Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Foods To Eat To Help Constipation

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Natural Foods To Treat Constipation

BEST Foods to Help Constipation that Relieve Stomach Pain and Bloating

The most common solution for constipation is to add more plant-based fiber to the diet:

1. Prunes: Prunes are perhaps the most common food to eat when constipated. They have a natural laxative effect and they help make the stool softer. In a 2011 study published in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, researchers discovered that prunes are more effective than psyllium husk in treating mild to moderate constipation. The study observed 40 people with constipation over an eight-week period.

2. Ground flaxseed: Flaxseeds have a high concentrated source of fiber. A study published in 2011 found that women received constipation relief when ground flaxseed was added to their diets. It is best to grind flaxseeds in a coffee grinder for optimal freshness. One to two tablespoons daily of ground flaxseed is a great addition to smoothies for those prone to constipation. Ground flaxseed also helps increase the frequency of bowel movements.

3. Chia seeds: Chia seeds are also high in fiber, and they can help reduce constipation symptoms however, it all depends on how you consume chia seeds. It is best to pre-soak chia seeds for about 15 minutes. For best results, combine one to two tablespoons of chia seeds with an eight to 12 oz. glass of water daily.

Overall, it is best to consume a whole foods diet that contains nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains. Other foods that help relieve constipation include blueberries, kiwi fruit, hemp seeds, and almonds.

Prunes For Constipation Relief

  • Prunes were grandma’s remedy. They could be yours, too. Prunes are high in insoluble fiber as well as the natural laxativesorbitol, which can help you “go.”
  • Researchers at the University of Iowa tested dried, pitted plums against psyllium in 40 adults who were constipated. Those given the plums had measurably higher spontaneous bowel movements than those given the laxative.
  • Prunes juice is also helpful at relieving constipation in babies.

Medically Reviewed on 3/25/2021Aliment Pharmacol TherJournal of Nutrition

Check If It’s Constipation

It’s likely to be constipation if:

  • you have not had a poo at least 3 times during the last week
  • the poo is often large and dry, hard or lumpy
  • you are straining or in pain when you have a poo

You may also have a stomach ache and feel bloated or sick.

If you’re caring for someone with dementia, constipation may be easily missed. It’s important to be aware of any changes in their behaviour that might mean they are in pain or discomfort, although it’s not always easy.

Constipation in adults has many possible causes. Sometimes there’s no obvious reason.

The most common causes include:

  • not eating enough fibre such as fruit, vegetables and cereals
  • not drinking enough fluids
  • not moving enough and spending long periods sitting or lying in bed
  • being less active and not exercising
  • often ignoring the urge to go to the toilet
  • changing your diet or daily routine
  • a side effect of medicine
  • stress, anxiety or depression

Constipation is also common during pregnancy and for 6 weeks after giving birth.

Rarely, constipation may be caused by a medical condition.

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Foods That Help You Poop And Relieve Constipation

  • Smriti Agarwal
  • Oranges have a huge content of stool-softening Vitamin C
  • Almonds are rich in heart-healthy fats, protein and fibers
  • Stay hydrated always. Dehydration is a common cause of constipation

1. Berries2. Oranges3. Almonds4. Wheat bran5. Leafy and green vegetables6. Bananas

Eat Foods High In Insoluble Fiber

5 Foods That Prevent Constipation

Speaking of fiber, it’s often the other puzzle piece needed to get things moving down the track. You’ll want to be cognizant of what kind of fiber you’re eating, however: Both soluble and insoluble fiber are good for you, but it’s insoluble fiber that will really help to alleviate constipation.

“Fiber promotes motility, or movement of food through the digestive tract,” says Wilson. You want to aim to get 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day. But be careful, she cautions. “If you’re getting too much fiber, you may feel overly bloated, full, or gassy, so start slow with 20 grams the first week and increase from there, making sure your water increases as well.”

Where to get insoluble fiber from food? Naturally, you’ll get a lot of insoluble fiber from whole grain bread, cereals, legumes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

Fruits and Veggies

Although some veggies and fruits are higher in fiber than others, don’t get too caught up in that, Wilson advises. “Don’t focus excessively if an orange is a better source of fiber than an applebut rather focus on getting five servings of fruit and vegetables every day,” she says.

Whole Grains

With breads and grains, make healthy swaps to your typical grain game. Choose whole grain breads, quinoa, oats, and brown rice, and even swap in legumes for meat every now and then to keep you more regular.


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Chia Seeds Or Flaxseeds

Chia seeds and flaxseeds are an easy way to add more fiber into your diet, says Sam. Sprinkling a spoonful of each into your smoothie, oatmeal, or yogurt, or using it as a salad topping, can give a low-fiber meal the extra poop-producing power it needs.

Per 1-ounce serving chia seeds: 138 calories, 9 g fat , 12 g carbs, 0 g sugar, 5 mg sodium, 10 g fiber, 5 g protein.

Per 1-ounce serving flaxseeds: 152 calories, 12 g fat , 8 g carbs, 0 g sugar, 9 mg sodium, 8 g fiber, 5 g protein.

