, Carrageenan, Maltodextrin.
- Foods rich in Saturated fat, including processed meat, deli meat, hot dogs, sausage, bacon.
- High salt intake.
A Meal Plan Designed To Heal Leaky Gut
Healing a leaky gut takes time. Getting your clients excited about the dietary changes is key to ongoing compliance. Most people find “Yes/No” food lists overwhelming and simply dont know how to apply them in the kitchen. The last thing we want is for supplements to be used as a crutch while a poor diet remains!
To remove the guesswork, we have created a valuable resource exclusively for That Clean Life members to help get clients started on the path to a stronger, healthier gut lining. Our 7-Day Leaky Gut Diet contains:
- The 5 essential foods for gut healing while excluding all damaging foods.
- Simple, easy recipes that clients will actually love.
- An itemized grocery list.
- A prep guide to minimize confusion and time spent in the kitchen.
Our Leaky Gut Diet will allow your clients to actually enjoy food while their gut heals. And when your clients are successful, you are successful.
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How Do I Know If I Have A Leaky Gut
A huge collection of health problems have been conclusively linked to leaky gut, including: ankylosing spondylitis, asthma, atopic dermatitis, cardiovascular disease, celiac disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic heart failure, chronic inflammation, Crohns disease, depression, eczema, food allergy, HIV/AIDS, insulin resistance, irritable bowel syndrome, multiple organ failure, multiple sclerosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, obesity, psoriatic arthritis, psychological conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and ulcerative colitis.
However, a variety of less distinct symptoms or diagnoses can also point to the presence of a leaky gut, including: abdominal pain, bloating, burping, gas, irregular stools , nausea/vomiting, reflux/heartburn, acne, dry skin, eczema, hives, itchy skin, psoriasis, rashes, rosacea, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, brain fog, depression, fatigue, especially after eating, headaches, migraine, insomnia, aches and pains, autoimmune disease, difficulty maintaining a healthy weight, food sensitivities/allergies, joint pain, and symptoms of malnutrition.
In terms of testing, a lactulose mannitol ratio test is the only standard test available for intestinal permeability, but its not good at detecting what might be called mild leaky gut. Otherwise, a healthcare provider will evaluate a a combination of general inflammation, which you could measure with C-reactive protein, GI symptoms, disease symptoms, etc..