Everything In Your Mouth Counts
PKU can be successfully managed with a severely restricted diet. That simple statement is factually true, but practically impossible to follow, as it requires slashing protein consumption by about 90 percent. To compensate for the missing protein, several times a day PKU patients take a medical formula commonly referred to simply as formula containing forms of proteins that are digestible to their bodies. Several manufacturers now add vitamins and minerals and offer a variety of formats and tastes to make it more consumer friendly, but that wasn’t always the case.
When I was a kid, it tasted horrible, was the consistency of house paint. I didn’t think about it, I just drank it. I didn’t like it but you get used to it after a while, recalls Jeff Wolf, the twang of Appalachia still strong in his voice. Now age 50, he grew up in Ashland, Kentucky and was part of the first wave of persons with PKU who were identified at birth as newborn screening was rolled out across the US. He says the options of taste and consistency have improved tremendously over the years.
Some people with PKU are restricted to as little as 8 grams of protein a day from food. That’s a handful of almonds or a single hard-boiled egg a skimpy 4-ounce hamburger and slice of cheese adds up to half of their weekly protein ration. Anything above that daily allowance is more than the body can handle and toxic levels of Phe begin to accumulate in the brain.
Les Clark with a birthday cake.
Courtesy Clark
I’m Guessing At This Point That You’re Going To Say They’re Not Going To Help With My Mom’s Cancer
You’d be right. Lebwohl said there are no current studies supporting probiotics for cancer, and further, that hed be concerned about anyone with a compromised immune system using probiotics. It has not been adequately studied for cancer and I would be concerned about widespread probiotic use in someone who might have a suppressed immune system due to cancer, because of the rare but documented instances of actual infections arising from probiotic use.”
A 2017 survey of cancer patients showed that more than 80 percent were taking some sort of dietary supplement, vitamin, mineral, or herb to treat digestive issues they were experiencing due to chemotherapy. Researchers noted that while supplements can be beneficial in some cases, they can also change the metabolism of anti-cancer drugs, or lead to life-threatening conditions like sepsis because of the patients compromised immune system.
The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center page on probiotics states that more clinical trials are needed to confirm the effectiveness of probiotics, and also provided a terrifying list of cases in which patients developed sepsis or other bacterial infections from taking probiotics during cancer treatment.
How Common Is Constipation With Probiotics
Constipation with probiotics is very unlikely but it does happen.
Its ironic, given that probiotics are mainly used to health with constipation, but in some cases it may actually cause it.
Constipation from probiotics is not typical. If you are experiencing constipation while taking probiotics, chances are there is not enough water of fiber in your diet.
One solution may be to increase your levels of fiber when you are consuming your probiotic. Another is to add on or switch to taking prebiotic fibers. This can both help to promote your overall levelsl of bacteria in your gut and improve your overall levels of fiber which can help your digestive health.
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Dr Sheth Talks About Poop And Probiotics
The material provided below is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the diagnosis or treatment by a qualified healthcare professional. You should always seek medical advice before consuming any new medicines or supplements.
The information provided herein is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be construed as medical advice or to replace professional medical care. You should always seek the advice of a medical professional before starting any new medication or dietary supplement. The opinions stated herein are those solely of the writer and do not portray the opinions of the Culturelle® brand, i-Health, Inc., or DSM.
Dr. Shethº is a gastroenterologist with his A.B. degree and medical degree from Brown University. He is the Chief of Gastroenterology at the University Medical Center of Princeton at Plainsboro. Dr. Sheth is the recipient of various honors and recognitions and has several publications in numerous medical journals.
Most of us are inclined to quickly flush away our bowel movements without taking a peek in the toilet bowlit is waste, after all. But it turns out, a quick glance can yield valuable information about your diet and digestive health.
There Are Many Different Types Of Probiotics To Choose From
You should talk with your doctor to find out what is right for you. Most people use an acidophilus supplement. These work in a two-fold way: they help the colon to work better and also get rid of waste.
So, to answer the question, Do probiotics make you poop more? it can help to have a healthy colon.
If you are having problems with constipation or you just arent getting your bowels moving as they should, then a supplement may be for you. It can give you a cleaner digestive system and help you lose weight.
There are other things that go into keeping a healthy colon. For example, introducing more fibre into your diet may help. Also, drinking plenty of water each day will flush out your system.
A good probiotic supplement can help you with all of these areas. Just as a natural laxative can help to keep your digestive tract regular, a probiotic can help you cleanse your colon of harmful bacteria.
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What Can Our Poop Tell Us
Before we begin our conversation about probiotics and the potential beneficial effect they might provide to our gastrointestinal health and the regulation of our bowel, let us define a few things. Across the many cultures of the world, there are various euphemistic, colloquial, and profane terms that describe human excrement.
