Friday, July 26, 2024

Is Turmeric Good For Leaky Gut

Must read

Number 6 Artificial Sweeteners

8. Healing a Leaky Gut: Anti-inflammatory Healing Soup, Turmeric Drink, and Aloe

Artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, Saccharin, Sucralose, and Stevia are found almost everywhere. Theyre in diet soda, candy, pre-made baked goods, and much more. Studies have shown that artificial sweeteners alter the gut microbiota by encouraging the growth of harmful bacteria and yeast that induce inflammation.

Signs And Symptoms Of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Syndrome manifests itself in different ways depending on the status of the immune system, as well as your degree of chronic inflammation and exposure to inflammatory triggers. For these reasons, signs and symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome vary and may include one or more of the following:

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Ulcers in the small intestine

Leaky Gut Syndrome can also increase the risk for underlying conditions such as Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth , Candida Overgrowth, or Parasite Infection as a result of bacterial imbalance.

It Can Upset Your Stomach

The same agents in turmeric that support digestive health can cause irritation when taken in large amounts. Some participants in studies looking at the use of turmeric for cancer treatment had to because their digestion was so negatively affected. Turmeric stimulates the stomach to produce more gastric acid. While this helps some peoples digestion, it can really do a number on others.

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What Is Functional Medicine

Ive written about this extensively in my blogs its in all of them as

More complex its about giving individualized, personalized medical care that focuses on finding out the root causes for symptoms that affect your health. Which means possibly figuring out whats ailing not only the body but the mind and spirit of the person.

Heres a wonderful infographic by Anita Sataday MD that explains it further.

What Turmeric Can Do For You

Food for your gut

When you think of improving your gut health, typically probiotic supplements and fermented foods come to mind. However, adding a turmeric supplement to your diet can also support a healthy gut and can prevent serious intestinal health problems.

Turmeric is actually beneficial for several components of the digestive system.

Recommended Reading: Does Cottage Cheese Have Probiotics

Struggling To Find A Doctor Who Understands Leaky Gut

Then take a moment to checkout our directory of doctors who have written about leaky gut and are knowledgeable on how to fight it from start to finish.

As with everything on this site, the directory is free to both readers and doctors. So there is no bias in recommendations or sponsored doctors and whatnot!

IDEA #12

Does Collagen Help Heal The Gut

People struggling with leaky gut, which is a complex health issue, realize its impact on their daily lives. Lately, the focus is on tackling the leaky gut by enhancing the diet and immunity. The role of Collagen, which potentially averts leaky gut symptoms is increasingly stressed. Collagen supplements for leaky gut are an excellent option in the field of wellness, gut health, and fitness. Lets review what eaky gut is and how collagen is useful in preventing it.

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How To Use Turmeric To Improve Your Digestion

09/11/2017 | 3 min. read

Dr. Drew Sinatra

Did you know that turmeric, the bright yellow spice often used in Indian cuisine, has a wide variety of health benefits? Experts have found that it supports the liver, regulates blood sugar, and promotes wound healing.

Plus, many people have found turmeric helpful in managing joint pain and improving cognitive function. But more importantly, it has shown to be an effective remedy for numerous digestive conditionsincluding irritable bowel syndrome and leaky gut.

What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome

Bone Broth and Turmeric: A Nutritional Powerhouse for Your Gut, Skin and Joints | Ancient Nutrition
Before attempting to treat a condition, you should probably know a thing or two about it. Leaky gut syndrome transpires when undigested proteins enter into the bloodstream.
Also described as intestinal permeability, leaky gut syndrome rears its ugly head when the gateway that lives between the bloodstream and intestinal wall becomes damaged. This creates access for the aforementioned undigested proteins to reach the clean, oxygenated bloodstream.
Overtime, inflammations will spark, causing many conditions such as:
Mental Health Issues
Poor Nutrient Absorption
There are many symptoms of leaky gut syndrome to look out for. If you have one or multiple of the following issues, you may want to consult a gastroenterologist to test for leaky gut syndrome.
Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome include:
Increased Cases of Cold and Flu
Mood Swings and Bouts of Depression
Skin Breakouts
Sugar Cravings
While many are skeptical about doctor trips, there are some things you can do at home to help your leaky gut syndrome. For one, you can change your diet and incorporate more yellow and orange foods. However, an even easier lifestyle change is by taking supplements.
Here are the 12 best supplements for leaky gut syndrome.