How To Relieve Constipation Top 4 Foods For Constipation

Constipation is a common intestinal problem for urban people. It not only affects a body’s ability to detoxify, but also causes gastrointestinal discomfort. It can cause bloating, affect the way you look, and bring all kinds of troubles to your life.

If you wish to effectively relieve the symptoms of constipation and improve bowel movements, read on and learn about why you should include these 4 super constipation-relieving foods into your daily meals, as recommended by nutritionists!

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Can Eating More Fiber Help With Constipation

Yes. Fiber is the part of plant food that is not digested. There are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber gives stool bulk. Foods that are good sources of soluble fiber include apples, bananas, barley, oats, and beans. Insoluble fiber helps speed up the transit of food in the digestive tract and helps prevent constipation. Good sources of insoluble fiber include whole grains, most vegetables, wheat bran, and legumes. Foods that have fiber contain both soluble and insoluble fibers. A good goal for dietary fiber is a total of about 20 to 30 grams each day.

Go Easy On Spice To Avoid Tummy Troubles

Best Foods To Relieve Constipation [Constipation Relieving Foods]

Many people love spicy food and it does not bother their digestive system. Others find their tummy is upset when they have spicy food.

It’s not just scorching hot foods like chillies that trigger heartburn. Milder but flavourful foods like garlic and onion can also bring it on.

If spicy foods give you heartburn, stomach pain or diarrhoea, go easy on them in future.

If you already have a problem like heartburn or an irritable bowel, avoid them completely.

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Foods To Avoid When Constipated

High-fat foods those rich in oil, butter and grease can contribute to constipation.

If you are chronically constipated, overeating fried food, processed meats, commercially baked goods and other high-fat items may be responsible. Slattery cites cheese as a particular constipation culprit.

Really high-fat foods slow down digestion, she says. Fats are tricky to digest, and take a long time for the body to break down. Also, most high-fat foods are low in fiber and delay motility.

Fodmaps And Gassy Foods

If you have IBS, you may want to avoid foods that are high in short-chain carbohydrates , even if they are good for other people who have constipation. FODMAPs are carbohydrates found in ordinary foods that have been found to exacerbate IBS symptoms.

Although eating more fruits and vegetables can help to ease your constipation, some of them have a gassy reputation. It may be a good idea to choose foods that are less likely to give you gas until your system is working more readily. Once your acute constipation has passed, you can widen your choice of produce.

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When To Call The Doctor

Let your doctor know if you haven’t had a bowel movement within three to four days after surgery, Dr. Childs recommends. It’s not normal to be constipated a week after surgery, so don’t wait that long to act.

“The longer it takes to go, the more difficult it will be,” she says.

You should also call your doctor if you experience severe bloating, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting are passing blood or mucus or if you are unable to urinate. These could be signs of an infection.

Bring On The Broccoli

Top 4 Tips for Treating &  Preventing Constipation

Like beans, broccoli is a superstar source of fiber. It’s also low in calories and a great source of nutrients. For the best fiber bang for your buck, eat your broccoli raw, because cooking it can reduce its fiber content. But if you prefer it cooked, try steaming, broiling, or baking your broccoli to avoid extra calories. You can toss it with a small amount of olive oil, salt, and pepper for additional flavor.

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Sweet Potatoes For Constipation Relief

  • One medium baked sweet potato with skin has 3.8 grams of fiber, which can help get things moving along. This high fiber content in sweet potatoes helps prevent and relieve constipation. The skin contains most of the fiber so leave it on for the biggest benefits.
  • Regular baked potatoes are also a good source of fiber, with 3 grams in a small baked potato. Leave the skin on, and high-calorie toppings such as butter or sour cream off.

Best Foods To Relieve Constipation

Constipation is a common complaint often as a result of an individuals diet and lifestyle. Eating certain foods can help improve frequent bowel movements.

The medical community defines indigestion as decreased bowel movements or difficulty passing stools.


  • Hard, dry, or uneven stools
  • Stools that look like small stones.
  • Pain and discomfort when moving the bowels
  • Feeling unable to completely empty the intestines
  • Loss of appetite due to constant feeling of fullness
  • flatulence

In addition to the above, a person may see small streaks of blood in the stool or on the toilet paper after cleansing.

Everyone has different bowel habits, but people with thiis problem usually have fewer than 3 bowel movements per week. Constipation is very common.

In the United States, about 16 out of every 100 adults suffer from it. The risk of constipation increases with age. About 33 out of every 100 adults over the age of 60 in the United States have symptoms of constipation.

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Foods That Help You Poop

If you have a history of constipation, you might want to take a look at the following list of foods that make you poop.

If you are looking for foods that make you poop immediately, you just might find something on this list that will do the trick. If you continue to struggle to find relief, you should consult a doctor.

More often than not, constipation is linked to diet, and there is an opportunity to turn to foods that make you poop right away. There are some causes that go beyond diet, for example, being sedentary, taking certain medications, or suffering from a neurological condition could lead to constipation. Irritable bowel syndrome can also make it difficult to poop. Some people with this condition suffer from diarrhea, while others have constipation.