This is what is going on in your gut right now!
Human excrement is composed of feces. Feces are the solid remains of partially digested food that have decomposed as they travel through the gastrointestinal tract. Human feces are slightly acidic and are composed almost entirely of water, with only about a third of their weight corresponding to organic solids. These organic solids, in turn, are composed of bacterial biomass and undigested carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. Small traces of metabolic waste and some epithelial shedding are also found in human feces.
Defecation, which is the physical expulsion of feces from the body, can potentially provide a keen observer with some subtle and not so subtle clues as to the state of health of the individual. The physiological mechanisms behind defecation are complex, but in essence, revolve around the voluntary and involuntary contraction of the sphincter and rectal muscles as well as peristalsis of the intestinal walls.
There are two factors involved in the defecation process which are telling in regards to the general and gastrointestinal health of a given individual.
Whats Normal Pooping Whats Constipation
Constipation is a common digestive issue, affecting millions of Americans each year, according to a January 2013 report in Gastroenterology.
“Constipation is generally defined as a decrease in frequency of bowel movements,” says Gabriel Winberry, MD, a pediatric gastroenterologist and researcher at WakeMed in Raleigh, North Carolina. “Everyone has a baseline number that they go each day.” When you go less than what your normal is, that’s constipation.
“Ninety percent of people will go at least once every other day,” Dr. Winberry says, adding that many people have a bowel movement one to two times a day and the normal tends to be higher for babies and young children. From infancy into the toilet training years, bowel movements are more frequent, and “children ages 1 to 4 might go more like four to six times per day, but this can vary slightly,” he says.
Read more:The Best-Rated Probiotics
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Other Treatments For Ibs
Probiotics are far from the only treatment thats effective for IBS symptoms. Other helpful methods for addressing IBS exist, such as:
- Regular exercise
- Quality sleep
When treating IBS, you first need to know the underlying cause. Talk with an integrative specialist about diagnosing the root cause of your IBS, which could be parasites, low vagal tone, hormone imbalance, or even food poisoning.
How Popular Are Probiotics
The 2012 National Health Interview Survey showed that about 4 million U.S. adults had used probiotics or prebiotics in the past 30 days. Among adults, probiotics or prebiotics were the third most commonly used dietary supplement other than vitamins and minerals. The use of probiotics by adults quadrupled between 2007 and 2012. The 2012 NHIS also showed that 300,000 children age 4 to 17 had used probiotics or prebiotics in the 30 days before the survey.
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Who Shouldn’t Take Probiotics
People with Compromised Immune SystemsAlthough probiotics benefit the immune system, they can potentially pose a danger to people in the following circumstance:1. If a person has a compromised immune systems2. AND they have an open IV or central line 3. AND they are being administered probiotics in powder form.
According to one review article, persons who have the highest risk when taking probiotics are immunosuppressed or are premature infants
Minor risks include having a central venous catheter, having an impaired intestinal barrier, cardiac valvular disease, and those simultaneously taking a broad spectrum antibiotic to which the probiotic is resistant, and taking probiotics via a jejestomy tube.
The authors of the review article recommended that probiotics be used with caution if there is one major risk and one minor risk.13
If you have a weakened immune system you should consult your physician before taking a probiotic supplement.
How To Tell If Your Probiotic Is Working
The primary site of action for probiotics is the gastrointestinal tract. Also, GI complaints such as diarrhea and/or constipation, gas, bloating, inflammation, pain and GI discomfort are symptoms that frequently cause people to use probiotics therapeutically. Therefore, improvement in these symptoms is a way people with GI complaints can judge if their probiotic is working. Also, the speed or rate of symptomatic relief is a measure of how well a probiotic is working.
Most people have experienced an occasional bad hair day. It is also common, and not particularly serious, to have an occasional bad stool day. However, if diarrhea or constipation are an ongoing problem, attempts should be made to correct the problem.
Numerous studies have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals reporting that specific strains of probiotic bacteria can be used therapeutically to resolve conditions of diarrhea and/or constipation.
Therefore, how a well probiotic is working to resolve either diarrhea or constipation issues is an assessment of whether the individuals bowel movements have normalized. Healthy stools should be well-formed, meaning not too hard and also, not loose and watery.
Interested in Probiotics?
Try Dr. Ohhiras Probiotics or Dr. Ohhiras Professional Formula to help with digestive health.
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Start With The Consistency
The firmness of your poop suggests a wealth of information about your body. So, is your poop soft, hard or runny?
Youve probably already noticed the extremes, like runny or hard . Now, notice the subtleties: Is it lumpy or smooth? Are there ragged edges or clear-cut edges? Does it come out in soft blobs or more solid pieces?