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What 3 Foods Cause Leaky Gut

Foods to avoidWheat-based products: bread, pasta, cereals, wheat flour, couscous, etc.Gluten-containing grains: barley, rye, bulgur, seitan, triticale, and oats.Processed meats: cold cuts, deli meats, bacon, hot dogs, etc.Baked goods: cakes, muffins, cookies, pies, pastries, and pizza.More itemsOct 29, 2019

Side Effects Of Curcumin

When consumed as a food, turmeric is exceptionally healthy without any side effects, except in people who are allergic. However, when taking turmeric as a supplement, especially excessively, side effects start to arise. Generally, you should start with low doses of a turmeric supplement and work out slowly to the recommended dosage as discussed with your physician.

According to the Joint FAO/WHO expert committee on food additives, 1.4 mg per pound of bodyweight of turmeric is considered the acceptable daily intake. For a person at approximately 200 lbs, this equates to about 250 mg per day.

Some physicians and naturopaths disagree, citing various studies that show dosages of 3,600 to 8,000 mg per day and as much as 12,000 mg per day were tolerated without side effects.

Some of the side effects include:

  • Allergic Reactions
  • Abnormal Heart Rhythm

Large doses of turmeric may cause erratic heartbeat, delusions, fever, upset stomach, and kidney stones. Turmeric may also irritate gallbladder problems and acid reflux.

Pregnant women should avoid turmeric as it is often included in herbal remedies to promote menstruation.

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What Is The Intestinal Mucosal Barrier

The intestinal mucosal barrier is the largest surface area of contact with the external environment with an approximate size of 200 square meters. Nutrients, water and electrolytes are absorbed by the intestinal epithelium. It is also the first line of defence against pathogens, allergens and potentially harmful substances present in the intestine.

Gut Microbiota As A Prospective Therapeutic Target For Curcumin: A Review Of Mutual Influence

Leaky Gut Diet: Top 11 Foods To Eat and Avoid

Wissam Zam

1Department of Analytical and Food Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Andalus University for Medical Sciences, Tartous, Syria


Background. Turmeric is a spice that has recently received much interest and has been widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. Turmeric products are diarylheptanoids and have been characterized as safe. They are termed as curcuminoids that consists essentially of three major compounds: curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin. Curcumin is a lipophilic polyphenol that has poor systemic bioavailability and suffers from biotransformation by human intestinal microflora to yield different metabolites that are easily conjugated to glucuronides and sulfate O-conjugated derivatives. Recently, an increasing number of studies have indicated that dysbiosis is linked with many metabolic diseases, though gut microbiota could be a novel potential therapeutic target. Scope and Approach. Thus, it is suspected that curcumin and its derivatives exert direct regulative effects on the gut microbiota which could explain the paradox between curcumins poor systemic bioavailability and its widely reported pharmacological activities. Key Findings and Conclusions. This article summarizes a range of studies that highlight the interaction between curcumin and gut microbiota and considers opportunities for microbiome-targeting therapies using turmeric extract.

1. Introduction

2. Curcumin

3. Gut Microbiota

3.1.1. Gut Dysbiosis

Conflicts of Interest

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Nourishing Chicken Zoodle Bone Broth Soup

Ingredients for the bone broth

  • Whole organic chicken
  • 1 to 2 cups chopped onions
  • 1 to 2 cups chopped carrots
  • 3 to 4 small to medium zucchinis
  • 2 cups shredded organic chicken
  • 2 to 3 garlic cloves, crushed or minced
  • Himalayan sea salt to taste


1. Rinse the chicken, and place it in the pot.

2. Fill your pot three-quarters full with water, and add the herbs and vegetables.

4. Cook on medium-high until bubbling, then reduce heat to low and allow to simmer covered, at least 8 hours, up to 48 hours, to taste.

