Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Can Pregnant Women Take For Constipation

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Can Diarrhea Cause A Miscarriage

Constipation during pregnancy

An expectant mothers worst fear is a miscarriage, so when you are experiencing those diarrhea cramps, it is not hard to quickly assume a miscarriage is happening. Some expectant mothers have diarrhea as an early pregnancy symptom, so a miscarriage should not be your first assumption.

Diarrhea will not cause you to have a miscarriage, and no, you will not push your baby out when you are straining on the toilet.

The cramping you are feeling is associated with diarrhea, not an impending miscarriage, so put your mind at ease. The bodily systems are not connected, even though the stomach cramps feel so much like ones that are associated with miscarriages .

Diarrhea is a symptom of miscarriage, but having diarrhea will not cause a miscarriage to happen.

Diarrhea can also be caused by a virus, bacteria, or parasite due to the weakened immune system during pregnancy. If you know that someone around you is contagious try to stay away as it is easier for them to spread their infection to you than a non-pregnant person.

Editors Note:

Things To Be Aware Of During Pregnancy

Simple and gentle ways of preventing constipation in pregnancy are exercise and a diet with sufficient fibre and fluid intake. If these remedies do not help you, you mustnt just try any laxative. This is because many laxatives can produce severe side effects such as electrolyte shifts especially if used over time or even stomach cramps, which are particularly undesirable in pregnancy. An alternative, for yourself and your unborn baby, is a locally acting micro-enema such as MICROLAX® Enema.

Skin And Hair Changes In Pregnancy

Hormonal changes taking place in pregnancy may make your nipples and the area around them go darker. Your skin colour may also darken a little, either in patches or all over.

Birthmarks, moles and freckles may also darken. You may develop a dark line down the middle of your stomach. These changes will gradually fade after the baby is born, although your nipples may remain a little darker.

If you sunbathe while pregnant, you may find you burn more easily. Protect your skin with a high-factor sunscreen and don’t stay in the sun for a long time. Read more about sunscreen and sun safety.

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Treatments For Constipation During Pregnancy

Home remedies for constipation during pregnancy include lifestyle changes or over-the-counter medications. The following treatments may help relieve constipation symptoms:

Increase dietary fiber and water

A diet that is low in fiber can contribute to constipation. The two types of dietary fiber are:

  • Soluble Fiber, which blends with water in the intestines and forms a gel-like substance. This type of fiber helps control blood sugar.
  • Insoluble Fiber, which passes through the intestines without being absorbed. It increases the size of your stool and can help you pass it more quickly.

Increasing the fiber in your diet should be the first step in treating constipation during pregnancy. Foods high in fiber include:

In addition to increasing fiber, increasing your water intake can help with constipation. Women who are pregnant should drink 10 8-ounce glasses of water daily.


A sedentary lifestyle increased the risk of constipation. Increasing your daily exercise can help with constipation. Walking more is one of the best ways to increase your exercise during your pregnancy. It is very low risk and can help with constipation.


Bulk-forming laxatives

Stool softeners

Stool softeners containing docusate sodium are safe to take during pregnancy.

Lubricant laxatives

Lubricant laxatives such as mineral oil work by coating your stool and digestive tract with a waterproof layer. It keeps water in the stool which makes it softer and easier to pass.

Osmotic laxatives

Is It Safe To Take Medicine

6 Surefire Ways To Relieve Constipation During Pregnancy

It can be tempting to run straight to your pharmacist if youre suffering. Like any ailment with pregnancy, you need to be careful what medication you take.

Not all your usual over-the-counter medicines are safe for moms-to-be. In fact, some may make the issue worse!

In particular, Imodium, is not safe if youre pregnant. There is more information about which medicines are safe , but its always best to check with your midwife, doctor or pharmacist if youre unsure about whether medicines are safe to take.

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What Can I Do To Help Prevent Constipation

There are several lifestyle changes you can make that help prevent constipation:

  • Include foods that are high in fibre in your diet such as wholemeal bread, wholegrain creals, fruit, vegetables and pulses like beans and peas
  • Drink plenty of water you shouldnt be thirsty
  • Aim to move regularly to keep muscles toned gentle exercise includes walking, swimming or yoga
  • Take iron supplements if needed, but some can cause constipation if you become constipated ask your doctor about alternatives
  • Varicose Veins In Pregnancy

    Varicose veins are veins that have become swollen. They can be uncomfortable but aren’t harmful. They most commonly affect leg veins.

    You can also get varicose veins in the vaginal opening , although these usually get better after the birth.

    If you have varicose veins, you should:

    • avoid standing for long periods of time
    • try not to sit with your legs crossed
    • try not to put on too much weight, as this increases the pressure
    • sit with your legs up as often as you can to ease the discomfort
    • try compression tights, which you can buy at most pharmacies they won’t prevent varicose veins but can ease the symptoms
    • try sleeping with your legs higher than the rest of your body use pillows under your ankles or put books under the foot of your bed
    • do foot and other antenatal exercises, such as walking and swimming, which will help your circulation

    Try these foot exercises:

    • bend and stretch your foot up and down 30 times
    • rotate your foot 8 times one way and 8 times the other
    • repeat with the other foot

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    Postpartum Constipationyoure Not Done Pushing Yet

    Delivery doesnt necessarily mean an end to your constipation woes. The combination of extra iron supplements , narcotics , limited mobility and a fear of pain while straining to go can all contribute to postpartum constipation. If this is the case, says Wong, the same rules of pregnancy constipation apply: stick to high-fibre foods , hydrate and move around as much as you can. And finally, if youre offered a stool softener right after delivery, accept it. Trust us on this one.