Compare the consistency with each poop chart meaning for more insights into what your poop says about your health.
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What Color Is Your Poop
Keep an eye on your poops color. It tells you how well your body is processing the food you eat and can provide clues about your digestive health. Heres a handy poop color chart for reference:
- Brown, yellow, or green poop: The gold standard for healthy poop. Things look good. The difference in colors depends on what you eat and how much bile youre producing. Generally, poop ranging in shades of brown to green is a good sign.
- Pale, clay-colored poop: Light gray, clay-like feces can suggest a problem with your digestion. If your poop is regularly pale and gray, get yourself to a healthcare professional.
- Red or black poop: Did you eat beets or licorice recently? If so, that may explain the change in color. Beets and some other black and red foods can cause your healthy stool to change colors because of their pigments . But if you havent eaten beets and you see red or black stool in the toilet, see a doctor about these irregularly colored bowel movements.
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Possible Side Effects Of Probiotics
Probiotics are living bacteria and yeasts that provide health benefits when consumed in large amounts.
They can be taken as supplements or consumed naturally through fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha .
The health benefits of probiotic supplements and foods have been well documented, including a lower risk of infections, improved digestion and even a reduced risk for some chronic diseases .
While there are many health benefits linked to taking probiotics, there can also be side effects. Most of these are minor and only affect a small percentage of the population.
However, some people with serious illnesses or compromised immune systems may experience more severe complications.
This article reviews the most common side effects of probiotics and how to reduce them.
What Are The Causes Of My Green Poop
In adults, common causes of green poop include: consuming large quantities of dietary supplements or herbal remedies containing green food coloring, eating a lot of foods that contain chlorophyll such as kale, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables, taking medications that can change the color of your stool , ingesting massive amounts of bismuth subsalicylate which is an ingredient found in Pepto Bismol, and taking large doses of medications that can irritate the lining of your intestines or affect how quickly food moves through it. If you have recently been exposed to a poison, ingesting massive amounts of alcohol, or doing an intense amount of exercise have all been known to cause green poop.
If you are recovering from a gastrointestinal infection , your green poop may persist for several days after the symptoms of your illness have ended and this is also normal. It can take up to six months or more until stools return to their usual color, so try not to worry about it taking that long. In some cases, if the GI infection is caused by a parasite, you may continue to have green stools for up to six months after the symptoms of your illness.
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What Are Probiotics For Dogs
Probiotics are different types of live microorganisms such as bacteria or yeast that occur naturally in both your and your dogs body and in the environment.
Typically, we think of bacteria as a bad thing. But hear us out.
The human body has about 37.2 trillion cells. According to a recent study, the amount of human and bacterial cells in your body are about the same. This means right now you have trillions of bacteria cells inside your body.
Probiotics are considered to be good bacteria because they can benefit the body.
Probiotic supplements are a way of modifying the composition of microorganisms in the intestine .
What Are The Ultimate Sources Of Probiotics Top 10 Probiotics Food
Well, when you are constipated for several days and finding ways to make you poop, then probiotics are worth trying!
Generally, fermented foods are considered the ultimate sources of probiotics, as they generate during the fermentation period. But among a wide range of foods in the market, how could you find the one that contains the proper amount of probiotics?
Click here if you want to learn more about the BEST PROBIOTIC FOR MEN. But now, lets find out which foods are suitable for your condition!
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Probiotics Can Cause Gas
The most common negative side effect of probiotics is mild gas and bloating. This usually happens when you first begin taking probiotics but usually gets better with use.
What causes gas and bloating? Gas and bloating means that your digestive system is not breaking down and absorbing your food completely. The undigested food gets passed into the gut where probiotics and other gut microbes ferment the undigested food and produce gas.
The feeling of bloating is usually because your body is not used to the increased probiotic activity. Taking a probiotic can increase the number of probiotics inside your gut. This increased microbial activity produces additional gas which your body is not used to.
After the initial period , your body should gradually adapt to the new friendly bacteria, allowing for improved digestion.
If your gas and bloating do not get better while taking probiotics there are two things you can do:
1. Try taking a digestive enzymes supplement along with your probiotics to help your body break down, digest, and absorb food. More complete digestion helps reduce gas and bloating.
2. Try taking the probiotics on an empty stomach before bed. Probiotics can produce gas when provided with certain kinds of foods and taking probiotics before bed minimizes the chance of that happening.
Increased Risk Of Infection
review from 2017 suggest that children and adults with severe illnesses or compromised immune systems should avoid using probiotics. Some people with these conditions have experienced bacterial or fungal infections as a result of probiotic use.
If a person has a condition that affects their immune system, they should speak with their doctor before taking probiotics.
Also, anyone using antifungal medication should wait until the infection has cleared up before taking probiotics.
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