Friday, April 26, 2024

How Do You Spell Constipated

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How Do You Spell…

Take these steps:

  • Drink two to four extra glasses of water a day, unless your doctor told you to limit fluids for another reason.
  • Try warm liquids, especially in the morning.
  • Add fruits and vegetables to your diet.
  • Eat prunes and bran cereal.
  • Exercise most days of the week.
  • Dont ignore the urge to poop.
  • Foods To Relieve Constipation

    Getting enough fiber is a key part of relieving and preventing constipation. Its also important not to skip meals and to avoid highly processed foods, like fast food, potato chips, and white bread. High-fiber foods include:

    • Beans and legumes, including navy beans, garbanzo beans, soybeans, lentils, almonds and peanuts
    • Fresh fruits, especially apples, berries, figs, pears, plums and prunes. Eat edible skins to get the most benefit.
    • Fresh vegetables, especially broccoli, , peas, and potatoes with their skins
    • Whole grain products, especially bran cereal and popcorn

    Major Causes Of Constipation

    • Not meeting certain physiological needs, including foods, fiber;and fluids
    • Muscle weakness/atrophy as a person ages
    • Bowel abnormalities, including cancer;
    • Neglect of the urge to go because of immobility, depression, fear of pain caused by hemorrhoids;or fissures;
    • Drugs like purgatives, iron, codeine, antacids, blood pressure medications, Parkinsonism medications, antibiotics, sedatives, or anti-spasmodic drugs

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    A Magnesium Supplement For Ongoing Relief

    Philips Milk of Magnesia and Epson Salt are two magnesium products which may help with constipation relief. However, these products are only recommended for occasional use.

    Taking 300 mg. to 400 mg. of a magnesium supplement;each day may be enough for ongoing constipation relief.

    A magnesium supplement may also help to fill a nutritional need, since 80% of Americans;dont get enough magnesium in their diet.

    Getting the proper amount of magnesium may help achieve certain health benefits.;

    It may also help to prevent conditions caused by constipation, like hemorrhoids, anal fissures and hernias.

    How Is Constipation Treated

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    If you’re constipated, you probably won’t need any special treatment. Chances are you’ll soon start going regularly again on your own. If your doctor decides you should come in for a visit, they might suggest a change in diet or some medicine to get you going. But don’t take any medicine for your constipation unless your doctor recommends it.

    Usually constipation is just constipation. You eventually poop and feel better.

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    Can Alcohol Interfere With Constipation Remedies

    Alcohol has the potential to interfere with many medications, whether theyre prescription or over-the-counter. Because the liver metabolizes both alcohol and many medications , drinking alcohol and taking medications could impact how effective medicines may be.

    Also, some laxative medications contain alcohol, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Adding more alcohol to the mix could also increase a persons intoxication level.

    Additionally, alcohol can negatively interact with medications doctors prescribe to relieve heartburn or reduce constipation. These include:

    Examples Of Constipated In A Sentence

    constipated The ConversationconstipatedSmithsonian Magazineconstipated National ReviewconstipatedHealth.comconstipated Seventeenconstipated Los Angeles Timesconstipated CBS Newsconstipated Town & Country

    These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘constipated.’ Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.

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    Here Are 4 Tips That Should Help You Perfect Your Pronunciation Of ‘constipated’:

    • Break ‘constipated’ down into sounds:+++-say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
    • Record yourself saying ‘constipated’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen. You’ll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily.
    • Look up tutorials on Youtube on how to pronounce ‘constipated’.
    • Focus on one accent: mixing multiple accents can get really confusing especially for beginners, so pick one accent and stick to it.

    Make Time To Move Your Bowels


    Try waking up earlier to eat breakfast and then move yourbowels. Food can stimulate the need to go, and you probably feel most relaxedin your home bathroom.

    But dont get toorelaxed in there the more time you spend on the toilet, the more likely you areto strain for bowel movements. Do not take your cell phone into the bathroomwith you, or work on your computer or read a book, Dr. Zutshi advises.

    And if you feel the urge to go when youre out an about,dont avoid using a public restroom. Delaying a bowel movement can actuallymake constipation worse.

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    Studies Supporting The Link Between Medications And Constipation

    Several studies have suggested that some medications can cause constipation:

    • The association of constipation with the increasing number of drugs used by the elderly was demonstrated in a population-based study conducted in 2018.
    • A 2003 study, published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, reviewed the incidence of constipation in patients with neurological diseases. Findings indicated that a variety of drugs could, alone or in combination, cause or worsen constipation.
    • A case study in 2005 reported gastrointestinal complications in two patients taking antidepressant drugs. The patients showed symptoms associated with the action of anticholinergic medicines, including dryness in the mouth, blurred vision, tremors, and constipation.
    • A meta-analysis conducted in 2011 found that patients taking anticholinergics for an overactive bladder were prone to constipation.
    • A review study in 2016 found constipation to be one of the most frequent adverse side effects of anticholinergics in the elderly.
    • Constipation was found to be commonly associated with prolonged use of opioids, according to a study conducted in 2016.