    This article was originally published in August 2017 and has since been updated.

    Could It Be A Sign Of Something More Serious

    Constipation During Pregnancy

    While most cases of constipation are not a sign of illness, sometimes there are complications such as haemorrhoids, faecal impaction or rectal prolapse. In rare cases, constipation can be caused by more serious conditions such as tumours.

    Speak with your doctor if you are concerned, and especially if you notice blood in your stools.

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    Diarrhea In The Third Trimester

    Experiencing pregnancy diarrhea near your due date? Loose stools could mean your body is preparing for delivery. Toward the end of pregnancy, your body releases prostaglandins that help soften the cervix. These hormones could also soften bowel movements. While this may sound yucky, keep in mind past generations of mothers were given enemas when they started labor. Loose stools are typically natures way of clearing things out.

    Lunestra Or Other Sleep Aids

    Insomnia is very common during pregnancy. Before you resort to medications, we recommend the basic measure of examining your sleep habits:

    • For best sleep, dont exercise too close to bedtime plan your exercise for at least two hours before you go to bed.
    • Some women sleep better after drinking a cup of warm milk or herbal tea prior to bed. About two hours before bedtime, though, start limiting the amount of fluids you drink.
    • Establish a calming bedtime ritual, and follow it each night. Head to bed only when you are tired and ready to sleep.
    • Avoid watching TV, reading or eating in bed.
    • Try listening to relaxing music or white noise, such as nature sounds.
    • As your pregnancy progresses, it will become physically more difficult for you to get comfortable enough to sleep. You may want to try a body pillow, or try placing a pillow under your abdomen and between your knees while lying on your side.
    • If you cant fall asleep, dont stay in bed, feeling upset and frustrated. Get up, move to another room, and read or do another quiet activity. Stay up until you feel very drowsy only then return to bed.

    Its best to avoid medications for insomnia, but if you find yourself so tired that you cant function during the day, talk with your provider about it. You may want to consider short-term sleep aids, including Benadryl , Ambien or Lunesta .

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    What Can I Do To Prevent This

    Eat a diet rich in high-fiber foods such as fresh or dried fruits and vegetables plus high-fiber cereal. If you suddenly eat a lot more fiber, you may get bloating, diarrhea, and gas pressure. If this happens, try increasing the amount slowly over a week or more.

    Also, drinking enough water and getting regular exercise can all help to prevent constipation.

    What Can I Take For Constipation During Pregnancy

    Pregnancy and constipation â Probio7

    If you have tried some of these natural pregnancy constipation remedies, but are not finding the relief that youre looking for, you may be wondering if you can take a laxative to help move things along. Always talk to your midwife or doctor about your constipation before taking any over-the-counter products.

    There are a few different options when considering laxative medication for constipation in pregnancy, lets take a look at these options:

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    What Week Of Pregnancy Does Nausea Start

    Nausea is usually most severe during early pregnancy within the first trimester , and may even be associated with vomiting. Luckily, symptoms should start to disappear in the second trimester after HCG hormone has peaked. Unfortunately for some women, pregnancy nausea can last all nine months. Youve probably heard the term morning sickness, but thats a misnomer. It should really be called all day sickness because the truth is that it can strike at any time of the day or night. And it feels awful.

    The good news is, the typical nausea and vomiting related to hormone changes experienced during pregnancy is unlikely to harm your baby. If nausea and vomiting is so severe that you cant keep any food or fluids downa condition known as hyperemesis gravidummedical attention should be obtained since if left untreated has the potential to be harmful to the developing fetus. More on this in a bit. Aside from this very rare scenario, pregnancy nausea and vomiting is harmless. To the baby.

    For the babys mama, its a relentless queasiness that makes you want to hide in bed all day . Heres how you can battle through.

    What To Do About Pregnancy

    Try these tips and tricks for pregnancy constipation relief:

    1. Get more fiber. One of the best actions you can take when you feel constipated is to add more fiber to your diet. Some of the most fiber-rich foods are: almonds, lima beans, broccoli, chia seeds, brussels sprouts, chickpeas, and avocados . Adding a psyllium-based fiber supplement like Metamucil to your diet can also help boost your fiber intake and keep you regular.*

    2. Drink more water. Water more important than ever during pregnancy, as it helps deliver essential nutrients to your baby. On top of that, it is also important to drink enough water to ensure that the fiber you eat can do its job and keep your system moving.

    3. Exercise. If youâve ever felt the sudden need to use the bathroom when exercising, you know how getting your heart rate up can get your bowels active. Adding just 10-15 minutes of walking to your daily routine can help get things moving and relive constipation.