5. Allow to cool, then pour stock through a strainer and transfer to Mason jars to store in the fridge.


1. Sauté the onions and carrots in coconut oil until onions are soft.

2. Add bone broth and bring to a boil.

3. Make the zucchini into noodles. Slice the zucchini into your desired size of strips, either thick or nice and thin with a julienne slicer.

4. Once the carrots are tender, add the zucchini and simmer until tender. The time will vary depending on the size of your zucchini “noodles.”

5. Add the chopped chicken and garlic, bring back to a boil, and then turn heat off. Cover and let sit for 5 to 10 minutes.

Collagen Helps To Repair The Stomach And Intestines

Type I and III collagen are raw materials for almost all the connective tissue in the digestive system. Thus, the theory goes, by adding more collagen to the mix, you can repair the stomach and intestines and avoid complications like Leaky Gut .

A 2004 study conducted by the Medical Academy of Biaystok in Poland found that one of the major characteristics in people with stomach cancer is defects in collagen metabolism. This makes sense since collagen also plays a vital part in gene expression, enzyme activity, and regulation of cellular growth.

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What Are The Symptoms Of An Unhealthy Gut

7 Signs of an unhealthy gutUpset stomach. Stomach disturbances like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn can all be signs of an unhealthy gut. A high-sugar diet. Unintentional weight changes. Sleep disturbances or constant fatigue. Skin irritation. Autoimmune conditions. Food intolerances.

Is Turmeric Any Good For Leaky Gut

Healing a Leaky Gut Naturally

by Eric Bakker N.D.

Turmeric, weve all heard of turmeric. I spent about a good two, three hours yesterday in fact, tidying up my little herb and spice cabinet in my new kitchen. So I built a little spice cabinet with, I think, 42 slots in it many, many years ago and Ive just sort of restored it a bit and Ive got all my spice jars back. And turmeric is something that Ive been cooking with now for over 30 years long before people even heard about turmeric.

But there are so many other spices out there that are probably even better than turmeric, but turmerics just hit the news because of curcumin and its anti-inflammatory effects. And some studies show curcumin, the active ingredient is almost as good as ibuprofen. So Asian people have been consuming turmeric now for thousands of years and the Western country finally clicking onto these kinds of things.

As I said before, if youre going to buy turmeric, get the yellow, the deep yellow powder. So turmeric contains an inactive called curcumin. Now curcumin, through many studies has shown certainly to have multiple effects on the human microbiota. For example, one study I looked at a while ago showed that it had quite a powerful effect on reducing the translocation or the movement of the bacterial lipopolysaccharides. So little bits of cell wall or dead debris from germs from bacteria actually got quite cleaned up quite nicely with curcumin. Curcumin has good anti-inflammatory actions.

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So You Might Also Want To Consider Temporarily Cutting

  • All nightshades. Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers etc. These guys come packed with their own form of bug repellent, alkaloids. Suffice to say, not everyone responds well to them and they can cause inflammation and digestive issues93.
  • Eggs. These can spike a high allergy response in a lot of people, and the lysozyme in egg white especially may be troublesome94.
  • Nuts. Like eggs, these may not react well with your body95.
  • Seeds. Seeds are meant to survive dormant for long periods of time and through varying conditions so, due to being constructed of natures tough-to-crack materials, even the sprouted ones can cause issues for some people.
  • All vegetable starches. If youre still struggling 30 days into the diet, well then sadly, even that innocent looking sweet potato has to go96.
  • All fruits. That low sugar berry shake you started loving on the leaky gut dietwell, that is out!
  • All dairy. If you were eating raw unpasteurized yogurt for the probiotics or sheep cheese, stop. Its out as well97.

Of course the best news is that these eliminations arent necessarily permanent.