When a person has a well-balanced diet and has already explored foods that make you poop right awayyet they still have difficulty with bowel movementsfurther investigation is required. It may seem like a hard subject to broach with a doctor, but it wont be anything he or she hasnt heard before. Bowel movement is a bodily function that is important to good health.

Whole Grain Bread For Constipation Relief

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Whole grains have lots of fiber, which is a good choice not only for the bowels, but also the heart.

  • Researchers at the University of Finland in Helsinki found whole grain rye bread to be better than wheat bread and laxatives for relieving constipation. They reported their findings in the Journal of Nutrition in 2010. Their subjects ate enough slices to get 30 grams of fiber a day, but you don’t have to eat that much for it to work.
  • Arabinoxylan, the main component of dietary fiber in rye, helps keep food moving through the intestine.
  • Ezekiel bread is another good choice for relief of constipation. It is bread made of sprouted whole grains and legumes, which provides a good dose of fiber and nutrients.

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Fruits Vegetables Beans And Whole Grains

Suffering from constipation? Find relief by adding more fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains to your diet. Each of these are full of fibre, which is key to a smooth-running digestive system. As fibre travels along the large intestine, it absorbs fluids to bulk up and soften waste material. That helps stool pass more easily through the colon, where muscle contractions move it along. Fibre is particularly dense in the skin, stems, and leaves of fruit and plants, so dont peel that apple or toss those broccoli stalks.

Dark green leafy vegetables can do double duty not only because of their fibre but also because of their high magnesium content .

Can You Prevent Constipation After Surgery

Many of the same strategies used to treat constipation can also help prevent it in the first place, notes the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases .

“After surgery, make sure you’re getting enough fiber in your diet in the form of smoothies, soups and fresh fruit to restart your bowels and get things going,” Dr. Mendez recommends. “You also want to make sure you’re drinking enough water, and come off the pain medications as soon as you feel comfortable.”

One of Dr. Mendez’s favorite constipation-fighters is a green smoothie made with fruit, leafy green vegetables, oats, flaxseeds or chia seeds and nondairy milk .

“Drinking a green smoothie daily will ensure you’re getting sufficient soluble and insoluble fiber to help bulk up stools and get your bowels moving,” she says.

Finally, try to gently move your body within a few hours of surgery, as soon as you get permission to do so.

“Movement can be hard and painful after surgery. But the sooner you move, the faster your digestive system will get going,” Dr. Mendez says. A short walk up and down the hallway is a good place to start.

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Foods That Relieve Constipation Quickly

Do you suffer from constipation? If so, youre not alone.

Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal problems in the United States.

It can be caused by a variety of things, including diet, lifestyle, and medications.

Luckily, there are plenty of foods that can help relieve constipation quickly.

In this article, well cover:

Berries For Constipation Relief

10 Best Foods For Constipation Relief Quickly
  • Berries are tasty and easy to eat so take your pick: raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries – all are easy to snack on and full of fiber.
  • For example, just ½ cup of raspberries contains 4 g fiber to help relieve constipation.
  • Eat them alone as a snack, try them on salads, or puree and freeze them for a cool summertime dessert.

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Foods And Drinks That Help With Bloating

Bloating is a common problem often caused by issues like constipation or excess gas .

Plus, what you eat and drink can significantly affect bloating and other digestive issues.

Fortunately, many ingredients have been shown to promote regularity, prevent fluid retention, and enhance gut health, all of which can help keep bloating at bay.

Here are 20 foods and drinks that can help with bloating.

2 ).

Theyre also rich in potassium, an essential mineral involved in regulating fluid balance and sodium levels to prevent water retention .

Whats more, theyre high in fiber, which moves slowly through your digestive tract to support regularity and help prevent constipation and bloating (

5 ).

Eating foods with a high water content can help ensure you stay hydrated and meet your daily fluid needs.

This may prevent water retention and alleviate bloating caused by dehydration (

Yogurt is packed with probiotics, a beneficial type of bacteria that plays a key role in gut health.

According to some research, probiotics may improve stool frequency and consistency to promote regularity .

Furthermore, probiotics have been shown to reduce bloating and abdominal distension caused by conditions like irritable bowel syndrome , a common disorder that affects the large intestine (

Feeling Heavy And Sluggish From Constipation Take A Closer Look At This List Of Foods That Make You Poop

When you need a little help with constipation, look to your diet to get things moving! Fresh produce and hearty beans are some of the high-fiber foods that make you poop.

Whether youre experiencing the discomfort of constipation or simply want to feel lighter, eating foods high in fiber and other nutrients can get you feeling better fast.

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Whole Wheat Breads Cereals And Pastas

Whole wheat products are an excellent source of insoluble fiber, which adds weight to stools and speeds up the flow of materials through the intestines.

To get the most nutrients from whole wheat products, eat them raw or lightly cooked.

Whole wheat breads and cereals that also contain nuts and seeds pack even more fiber into each serving.

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