    4. Plan a destressing activity. Pregnancy can be stressful enough without worrying about constipation. Do an activity that helps you destress, like taking a warm bath or joining a prenatal yoga class.

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    Ask Your Provider About Medications

    Some medications can increase the likelihood that you will have constipation. One big culprit in pregnancy can be iron-laden prenatal vitamins, which are often given to help prevent anemia. If you are having issues with the vitamins, ask your provider if you can switch. You might also try ways to prevent anemia in a nutritional manner.

    One study found that certain brands of prenatal vitamins might be able to reduce constipation by up to 30%.

    There are medications available to help with constipation, but generally as a last resort. These medications can particularly problematic in pregnancy and you would want to talk to your doctor or midwife before taking anythingeven if it is over the counter .

    How To Deal With Constipation During Pregnancy

    Pregnant Women & Constipation (How to Treat Constipation)

    Constipation is often an early sign of pregnancy, and sometimes it continues for all nine months . Here’s what you can do to get relief from pregnancy constipation.

    Both of Adele Hedricks pregnancies were marred by months of cramping, bloating and gassiness thanks to constipation, which affects 11 to 38 percent of pregnant women. It added so much more discomfort to pregnancy, says the Bowmanville, Ont. mom of two. When she developed painful hemorrhoids as a result of straining, Hedrick knew it was time to put some serious effort into softening her stools. I focused on drinking lots of water and eating whatever fibre I could get my hands on, she says. All-Bran was my best friend.

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    How Much Magnesium Should I Take For Constipation During Pregnancy

    Doctors recommend 125-300 mg of magnesium glycinate or citrate at meals and before bed. Calm, Nature Vitalitys effervescent powder, is added to water. Both inherently decreasing and a convenient way to replenish hundreds of different trace minerals, including magnesium. Bathtub Madonna is the worlds best mineral salt soak, and it comes in a variety of flavors to choose from. Nausea in the early stages of pregnancy can make swallowing supplements difficult, but Calm is the best consumed before bed.

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    Can Constipation Hurt The Baby During Pregnancy

    No. All the pressure that builds up in your belly because of constipation may make you worry for your baby. But dont stress. Constipation may be unpleasant for you, but it wont harm your baby.

    A note from Cleveland Clinic

    You may have to make some changes to manage constipation when youre pregnant. But there are straightforward things you and your provider can do to help get you relief. The foods you eat, the fluids you drink, the exercise you do and the medicine you take all make a difference when its time to visit the toilet. Put good habits into place so that your memories of pregnancy dont include having to suffer through uncomfortable bowel movements.

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    Use Stress Management Options

    If you havent already tried psychotherapy as a treatment for your IBS-D, your pregnancy may be just the thing to get you motivated. This may be particularly essential if you experience anxiety or depression alongside your IBS, as research has shown that these combos increase the risk of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

    Two types of therapycognitive behavioral therapy and have been shown to be effective in reducing IBS symptoms. The major advantage of these treatments is that you do not have to worry about any negative effects on your baby.

    Other mind/body approaches offer additional options. may not only be of benefit for your IBS symptoms, but it may also help to ease discomfort during labor and delivery. is also a wonderful option for offsetting the effects of external stress on your body.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Constipation

    18 Home Remedies To Relieve Constipation During Pregnancy + Causes And ...

    Releasing a stool feels satisfying. Constipation feels just the opposite. You can tell youre constipated when:

    • Youre only able to poop a few times a week.
    • You strain to poop, and your belly feels swollen and gassy.
    • When you poop, your stools are lumpy and hard. Theyre so dry that passing them is painful.

    Sometimes, constipation leads to or worsens hemorrhoids and Like constipation, both conditions are common during pregnancy.

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    Three Cheers For Chamomile Sipping

    Chamomile tea is a great way to relax your intestinal tract and your overall self can well have been used for centuries. It soothes frazzled nerves, helps with -another woe for pregnant women and it also has a generally calming effect. Drink no more than two cups a day though since there are untested rumors that it can cause in higher doses.

    How Long Should A Pregnant Woman Take Magnesium

    Any pregnant woman should be supplemented with 240-480 mg magnesium per day. Magnesium supplementation should begin as soon as possible, continue until birth, and be continued postnatally. In severe renal disease, oral magnesium supplementation is contraindicated. Soft stools can be easily avoided by taking equal doses throughout the day, and the side effects of a magnesium supplementation may be soft bowels. During breast-feeding, the bodys demand for magnesium also rises. The effect of spontaneous labour pain has yet to be established.

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    What Medicines Are Not Safe During Pregnancy

    There are not many medicines that are harmful if taken when you are pregnant. Some of the medicines that are not safe to use include birth control pills, the acne medicine isotretinoin , a few of the medicines called statins that are used for high cholesterol, and the antibiotics tetracycline and doxycycline . In addition, ergotamine which is used for migraine headaches and the ulcer medicine misoprostol should not be used during pregnancy. Most vaccines are safe during pregnancy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has information about vaccine safety during pregnancy: .

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