In idea #36 below, well look specifically at how to reintroduce these borderline foods in later to see if they still cause issues or whether some can be permanently added back into your diet.

IDEA #24

Should I Use Bone Broth To Help Heal My Leaky Gut


Part 13 of Dr. Donis Series on Leaky Gut

Over the past few blog posts, we have been looking at Leaky Gut and how to manage, heal, and prevent it. Weve covered everything from IBS to depression, weight gain, Hashimotos and many other health issues. If youve missed any of the series, you can read all the articles by clicking here.

In the post we are going to talk about the latest health food trendbone broth. Bone broth has become popular recently with the interest in the Paleo diet, which emphasizes foods that our ancestors ate while eliminating modern processed foods, sugars, and grains.

Diets that were developed to help address digestive issues and/or autoimmunityFODMAP, GAPS, Specific Carbohydrate, and Autoimmune Protocolall include the use of bone broth as well. Youll also see bone broth promoted as a way to slow aging, prevent wrinkles, and improve memory. No wonder more and more, patients ask me:

Can bone broth really help heal Leaky Gut?

In this article well look at how it can help and some thoughts on whether or not its the right remedy for you.

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Best Foods To Heal Leaky Gut

In this article I go over some of the top foods that help the body heal and seal a leaky gut. Food is medicine and we can use various foods to heal leaky gut.

It is important to know that everyone is different and may respond in their own unique way to the various foods listed. What is one mans medicine can be another individuals poison. Try consuming these foods and pay attention to how your body responds to them. If you see unwanted symptoms, then stop eating that particular food.

Out of this list, most of you will respond well to all of these foods, but those of you who tend to be more sensitive will find at least 56 of these foods that your body responds well to.

Collagen Helps Balance Stomach Acid

Food for your gut

Did you know that we have an epidemic of low stomach acid, also called Hypochlorhydria, in the world today?

This is an issue that is talked about very little but can have vast consequences for your health. Stomach acid imbalance is linked to autoimmune disorders, hypothyroidism, the use of antacids and proton pump inhibitors, bad bacterial overgrowth , traditional cancer treatments including radiation therapy, gastric bypass surgery, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, stress and the list goes on .

The issues above are relevant to just about everyone on the planet right now! Stomach acid helps your food to break down nutrients from the food you consume to be distributed where they need to go. You do the math: since most everyone has some kind of imbalance that can lead to low stomach acid, just about everyone has nutrient absorption issues as well.

Fortunately, specific lifestyle changes, as well as targeted supplementation, has been shown to help restore just the right amount of stomach acid to your system.

Collagen supplementation can play a key part in this. A study published in the American Journal of Physiology found that the amino acid glycine found in large abundance in collagen helped to boost gastric juices. A German study conducted in 2017 generated similar findings .

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Looking For Alternative Treatments For Hidradenitis Suppurativa

My memory of the specific dates is fuzzy, but after about 1.5-2 years of the hellish antibiotics-yeast infection cycle, I had had enough. I started looking for alternatives. I was willing to try anything.

I would frequently have to miss a day of work here and there due to the boils causing severe pain and limited mobility. The pain from the boils is sharp and searing and cuts you to the bone. Sometimes all it takes is a feather-light touch and it feels like you’ve been stabbed by a hot knife.

Any time I had an active flare, sex was simply too painful. I gained even more weight on the antibiotics and was exhausted all the time. My digestion was an absolute mess because of the antibiotics and I was taking antacids, proton pump inhibitors, and anti-diarrhea pills every single day just to get by.

One day I found Primal Girl’s website where she talked about her experience with HS and how she was able to find relief by changing her diet. She also wrote a book about HS called The Hidden Plague, but I haven’t read it so can’t vouch for all the info inside. I’ve heard it strongly emphasizes the AIP which I do not agree should be the first step if attempting relief through diet.

My first exposure to the Paleo diet had been while researching how to run without injuring myself which led me to barefoot running, and there was a mention of Mark Sisson’s website on Barefoot Ted’s Google Group.

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