    Medical Definition Of Constipation

    Reviewed on 3/29/2021

    Constipation: Infrequent and frequently incomplete bowel movements. Constipation is the opposite of diarrhea and is commonly caused by irritable bowel syndrome , diverticulosis, and medications. Paradoxically, constipation can also be caused by overuse of laxatives. Colon cancer can also narrow the colon and thereby cause constipation. A high-fiberdiet can frequently relieve constipation. If the diet is not helpful, medical evaluation is warranted.

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    How Is The Cause Of Constipation Diagnosed

    To diagnose the cause of constipation, your doctor will ask you several questions related to your symptoms including:

    • How long have you been experiencing constipation?
    • Is your constipation constant or does it come and go?
    • What, if anything, seems to make your constipation better or worse?
    • Are you experiencing any other symptoms, such as abdominal pain or nausea?
    • Do you to have a bowel movement?
    • Do you see blood on the toilet paper or in the toilet?
    • How much water do you drink throughout the day?
    • How would you describe your diet? How much fiber, in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains, do you eat each day?
    • Have you started any new medications recently?
    • Do you have a family history of , including colon cancer?
    • What other medical conditions do you have?

    After reviewing your medical history, your doctor will likely perform a physical exam. This may include a . Your doctor may also order several tests and exams including:

    • Anal sphincter testing, including tests to measure muscle strength and muscle speed
    • Blood tests to check blood cell counts, electrolyte levels, and hormone levels, such as thyroid hormone
    • Colonic transit study, which measures how well food moves through the colon
    • Defecography testing, which uses imaging exams, such as X-ray or , to visualize muscle function
    • Internal examinations, including and sigmoidoscopy
    • X-rays with contrast agents to check for intestinal blockages

    Sometimes The Solution Is Simple

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    Most cases of acute constipation happen because you are noteating enough of the right foods , drinking enoughwater or getting enough exercise. So the fixes are simple: Move more, drinkmore water and add fiber to your diet to add bulkto your stool.

    Some people have success taking probiotics, too, which can change the composition of the bacteria in the gut.

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    Side Effects Of Treatments For Pregnancy Constipation

    Because all medications have side effects, you should try increasing fiber, water, and exercise before taking laxatives. If you do need laxatives, talk to your doctor about the best one for your condition. Once you start laxatives, it may take several months to wean off of them. You should only use osmotic and stimulant laxatives short-term.;

    Talk to your doctor about seeing a gastroenterologist if you have:

    • Bowel habit changes that have lasted longer than six weeks

    Constipation And Back Pain

    It’s not unusual for constipation and back pain to occur together.

    In some cases, constipation may indirectly result from back pain. That is, you can become constipated after taking certain pain medications, particularly drugs such as opiates.

    In other cases, constipation and back pain may both be symptoms of another health issue.

    For instance, irritable bowel syndrome can cause both constipation and backaches, even though the two symptoms may not be directly related.

    Back pain can also develop from fecal impaction, another complication of chronic constipation.

    This condition occurs when a large chunk of dry, hard stool gets trapped in the rectum and you’re unable to push it out.

    Fecal impaction is especially common if you’re constipated for a long time and are taking a lot of laxatives.

    Your body becomes accustomed to the medication and “forgets” how to normally pass stool once you stop taking the laxatives.

    If you have a fecal impaction, the hardened stool may press on the sacral nerves of the lower back, resulting in back pain.

    This back pain will remain until its source the impaction is removed through a procedure that usually involves a doctor manually reaching into the rectum to break up the hardened stool.

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    Try Squatting Over The Toilet When You Think You Might Be Ready To Go

    The squatting position can be mimicked by putting a stool under your feet to raise your knees up, says Peyton Berookim, MD, director of the Gastroenterology Institute of Southern California in Los Angeles.

    Squatting modifies the anatomy by relaxing the muscles in that area while also elevating the part of your colon that makes for easier emptying of the bowel. The closer you are to a full squat, the easier it will be to poop, he says.

    Do Antibiotics Cause Constipation

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    Broad-spectrum antibiotics that are used to kill pathogenic bacteria can also affect the commensal bacteria living in the gut. This disturbs the composition of the gut flora.

    As a result of the imbalance, you may suffer from gas and diarrhea. Therefore, antibiotics commonly cause diarrhea as a side effect. They may rarely cause constipation.

    Other side effects of antibiotics that affect the digestive system include:

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    Primary Vs Secondary Constipation

    Primary constipation is usually a symptom of functional issues such as lack of fiber in the diet, anxiety, sleep deprivation, fever, nutritional deficiencies, gender, lack of hydration, and age.

    Secondary constipation is due to medications or an underlying disease. Inflammatory diseases, infectious diseases of the bowel, and irritable bowel syndrome are common causes of secondary constipation.

    Neurologic disorders, metabolic disorders, and endocrine disorders such as diabetes all have an increased incidence of constipation. If your constipation is accompanied by pain, weight loss, or bloody stools or it does not resolve after 12 weeks, seek medical advice.

    Treatments For Constipation During Pregnancy

    Home remedies for constipation during pregnancy include lifestyle changes or over-the-counter medications. The following treatments may help relieve constipation symptoms:

    Increase dietary fiber and water

    A diet that is low in fiber can contribute to constipation. The two types of dietary fiber are:;

    • Soluble Fiber, which blends with water in the intestines and forms a gel-like substance. This type of fiber helps control blood sugar.;
    • Insoluble Fiber, which passes through the intestines without being absorbed. It increases the size of your stool and can help you pass it more quickly.;

    Increasing the fiber in your diet should be the first step in treating constipation during pregnancy. Foods high in fiber include:

    • Bran cereals
    • Nuts
    • Quinoa

    In addition to increasing fiber, increasing your water intake can help with constipation. Women who are pregnant should drink 10 8-ounce glasses of water daily.;


    A sedentary lifestyle increased the risk of constipation. Increasing your daily exercise can help with constipation. Walking more is one of the best ways to increase your exercise during your pregnancy. It is very low risk and can help with constipation.


    Bulk-forming laxatives

    Stool softeners

    Stool softeners containing docusate sodium are safe to take during pregnancy.;;

    Lubricant laxatives

    Lubricant laxatives such as mineral oil work by coating your stool and digestive tract with a waterproof layer. It keeps water in the stool which makes it softer and easier to pass.

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    How To Prevent Constipation While Drinking

    Constipation doesnt have to be inevitable when you drink. Try these tips next time.

    • Drink water. Aim for drinking a glass of water each time you drink an alcoholic beverage. You can also drink an electrolyte-containing beverage to replace lost electrolytes. However, avoid drinking those that have a lot of sugar.
    • Avoid caffeine. Steer away from drinks that are mixed with caffeine-containing beverages, as caffeine is a natural diuretic.
    • Be kind to your liver. Avoid drinking to excess . You can also consider herbs to detox like milk thistle, dandelion tea, or garlic. While these havent been fully scientifically proven to promote liver health, some people experience improvements with these herbs.
    • Keep moving.Exercise is a well-known gut stimulant and can reduce the effects of constipation.
    • Take a probiotic. Probiotics are supplements that can introduce healthy bacteria into the gut. For some people, they can encourage healthy digestion.

    Ideally, these measures will help prevent the potentially constipating effects of alcohol.

    What Are Antibiotics

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    Antibiotics are a class of drugs that kill bacteria or curb their growth. These chemicals target the parts of bacteria involved in their growth and survival. For example, an antibiotic may work by inhibiting the formation of the bacterial cell wall and proteins or by altering the bacterial cell membrane.

    Some antibiotics arrest the growth of bacteria , and other antibiotics directly kill the bacteria .

    Antibiotics can be broadly classified into two categories:

    • Broad-spectrum antibiotics: These antibiotics target a wide variety of bacteria at once. They may also affect those bacteria that are beneficial to health.
    • Narrow-spectrum antibiotics: These antibiotics attack only some bacterial species and are highly specialized.

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    When To See A Doctor

    According to the National Institutes of Health, you should see a doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

    • Self-care remedies do not work
    • If you are worried that your constipation is a result of a more serious condition

    Children should see a doctor if they have constipation with any of the above symptoms. In rare instances, constipation in children may be a result of a food allergy or a medical condition in which case they will need to receive a medical work-up to determine the cause.

    In any case, if you can’t figure out a reason as to why there is a change in your normal bowel routine or if self-care has been unsuccessful in treating your constipation, contact your doctor.

    Load Up On Foods With Fiber

    Fiber-rich foods with a high water content, such as raw carrots, apples with the skin or peel on, and avocados are all great sources of fiber to help get things moving, says Christine Lee, MD, a gastroenterologist at the Cleveland Clinic.

    When consumed, these foods create an osmotic gradient,” says Dr. Leethat means they force more water to be pulled into the colon during digestion, which then helps ease and prevent constipation by helping things flow a little more smoothly.

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    Complications In The Elderly

    It is reported that the prevalence of constipation increases with age, especially those over the age of 65 years.

    Researchers state that chronic constipation can lead to fecal impaction and fecal incontinence. They state that in severe cases, fecal impaction can cause stercoral ulcerations, intestinal obstruction, or bowel perforation. If left untreated, these complications can be life-threatening.

    Older people can also experience a lower quality of life due to complications and discomfort from constipation.

    Why Do Opioids Cause Constipation

    How do you stop constipation and regulate the bowels naturally, without laxatives?

    Opioids have several different effects that slow down digestion. In the stomach, opioids can cause gastroparesis, which means that the stomach takes longer to empty than it should because the muscles are not working effectively.

    Food moves through the small intestine because of muscle contractions known as peristalsis. Opioids affect the middle of the small intestine by increasing circular muscle contractions, which are non-propulsive contractions, and this decreases the peristalsis that normally moves food along. This can also create harder stools, making them more difficult to pass.

    Opioids also affect how the anal sphincter responds to the drug. When stool is in the rectum, there is a natural urge to go to the bathroom and pass it. Opioids can dampen this sensation;so that when there is a stool to be passed, a person doesnt feel it. That could lead to holding stools in too long.

    Overall, these effects on the digestive system mean that some people will experience constipation;when using opioids. For people who need long-term pain management with these medications, this can be a significant problem.

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